

A collection of thoughts and random stories just for fun

music_and_magic · Fantaisie
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29 Chs


"I'm sorry"

The words fell past my lips, a whisper in the silence of the hall. I glanced up and instantly regretted my decision. The look of pain of their face made something in me crack, a deafening sound breaking through the stillness.

Warmth pricked at the backs of my eyes, the only warning before tears welled up and spilled over my cheeks. My hands shook as I shoved them into my pockets, hiding my nerves. Keeping my face down I took a step back.

"I'm so sorry"

My voice cracked at the end, tears blurring my vision. I took another step back, the coldness of winter seeping through the glass doors at my back.

The pounding in my chest sending waves of pain through my chest. I clutched my shirt as the onslaught of tears continued, my shoulders shook from the sobs I was trying to hold in.

Without looking back, I turned around and pushed open the doors, cold blasting my warmed face. I blinked back my tears and hurried into the nearly deserted parking lot, the few students still mingling not noticing me.

The biting wind whipped at my face, stinging my flushed skin and red eyes. Running a shaking hand through my hair, pushing it away from my face, I collapsed next to a tree, leaning against the cool bark, the cold refreshing.

My shoulders shook from the sobs racking my body and the neverending winter chill.

Pain bloomed in my chest, a throbbing pain that pierced my chest. With every sob that escaped my lips, I felt another crack spread through my heart, another piece fall and shatter on the ground.

What have I done?

Words: 281