
Another Twilight fanfic

WARNING: -Expect drama while reading this, please be patient with me. It'll make sense even if it seems it doesn't. - a lot of swearing/cursing - MATURE CONTENT(kids you were warned) - Gore -GXG/WLW/BXB/LGBT+(just the gays, so homophobes, respectfully... begone please) -Forms of abuse from mental, physical, SA, etc. (It may be mentioned as someone's past or present) - THIS IS AN AU, AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. Certain events might change or would not happen or have happened. Some pairings will have changes. Some facts about the story or the characters might change (Honestly, it's because I'm too lazy to research and watch it all over again) -English isn't my first language, so you will see misspellings and grammatical errors, I might or might not go back to edit them later on. -the frequency of chapter uploads depends on the mood really, so you might get more than one chapter a week or just one. Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT, EVERYTHING ABOUT IT, STORY AND THE CHARACTERS OF IT BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OR OWNER OF IT, THE ONLY THING I OWN ARE MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. I DO NOT OWN THE SONGS THAT WILL BE INCLUDED IN THIS STORY, THEY BELONG TO THEIR ORIGINAL CREATORS (did I do that right?) AN: This is a wish-fulfillment thing. I ran out of stories to read about Twilight, so I made one of my own. I'm not earning anything from this, I still have this boring job and responsibilities in real life, so please don't... please don't pressure me and be mean. For those who are wondering why I even published it here, it's because I wanted to motivate myself to continue the story. Thinking that there may be people wanting me to continue this as well. Basically, means I just don't want to end up forgetting about this. ~~~ This is a story of a woman who was forcefully reincarnated to another world. She was just working, kept thinking of just disappearing, and not existing. The usual shit that sadly a lot of people also think like this. Waking up every day, feeling shit because, well... I woke up. Seeing all this, a ROB plucked my soul out of my body, and just killed my healthy(not healthy, bitch be living like no tomorrow with the junk food and smoking) body and forced me to reincarnate, refusing my original wish to just disappear into oblivion! Told me I should be grateful to be alive and some shit that sounded like a 'live, laugh, love' type of culty thing. Woke up in a hellish situation, don't know which universe he shoved me in, just a clue that it was from one of the things I liked, but that didn't help to narrow it down aa, I liked a lot of stuff... Some weird too... Continued to suffer my hell for a while, cursing and begging the ass face for the sweet release of death and hopefully meet the guy again so I can punch him in the nuts, and suddenly the door opened and when I saw who it was, I now knew where I was. 'F***ing twilight?!'

EmphieIsMe · Films
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81 Chs

Chapter 21

AN: halooooo! I couldn't sleep, still am sick, but adults don't really get an off day, well poor adults. Ehem... Sorry, that's too much reality-sharing. 😂

Anyway, regarding all your advice regarding the tags and synopsis, and what to do about the negative reviews...

I chose to keep them, everything as it is... As long as at least some people like it, why should I care? It just means their not my kind of people... and the ones who gave this a chance and liked it? Thank you. ❤️


West Virginia 1925


I kept searching, I looked over and under everything within the forest, for any trace of her OLDER SISTER... But she had no luck, which equally relieved and also worried her, she wanted to save her from IT but there wasn't much of a clue as to where the family lived.

She just hoped that whatever she saw doesn't happen, she never wanted her gift to be wrong more than she ever did now...

Her older sister was a funny, beautiful, and overall a human-shaped hug, or home... She was perfect, she'll be everything to me and my mate... And everybody in the family...

She saw it, she'll be the best big sister to me, to us... She'll help my mate with his difficulties with the diet... With her around, everything was bright and happy. Everywhere she goes... She was the center of everyone's attention, and this is even without using her gift...

Her gift, oh her gift... It is simply too amazing! At first, she was too fragile compared to the rest of the family, but then I saw it! She got stronger, her gifts got stronger! I don't know how she did it, but I am just so amazed at how far she has gone.

When I turned into a vampire, I didn't have any recollections about my past, I should be sad about it, but I had a vision, and it showed me a man... And we were living a happy life together... And that made me happy, that gave me a goal to focus on. I decided to search for him.

Throughout my search, I've had other visions, first, it was her and her mate with this family of vampires, but they had golden eyes instead of the red she had, then she saw their diet, so she decided to start the diet early, she will convince her mate.

Exuding us, there were 5 other members of our future family. We all looked like a typical family, we weren't always happy or very close, but we cared and stuck with each other. There were some happy times.

But suddenly another vision came, it was of a young girl, who was being abused and experimented on... And... It was horrible... The first time I saw her, my heart, my supposedly dead heart felt like it came to life just so it could shred itself to millions of pieces.

Then she saw a vision of her being saved by the same people that will be their family in the future! Oh, she was so special! I don't know how, what, or why... But the previous visions changed, the 7 vampire family became 7 vampires and 1 hybrid... And the way the family lived and interacted was so different, they all looked happy, they were all laughing and joking together, and everyone was affectionate towards each other... the visions felt warmer... It is like the first vision was seen in a darker setting, it was ok... But then suddenly warm light was shone upon it and it was way waaaaaaay better now, that this was how it was supposed to be.

After that, along with the visions of her mate, she enjoyed visions that showed HER, she was just full of life, that you just get drawn to her. She looked so pure and innocent, but she was also playful, and when it was to protect her loved ones, she was a force to be reckoned with.

I was enjoying all this while continuing my search for my mate when I got a horrifying vision of HER being attacked by vile men...

I had to save her. So I went to where I estimated them to be, I searched and searched... But they no longer were there... The place still had their scent... HER scent... I guessed it right, she did smell amazing! Her scent calms me down, no wonder it worked for my mate too.

I decided to search around the forest if there was any trace of them anywhere, and if I could find the old lab she was held at, just to make sure it was destroyed completely.

After a while, I did not find any more trace of them... But I did find the old lab's location... But it seemed some people decided to visit the place, so she hid on top of a tall tree branch, a bit away but still close enough that her senses could observe the group.

Man A: Are you sure this is the place?

Man B: Yes! You were here when we delivered the girl!

Man C: Stop bickering! We need to figure this out, as you can see, the place has been burnt down to the ground, and we don't know where those cuckoo scientists went, meaning we lost our only source of supply of those drugs. We have a lot of big people waiting for it. We're screwed.

Man B: we shouldn't give up yet, Let's search around the area, we still have a picture of the girl, we can search for her, she's the main material of the drug, we can just sell her again to someone else if we find her.

Man A: I would never have thought that your peculiar taste for little girls would be useful in this situation. Good thing you collect pictures of them.

It was them! They were the ones who brought her here to be subjected to almost never-ending torture! And they are still planning to ruin her life again?! And that man, that disgusting man lusted for her child's body!

She was getting more and more enraged, it was a long shot for these vermins to find her big sister but there was still a chance.

Her eyes darkened, and stared at them with fury in her eyes.

"Unforgivable... I guess I'll have to restart my diet again from the beginning"

And then she sped towards the 3 men.

Screams could be heard, begging, running, bones breaking, and then silence...

Footsteps could be heard getting away from the scene... Her eyes were now crimson red... Wiping blood from her lips, the girl smiled as she saw her older sister's photo, she was smiling with her biological parents, and there was another photo of just her... The photos didn't have color, so it didn't show her cuteness fully, but it was still nice to see.

[AN: the men probably got it from the family's belongings when they offed the parents and abducted her 🙁]

"I can't wait to meet you, Big sis"

[AN: Guys, I swear to G... I don't mean for them to turn this way... They all just end up loving her too much. Fudge. 😶]


Before she was informed of the birthday party


Since the day that I met her, I've barely turned off my skill so Edward can't hear my thoughts or see my daydream, but luckily or unluckily enough, I haven't had even a single dream of her when I sleep... For now at least...

But you what I can't control? What I regret kinda regret not having right now? No? It is an unbeating heart! Dang it! I need to consciously calm my heart down, and try to avoid thinking about her. Ugh... My heart got so loud, that it alerted my family a couple of times... I had to freaking lie and say that I was just reminded of something unpleasant.

HAaaah... I'm all too familiar with this, I get too obsessed with my idols and celebrity crushes... Ugh... I turn into a major simp... This is bad, I need to get over my crush, yes, this is a simple crush... And like any other crushes I had aside from Angelina Jolie, it'll pass. Like how obsessed I was with Fifth Harmony and specifically a certain green-eyed girl, or some vtubers... Yes, yes... It'll pass soon enough.

After a while, my crush was still there, it didn't lessen at all, but it also did not grow more, possibly because we haven't met ever since that one time, and it's not going away because she is drop-dead gorgeous, maybe it'll be like my Angelina Jolie obsession, it'll never went away, but it doesn't hinder my life.

Once I accepted it and thought of it like that, everything came back to normal for me, plus I was looking forward to meeting her again. I am so gonna help her with her plot... She'll have the life she has dreamed of, marry a rich loving husband, have children, grow old, and die a human.

There was a stabbing pain in my chest when I thought about her being with somebody else, but that's normal, who actually wants their crush to be with somebody else but themselves right? But, we still have to respect their choice, it's their life and heart to give. As long as she's happy that's fine.

I can't wait to go out and mingle, I'm kinda a practitioner of the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else... Too slutty? Meh, I'm still a kid, so all PG for now. what I meant was, while I'm befriending Rosalie, I would find another pretty girl or two... that can be my friend so I won't be so fixated with her. Yep, good plan. Mean? Maybe, but it's a must... She's going to be family in the future, well her reincarnated self will... because I'm not letting her get turned this time. I can't have crushes within the family, right? Right? I'm not into Alab*m* shit, even though we're not actually blood-related.


Present time


I wasn't able to find a dress I liked in any of the shops, so Mom and I decided to just make our own, so we just bought cloths and fabrics for Mom. There wasn't any theme, so it was easier... Well, it was supposed to be easier, but...

After deciding on my mom's outfit design, we had now moved to mine, and I gave her a very simple gray long-sleeved dress with diamond beads.

[AN: you can insert whatever design of dress you want, I really don't know about fashion, at all.😅]

But mother didn't like the oversimplified design, she liked that it was modest, but didn't agree with how plain it looked, so we kept discussing it, then my brother came back, and he also got involved, he agreed to the design but wanted me to wear a more vibrant color, but I didn't want that, so I kept my ground, then dad came home, he also agreed with mom... Ugh, Simp...

Anyway, in the end, I thoroughly explained to them what my reason was for picking a more tame design for myself, and tho reluctant, they agreed. They had conflicting emotions on their faces, relief and disappointment. Weird.

I didn't like seeing them unhappy, so I agreed to wear whatever they wanted me to wear on Christmas.

Now with the dress on the way, we just have to make plans on how to engage.


December 12th Hale family's home

Birthday party for Rosalie

Third person POV

Everybody was having fun with their peers, the adults and children separated to go to their own peers.

The birthday celebrant was walking around, socializing, and making more connections as instructed by her father.

Everybody wished her a happy birthday and told her how beautiful she was, something that she was used to hearing, their eyes always following her, and she loved it.

But the girl was in an unusual mood, outside she was all smiles... but inside, she was restless looking around for a certain person that plagued her mind since they met once.

She was losing hope, thinking that their family chose not to attend, or they would, but not just with all of the members of their family like always... And then she felt the atmosphere of the place shift, everyone's talk stopped, they were all locked in their place frozen, and all of their eyes were looking in one direction...

New guests had just arrived, a family of 4, all of them were already familiar with 3 of them through other social gatherings, but this was the first time for the last member of the family to attend any sort of party.

The white-haired girl had her arms linked with her brother, looking around, seemingly searching for someone, and then finally locked eyes with her.

And not minding the crowd, the white-haired young girl smiled, and it was the most beautiful and brightest smile they'd ever seen... All that was present were mesmerized, but one girl in particular, the true target of that smile was shaken, and didn't know how to respond, she was now happy and nervous at the same time, so she decided to return the gesture and smiled at her direction.

Eventually, they had to break eye contact and had to move around, the white-haired was introduced to the adults and then was escorted around by just her brother to where the younger guests were located.

Robin was nervous, her heart rate was increasing by the second, she wasn't bothered much by the scent of humans, but she was anxious about screwing up their second meeting, her brother noticed it and thought that she was nervous because of being in an unfamiliar environment with a lot of strangers, he put a hand above hers and lightly gave it a squeeze to comfort her.

Rosalie, noticing them coming over, decided to meet them halfway, smiling warmly.

'Here we go Robin! You can do this! Don't drool over her! Don't gawk, act normal be her friend, be her friend... Ok ok ok' she pumped herself up inside. While smiling at Rosalie.

When they finally reached each other, one thought came to the hybrids mind.

'I'm fucked'


AN: this was more of a chapter where MC deals with and interprets how she feels about Rosalie, she still stupidly thinking about canon. Idiot, her juvenile brain making her stupid, nah her juvenile hormones making her stupid? Whatever.

As you've seen the first POV was Alice, shout out to NASU, for recommending the scene.

Ok, honestly speaking, I don't remember much about what I wrote. 😂 so imma probably regret uploading this later when I'm all better.

Thanks again for the positive reviews, comments, and power stones. 😘