
Anime verse: Multi-verse travel

A guy reincarnated as Yuu Izumi's Brother in Shikimori San is not just Cute. Let's follow Itsuki Yuu on his travel to the multiveres and beyond.

Al_Senpai · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

Chapter 13: Troublesome Rabbit

The sound of the motor engine echoed in the vast canyon, a pair of Red and Blue Sports Bikes ran at high speed.

" How long till we get to your camp?" Shiro shouted towards Shia who was riding together with Hajime and Yue.

" Were almost there!" Shia replied.

After deciding to help Shia, they headed to where the rest of the Rabbit-people took hiding, with Shia being their guard they faced no trouble along the way.

Shiro was sitting in front of the bike while Scàthach drived it skillfully. It's still bugged Shiro how Scàthach was able to drive like this skillfully while she did not have any ounce of experience from driving a bike.

But when he asked Scàthach about it, she just said she had a skill that was called Knowledge of Dùn Scàth, which contains many knowledge about the past and present thing and skills.

Shiro thought it was a very OP skill to have.

It was then, approximately 2 kilometers away from them, a group of Rabbitmen were being hunted by flying monsters.

The Rabbitmen seemed to be cornered, Shiro saw a Mother and Daughter pair shivering in fear as the flying monster loomed over them.

Scàthach also noticed this and accelerated even more.

Seeing that they are not going to make it, Shiro clicked his tongue.

" Hajime, Back me up!" He shouted before leaping into the air and slowly turning back to his human form.

Seeing Hajime nod, shiro used reiryoku and stepped on the air, before propelling himself as he used shunpo towards the group of Rabbitmen.

*DoPan!* *DoPan!* *DoPan!*

Three bullets raced leaving a small lightning arc. In a single leap Shiro disappeared from his position.

/// Line Break ///

Shia on the other hand just watched what they were going to do, she was worried about her clansman but then she was surprised when she saw the 'cat' or so what he called himself, transform into a handsome young man.

But now, seeing his figure disappeared made her confused.

But then, she saw him standing behind the flying monster before flicking it hard.

Shia's eyes bulged as the flying monster was sent flying towards the other side and turned meat waste as it hit a giant rock.

For a moment, Shia heard the sound "spew" before the monster was sent flying, It was so fast that she could hardly see what happened after the monster was flicked.

Is that the strength of a human? No! His gotta be a monster!

" His monsterous strength is impressive as always.." She heard Hajime mutter.

" Hm... That's just his physical prowess, he didn't even use Magic yet." Shia felt her head would explode.

Hajime and Yue had an impressed yet not impressed expression on their faces right? Shouldn't you be surprised more!? She thought while staring at the two incredulously.


" Are you both okay?" Shiro asked, he stared at the mother and daughter hugging each other in fright.

He crouched and put his hand forward, the mother instinctively protecting her daughter making him stunned.

He smiled at them warmly before patting both of them, " It's okay, you two are safe now." He said assuring them that they are safe.

The mother and daughter pair slowly calmed down and stared at shiro curiously, the mother is still cautious of him but not afraid anymore.

" Sorry for scaring you two like that. " Shiro stopped patting their heads.

Both seemed to enjoy his caresses as they closed their eyes and smiled, Shiro smiled then chuckled as he continued patting their heads for a few seconds.


A rather familiar loud shout of bunny echoed, Shiro turned his head and stared at a Rather pissed Hajime riding his bike with Shia pressing her body to him and an Annoyed Yue looking at Shia.

And to their left, he saw Scàthach driving the bike like an expert, he flashed a smile seeing both of her and sent a mental message saying that the mother and daughter pair were safe.

" Shia!"

" Shia!"

" Oh, looks like your princess is here." Shiro said as he stopped patting their heads.

/// Line Break ///

" You're Shiro-dono and Hajime-dono right?" Standing in front of them, a humble middle-aged rabbit man greeted them politely. " I am Shia's Father, The Chieftain. Kam Haulia."

Kam Haulia is a Middle-aged looking Rabbitman with a black colored hair and white furry bunny ears.

Kam bowed his head in a sincere manner expressing his utmost gratitude." For helping our clans problem, I express my utmost gratitude to you all."

Shiro nodded " Gratitude taken Kam-san, So what about now? I heard from your daughter about your clan circumstances and I want to ask what you want to do now?"

Kam thought for a while then said." As you've heard, we were exiled from our home, and have nowhere to live, that's why for the time being we would search for a place we could call our home."

" I see " Shiro nodded his head before glancing at Hajime, " Then how about this Kam-san, Well help you to find a new home for your clan in exchange for your service."

" Service? What kind of service are you talking about Shiro-dono?" Kam asked but he already had an initial idea what kind of 'service' Shiro was talking about.

Shiro saw the suspicion in Kam's eyes, but then he heard Scàthach voice through their connection and immediately realized why he was looking at him like that.

" Oh, not that kind of 'service' you are thinking, I am talking about your clan to guide us to the sea of trees?" Shiro said before giving his thanks to Scàthach through their connection.

'Thank you Scà-chan'

Kam blinked his eyes then said. " If it's just that then we would have no problem but can I no- We, Can we request something from you all?"

" A request?" Hajime narrowed his eyes making Kam gulp.

" Y-yes, a request!" Kam nodded " As you've probably known, most of our clansmen were captured by the soldiers from the empire, and so we would like to request you to save them please!" Kam bowed his head along with his fellow Rabbitmen members.

Hearing and seeing their actions, Hajime's gaze softened a little, on the other hand Shiro felt sad for them, it's not easy to bow down and swallow your pride. When someone is bowing that person is either an idiot or a very sincere person.

But what he saw right now we're sincere people who just want to be saved, he glanced at Scàthach who shook her head and shrugged.

Shiro smiled and went to Hajime. " Hajime, go with Kam-san and head to the Sea of Trees, Me and Scáthach will pursue the soldiers and save those captured Haulia."

Hajime and Yue was stunned while Shia and the rest of the Rabbitman clan including Kam was beweldered.

Hajime nodded his head and immediately understand why Shiro had said that.

Shiro is a monster when it comes to speed, Hajime acknowledge that, He knew how fast Shiro can get and that following the Soldiers would be an easy task for him.

Heck, he even doubted if someone could beat him when it comes to speed, he already experienced it many times during their sparring and it's not a very pleasant feeling.

As a marksman, Hajime had eyes like a hawk when it comes to firing his gun, but there's only one target in his entire career being a marksman that he hasn't hit yet and that is Shiro. No matter how fast he fires his guns or how many he fired, he would dodge all of it and immediately appeari in front of him like teleporting.

" Alright, Me and Yue will head straight to the Labyrinth if we found it, follow after your done with your rescue." Shiro nod with a smile, he looked towards Kam and said." Please follow Hajime and Yue, they would protect you from any danger you will encounter."

Kam nodded his head. " Thank you again!"

Shiro smiled and turned back and walked towards Scàthach who was still on her bike. " We have a work to do Scà-chan, Let's go with a boom shall we?"

Shiro transformed back to his feline form and jumped towards the tank of the bike under the shocked gaze of the whole Haulia clan.

Scàthach smiled and accelerated the bike very fast creating a burst dust after they went away.