
Another World Story

This story is about an average high school boy with an average lifestyle who likes to read novels especially fantasy ones and was transferred to another world along with his classmates from his school. As they were transferred our protagonist, John Kaiser, was the sole student among his classmates who were left behind, leaving him all alone in their classroom. As he was wondering what happened to the others, he remembered one of the novels he had read. It was a story of a fantasy world, where a king of a human kingdom summons heroes from another world to save their world from the demon king, a typical Isekai (Another World) fantasy novel. Our protagonist, John Kaiser, started to contemplate and question 'why?' why was he the only one not summoned? And as his questions go crazy, a light emerges from the place where he was sitting. Is this the start of our protagonist's fantasy adventure as a hero? Or will he live the same life again as an average person even in another world?

Ezract · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Day Thirteen: Heroes Arrival

「???: Ah!, Heroes! We thank you for answering our summon!」

As the white light that engulfed us subsided, I heard countless voices echo throughout the place.

And as I looked around I saw dozens of people surrounding us, there are people wearing something that looks like heavy armor, there are also other people wearing robes, the people wearing red robes were rejoicing and the white-robed ones were on their knees their hand were clasp together as if in prayer, delight could also be seen on their faces.

There are also two women wearing maid clothing and assisting someone in a dress, that person is obviously a woman.

The place we are currently in looks like a dungeon, though for a dungeon this place was brightly lit up, the gaps on the walls added luminosity to the room, I could also see traces of clouds at those gaps.

「???: Looks like we're on top of a tower... Or something similar」I thought as I looked back to where my classmates are.

「???: ...」

「???: ...」

「???: ...」

「???: ...」

「???: ...」

「???: They are all silent... well I couldn't blame them, that God of reincarnation's last words was kinda disturbing」 I thought as I shifted my gaze back to the people in front of us, specifically, to the woman-, no, actually she looks like the same age as my younger sister, so I'll call her a 'girl'.

I looked at the girl wearing a fancy red colored dress with a tinge of white on its hem, she got long beautiful cantaloupe colored hair, amber-colored eyes, small pale red lips, and snow-white skin. She looks like someone out of a fantasy novel, that said we are in a fantasy world.

And at her snow-white skin, I noticed drops of sweat, her small lips were slightly trembling and I could see faint traces of pain from her eyes. And as she fixed her posture, she looked towards us 'Summoned Heroes'.

Although it's for a split-second, our eyes met. Then she shifted her gaze once again to the forefront, where the majority of my classmates are.

She then wore a sweet smile, a smile that could capture any man's heart when they saw it, the armor-wearing soldiers, the robed people, and my classmates who saw it gulped as they were mesmerized and albeit slightly, it also took me off guard. Her smile was so pure that you would believe it if someone called her an angel.

The girl then parted her pale lips as she began to talk.

「Girl: Heroes from another world, I, third Princess of the Memphis Kingdom, Vanessa Welpir Lougue Memphis, thank thee in place of the 84th King, Albert Van Lunard Memphis, for accepting our summon」 She then pinched both ends of her dress and slightly lift it as she made a slight bow.

She then continued 「Vanessa: If you would follow me, dear heroes, the King would like to meet all of you in person, he's currently waiting in the throne room as I speak」she said as she gazes at each one of us.

And as if he couldn't contain it any longer a shout was heard 「???: DON'T MESS WITH ME!!」It was Barb Atlanti's voice.

Everyone was surprised as they heard his voice including myself. Then everyone simultaneously looked in the direction of Barb, I could see veins popping out from his forehead, his face was red and blood could be seen from his clenched fist.

「Barb: That self-proclaimed God, and you...! You're all doing whatever you want! 'follow me'?! are you f*cking with us?! HUH?! you summoned us without our permission and then you're going to order us around?!!」Barb howled, as he pointed his finger to the princess in front of him.

The princess was startled as she realizes that the anger was directed to her, and immediately answered.

「Vanessa: N-no, it's not like that, dear her-」

「Barb: Not like that?! so you're telling me that you didn't summon us? th-that you didn't just tell us to follow you?! Huh?! Is that it?!」

The calm expression on the princess's face was now gone and was replaced by anxiety, nevertheless, she continued to calm Barb's anger.

「Vanessa: N-no... It's not like that... dear hero, I do admit that we summoned you out of your free will, and I do also admit that my way of speaking earlier was rather discourteous, I'm truly sorry about that... but, we didn't summon you dear heroes so that we could order you around」 the princess stutteringly spoke as she grips the hem of her dress.

「Barb: Then why?!, why did you summoned us here?!, we were living our lives freely back in our world, and yet... Aah! What do you even want from us?!」

「Vanessa: ...the king will be discussing it with you heroes as he-」 the princess answered buy immediately shook her head snd corrected herself.

「Barb: discuss?! do you think we give a sh*t to what that king would be discussing?! huh?! if he really wants to discuss something he should be the one in front of us! not some third princess!」Barb was not letting the princess talk as he continues to harass her with words.

「Barb: You may get a pretty face, but that wouldn't make me give a sh*t to what you're saying! Someone already told us not to trust anyone here and I'm going to uphold it! If you really want to discuss something, bring that sh*t for a king here!」

The moment Barb's words were heard by the other people besides our class, weapons were raised ad they point them towards us.

「???: Oi kid, I don't care if you're a hero or something, but here in this kingdom, no one can badmouth the King and princess and live at the same time」a lone soldier walked forward as he positions himself in front of the princess, he looks like he's in his mid-forties, he got black hair with some white hair mixed with it, sharp golden eyes and muscular body, his left arm is gone and his right was on top of the sword on his waist.

「???: He looks like a veteran soldier warrior...」I thought as I looked at both the lone warrior and Barb.

「Barb: So, you're going to kill me now? Hah! I couldn't expect more from the people that summoned us! You would kill the hero you summoned when you don't like them? heh! now you're showing your true colors!」 Despite the weapons and intimidation directed at him, Barb didn't let out, he continued his words as he mocks them.

「???: you little...!」the lone warrior looks like he's feeling agitated from Barb's words, as he put his right hand to the hilt of the sword at his waist, but before he could pull the sword a voice called out to him.

「???: Midras, that's enough.」

「???: The hero is right, we are the ones that summoned them, so we should treat them as a guest, isn't that right dear hero」

「Midras: I wouldn't allow more words...! Huh? W-wait, eh? p-princess...?!」He screamed as he turned around and saw the person that stop him.

It was another princess. I could feel a strong pressure coming out of her as she walked elegantly, her long platinum blue hair sway as she walks, her amethyst colored eyes give a feeling that she could see through anything, her small pink lips curved into a small smile, her white skin almost reflected the light as she walked past it and her lime-colored dress emphasized her well proportionate body.

I could see the look of surprise not only on midras face but also on other people inside the room, especially princess Vanessa who called out to her.

「Vanessa: S-sister? what are you doing here...? didn't you say that you would not attend the summoning?」

「Sister?: I wasn't going to attend but...」her words trailed off as she took a glance towards the soldiers that accompanied her.

I don't know if I'm the only one who noticed it as it was done in a split-second, but I noticed her beautiful face slightly distorted into that of discomfort.

「Sister?: Anyhow, I'm here now so I'll lend you a hand」she continued as she looked at Us, she then focused her gazed towards Barb as she once again spoke.

「Sister?: Dear hero, I beg your forgiveness for our rude behavior, the soldiers just really love this kingdom and its rulers so they acted that way, I hope you can forgive us」her voice was gentle and mesmerizing as she looked at Barb, and after asking for forgiveness, she then put her right hand to her chest and made a slight bow.

「Barb: ...!」

Barb took a few steps backward as he was taken aback by the new princess with a beauty comparable to or greater than the third princess, apologized to him sincerely.

「???: It looks like this world has a lot of beautiful girls」I thought as I stared at the new princess, I could not see any trace of discomfort from her as she looked at us.

Barb became silent as he gazed at the new princess smiling in front of him.

「Barb: ...fine」he spoke as he averted his gaze from her.

「Sister?: Thank you dear hero!」she smiled brightly as she clasps her hands together, I could not feel any trace of hesitation from her voice as if she truly was grateful.

「???: though I couldn't judge her, nor anyone here cause I don't know anyone of them except my classmates」I thought as I raised my hand.

「Sister?: ...? Yes? Do you have something to say Dear Hero?」she asked as she saw my raised hand.

Without hesitation, I opened my mouth.

「???: Greetings princesses, I am Alex Mendez, you could say I'm the current representative of the heroes right here, and you are?」 I asked as I put one hand at my back and raised the other for a courteous bow, I then focus my gaze at the new princess before fixing my posture.

「Sister?: Oh my, sorry for my rudeness, I am third princess Vanessa's elder sister, Second princess Eleonora Shuvan Ascorte Memphis, my greetings heroes representative」 She answered as she pinched the ends of her dress as she greeted back with a slight bow.

「Eleonora: So?, what can we do for you, Mr. Heroes Representative?」she asked as she cocks her head to the right.

「Alex: I would just like to confirm something, do you mind me asking?」

The two princesses looked at each other before looking back at me and nod their heads simultaneously.

「Vanessa: asked away, dear hero」

As I confirm their words, I nod before opening my mouth.

「Alex: You said the King would like to discuss something with us, is that right?」

The two nodded their heads.

「Vanessa: Yes, I did say that, so dear heroes representative wanted to know if we got an idea of what Fathe-, I mean the king wanted to discuss?」

Good thing she can catch up so quickly, this talk will end easily.

「Alex: Yes, As you know, we the people you call heroes are at loss for what we needed to do right now, so if possible we needed to know a thing about this world or why we are summoned at least, so we could think of the path that we could take」I spoke as I looked back at my nodding classmates.

「Alex: If you know anything about what the king would like to discuss please do tell us, but if it is confidential, at least tell us the reason why we were summoned」

The two once again looked at each other before shaking their heads.

「Eleonora: Unfortunately dear hero, even us don't have any idea of what the King would like to discuss... But, if I'm going to take a guess, I would say it's about the current relationship of our kingdom to the others」

「Alex: Current relationship you say...」

「Eleonora: Yes dear hero, as every citizen in our kingdom know, The kingdom of Memphis is the sole Kingdom that can be found at the center of the continent, where most of the valuable minerals and resources are, and the other countries are continuously engaging wars toward us」

「Alex: I see... Thanks」At my gratitude the two princesses smiled as they both nodded.

「Alex: they truly are sisters...」I thought as I made a slight bow before turning to my classmates.

「Alex: so, everyone what do you want to do?」I asked as I looked at them.

「???: Alex, your decision will our decision, we already talked about it while you were talking with the two princess」the answers came from Lance as he smiled wryly.

「Alex: Are you sure about that Lance?」Confirming would be meaningless, but still, I wanted to hear everyone's thoughts.

「Lance: Yeah, I am, so is everyone else」He spoke in a confident tone as he looked at our nodding classmates.

「Alex: Barb, Lilia, Tol are you guys alright with the decision?」 I asked as a final confirmation.

The three didn't answer and just nodded their heads, then I looked back to the two princesses.

Without hesitation I spoke「Alex: We would like to meet the king」

The two princesses gave different reactions as they heard my words, the third princess Vanessa was shocked as if she didn't expect my answer.

「Alex: well I could understand her shock, she just argued with one of us, so she might have expected me to turn them down, she's quite naive if I should say...」I thought as I watched the third princess's reaction, before shifting my gaze to the other princess.

Second princess Eleonora on the other hand, just shut her eyes as if fully expecting the words from me, she then opened them again and spoke.

「Eleonora: Then if you would...」 her words trailed off as she looked at us.

「Alex: is something wrong?」I asked as I tilt my head to the right.

「Eleonora: 'Then if you would', is what I would like to say... but, it looks like I, our dear heroes require rest, I'll assign someone to guide you to your sleeping quarters」she answered as she made a bitter smile.

At her words, I looked back at my classmates and focus my gaze on them, and saw the tired expression on their faces.

「Alex: Haa... then, if you don't mind」I sigh before nodding my head.

After our conversion, the second princess immediately left as she left one of the soldiers accompanying her. The third princess then guided us to our chambers along with her attendants which are the two maids and midras, the soldier left by the second princess was also accompanying us.

And Upon reaching the chambers, we were segregated into boys and girls.

「Vanessa: well then, dear heroes. I would inform Father about the situation, also please be at ease as we don't mean harm towards you, If you would need anything, you could just call out to her. Her name is Sol and she's one of the best maids in the castle, she's assigned for the female heroes needs, and sister Eleonora's soldier is here for the male heroes needs, if you got questions you could also ask them, well then, rest well dear heroes」She spoke before taking a bow and leave.

「Alex: Alright everyone, rest for today, we're going to have a discussion tomorrow before the king, so I need you all to be ready」all my classmates nodded at my words before entering their rooms.

I then entered my room 「Alex: Things would be different from now on...」 I thought as I laid myself on the white bed.