
News on Daily Prophet

There's chaos in the castle. The head boy and the head girl, along with the perfects, are trying to manage this situation. Everyone is out of their standard rooms (common rooms). The people in the portraits are talking about his appearance. Madam Katie Bell was so furious about this. "How can you make him enter into this comm room without knowing who it is? The fat lady? Did he said the password?" "No!" cried, Fat lady. The Fat Lady was a portrait who guarded the entrance to Gryffindor Tower at Hogwarts castle. She asks for a password before she let anyone in, then swung her picture backward so that students could enter through a portrait hole." He might use the Confundus Charm on her," said Professor Alexander. He's a big fat man with black robes and a black cap." Whose awake in his Dormitory," asked Professor Alexander, pointing towards Rahul. ''RAHUL! GO TO HEADMISTRESS OFFICE RIGHT NOW," said Professor Katie Bell. "Wait, Katie, let's ask him what he's doing. He's the only one who's awake in this slow time right now," said Professor Alexander. His eyes are requesting her to know what's happened. But she replied, "I'm sorry, Alex, but it's urgent, he should meet the HeadMistress."

Rahul is still perplexed. He wanted to know why he's a non-magical, but again, there are many questions - Who's this Kingson? He heard this name somewhere. Yes, Sophia mentioned him when they're coming to Hogwarts. But she suddenly hesitated to discuss him more and changed the topic.

Rahul went to headmistress Tiffany Weasely's office. The broad stairs appeared at once before he says the password. "Come in, Mr.Jones," said Tiffany Weasely. Rahul went near her desk and said, " Professor --I- don't know anything, please don't punish me." Why would I punish you, Mr.Jones? I need to check on you, there's a murder attempt in Hogwarts First day, and I don't know why Mr. Kingson is after you." said Tiffany Weasely. She looks so furious. Then there's a knock on her door. ''Rahul, If you know anything, please share it with else Professor Dumbledore or me. You can come to my office anytime and feel free. You are safe in Hogwarts. Now go back to your common room and have this sleeping potion. I need to Talk with the Staff. So you, please return to your common room." She continued and went near to the window and sent an Owl. Rahul is still amazed by today's incident.

After a week, Some Dementors (A Dementor is a gliding, wraith-like dark creature, widely considered to be one of the foulest to inhabit the wizarding world. Dementors feed on human happiness and generate feelings of depression and despair in any person close to them.) started patrolling in the School grounds, the castle at night times, and the only all-wizarding village in Britain Hogsmeade Village, or simply called Hogsmeade. Rahul was feeling unwell after this incident and ended up in Hospital Wing for this whole week. He has only one visitor, only the Head Mistress Tiffany Weasely. Madam Poppy, who takes care of this Hospital Wing, was not allowing any pupil to meet him. Sophia, Ben, and Lily are still persuading her to meet him. But Madam Poppy said that he needs no visitors until the Ministry of magic gives permission.

At last, when there's no threat in Hogwarts, the Ministry accepted him to attend his classes. Rahul woke up from his hospital bed and took out his quill. He kept a tick mark beside Mac Herthey's Guide to Complex potions and The New faces of Plants by Lavisar kavana. He's not thinking about Kingson, but first, he needs to survive in this castle between these men. "Drink this potion," said Madam Poppy. "What's this for?" asked Rahul curiously looking at the emerald shaped shining bottle with a label of TOP SECRET. "This will increase your Magical abilities, and Professor Dumbledore wants you to have it," said Madam Poppy and continued, " You need to come up every day and drink this potion. Its effect wears off every 24 hours". Rahul can't believe this. He asked her whether he's in a dream or he came to heaven. He requested her to hit on his cheeks. She just laughed at his behavior and kept the bottle in his hands and went away. Rahul gulped the potion at once. It's so sweet as pumpkin juice. He thought that something is flowing through his veins. He immediately took out his wand and pointed at his books and cried, "Wingardium Leviosa." It worked.

Rahul is at most joy. He can't believe that he's able to do magic more precisely than others. His friends ( only three of them- Ben, Sophia, and Lily) were so worried about him. But Rahul didn't care about it. He showed them that he's able to do magic. They were surprised by his magical abilities. "It's the most powerful lift I have never seen. It takes many weeks to handle the maximum power of charm. But not in a week. What happened?" Ben started talking surprisingly to know this secret. "No, Ben, I figured it out," lied Rahul. He doesn't want to share his secret. "Come on, it's class time," said Lily.

He nearly got 120 House points at the end of the week. All the professors, even his House Head Madam Katie Bell, is too happy about this. But he's thinking about Sophia. She has not met him for a week, and in the class, she's always thinking about something else."Have you seen her anywhere, Lily" asked Rahul eating his grilled sandwich during Dinner in the Great Hall. "I don't know Rahul, She's avoiding me too. Some Devil might get into her mind. She's been so odd this week." said Lily furiously. Rahul is thinking about what might have happened. Within a surprise, Sophia stormed into the Great Hall and shouted, "Rahul! I found It, C'mon LET"S GO TO OUR COMMON ROOM." The students in the great hall shocked along with Rahul. Sophia requested them, " I am so sorry, Please Forgive me" and turned towards Rahul and said, " Come on! Let's move".

They went to the standard room and sat near the fireplace. Rahul saw there were many old newspapers which are tied up. "These are the old copies of Daily Prophet," said Sophia. "If you don't mind, may I ask you one thing, Sophia?" requested Rahul. "Oh! yes," said Sophia. "What's a Daily Prophet?" asked Rahul unwillingly. It seems to a common thing that every Witch and Wizard knows about the daily prophet. "Rahul, The Daily Prophet is a wizarding newspaper based in London, England. It is the primary source of news for British and Irish wizards and costs 2 Sickles. I got some of these from Professor Hagrid, Library and the Publications itself," said Sophia without a break. He heard the name Daily Prophet when he's with his mom. "I got only some of them, Rahul, but this will help you, I think so," said Sophia. She made three sets and started arraying those old dusty Daily Prophets. After she's done, she stood up and began to talk, "Rahul, I need you to believe me. Because after this, you might think I am a fool. But you need to listen to me. These three sets contain information about Mr. Kingson and wait. First, I will talk about him. He's a nasty wizard who mastered all these dark arts. After the death of You-know-who and all his followers, not everyone, there's peace in this magical world. But this wizard started attacking people and took what the things he needed and killing them. His last appearance before this Hogwarts incident is my nephew's house. He killed my uncle and took something, and went away. So I asked you about him because I thought that you might be aware of him. But as soon as I understood that you came from a muggle world, I stopped about it. So, he appears three times a year, 2nd June,26th June, and 1st October. Researching this kind of appearance, I went to the library and started working with many books. This is known as Apparetuds. It means that he can apparate at a particular time and disappear at a particular time. At this time, he's at his most vulnerable stage. That's why he's able to get into our common room. If my guess is correct, he can cast a spell with or without a wand too. Look, Rahul, he needs something from you, but he failed. I am sure that he will be back on 2nd June." "Hold on, How do you know these dates exactly? " said Rahul. His expressions are quite odd now. " These papers explain to us," said Sophia pointing towards those three sets. Rahul went near to those three sets and started examining them. One set contains the papers of 2nd June, another contains 26th June, and at last, the third bundle includes the newspapers dated 1st October. Each set consists of some news about him. Rahul is flipping through many pages.

The other classmates went to their dormitories. They have been searching for some reliable information till night. Even Ben and Lily joined them after listening to Sophia's significant research. At last, Sophia rose up and said, " I got one piece of information Rahul to look at this." Rahul curiously looked through it. He can't believe what's he is reading. "What is it, Rahul?" asked Ben. Rahul, with some tears in his eyes, passed the paper to them. Ben read it aloud -"Mrs. Haing found dead after the attack of the dark witch Mr.Kingson." "So, who is this Mrs. Haing Rahul," asked Ben doubtfully. Rahul rubbed his eyes and began to speak, "She's my aunt, Cassie Haing."