
Apex vs Apocalypse

A world where superheroes are the norm faces its gravest challenge yet: a sudden, devastating zombie outbreak. As these protectors confront hordes of the undead and unravel the sinister truth behind the apocalypse, they must redefine heroism in a city on the brink of collapse. Amidst chaos and despair, it's a race against time for survival, with the fate of humanity hanging in the balance in this gripping tale of courage, sacrifice, and the unyielding power of hope

Daoist_Piousfire · Fantaisie
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45 Chs

Deeper Into the East Wing

The group stepped cautiously into the east wing lobby, the flickering fluorescent lights casting an eerie, intermittent glow over the blood-stained walls and floor. Ethan, Ava, Leo, and the rescued student.

Ava looked at her and asked softly, "what's your name?"

"Lily. Lily Turnbuilt." 

"How old are you Lily? Are you also from the east wing?"

"I'm fourteen. I'm only a freshman…" the trio looked at her and felt sorrow collectively as they realized if this girl did make it out, she would be traumatized for life. 

Leo spoke up next. "What happened? Were you also in the auditorium when everything started?"

Lily, now calmer but visibly shaken, began to speak. "I... I was running late for the rally because I was feeling sick to my stomach," she said, her voice trembling. "My friend Xavier messaged me, told me there was something going on in the auditorium and to stay inside. He said he'd come get me."

Ava nodded, encouraging her to continue. "So what happened next?"

Lily took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "At first, I stayed put. I stayed in my room but eventually I got scared. It felt like something was happening. I think it had to do with my power. WAIT!" Lily's eyes widened and she immediately started hugging herself.

Ava, Ethan, and Leo watched as Lily hugged herself, a look of realization dawning on her face. She seemed more frightened now than ever.

"What do you mean, Lily?" Ava asked gently. "What about your power?"

Lily's eyes darted between them, her voice trembling. "My power... it's empathy. I can feel what others feel. When I stayed in my room, I started feeling this overwhelming fear and panic. It wasn't mine... it was coming from everyone else. I think I felt them turning before it even happened." She hugged herself tighter, her eyes wide with fear. "But now... I can't feel anything. I can't sense what any of you are feeling."

Leo's expression turned serious. "That must be because of the barrier. It's dampening all powers, not just yours."

Lily looked confused and worried. "The barrier? When will it be turned off? How are we supposed to survive without our powers?"

Ava sighed, trying to sound reassuring. "We don't know when it will be turned off. But right now, we need to focus on finding more survivors and getting everyone to safety."

Ethan nodded in agreement. "We'll figure it out, Lily. Just stick with us."

Lily hugged herself tighter, still processing everything. "But if the barrier is blocking our powers, how are we supposed to defend ourselves? What if more of those... things come after us?"

Leo glanced around the flickering lobby, considering their options. "We'll come across that bridge when we get there. So far, most of the turned students haven't exhibited any of their powers. We're hoping that has to do with the barrier up."

Lily looked up at her with striking green eyes. "Most?"

Ava hesitated before she answered. "Yes… Most…" She and the boys still weren't sure exactly what was going on with the student who could lead those who have turned. "But let's ignore that for now. We need to get moving. You know the east wing more than most of us do. Can you help us? We don't have a lot of time and we need to find as many students as possible." 

Lily nodded slowly, the fear still evident in her eyes but tempered by a growing determination. "I understand. I'll do my best to help."

Ava gave her a reassuring smile. "That's all we can ask. We're in this together."

Leo turned his attention to the immediate task. "Okay, we need a plan. First, we find more survivors. The dorms are the most likely place they'd be hiding."

Ava nodded. "Agreed. Once we have a group together, we need to figure out a safe place to gather everyone. Somewhere we can defend."

Ethan crossed his arms, thinking. "What about the gym? It's big enough to hold everyone, and it has fewer windows and entrances than other buildings."

Leo considered it for a moment. "The gym could work, but we need to make sure it's secure first. Let's focus on finding survivors in the dorms for now. We can figure out our next steps once we have more people."

Lily, still hugging herself but looking more determined, asked, "What if we find students who are turning? How do we handle that?"

A heavy silence fell over the group as they considered Lily's question. Ethan finally spoke, his voice low and serious. "If we find anyone who's turning, we have to be prepared to defend ourselves. It's not something any of us want to think about, but we can't let them endanger the rest of us."

Leo nodded in agreement. "We have to be practical. Our priority is to protect survivors and keep everyone safe. That means making hard choices."

Ava's expression softened as she looked at Lily. "We'll do everything we can to help, but we have to stay vigilant. If someone is showing signs of turning, we need to act quickly."

Lily took a deep breath, steeling herself for the challenges ahead. "I understand. I'll be ready."

Ava turned to Lily, her voice gentle but firm. "Lily, can you guide us to the dorms? Also, could you explain how the east wing is set up? It might help us understand what to expect."

Lily nodded, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "The east wing is mostly for students with mental powers. It's designed to help us train and control our abilities."

As they began to move, Lily continued to explain. "There are specialized classrooms and facilities here. We have rooms for meditation, sensory deprivation tanks, and training areas where we practice controlling our powers under stress. The dorms are on the upper floors, where we sleep and study."

The group moved cautiously through the hallways, following Lily's guidance. The flickering lights cast eerie shadows, and the bloodstains on the walls and floors served as a grim reminder of the chaos that had unfolded.

Lily pointed to a door on their left. "That's the sensory deprivation room. It's used to help students with telepathy and telekinesis focus their minds."

Ethan glanced inside as they passed, noting the dark, soundproof chamber. "Looks like a good place to hide, but also a potential trap."

Ava nodded. "We'll need to check every room. There could be students hiding anywhere."

As the group moved down the hallway, Ava's flashlight beam landed on the door of the sensory deprivation room. A bloody handprint on the knob caught their attention, the sight chilling them to the bone.

"Ethan, do you see that?" Leo pointed out.

Ethan nodded, stepping closer to examine the door. "Looks like someone tried to get in here. There might be a student inside."

Ava turned to Lily. "Stay with us. We're going to check it out."

Lily nodded, her eyes wide with fear but trust in her expression.

Ethan glanced at Leo and Ava and noticed the nervous look on Lily's face. "You two stay here with Lily. Keep an eye on anything moving or roaming. I'll go inside and check it out alone."

Leo looked at him with concern. He could see that Ethan was still exhausted with the previous fight he had outside. "Are you sure? I can go in there with you and back you up. Ava still has her bracelet. She should be fine to protect herself and Lily."

Ethan smirked at the idea of someone being concerned for him. Something he wasn't fully used to. "Trust me, I've had training sessions that would put most Olympic athletes to shame. I'll be fine."

Ava subtly bit her lip before nodding in agreement. "Be careful," Ava said, her voice filled with concern.

Ethan took a deep breath and slowly turned the bloody knob, pushing the door open. The room was dark, the only light coming from his flashlight. The air inside was heavy, almost suffocating, and the silence was absolute.

As he entered, the beam of his flashlight illuminated the room. The sensory deprivation room was designed to be a place of complete isolation – the walls were lined with soundproof padding, and there was a large, black tank in the center used for floating sessions.

Ethan's flashlight beam swept across the room, revealing overturned chairs and a table that had been pushed against the wall. Papers and notebooks were scattered across the floor, some stained with blood. His heart pounded as he moved closer to the tank, the sense of foreboding growing with each step.

As he approached the tank, he saw bloody handprints smeared on its lid. The sight made his stomach churn, but he steeled himself and reached for the lid. With a deep breath, he raised it open.

Inside the tank, he found a student curled up in a fetal position, trembling violently. The student's eyes were wide with terror, and they flinched at the sudden intrusion of light.

Ethan spoke softly, trying to calm them. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here to help. Can you hear me?"

The student blinked, their eyes struggling to focus. "Help... please..." they whispered, their voice hoarse and filled with fear.