
Anime verse: Multi-verse travel

A guy reincarnated as Yuu Izumi's Brother in Shikimori San is not just Cute. Let's follow Itsuki Yuu on his travel to the multiveres and beyond.

Meowske_kun · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 14: Unexpected Quest

Shiro and Scáthach traveled in identical black sunglasses while riding an exceptionally stylish red bike.

The two were silent as they raced to catch up to the empire soldiers who had taken the Rabbitman people.

An unexpected notification rang inside Shiro's skull, forcing him to flinch and perk up.

[Ding! ]

He whispered, "An extra quest?" and read the quest.

[Another quest! ]

[Mission 1: Deliver the Haulia Clan from slavery! ]

[Time limit: 24 hours]

[Benefit: Healing cream]

[Penalty: 24 hours of diarrhea]

Shiro's brows knotted as he saw the Penalty, wondering whether the system's creator was playing with him, his eyes twitched when he saw the penalty. but then when he saw the reward, his eyes sparkled.

Healing Cream, a cream that can instantly heal any wounds if used, however it only works if a part of the body is not cut.'

This cream will be useful to him in the future; he knew Scàthach could probably heal him with her runes, but he can't rely on her every time; he'd need something else to heal him, and this cream would be a great assistance.

Scàthach perked up when he heard the news, " Scá-chan, an Extra Quest came up."

"An extra quest? What's the reward this time?" she inquired.

Shiro had gotten numerous extra quests during the past two months inside the labyrinth, and some of the rewards were particularly useful, such as the Dragon scale Shiro obtained after hurting Scàthach in their combat. Later, he presented the Scale to Scàthach as a gift, and she fashioned it into armor that she frequently wore.

Shiro answered, "A healing item."

Scàthach was intrigued by this healing tool, but she was much more intrigued by the mission they had to do before receiving the reward.

"So what's the mission?"

"Rescuing the kidnapped Haulia's, a familiar mission, right?" Shiro smirked, and Scàthach snorted but still nodded.

Shiro laughed, happy that their current goal is completely aligned with the quest they were given. He must get this healing cream because it could prove useful to him in the future.

Shiro sensed a Haulia scent miles distant a few minutes later, and his brows sharpened when he noticed a carriage trail and some fluid stuff. He smelled it and realized it was blood.

"Scá-chan our targets are only miles away, we can still chase them, accelerate faster and, I estimate in three minutes will catch up to them."

"All right! Hold on tight, I'll drive faster!" Scàthach said as he accelerated the bike to its maximum speed.


Shiro was taken back in the past to a moment when the bike literally weeled as she accelerated even further; reflexively, he gripped the tank tighter and even embraced it in order not to fall over.

Because of how fast the bike was traveling, the air pressure became incredibly heavy, so he lowered his head to gain balance.

Shiro's feline form is extremely weak; his base numbers rapidly decreased after transforming into this form. In his feline form, his strength is more than that of most cats, but a cat is still a cat, and it is relatively weak.

Although this form is extremely weak, it has its own advantages. It's quite comfy, and his senses are ten times stronger than they are as a human, and it also offers him night vision. His presence in this form is also reduced by his very light feet, which are practically inaudible, leading him to go unnoticed by many people.

Shiro can, however, employ Kidō and Hohō spells while in this form. Though it is far weaker compared to when he is in human form.

It didn't take long for them to notice a silhouette of a massive carriage transporting a large number of Demi-humans as they traveled at a speed that most humans would be terrified of when riding a bike. It appears that the Haulia clan was not the only one who was apprehended by empire forces.

Shiro's brows furrowed as he realized that the majority of those inside the carriage were either women or children, with only a few men present.

The vehicle was guarded by ten warriors, each of whom wore armor and carried a blade. They were all males, and ahead of them was a man on horseback, presumably the leader.

When Scàthach spotted the carriage carrying the Demi-human, she scowled and focused her attention on the troops who had kidnapped those people.

Slavery is fairly popular in her day, and it is not uncommon to witness numerous individuals being captured to be slaves. However, This is different! This is no longer enslavement; it is just plain kidnapping!

The majority of the people she observed inside the enormous wagon container were ladies with a few guys, the majority of whom were still youthful and beautiful. Scàthach recognized, upon viewing this, that the seized Demi-humans would be used as a sex slave rather than a labor slave!

"Looks like we've come to the same conclusion, huh?" Shiro grinned, knowing by Scàthach's demeanor that she was thinking the same thing he was.

" So? How are we going to deal with this?" Scàthach smirked, clearly excited for some reason.

"Hunt.." A single word conveyed everything Shiro meant to say, and Scáthach understood.

Scàthach smirked as she glanced at the soldiers with evident bloodlust. Shiro smiled, indicating he didn't mind her acting this way.

After all, evil deeds must be repaid in return; he told the Haulia tribe that he would assist them, and he intends to keep that promise.

/// Line Break ///

I'm Shana, a Haulia Rabbitman. I never imagined our kin would go through such a terrible calamity.

Following our banishment from our home, we set out to locate a new home with the Haulia clan. My father and mother were extremely enthusiastic about this, but I am not. Many stories have been told to me about the outside world, about humans, monsters, and other things.

It was perilous, I recognized right away; the haulia clan are naïve rabbit-people, curious and peaceful creatures.

We encountered monsters as we ventured out of the forest, and they hunted us! Many of our people died as a result of it. We ran and ran and ran until we were free of those beasts. We sighed in relief, while others wept because one of their family members had been killed slaughtered.

And just when we thought everything was well, we came across a group of human soldiers. Our leader, the chief, attempted to communicate with them. However, they were driven by greed and began grabbing us.

My father was slain while attempting to defend me and my mother, and my mother died shortly after attempting to struggle in order to save me.

I grieved and wept because my father and mother were no longer alive! After witnessing my parents' deaths, something inside my heart broke, as if my strength had fled my body, and I let the troops to capture me.

The scene where my mother and father died in front of my eyes continues to repeat.

It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hursts, It hursts, It hurts! It hurts! My heart was aching! I'm at a loss for what to do

Someone...please...help me!

It was in that moment when I heard a strange sound coming from a long distance, I turned to see a crimson dot, but then it became clearer and clearer, presenting an extremely beautiful woman riding a strange moving creature with a monster in front....

I looked around, and it appeared that I was not the only one who observed it, as the troops came to a halt and peered at the lady.

It didn't take long for the lady to come to a halt, getting off the strange red object and grinning at us.

That confidence reminds me of the heroes in the books my parents used to read me.

/// Line Break ///

Shiro shifts back to his human form and stands by Scàthach as she gets off the bike and scans the crowds with a smile.

"Hey, Hey, What do we have here?" SoldierA wistfully asked, his gaze fixed on Scàthach.

" *Whistle* Hello, lady." SoldierB

"Now that's some top great beauty" Soldier C

Hearing their remarks irritated Shiro; 'I'm standing here and they never noticed me,' he thought. "Hey! Hey! Don't stare at her too much! I'll gouge your eyes!"

Shiro grabbed their attention this time, and they stared at him for a bit before snorting.

"Huh? What did you say? I couldn't properly hear it because my attention was not on you but this lady." SoldierD said with apparent sarcasm.

SoldierE said, "Go home, boy! Leave this place!"

SoldierF: "Go suck your mom's tits!"

Shiro looked at the soldiers coldly, seemingly undeterred by their remarks, while the soldiers just sneered and brushed it off.

Shana Hulia is an OC that I created and she may or may not appear in the future.

Sorry for the delays to update, I wasn't able to write because the school has started and we were overwhelmed with so many projects.

Oh and please don't forget to drop some Power stones!!

Meowske_kuncreators' thoughts