
Animal Lover Across the Multiverse

Mc is an animal lover. Mc dies saving a puppy from Truck-kun. Mc gets wishes from Truck-kun. Mc reincarnates and goes around the multiverse collecting and befriending numerous magic and mythical beasts. Simple, right? [If you wish to recommend worlds, please do so. Thank you.]

York_Armring · Anime et bandes dessinées
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41 Chs

14: Hanging in a Cliff (3)

Azes and Marius rushed upstairs, but before they could go any further, a light blue spectrum of a horse with wings appeared in front of Azes. Azes was truly surprised to see his mother's Patronum, while he was stunned, the horse changed its shape to the shape of his mother, Perenelle Flamel. She looked at him opened her mouth, and with Perenelle's voice, said: "Take care of the ones outside. Be careful." After saying that, the Patrono simply vanished out of sight. Azes looked at Marius and he nodded, Azes just sighed and slowly walked with him towards the kitchen area. There they saw seven people, all of them unconscious, they all were wearing the same set of clothes. Black, with more black, and black... Azes sighed and muttered under his breath: "Such a bunch of emos." Marius heard him and looked confused at Azes who just shook his head.

Anyway, all of them were incapacitated by the Full Body Paralyzing Curse and also chained to the ground with chains made of iron that was Transfigured by Nicolas probably. Azes also saw their broken wands on the ground, it was a smart move to completely paralyze them and break their wands, but just ro be sure Azes used wandless magic to burn the remnants of the wands to ashes. Going for the back entrance, Azes and Marius had to be very quiet to be not detected by the wizards and witches outside. Azes had an idea, he would have his beasts fight them with his support, so they can have experience with fights against wizards and witches! With a malicious smile, Azes said to Marius: "Just be careful with your surrounding area. Keep quiet and don't move too much."

After saying it, Azes used his Realistic Illusion spell to make him and Marius look like the background, it was hard and he needed to concentrate on the spell, but it was enough to fool the wizards and witches outside giving them enough time for them to go behind some bushes. Azes smiled while Marius was super confused. There were nine people outside, four women and five men... Azes thought for a second, took his white top hat out, and whispered: "Come out, Burn, Iceburn, Nulu, let's have some fun!" After he whispered, from the hat three different beasts popped out. Nulu the Nundu, Burn the Fire Salamander, and Iceburn the Frost Salamander. Azes then started to communicate with them using the Soul Bond they had.

[A/N: This <> will be used when Azes is speaking through his Soul Bond]

<Okay, listen. See those nine humans right there?> Azes.

<Humans? They smell... Similar...> Nulu.

<Kill?> Burn

<Human?> Iceburn

<Yes, I want you to fight against them and kill them. I want you to experience how it is to fight against wizards so you can become stronger, I will enchant your Bloodline later. All three of you.> Azes said while thinking how sad it is that both his Salamander have the intelligence of a five years old baby. But he can change that by buying bloodlines and enchanting them with [Bloodline Enchanting Pills], these pills are divided by ranks, Initial Rank, Intermediate Rank, Advanced Rank, Superior Rank, and Extra Superior Rank. As an example, Nulu has the [Nundu Bloodline] on his body together with a [Primordial Nundu Bloodline], what the pill does is strengthen a strong bloodline while weakening a weak bloodline. Enchanting the stronger bloodline in the process. <Don't worry, I will offer support if something goes south.> Azes said quickly.

<Okay, master.> Burn said.

<Master, okay!> Iceburn added.

<Hum, I will them all alone, no need to help me... But I appreciate if you do.> Nulu, the tsundere, said. If Nundus could blush, he would be blushing now.

Azes chuckled and nodded at them, indicating that they can go. Nulu, like the predator he is, walked slowly like a lion hunting while both Burn and Iceburn followed him. Normally a Fire Salamander can survive outside of fire is 6 hours, but Burn is a little special, Burn has eight legs showing that he can survive out of the fire for eight hours. Iceburn, however, can stay out of a cold place for a long time, unless she is near a source of high heat, she can stay away from the ice for a good week. What is curious is that both Burn and Iceburn are mates, they have mated creating a new species of Salamander. Normally Fire Salamanders and Frost Salamanders would kill each other on sight, but for some reason, they liked each other and actually had babies. Five eggs that Iceburn and Burn needed to hatch together because it has both their bloodline, making it resistant to fire and ice an be able to breathe fire and ice.

Azes was quite surprised and registered it as a higher X than its parents because they were basically their parents together. Azes watched as Nulu jumped and attacked one of the wizards the was near, while the others were distracted, Burn jumped out of the bush and used his fire breath to produce a high quantity of fire. One of the wizards saw this and used the Freezing Charm, shouting: "Glacius!" but out of nowhere, Iceburn jumped and tanked the spell for Burn, who used his Fire Breathe on the wizard that attacked his mate. Together, Iceburn and Burn worked together to protect each other from their weaknesses. While Iceburn protected Burn from Ice and Water spells, Burn protected her from Fire Spells.

Nulu, however, was pretty much dominating the wizards and witches. He was savagely attacking them! Nundus have different shapes of tails, Nulu had a tail with a pointy end, almost like a scorpion but more like a spear on the end of his tail that he was using to attack a witch while also biting and using its claws and poisonous breath attack. It all was going well until one of the wizards used a Bombarda Spell on Burn and hurt both Burn and Iceburn, they were bleeding. Azes simply looked at the wizard who attacked them and slowly got out of the bushes, walked towards Iceburn and Burn and healed them by simply touching them and pointed his finger forward, a barrier made of stone emerged from the ground and protected them from the spells that attacked them, after the wall stopped the spells and Azes healed both Salamanders he simply destroyed the wall with a kick.

He was a little pissed off. His babies were hurt, It made him remember his past life when he had a little puppy and it died because of him because the mere fact he loved the creature hurt it. The poor doggo got advanced cancer out of nowhere and died, Azes blamed himself for a long time. Until this day he asks himself why he was cursed... When Azes came back to himself, his hand was already inside the man and he was kicking the ground, destroying the man and leaving behind a bloody pulp. Azes looked at his hands and... Felt nothing. "That's strange... Why I don't feel anything?" Azes asked himself when suddenly a green beam hit him. He felt numb, air escaped his lungs and he fell back, Marius who was watching the process of Azes healing the Salamanders, snapping and destroying the man, and now dying... Was stunned beyond belief.

Azes' body stood there. On the ground. Nulu quickly killed all the other wizards and witches that just killed its master, Iceburn and Burn were both beside Azes' body. Marius, however, heard: "Fiendfire!" from behind him, and suddenly the whole mansion was on flames, the fire seemed to be alive, taking shape of different creatures and burning the mansion to ashes. "Marius? Azes?" Perenelle and Nicolas just watched his son's body on the ground, speechless.