
Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk

Hey Guys, this story is written by Sinyk on fanfic net. This is not my work. The only reason I am putting this up is because someone has copied Sinyk's entire work word-for-word on this site (claiming it as his own: Harry Potter and the 7 angers), releasing it at a snail's pace, and is also making money off of it on patreon. Pisses me off to no end. Art is by CruderFive1 on DeviantArt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, guys and... guyettes, This one is of epic length. And by that I mean really really long. For those who sent me a note about 'Four Heirs' and thought it long - well, this one blows that one out of the water for length. So, if something only up to - say - 150k words is your cup o' tea, then this isn't for you. No sir-ree! This story hits approximately 480k words. To stop all the whining and bitching right now - yeah, like that's ever going to happen - you'll figure out this is a 'Haphne' story; Dumbledore is (somewhat) good but still manipulative as per canon; Ron's an ineffective non-entity; Snape tries to keep sticking his beak in - and get's it repeatedly thwacked with a rolled-up newspaper; McGonagall gets over her hero-worship of DumDum (I mean, Dumbledore); Hermione is a good friend; Sirius is free; kids are kids; and teenagers are walking bags of hormones. The story follows canon a lot; and I've even included many quoted sections out of the books. I didn't do this to pinch JKR's works. Rather, it's in there to demonstrate similarities while being a different story. So, no biatching about that, either. You've been well and truly warned. Yours, Da crazy bastard who thinks he's an author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

H3llhound2dea1h · Films
Pas assez d’évaluations
87 Chs

Chapter Forty Eight – Dobby's Home

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Forty Eight – Dobby's Home




A couple of weeks later, Harry floo'ed directly to the office of Amelia Bones within the DMLE. He was joined by Daphne. And met Aunt Amelia and Susan there.

Aunt Amelia took them down to the MLE training facility where there were a number of aurors waiting for them.

"Listen up!" she called as soon as she walked in. The room fell silent.

"Hey, I can do that to the entire Great Hall at Hogwarts and I don't even have to say anything," snarked Harry.

"Harry," growled Daphne while Susan smiled at him. Aunt Amelia just turned to him and rolled her eyes.

Turning back to the aurors, she said, "You're all here because you are all having difficulty mastering the Patronus Charm. You're here to learn how to cast it, quickly and efficiently."

The aurors, older adults all, looked back with puzzlement or consternation.

Turning to Harry, Aunt Amelia said, "The floor is yours, Mister Potter."

Madam Bones," said one of the older aurors. "Surely you don't mean for a child to try to teach us such an advanced charm?"

"Auror Dawlish!" she barked back.

Harry held his hand up to stop her and said, "Madam Bones, I believe the floor is mine?"

She hesitated a moment, before she reluctantly nodded.

Harry turned back to the auror and said, "Auror Dawlish, right?"

The man just gave a curt nod.

"Since you seem to be an expert on who can and cannot cast the Patronus Charm," said Harry. "Then perhaps you'd be kind enough to show us yours?"

The man just glared back.

"Hmmm..." said Harry after a few moments. "Then it appears you don't know who can and cannot cast a patronus, after all. But, I guess you need proof."

"Observe, please," he said. Popping his wand out he gathered both his magic and his memory and cast.

Prongs emerged and stood in the centre of the room looking at all the aurors for a few moments. That had them either gasping in shock or simply turning to their comrades and whispering among themselves.

When Prongs turned to look at Harry, Harry said, "Thank you, Prongs. You may go." And the patronus faded away.

He said, "However, maybe you're standing there thinking 'Well, of course, he can cast a patronus. After all, he's the Boy-Who-Lived.' So, let's dispel that load of flobberworm dung, too, shall we?"

Turning to Susan and Daphne, he asked, "Ladies? Would you like to show them yours?"

Susan coyly said, "Now, Harry; that's not a nice thing to ask a lady, you naughty boy."

Most of the aurors just burst out laughing, while a quite shocked Amelia exclaimed, "Susan!"

Harry blushed to the tip of his toes.

A clearly unchagrined Susan impudently grinned back while Daphne just softly smiled. Then both closed their eyes for a moment and cast. Susan's Alsatian leapt forth at almost the same time as Daphne's swan. The Alsatian stood in the room looking around, while the swan gracefully circled overhead. That had all the aurors chatting animatedly among themselves.

Both girls held them for a while before letting them go.

After a few moments, Harry got his embarrassment under control and said, "Now, I taught both these young ladies to cast their clearly fully corporeal patronuses. Madam Bones has asked me - in that soft-spoken kindly manner she has - to come and teach you."

That earned him a few chuckles from the aurors and a glare from Aunt Amelia.

"So, Auror Dawlish, instead of worrying about being taught by a twelve year old. You should, perhaps, worry about whether or not you have the ability to learn from a twelve year old," smirked Harry.

Holding the smile on the unfortunate auror for only a moment, he turned back to the wider audience, clapped his hands down low together once, and said, "Let's get started, shall we?"

"Up against the back wall, please," he said. "Let's try and form ranks as we do so."

A bit of shuffling and the aurors formed reasonably straight ranks.

"Excellent," said Harry. "Hands up those of you who are fathers."

About half a dozen raised their hands.

"Thank you for volunteering," said Harry. "Please come to the front row."

There were a few good natured jibes and chuckles from the others but the six men stepped forward and spread across the width of the room.

"All of you can listen to this, because I'm not fond of repeating myself - something I'm sure you've all heard said to you before..." more sniggers and chuckles, "... I know you've all been taught how to cast this charm, yet it doesn't work for you. That's because, I daresay, the one who originally designed this charm was probably a man; and you ladies will all know just how hard it is to get a man to talk about - love."

More muttering - especially from the ladies.

"You've all been told this charm requires a happy thought to power it. However, that happy thought also needs to include love. That's the real emotion needed for this charm to work. The more love involved in the happy memory, the stronger the power behind the charm.

"So - you six. Wands out and, if you feel you need to, eyes closed," he firmly said before changing his choice to a softer one with a slower cadence. "I want you to remember back. I want you to remember back to the day your first child was born. I want you to remember what it was like - that moment - when you first held your infant child in your arms. Do not deny it, you felt fear - Oh sweet Merlin I've got an infant! I don't know how to be a father! What the hell am I supposed to do? - You felt excitement - Woohoo! I'm a father! - you felt pride - Yeah, see what we did! Are we just the best or what!

"But, beneath it all - when those initial emotions are swept away - this was your child you were holding. It's laying there in your arms. You are responsible for this new life. And, in your head, you're probably making a personal vow to keep this precious one safe. Why? Because, as soon as you laid eyes on it, you fell in love.

"Grab that emotion now. Hold tight to that love you felt then and are feeling now. Let it infuse your very being," said Harry softly as he walked to the first person in the line. "And when it infuses you, cast. "Expecto Patronum."

Almost as one, six arms lifted and cast. And five corporeal patronuses leapt forth. The sixth almost made it.

Harry heard a male voice mutter, "Sweet Merlin above!" from the next row of aurors. Followed by some excited whispering among the others.

Harry immediately walked over to the man who didn't quite make it and said, "Feel the love. Let it infuse you. Let it fill you up - only then, cast."

That time he got it.

Walking back to where he stood first, Harry said, "Not really that hard, after all; is it, folks?" He hesitated a few moments, and said, "Alright you six. You know what you have to do. This time you do it without my coaching, and in your own time. Go for it."

A few seconds later, six patronuses were standing, flying or cavorting not far in front of the first rank of aurors.

As they let them fade away, he said, "Alright gentlemen. Thank you. Please come and stand over here out of the way for the next victims - I mean, volunteers."

Waiting for the men to step aside, he said, "Alright folks, for me it gets a little harder. Do we have any mothers who feel they can use the love they felt for their baby when it was first placed in their arms? Come forth and try."

Two women stepped forward.

"Good. No doubt, you were listening carefully to what I was saying to the first six..."

Harry eventually made it through the twenty-odd aurors who were there to learn. Daphne and Susan even stepped forward to help some of the women who didn't want a male to try and talk to them about the feeling of love. Aunt Amelia even helped with one struggler.

Only two at the end of the day could only conjure a misty shield, even after one-on-one coaching. However, it was better than they'd had in the past. He was not surprised one of those aurors was Auror Dawlish - The snarky one.

He even spent the time to teach them how to use the patronus as a messenger because - as he argued to Madam Bones - it could come in handy to call in reinforcements or direct a battle with diverse forces. Except for the two who could only cast shields he split the group in two and had them send messages to one another.

One young wag even sent a snarky messenger patronus to an instructor who said they'd never be able to cast a patronus. That led to laughter from the group but earned her an eye-roll and mild rebuke from Aunt Amelia.

With that many patronuses running, jumping, slithering or flying throughout the room no one could hold any emotion but happiness.

However, that messaged instructor came running in a few minutes later and was quite gobsmacked by what he found in the large training room. The instructor looked straight at the young auror and demanded, "How did you do that?"

So, Harry had to teach the man how to cast a messenger patronus, for himself.




The rest of the holidays were filled with lazy days and some outings. Eventually, the hubbub over the basilisk passed and the boys were allowed more time without being harassed by people wanting to talk to either of them about fighting the beast.

On one of first trips into the Alley he went in to talk to the goblins about harvesting the creature. They assured him it could be done and somehow used his memory of his and Neville's slide down the pipe to roughly locate where it was in relation to Myrtle's bathroom.

However, after a couple of weeks they still could not find the Chamber using auto-timed portkeys going in an out. So Neville suggested using a house elf's apparition magic to get in there with a locator beacon.

Petey volunteered and was able to use his link to Harry to pop through to the pipe beyond the sink. And then pop through to the other side of the stone door with the snakes. He took with him a portkey locator beacon and set it on the floor in the middle of the chamber not far from the basilisk carcass.

Once he'd activated it he popped back directly to Harry.

The goblins then used the locator beacon to get in there and harvest the carcass. Harry also asked them to leave the bones of the beast whole and wire them together similar to how dinosaur bones were done in museums and the like.

They did that for him, and shrunk the skeleton right down. Harry had plans to see the skeleton suspended from the ceiling in the Trophy Room of the castle; and Neville agreed.

Once everything was done, he and Neville equally divided the gold between themselves. Neville planned on using some of his to build and stock a brand new greenhouse at Longbottom Hall.

Harry had no plans for his own gold at that point, so just left it in his vault.

Another activity he engaged in with Neville was to write up an article for The Quibbler. After the two of them wrote down what happened - but, leaving out anything of a sensitive nature - Harry sent a message to Luna to contact them when she and her father were back home.

He'd learned from a letter he'd received from Ginny that Luna and her father had gone overseas hunting strange and mythical magical creatures.

And, speaking of Ginny, the young girl was keeping her promise and writing to him every so often, letting him know how she was getting on with her treatment with the mind healer. Harry was happy for her she was doing that. But, upset to learn she really did have holdover mental problems from her time while in thrall. At least it was being dealt with.

However, it seemed Mister Weasley the senior had won a prize pool through the Daily Prophet of 500₲ and had taken Ginny, along with Molly, Ronald and the twins on holiday to Egypt, where they would meet up with their eldest son - and Ginny's favourite brother - Bill.

But, thankfully, Ginny continued to write to both him and her nice lady mind healer while she was overseas.

Harry had the annoying problem, over summer, that his voice was breaking. He knew it would happen sooner or later, but it was still a nuisance. He had to take to whispering his incantations to get them to work when he was practicing.

Daphne thought it was cute and Astoria kept asking him to talk to her. Every time his voice cracked - or, worse, warbled - she'd crack up laughing.

The case against Gilderoy Lockhart, whose real name turned out to actually be Roy Schlock, finally reached the courtroom stage and Harry was a pivotal witness. He spoke both about the reality behind the books, and about his time as a student under the man's so-called tutelage.

At the end of the trial, Lockhart - Schlock - had lost everything. He ended up owing far more than he lost in damages and had to claim bankruptcy. However, that mattered little as he was sentenced to five years in Azkaban in the minimum - no dementors - section of the prison.

He had sought help from his publishers but, as they were having to cough up gold left, right and centre to people demanding refunds to their books written by the man, they were not in the helping mood.

Harry's blurb had found a wider audience through The Quibbler after Luna asked him if she could print it. He'd tried to throw her off the author being him but he eventually just sighed and said, "Yes."

She gave him a warm and gentle hug and it appeared a few days later. She refused to divulge from whom she sought permission to print it claiming 'a good investigative reporter did not give up their sources'.

No, the publisher, Obscurus Books, were in enough trouble of their own and also had to pay damages to Harry. However, the publisher and chief editor escaped prison time.

Lockhart's biggest complaint was that he believed someone was clearly blocking his fan-mail from reaching him. And wanted an investigation into the cause so it would be stopped.

Late in the summer and only a couple of weeks before heading back to school for their third year Harry, Daphne, Astoria and Isabel were in the Alley carrying out their shopping. Harry spotted a large crowd around the window of Quality Quidditch Supplies and wanted to investigate. When he was finally able to get through, he saw hovering within the window display a broom. A beautiful, glorious new type of broom. It was called a Firebolt and was the creation of a new broom company called Bolt.

He remembered reading about that company the morning he and Daphne spent at Lily's Pad hiding from Dumbledore. He remembered this was the broom that they'd plan to release by Christmas last year. But, were delayed by both legal wrangling from Comet and Nimbus, who didn't believe Britain could afford another manufacturer, and supposed 'technical difficulties'.

He read through the blurb on the card:

Firebolt by Bolt

Streamlined, superfine handle of ash, treated with a diamond-hard polish

Hand-numbered with its own registration number

Tail twigs of birch, individually selected and honed to aerodynamic perfection

Unsurpassable balance

Pinpoint precision

Acceleration of 150 mph in 10 seconds

Unbreakable Braking Charm

When you pick it up then let go, it hovers at exactly the right height to mount

Turns with the lightest touch. Seems to obey thought, rather than grip

Superbly smooth action

The three points of most interest to Harry in order were; that it accelerated to 150mph in ten seconds, pinpoint precision, and that it turned with the lightest touch.

He took a quick look at the price and it said POA₲. He wanted one - no; two. He now knew what he was going to spend some of his gold on.

Over at Madam Malkin's with Daphne and Astoria he was soon outfitted with yet another set of new school robes. And yet another casual wardrobe that both Daphne and Astoria insisted on 'helping' him with.

Again, he ended up purchasing far more than he thought he'd ever wear. He even mentioned how there were still clothes he'd been forced to buy last year and still hadn't worn. They were going off to the second-hand shops brand new. However, he tolerated it in the end because it made Daphne, and now Astoria, very happy to use him like a dress-up doll.

In return for 'using' him like that, they promised to allow him time in the Quidditch store while they were in the Alley. He just didn't realise they meant as soon as they were telling him what clothes he was to buy.

Once he was fitted out with clothes, the girls shooed him out of the door as they needed to look at 'unmentionables and stuff'. And that he was to wait for them at Floreans - the ice cream shop - for when they were done. That was quite alright for Harry.

He was out the door and over in the Quidditch store faster than you can say 'Ravenclaw wins the Quidditch Cup!'

Inside, he finally managed to corner the proprietor to talk to him about the Firebolt.

"Look, kid," sighed the man. "If you need to ask how much it is, you can't afford it, alright?"

"Well, that's just charming, Quincy" retorted Harry. "Here I was, your supposed friend Harry Potter, wanting to actually buy a Firebolt, and you talk to me like that?"

Startled the man, gaped and said, "Sorry, Harry. I didn't recognise you. You've grown some. And, I keep thinking of you with glasses."

"Yeah, well; you're forgiven," he said. "Now, the broom?"

"Oh, yeah," said the proprietor. "The price is on application. You apply for one of their brooms, and then they'll let you know the price. If you accept, in return you get an individually numbered broom, with your name engraved in the handle, and filled with a small amount of gold."

"Alright," said Harry. "I want two. For this, I don't mind if you use my name to see me put at the top of the queue for them. If I can, I'd like broom number seven. If not. I'll take the lowest numbers available."

The proprietor led Harry over to his counter, offered him two copies of the application form, and told him what to fill out and where.

After filling out and signing both, Harry paid the 200₲ upfront payment and handed the application forms over. The proprietor told him that, as soon as the brooms were ready and winging their way to Harry, the remaining money would be deducted direct from his account.

"How many applications have you processed ahead of me?" asked Harry.

"Two," said the proprietor. "So I like your chances of getting Broom number seven. It just depends on how many have been sold through the other two stores in magical Britain, and how well their intent to sell them overseas is going."

As soon as he arrived at Floreans, he looked to see if the girls were there yet; as he'd been longer in the Quidditch shop than he anticipated. However, they were not. He ordered for himself a nice sundae and waited.

After what he felt was an interminable amount of time, the girls and Isabel finally arrived at the shop but, before they'd even ordered anything, they were dragging him off to finish shopping.

By the time they were finished he was glad to return to the Estate, only to be told they were going shopping again the next day, but this time to muggle London. And he had to go along both to buy clothes of his own and to help carry bags when they needed to be carried.

He groaned.




The week before the return to school, Sirius excitedly floo'ed to Greengrass Estate with Remus in tow and immediately asked to speak with Harry.

When Harry entered his godfather practically picked him up and spun him around, laughing all the time. Even Remus was grinning wide enough it looked like it was going to reach his ears.

"Padfoot!" yelled Harry. "What's gotten in to you? Have you been sniffing poppies in your animagus form again?"

Sirius barked in laughter and said, "No! We caught Pettigrew!"

Harry's eyes widened and asked, "Really?"

"Really really!" replied Sirius laughing.

"How? Where?" asked Harry, his own excitement rising.

"Pure dumb luck is how!" replied Sirius calming down.

With them all taking seats, Sirius explained, "Back in late June, Arthur Weasley won five hundred Galleons from the Daily Prophet in a competition. He and Molly decided to use part of their winnings to take their family on a holiday to Egypt."

"Ginny told me about that," said Harry. "I was concerned she'd miss out on her sessions with the mind-healer while they were away."

Nodding, Sirius continued, "Well, you may also remember the picture of the family - that is, the family without the older two boys, Bill and Charlie - appeared on the front page of the Prophet. In that photo young Ronald, the youngest boy, had a small brown rat perched on his shoulder..."

"Wait," said Harry, understanding. "Not Pettigrew!"

Nodding again with a grim smile, Sirius replied, "Yes, Pettigrew. Remus and I both recognised him immediately. And the photo also clearly showed the rat was missing his left little finger - or claw.

"I was all set to hare off straight to the Weasley's place, the Burrow, but Remus made me see reason..." the other man smiled "... and we went and saw your Aunt Amelia instead.

"A small team of aurors, and us two, then headed straight to The Burrow to capture the rat. However, by then, the family had already left for Egypt. Actually, they'd left the day earlier, so my heading directly there wouldn't have made a difference."

"Damn it," sighed Harry, temporarily forgetting they'd already told him the rat was caught.

"Hang on, Cub," said Remus. "Let him tell the rest of it."

Harry nodded and turned back to his smiling godfather.

"Since they were already gone, and the rat must've gone with them, we thought it best to wait for them to return. They did; this morning.

"Amelia and two of her most trusted aurors were waiting at the International floo arrival point. It is a regulation that pets are to be caged for international travel. So, they just needed to see and secure the cage he was in.

"As the Weasleys arrived the two aurors immediately took control of the cage, held by young Ronald in his hand, stunned the rat and took him away, cage and all. The Weasleys were only told the rat was an illegal animagus wanted for questioning; not of whom.

"He's now sitting in a holding cell at the DMLE offices at the Ministry, forced out of his animagus form. And the dirty rat is singing like a canary!" he finished with glee.

Harry yelled, "Yes!" And jumped up and danced around in exuberant happiness. He was quickly grabbed in a three-way hug by Sirius and Remus, who were also jumping up and down in happiness.

Once they'd calmed down again, Sirius said, "But! This needs to be kept under wraps, for now. No one can know about it. Not even your friends. They're pumping the rat full of Veritaserum to get as much information out of him as they can. He's one of the rare half-bloods who joined Voldemort's ranks, so he's not protected by the law that forbids the use of Veritaserum on purebloods. They're hoping he'll spill the beans on Voldemort's Inner Circle.

"Then, they're going to raid each and every one of them, bringing them all in! Malfoy and his cronies are going down!"

Again, there was a three-way hug as the three danced around in happiness.

From where he was leaning on the jamb in the doorway, Cygnus laughed at their antics.




On the 1st of September they were back on Platform 9 ¾ ready to start their third year of Hogwarts. Harry was as nervous as all get out as the raids to arrest the 'Imperioused' - and other, until now, unknown - 'ex' Death Eaters was taking place that morning.

The raids had to be delayed as some of the more prominent members were overseas on holidays. However, they all had children that attended Hogwarts, and had to be back in time for the Express.

The aurors were using that to their advantage. It meant a lot of the people they wanted to arrest would all be out from under their protective wards, while seeing their children off to school. The aurors were stationed at the floo arrival point over at the old Hotel, and at the known apparition points outside the barrier.

On the platform they were using anti-portkey and anti-apparition wards to stop people leaving directly from the platform. People were being told it was a snap auror training and logistics testing operation in dealing with many people in the event of an attack, to cover up the real reason.

The Greengrasses knew what was going on, and why Harry was so fidgety, but none of their other friends, except Susan, knew why.

"What's gotten into you, Harry?" asked Tracey, concerned for him, as they were standing on the platform. "Are you that nervous about returning to school?"

"Something like that," he muttered in reply. Susan looked at him and gave him a knowing smile, but didn't say anything.

Hermione came through the barrier wheeling her own trolley with her trunk onboard, with a pet carrier on top of that. And she was grinning like a loon.

"What have you got there, Hermione?" asked Neville.

"This is my new familiar, Crookshanks," she replied. "He's part kneazle and part tortoiseshell house cat. And he's really smart."

Harry looked into the cage opening and said, "Good Lord, it looks like someone hit him in the face with a house brick."

"Harry!" scolded Hermione. The cat growled and hissed back. "He's beautiful!" she said, in defence of her familiar.

"You've bonded with him?" asked Harry.

Hermione looked a little afraid before she said, "No, I don't think I need to. And..."

"And the idea scares you," he said, finishing for her. "It's only something to do if you really feel the need to."

She nodded.

"I take it, as he's part magical, you went into a pet shop in Diagon and felt a strong pull in his direction?" he asked.

She nodded, "Yesterday. I just knew I had to have him."

"That's the bond, Hermione," said Harry. "It's a natural familial bond. Congratulations."

She nodded again, accepting the unspoken apology. "Thank you, Harry."

Daphne also had a pet carrier. She'd finally decided on purchasing an all black adolescent female cat with green-flecked eyes. She'd named it 'Midnight'.

Harry honestly thought it actually was a beautiful cat.




On the trip to the castle, Luna didn't join them, this time. She said she wanted to go and talk with her old friend, Ginny, first. She wanted to make sure she was alright.

When Harry went looking for her, to make sure she was alright, he found the two girls chatting away, happily together. He didn't disturb them. He was glad the two were renewing their friendship. Clearly, this was a happy side-effect of Ginny's time with the mind-healer.

He also sought out Astoria and saw her talking to a group of girls her own age. Again, he didn't want to disturb them, so snuck away before they saw him.

He told the others what he'd found when he returned to 'their' compartment.

During the trip, Hermione told them all about how Wendell was frustrated with Dobby. He was going to ask Harry to take him back, but Monica refused to hear about it.

Apparently, Wendell thought of some chores as a form of relaxation. When he wanted to just stop and think, he'd go out and wash the car or do something else equally menial. However, when he took a bucket of hot soapy water out to wash the car, he found it already clean both inside and out. So, he went and got the car polish to polish it and set to work. Dobby chatted amiably with him while he watched Wendell polish. From then on, Dobby did it.

She also mentioned how her father would occasionally like to go and hunt red grouse, commonly known as moorfowl in Britain, during the last two weeks of the summer holiday. To do this he had a pair of shotguns. Again, Dobby watched him carefully strip, clean and oil both guns. And then took on the role himself.

For Monica, she enjoyed cooking for pleasure and loved to learn and try new recipes. After an initial argument over responsibilities in the kitchen, she and Dobby reached an accord. She was 'allowed' in the kitchen so long as she taught Dobby new recipes for meals the family loved, and how to use the electric appliances. In return, Dobby taught her new recipes.

After the first few weeks they happily worked together in harmony. Harry knew Dobby was only humouring his mistress, because he could pull the information on how to do all that simply by reading her mind. It amused him the level of slyness Dobby exhibited.

Monica also liked to have the outside gardens looking nice. She would use planting new annuals and biennials in their large garden as the same form of menial, mind-clearing labour as Wendell used to wash and polish the car, or strip and clean his shotguns. However, she was not fond of weeding.

So, Dobby would weed the garden beds and trim up the existing, overgrown plants, while Monica came behind and planted new plants; even though Dobby had offered to do it for her.

However, Monica hated with a long ingrained passion indoor housework - other than cooking - and Dobby was a willing and expert house worker. For that reason, above any other, she was determined Dobby was to stay. If he didn't, Wendell would find himself doing all the housework. Argument over.

She didn't know how the little fellow did it, but he was also handling the shopping. So Daphne, Tracey, Susan and Hannah told her how the elves accomplished it.

Harry found that part of the conversation quite interesting. He had no idea there was a muggle supermarket that secretly opened at night for the house elves to shop. Apparently, it was run by the family of a squib.

They mentioned how the shop had large blinds they would pull down over the front windows and run through the night. When anyone asked what they were doing, the family would originally merely say they were running an overnight stocktake. Now there was a special set of wards that were activated that made people simply not ask.

Hermione made note of that to write her mother and let her know.

When they had visitors over on a couple of occasions, Dobby disappeared. However, when Monica went out to make tea for them, the setting would already be set up ready for her to take it out to the guests; complete with suitable biscuits and cake artfully arranged. In the evenings it would be chilled wine or whatever the guest asked for instead.

Dobby was definitely fitting in to the Granger household well. And Harry was happy for both the Grangers and the little elf.




Once again this is not my work. Original work is written by Sinyk on fanfic.net

H3llhound2dea1hcreators' thoughts