
Another MCU Story

SI. Finding adventure in same old same MCU

Rex_Zatch · Films
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33 Chs

Chapter -8 Puny Parker

After thanking Emma for showing me to the class, I enter there. As I slowly entered the classroom, I pause for a sec to observe my new "friends". There are a lot of new and different people around, all around shouting and talking loudly. There are shy people sitting isolated from others silently keeping themselves occupied, loud and active people sitting in groups discussing their points of interest, and other shy people mixing in with them.

I slowly moved away from the loud kids and search for a quiet place to avoid being annoyed by loudmouths.

After a couple of seconds, a teacher enters this noisy classroom. And starts to look around for a new face, he looks everywhere, even toward me.

"Silence! Student, quiet down a little…. Thank, you, so we have a new face here and, the introduction is important. My name is Doctor Curt Connors, I work at Oscorp industries and this is my part-time job. I am helping a friend, and I teach Biochemistry. You can ask me any question, related to the subject, at any time. Now Mr. bolts care to introduce yourself, likes, dislikes, hobby to us." Dr curt said while addressing Ryan.

'Come on, I just wanted to meet the hero, not the villain, and why is he teaching here? Shouldn't he be making lizard serum or something? Now I am doubting more and more that this is not MCU and why is he putting me in the middle of attraction, gosh!!' Ryan inwardly signed, but he did not let it show toward the outside and stood up to introduce "Hi, Name Ryan Bolt, don't forget it, I like my own company and I dislike annoying and loud people and for the hobby, I like to learn(take) knowledge from other" saying that Ryan sits back on his sit.

"Thank you, Ryan, little on the gray line but still ok, interesting hobby you have there. If you need any guidance, you can ask me anything. Ok now, where were we last time." saying Connor start teaching the class.

After a few hours, the class bell rang and the students, and the teacher, started going out of the classroom. When Ryan was packing his backpack to go to the next class when someone taps his shoulder lightly and then suddenly Ryan got the memory and knowledge of the said person.

'Why is she here? Isn't it MCU? But she was only shown in the Netflix series, not in MCU. Now I know for a fact this is not just MCU but all mashup of MCU + some movie-verse of marvel. But not to worry, the plan is still in motion. Ryan thinks before turning to the said person while showing his charm to her.

"Hi, my name is Jessica Campbell, your speech earlier was great, you kept your mysterious transfer student persona ha-ha. Say by any chance, Ryan, do you…. Know where the biophysics class is being held, I am taking that class from today and I don't know where is it?" Jessica asked Ryan about the class.

"In fact, I do. Earlier I already asked the teacher to every class place where, I am going to take and that happen to be biophysics, so care to join me milady." Ryan said to Jessica and stretch his hand for heading out of class.

"Oh, my yes please" Jessica held Ryan's hand to do the courtesy bow and headed toward their class.

(Note: our MC only knows about MCU and some knowledge about Marvel Comics from the internet in his past life. He does not know how Jessica got her power or Luke cage get his power. He only knows about MCU and only has little clue about TV series marvel like the agent of the shield. From now on I will write in first-person POV, not in third-person POV)

After class ended, Jessica goes home with her girl pal, and I am left alone in the hallway. I could not make friends with others because Jessica and her friend were roaming around me like a bee around a flower. But still, I got the number and a date with Jessica this Friday.

As I was walking out of the hallway, I heard someone say: "watch it puny parker" and the person fell near my side. I try to help the said person, who now I know as Peter Parker aka future spider-man, after helping him stand up.

The person who pushed peter, once again catch the collar of Peter's shirt and pushed him toward the wall and I heard him say angrily to peter "Stay away from MJ. Don't try to get near her, or I will bea---" before he could complete his sentence, I interrupted them.

"Ahem, well we should not fight on school ground guys." I try to separate them, suddenly a punch starts coming near my face which I caught mid-way. The moment I caught flash Thompson's hand, I knew what happen before their fight.

Flash and MJ just broke up, and after he saw her laughing with peter, so he got mad, and then he waited after class to teach him a lesson. And here we are.

"Who do you think you are? Trying to be a hero, watch it new boy before you get hur---...ugh, let go of my hand, you bastard." As flash was talking mid-sentence, I pressed his hand hard enough that he will fill pain.

"Oh, sorry I did not know I was hurting you are you ok, I am new here I don't know what customs are here in this school, I thought you are trying to shake hands," I said with a smile on my face while releasing his hand.

"Ah, bastard, you survive today puny parker and new kid watch your back from now on." saying that, the flash went out of school.

"T-thank you, for saving me there, name's Peter by the way." said peter while awkwardly rubbing his hand behind his head.

"Name Ryan, so what was that, some love triangle moment back there," I said while giving my hand in the air for a shake.

"Hahaha nothing like that, he thinks I like his Ex-girlfriend, and so he makes some trouble for me, that's all. I saw you back at the class of biophysics, are you new here." Peter said to me while putting his books in his bag, which fall before his bag.

"Yes, I am new, hey I have an idea, let's be friends what do you think," I said which startle peter a little. And at the same time, I got the message that John is outside and parked his car to take me home.

"wha-I mean sure, let's be a friend," said awkward peter to which I raise my hand for a fist bump which he passed back.

"Hey, I just got my message that my car is here. Do you want me to drop you at your home?" I said to Peter while we were walking out of the school.

"Thanks for asking but, sorry, but I have promised my friend Ned that I will help him complete his Lego collection today," said peter with an apologetic face

"Ok then, I will go now, let's meet during class sometime, bye." saying that, I went to the place where john parked his car.

Writing Story for fun.

Was really bored.

Seriously, English is not even my fourth language.

Seriously, how much bored can i be.

Critics go easy on me ok *wink* *wink*, oh my eyes, my eyes.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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