
The Dark Arts Professor

"He was after your aunt seven years ago," said Ben. They are discussing Mr. Kingson's murders of those people. "But he stopped this after killing your aunt, what's the reason?" said lily after curious examination on the remaining newspapers. "I don't know, but let's stop it here, I don't want you to get into this rubbish," yelled Rahul at them. They went frozen. Rahul went to his dormitory and kept his head on the pillow and started thinking about their Aunt Cassie. He doesn't want his friends to spare their lives in Kingson's hunt.

"Is he mad?" thundered Sophia cleaning the standard room where Rahul threw the daily prophets and continued, " I just wanted to help him." Lily was so sad about this situation. "Perhaps he's feared," said Ben. He doesn't want to continue but reluctantly said: " If you know that someone's going to kill you in a few months, how can you bear the truth." "Yeah, that's true, Sophia," said Lily with a sob. But Sophia, with a rage, slammed her dormitory door, throwing those papers in the fire.

They didn't talk during breakfast. Lily and Ben tried to persuade them. But either of them was not communicating with each other. At last, Ben changed the topic and started discussing their schedule. "We got double Dark Arts today," grunted Ben and resumed, " It will be taught by Professor Alexander." During this week, Rahul has a substitute dark arts teacher Professor Flitwick Jr. He gave him nearly fifty house points in the last week. "It's really going to be a bad Monday because Professor Alexander is the most stringent person that I have ever known. He did not attend this week because our headmistress sends him along with Professor Longbottom to the Ministry about Mr. Kingson," Said Lily. Rahul said that he has a small work and went to the hospital wing and drank his daily magic producing potion from Madam Poppy.

They went to the Charms class. Rahul saw that everyone is dull, including Sophia, Ben, and Lily. It's the most lifeless class he had ever seen. "It's time for Dark Arts," said Ben with a dead voice. They went to the defense against the dark arts classroom, located off of the Serpentine Corridor on the third floor.

The Defence against Dark Arts class is always Gloomy with some skeletal and instrumental instruments. Professor Flitwick Jr has always warned him not to touch those objects because he said they were protected by hexes.

There's a bang at the door. A Man with black robes with a fluffy face came near the teacher's desk and sat down. Rahul immediately recognized him as Professor Alexander. He was there when there's a murder attempt on Rahul by Mr. Kingson. "Open your book and turn it to page 12, you will find out about the introduction to dark arts and then next in page number 21 we need to focus on Verdimillious charm. Get your wands ready when you are going to-" stopped Professor Alexander while he was talking. Rahul heard a sound from his back. He felt that something behind him was making some noise. When he looked back, he found that she dropped down from her desk. "Sophia! What happened? " cried Rahul. The whole class turned their heads towards his office and thinking about what just happened. Professor Alexander rose up from his desk and came near to her and checked her pulse. He said, " Ten points from Gryffindor and take her to Madam Poppy, Miss Lily." Rahul was shocked. He started finding out the reasons for Sophia's illness. But he was distracted when Professor Alexander dragged their attention towards him.

Rahul and Ben ran towards Hospital Wing to check on Sophia. But to their surprise, she's laughing and saw Lily scolding her about losing house points. "What just happened?" said Rahul with a confused tone. "She had a Fainting fancy," said Lily angrily. Rahul doesn't know what's a Fainting fancy. "Psst- Ben- What's a Fainting fancy?" whispered Rahul in Ben's ear. Ben took out a parchment and wrote about it. Rahul took the paper and sat near Sophia and seen what's in there. "Rahul, If Lily heard us there will be a fight, she's already furious. These are one of the ranges of sweets found in a Skiving Snackbox, this causes the eater to faint, these are created by Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, they are popular to create joke stuff." Rahul is amazed. He doesn't know this kind of stuff available in the Magical world. He went near her and questioned Sophia, "Why you want to use this Sophia? Are you mad? What happens if you take an overdose? What about us?" Lily looked so happy. Because they both are talking, and Rahul is on her side. "Er-Rahul- I just want to escape this class. That's why," said Sophia. Her weak voice was conforming that she has an overdose. "Promise me, Sophia, or I will never talk to you in my whole life span," said Rahul slowly. Sophia is stunned ( even both of them) "Enough! If you're not going to promise me, then I will use a charm on you," pointing his wand at her head. Madam Poppy rushed towards him and pulled Rahul and Ben out of her Hospital Wing and said, "Ten points from Gryffindor, Are you mad Mr. Jones? She's in a dreadful condition, and still, you tried to take her to work? I am not expecting this from you, Rahul, this is my first and last warning". Rahul realized that he's really angry for the first time. He doesn't know whether this is anger or something else. But he's sure that he's unable to see her on the bed for that dirty work. " Come on, let's go, Rahul, we need to be in Library," said Ben looking at his bag. "Yes, I need to borrow some books," replied Rahul. But he's still thinking why he's so angry with her.

They went to the library and sat near an empty desk. Rahul didn't get any homework today, but he wanted to help Ben with his leftovers. "Why everyone in our class hate Professor Alexander Ben?" asked Rahul curiously. Ben looked at him and began, " Professor Alexander is an Ex- Death Eater Rahul. Death eaters are the supporters of You-know-how. But our professor escaped from him and began to leak his secrets in Ministry. Also, the Ministry provided him utmost security. After the second wizarding war, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger wanted to change some rules in the Ministry, which allowed them to teach any kind of person whether he's a werewolf or a death eater. Many of them objected to this. But Harry Potter said that it will be good to increase relationships between others, know more about the wizarding world, and also mention that he will surely test them before sending them to Hogwarts. But only Professor Alexander can qualify in all test and proved that he's no harm anymore. So the mistress of magic Hermione Granger allowed him to teach at Hogwarts. But he's too strict. We will often get detentions in his period. Sometimes losing 200 points too. We do not hate him. But anyway, we will fear when we look at his tattoo." Rahul began to think about the tattoo. "Can you explain to me how the tattoo looks like?" asked Rahul. Ben's heart nearly skipped a beat. "Rahul.." he stammered, "A skull with a snake from its mouth." Rahul saw that Ben's really tensed. His shirt is nearly soaked with his sweat. Rahul rose up from his place and went near to the library shelves.

When he's looking at the books, he sees a girl trying to sneak in somewhere. Her brown eyes were searching for something on those shelves. Rahul's attention is turned towards her. She's nearly five feet tall, but her chubby cheeks tell us that she's the first year. Her black hair is shining in this candlelight. She looked at him. Rahul forgot what he's doing, and with a small imbalance in his feet, he fell down. He rose up and saw the girl. But to his surprise, there's no one. Rahul suspected that she's onto something. He went silently near to her place. Then he saw she's opening a door named Restriction Section. Rahul didn't look at the door and followed her. It was the first time he's in the RESTRICTED SECTION. The place is lit with blue flames, and some books were sealed. The area is cold and damp. Its appearance can correctly tell us people often don't come to this place. He saw that she's searching for a book. After a while, the girl pulled out a long book from the shelf. When Rahul wants to look at that book. But he heard someone is screaming from his back.

Rahul looked at the end and saw Madam Pince and Professor Alexander along with their furious looks. Professor Alexander came in and took the book from her hands and placed it back. "Detention Rahul Jones and Sam Martinez," he roared and went away. Rahul is surprised. Martinez is a family of greatest book authors in the wizarding world, and Rahul is fond of them, but he's still suspicious. "Why did she want to steal a book from the bookshelves and that one looks like it belongs to dark arts, but what a first-year student can do with it?" He kept thinking when he's in his dormitory late at night.