
Apocalyptic Insanity

In a faraway future where Humanity is colonizing the Galaxy. In a future where robots, clone soldiers and genetically enhanced humans are waging massive wars against alien races for Human Supremacy. In this future, the apocalypse broke out on their old homeworld, which they had long forgotten and abandoned. Countless asteroids of unknown origin crashed down on the terraformed Earth and brought with them an incredibly powerful virus that resurrects the dead. The Undead were born. After the Apocalypse happened, Government, soldiers, security werw suddenly all concepts of the past. In the Apocalypse, only the strong rule and govern! Thus, the ancient law of the jungle was enforced and brought a little more madness to the already insane Earth. Neo Ehrenbach, a 21-year-old student, finds himself in this Apocalypse. His struggle for survival has only just begun, but then he was sacrificed and abandoned by those he accepted as his new family. Bleeding and being infected with the Undead Virus, Neo wondered since when did he become so reckless. How could he begin to open up to other people? How could he be such an idiot for trusting others? In this world, before or after the Apocalypse, he can only trust himself. Well, that seems relatively unimportant now considering that he's dying. But it turned out differently than he expected. Yes, Neo woke up as an Undead, but he retained his memories and mind and gained an infinite potential to get the power he craves so much after. Follow Neo as he evolves and explores the Virus and creates a System of his own. Watch him gain new strength and power and build a Legion of Undead with which he will transform not only Earth but the entire Galaxy into his subjects. Neo will become the embodiment of madness itself, eating and growing as much as he can. Will Neo survive in this madness stricken world? Will he get the answers he's looking for? Will he get the revenge he longs for? ----------------------------------------- Author's notes: Apocalyptic Insanity is my first novel and I've always wanted to write and publish a story like this. Criticism and feedback are welcome! My English isn't the best so feedback on spelling mistakes etc. would be appreciated! I also wanted to say that the Earth in my story is not our Earth. For example, there are entirely different continents and nations they inhabit (they are introduced when Neo's journey goes there). Despite this, the whole scenario plays out in a Sci-Fi version of our future. There are laser weapons, tanks, mechs, spaceships, aliens, galactic wars... I will try to make the world as realistic as possible. So there will be no illogical concepts contradicting each other. I will be releasing about 2 new chapters a day. Have fun.

bleed_tu · Horreur
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63 Chs

A new Power is Rising (5/13)

[DAY 76]

In an old gymnasium, which was barricaded with various objects, were currently a little more than 5,000 survivors inside which have somehow survived the madness so far.

The group consists only of women and children. There is not a single man among all the survivors.

That's because this group of survivors not only escaped the Undead in this insane new reality, but also the opposite sex.

All of them were kept as sex slaves by a man who, a few days ago, controlled this small area along with his gang of would-be bandits.

Before the Apocalypse, the gang was small and insignificant, as was their self-proclaimed leader, who calls himself the Butcher.

The gang was known for petty street robberies, light robbery and burglary. As the Butcher never dared to do bigger actions before.

He feared the attention of the police and end up in jail or worse, extradited to a Prison Planet.

The thought of being abandoned on a Prison Planet where millions of rapists, thieves, murderers, cannibals and much more monsters of humankind lived, terrified him unimaginably.

But after the Apocalypse struck, the Butcher saw the opportunities it presented and seized them.

With no police to punish his behavior and no public order to put pressure on him, the Butcher and his gang began to let their wildest fantasies run wild.

They started kidnapping families and holding them captive, they would kill the man or bleed them to death in front of the women, their mothers and wifes while they raped them. Children were also not spared from these actions and saw with horrified eyes how their father or brothers were killed and how they themselves were subsequently raped.

They killed anyone who seemed too old to them, especially since they would only be a burden. They ended up killing everyone over 40 and anyone who was just too ugly for the rapists.

They also offered some men who have no family to join them and have fun with the women too.

Most men accepted the offer, especially since when the wolves pounce on the sheep, you're better off being a wolf than being the sheep that gets eaten.


With the passage of time, the population of the small town fell from 200,000 to just 40,000.

However most of the population didn't even become Undead or were killed by them, but were enslaved or killed by the Butcher and his gang of rapists and murderers.

The future of the Slaves looked hopeless and desolate back then.

Many women and children took their own lives, well they tried, especially since most of the time they were completely tied up in chains and could not free themselves.

But one day, one of the Slaves, a 19-year-old young woman, planned an escape attempt.

She is a beautiful woman with full red hair and green eyes, she was used from day to night because of her beauty by the Butscher himself.

However, she endured everything. She endured the ignominy and wounds she received from the monsters in human form, and one day she managed to steal a key to the chains and to the prisons.

On the same day she freed all Slaves. Afterwards the number of 30,000 Slaves begun to fight for their freedom through bloody battles against the 10,000 or so slave owners and the Butcher.

At the end it was a hard fought victory for the slaves and the same red haired woman, who was used by the Butcher, killed him slowly and brutally.

But the euphoria of the former slaves quickly subsided, especially since the world that awaited them outside was even more merciless than the gang or the Butcher. They escaped this hell only to step into a new one.

The Undead made short work of the first Slaves who awkwardly tried to stand up to them.

After many sacrifices made by the former slaves, they managed to retreat to an old gymnasium and barricade themselves inside.

But it was only there that they noticed the real danger of the Apocalypse, hunger and thirst.

No one can survive without food and water, so there's no point in hiding yourself against the Undead if you're going to die in the end anyway.

Over the past few days, the group has reduced to just 5,000 survivors.

Led by their red-haired savior, the remaining survivors have plucked up the courage to fight the Undead under her command.

After some fighting and a few more deaths, the group was finally able to get enough supplies to last a few weeks.

The red-haired leader then decided to train the fighters in the group more, teaching them how to fight undead and other humans effectively.

The only things they lack were guns and ammunition.

After some time passed, the group finally started to get better and the women's will to live gradually returned.

They were given hope of surviving in this Apocalypse.

All thanks to the red-haired, green-eyed woman who doesn't tell anyone her real name, but still helps anyone who is in need.

She was not only beautiful, courageous, and combative when necessary, but also compassionate to the weak and starving.

Without her many more would have died already, if not all of them.

Therefore, were the surviving women deeply grateful to her and decided to continue living and fighting only for her in the future.


Neo, who is flying a few meters in the air with his wings, was currently observing said gymnasium.

"The Gymnasium isn't a bad location for a base. It's relatively remote, but there are still a few larger supermarkets and a few factories here and there. Furthermore, there are few undead left in this location, and all of that has allowed the women so far to survive." analyzed Neo.

"But that's not all." Neo lowered his eyes to the barricades that were erected around the gymnasium.

"They've built a 6 meter high wall of scrap metal and wood, and behind the reinforced fences are fighters everywhere, using spears to kill any undead that approaches them." Neo said as he took a closer look at the fighters.

"Most of them aren't particularly strong, but thanks to the fence they don't have to be, especially since the fence prevents direct melee combat. Also, if I'm sure, the fence should be able to be energized through some connectors. They must Have a small generator and enough gas to power the fence for a few minutes." recognized Neo.

"But that's not all. There are a few more women on the surrounding rooftops patrolling the area with sniper rifles. They seem to be using flags to convey their status to the other survivors. Every 10 minutes they send out a signal with a blue flag, after that they hang a small white flag on a small pole. The blue one probably stands for "everything is normal" and they should also have one for danger" recognized Neo.

"The leader of this camp is not stupid, she knows how to create a safe parameter, especially the communication exchange is important here." Neo explained.

Afterwards, Neo flew in a dive at high speed directly from the sky onto one of the roofs of a house, where some fighters were.

The women there were all cut to pieces without even having the chance of reacting to Neo's broadsword, which gave off a purple smoke as it beheaded all the women there and sliced ​​open their chests.

"The sword eats a part of the Souls from the women just like the Miasma Tower, but gives me the largest part. Interesting, I'm wondering why the sword behaves like this? Can it just like me strengthen its Soul with it? Well, speculating won't bring me anything now." Neo thought to himself as he separated some of the women's brains from their skulls and ate them in a few bites.

"I should hurry, the group here showed their blue flag 4 minutes ago, which means I only have about 6 minutes in which I can act secretly, after that the rest of the fighters in the camp will be more attentive. Well, it's not exactly like it is It's a problem to destroy the whole camp with a few attacks, but if I'm just using my sword I shouldn't get too arrogant." Neo decided as he flew back into the air and attacked the next roof in the same way.


After 4 minutes, Neo had attacked most of the rooftops, killing and eating all the women there.

Just as Neo decided to attack the next roof, suddenly a red flag was raised on the pole at the gym and everyone else was also raising the red flag.

Afterwards, all the fighters, including some children, stormed out of the gymnasium.

Most only had melee weapons, and a few carried rifles and aimed them outside.

Among them was a woman armed with two pistols who has curly red hair and green eyes and is approximately 170 cm (5 ft 7) tall and has a beautiful face and curves in all the right places.

"She must be their leader. Interesting, really interesting," Neo said upon seeing the woman.

But he was surprised when the woman, as if she could feel his gaze, turned her gaze to him who was flying in air.

Neo was surprised that the enemy could locate him so quickly, especially since he was relatively high up and from below he should be nothing more than a dark dot in the sky.

But the leader found him and that too in such a short time.

"Interesting, so little red riding hood let's play and see how you react to my next actions!" yelled Neo with a demonic smile as he turned his gaze from the red-haired leader to the rest of the rooftops with fighters on them.

As if the leader could hear his words, she turned pale and turned to her fighters who were around her and ordered them something.

After that, she turned her full attention back to Neo and watched him diving downwards towards one of the rooftops where some of her fighters were.


Neo had no mercy on women or children, in his eyes people had long been reduced to food and a potential source of subordinates.

So far, apart from the leader, there has been no one in the camp who could arouse his interest.

Neo is not interested in beauty or particularly in the opposite sex.

Of course, Neo felt interested in some women at times in his life. But he understood that it was a purely biological process, the instinct to reproduce and make offspring.

Neo has therefore always dismissed this interest in women as instinct and never really dealt with it.

Why follow his instincts like an animal when he is not interested in the person? Human can also create offspring in another way, through hatcheries why the need of reproducing?

He would just sacrifice time entertaining a woman when he can better devote time to his research.

However, his mother often tried to encourage him to take an interest in other people and be more involved with others.

Once she even wanted to set him up with the daughter of a friend of hers, but Neo made the little girl cry and then devoted himself to his research.

So you can say very clearly that Neo had no experience with women in his life and that he doesn't regret this lack either.

So when he says that the leader of the camp caught his interest, he means that her sophistication and attentiveness caught his interest.

He wants to know what her skills are at commanding an army, especially since Neo still needs more capable officers, he's toying with the idea of ​​appointing her as a Legate and goving one or two Centurions and their Cohorts in her command.

But before that, Neo tested the second form of his weapon, the Mace, which the Red Eye embodies, on the fighters on the roofs.

Neo's Mace formed in his hand as he began killing one fighter after another on the roof.

He smashed their skulls or jaws in a few seconds and gradually all the women were brutally killed and fell to the ground.

In the end, Neo destroyed every position on the roofs and about 200 women from the camp were already dead.

Neo who ate all the brains and some of the women's organs just jumped down from one of the roofs to the ground and slowly made his way towards the fences of the camp, behind which all the camp's fighters were standing, all with a pale expression while pointing their weapons towards the Demon Neo as they saw him coming towards them.

Neo, on the other hand, was busy with other things, especially since he was examining his weapon more closely.

"The Mace, does not take Souls like the Purple Form, but it takes blood from its victims. In addition, the Mace gives me far more power than my body should normally have. If I hadn't restrained myself strongly, I think I would have killed the women of earlier in one fell swoop, smashed into thousands of pieces and my food with it." summed up Neo.

"The Purple Broadsword, embodied by the Purple Eye, on the other hand, was much calmer and allowed precise attacks against the women." Neo compared as he suddenly looked away from his Mace in his hand towards in front of him.

There stood in front of the fence, all alone, the red-haired leader of the camp, who held two pistols in her hands, had a sword on her back and two daggers on her wide waist.

She wore simple green clothes with a body armor and black gloves. Especially her neck, arms and legs were covered with protective pads.

She stood in front of Neo, only a few meters away from him, with a pale but determined face.

She looked at Neo with her green eyes that looked determined and didn't match her age.

Neo didn't say anything and just stood a few meters away from her and looked at her with a cold look.

But appearances are deceptive, when he saw the leader in front of him and how she looked at him determinedly, he couldn't help but get a slight goosebump.

He didn't know why, but he remembered his mother for a brief moment. It was a brief and fleeting moment when the green eyes suddenly turned blue for Neo and his mother stood in front of him with her smile.

Neo quickly got rid of the idea that his mother was standing in front of him, but never lost his cold, blank stare.

Only after a minute of complete silence and staring did the woman decide to do something.

She laid both her weapons on the ground and drew her sword and daggers and laid them on the ground as well.

After that, she pulled out a small concealed pistol from her long and flawless legs, which she fastened there with a small holster.

After that she got up and took off her protective gear and put it on the floor one by one and then stood in front of Neo with only a few dark green clothes still on her.

At the end after looking at Neo, she also took off her last clothes and stood in front of Neo with her black underwear and spread her arms protectively in front of the camp and started to speak.

"I indulge myself to you, but please spare the survivors in the camp. I've already seen your strength and I know why you're here." the leader spoke clearly and loudly.

'What? indulge?... Who does the woman think I am? Why would I want something like that?' Neo thought, annoyed by what the woman said.

"You want to eat us, but how good can we be, we as a group of just 3,000 starving and weak women? But further north are other camps full of people. Not only women, but also men who not only deserve death, but also are stuffed. I am ready to serve you in any way, you can eat me, use me as a toy or just throw me away. Everything is fine as long as you spare the weak women behind me, please." said the woman as she kneels on the floor with her naked body in front of Neo and bows.

Neo was silent for a few minutes, staring at the leader and her camp behind her without saying anything.

'Why? Why do I think of my mother when I look at her?' thought Neo as he looked at the leader.

She sacrifices herself just like his mother to save others.

Neo just thinks of such people as the last straw. People who sacrifice themselves for others without respecting their lives or achieving their own desires.

Just like his mother, such people would sooner or later suffer and perish in this world.

Neo initially planned to make the leader a Soulless and, depending on her potential to lead, appoint a Legate or Centurion.

But when he saw the woman in front of him naked, bent over and hears the group of women sobbing and crying behind her, he can't seem to do it.

He can't kill someone who reminds him so much of his mother. He fears the feeling it would create in him if he kills them all, but at the same time he began to wonder what his mother would do of him in such a situation.

All of this influenced Neo's decision to act differently.

He has been wondering if he can make a Soul connection with a human since the beginning, ever since he was building his Legion.

He thinks there can't be that much of a difference compared to the undead, especially since both creatures have Souls.

The leader has a slightly stronger Soul than others, if Neo had to speculate he would say she should have a HIGH or MID STAGE 0 SOUL.

Neo resolutely approached the hunched, naked leader.

"Kneel, I have chosen to recognize you as one of mine. Your soldiers at your camp will also join my Myriad. Be honored that I show mercy." Neo spoke in his demonic voice.

"Thank you! Thank you!" the leader said, audibly relieved at the answer. She then knelt down quickly and looked down at the floor.

"Lift your head and look at me." Neo spoke in his demonic voice.

The leader followed Neo's command and lifted her head.

Neo then grabbed her head with his hand and focused on her Soul.

Meanwhile, Neo's Soul Core in his World of Darkness, began to generate a new thread that slowly but steadily emerged.

The thread was a bright green and completely new to Neo's Soul.

After a few minutes, Neo was able to locate the leader's Soul Core and the green thread made its way to her brightly glowing Core.

Gradually, the thread broke through the Soul core's protective measures and, with much effort on Neo's part, was able to make contact with her Core.

The green thread connected to her Soul Core and Neo had to fight the attacks of her Soul with great effort for a few minutes.

But after a total of half an hour, the procedure was done.

Neos and the leader's Soul core were connected and Neo could feel what she was feeling just like his Legion. In addition, he could destroy her Soul at any time if he wanted to.

"What's that feeling? Everything feels so new and... and sad." the leader said after a while with tears in her eyes as she looked at Neo.

"Sigh" Neo sighed.

'I thought at first that making a Soul connection with a human would be just as easy as with an undead, but nothing there! It was many levels more difficult and I was close to failing many times. I will not make such a connection again in the future!' Neo thought to himself as he looked at the crying woman in front of him.

'I can feel her feelings, this is something new. She is incredibly relieved and at the same time agitated, concerned and also sad.' thought Neo.

"Sigh, say little leader, what's your name?" Neo asked, realizing that he doesn't even know the name of the Little Red Riding Hood in front of him.

"Me? My name is Annabelle... just Annabelle" replied the leader... replied Annabelle who is now part of Neo's army.
