
Apocalypse - Zombie Evolution System

Blood Day Hangs High, the World Mutates! MC Shaun, an ordinary and unremarkable zombie, gains an evolution system in this apocalyptic world. Through countless challenges and hardships, he continuously evolves and ultimately becomes the Zombie King!

AllenWorker · Romance
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517 Chs


Shaun stood up casually and glanced back at the chubby cat before hastily leaving the area. After navigating through a few streets, he finally arrived at a school's entrance. It was the school Shaun had dreamt of attending, though it didn't compare to prestigious universities. But he had his strengths, and I have mine!

Entering the school grounds, he saw various teaching buildings and dormitories standing tall, yet the once bustling atmosphere had disappeared. The small Lin road, the playground, and the area in front of the sports center were all occupied by numerous wandering zombies.

Shaun reached the school's playground and even noticed many zombies wearing camouflage clothing wandering around. He sighed lightly. As he strolled through the campus, he could sense the scent of "food" in the air. He discarded his pink cloak and walked forward, his eyes fixed on a six-story building.

The entire building was divided into numerous small rooms, each with clothes hanging on the balconies. A boys' dormitory, he surmised from the variety of clothes on display. But why were there a few pieces of women's clothing hanging there as well? What kind of world was this?

Shaun sighed softly. They looked pretty nice, though. With a playful shout, he entered the student dormitory. The corridor was infested with a number of zombies, some of whom weren't even wearing clothes. Zombies really had no sense of decorum!

He stood out in his attire, and he felt a sense of satisfaction as he effortlessly passed by each zombie. His keen sense of smell told him that the scent of blood and flesh was not coming from the first floor.

Locating the stairs, he struggled his way up to the second floor, all the while complaining about the lack of an elevator in a six-story building. What had they done with those expensive tuition fees?

On the second floor, something caught his attention. He had found it! Adjusting his sunglasses, he confidently strode down the hallway, eventually stopping in front of one dorm room. A sign above read "218." The door was tightly shut, bearing evidence of dried bloodstains.

He struck a pose, about to knock on the door, when he suddenly heard voices from inside the room. "Son, should we head over to the activity center?" A weak voice spoke.

Shaun blinked in surprise. There was a father and son in the school? What was going on? Did the father spend decades studying just to get into the college of education? Absurd!

"Call me dad, you rebellious child!" Another voice, though weak, firmly retorted.

Shaun quickly understood. It must be his roommate!

"Going to the activity center won't help. Even though over a hundred people have gathered there..."

"But have you noticed that every two days, some guys go out to search for food and water? How many of them come back alive?"

Shaun paused in knocking. He hadn't expected to hear this kind of insider information. Over a hundred people? That was over a thousand evolutionary points, which could boost him two ranks. At that point, even adult men armed with weapons wouldn't be his match. His eyes even glinted red, and he let out a roar of excitement.

"Who's there?!" A student inside sounded alarmed, and couldn't help but cry out.

Both sides were uncertain. They seemed like zombies, but something felt off. Why did they sound so weird? Shaun wondered if he had been discovered, but he decided to give knocking the door a try.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Yet, there was no response from inside, and both of them dared not make any more noise. Shaun continued knocking, hoping to convey that he was also a survivor.

Ten minutes passed with the knocking continuing relentlessly. Shaun stood there awkwardly. Was he being a bit too persistent?

Finally, he received a response.

"Is there a secret code?"

Shaun's figure froze, his hand suspended in the air. Did zombies knocking on doors now require a secret code? Were they acting out some kind of scene? What was going on?

He realized and continued knocking on the door while simultaneously tossing a flyer out from under the door. Unfortunately, the university's door lacked transparent glass, preventing them from making eye contact. Otherwise, with his handsome appearance and protagonist aura, dealing with two college students wouldn't be a problem.

"Door-to-door service?" one of the college students cautiously picked up the flyer, wearing a rather odd expression.

"Son, it seems like he's not a zombie. Probably a pervert!"

"Should we open the door?" one student asked cautiously.

"Open the door? Seriously? The apocalypse is here, and some people are even thinking about providing services. Can someone like that be a good person? Just judging by that, he's definitely a total pervert!"

Shaun tilted his head slightly, standing dumbfounded in his spot. It wasn't supposed to be the boys' dormitory? Why did my flyer distribution have such a bizarre effect? He knocked on the door again, but the two inside no longer responded, and they seemed to have no intention of engaging with him.

What kind of world was this? Not only had he not infected people as a zombie, but he was also subjected to unwarranted insults! If I could talk, would I bother with flyer distribution?

It seemed like he needed some paper and a pen. Although his dexterity wasn't enough to write in elegant characters, he could still draw some symbols. Knowing they had probably taken him for a weirdo, it was unlikely they would open the door for him.

He left silently, his back shrouded by the pink curtains, looking forlorn and desolate.

Shaun left the dormitory building directly. There was only one dorm room with two occupants in the entire building. Were survival rates this low?

He intended to find the activity center the two had mentioned—over a hundred people! His nose twitched constantly as his keen sense of smell began searching. The scent of blood and flesh from over a hundred people would surely be strong.

Although it was just the College of Education, the campus was still quite extensive, situated in the outskirts rather than a bustling area. An hour passed by quickly, but he still hadn't sensed anything.

Shouldn't the activity center be more prominently located? He looked ahead to see three large characters: "Western Restaurant."

Were student cafeterias this fancy now? However, he soon wandered to another cafeteria labeled "Eastern Restaurant."

... What kind of nonsense was this cafeteria trying to pull off?! I thought this student cafeteria was supposed to be upscale!

Suddenly, Shaun's body twitched, and his sunglasses fell to the ground, his appearance resembling that of someone overly excited. It wasn't because he had arrived at a cafeteria, but because there was a two-story building beside the cafeteria with a sign reading "Activity Center"!

He caught the scent of a large amount of blood and flesh!

A few minutes later, Shaun tidied up his appearance, put on his sunglasses, straightened his frying pan, and brushed the dust off his black plastic bag. With confidence, he strode forward.

I'm here!

The activity center was a two-story building, not particularly large, but its size was substantial. Two trees stood in front of the main entrance, one of which Shaun didn't recognize, and the other he didn't recognize either.

He swung his cloak slightly and advanced slowly, trying to make his knocking sound as enticing as possible.

Bang! Bang!

Just then, a cold, electronic voice echoed in his mind.