

"Have you seen Brooke?" I asked for the tenth time that day. It had seemed like he had vanished in midair when he was working on the repairs not two hours before.

"He was talking to a little girl over there last time I saw him," Aurora, one of my soldiers, pointed to the designated area. Everyone had been telling me that though we had no little girl in our faction. They had all been killed off slowly by the Dark Angels. I gave a quick nod, letting her know I heard her before walking to the spot she had directed me to. Sure enough, a girl was cowering amid everyone.

"Who are you?" I looked down upon her shivering body, not bothering to get on eye level.

"Nina," she whimpered, hugging my legs. I tensed at her unwanted touch, pushing her away quickly.

"Where did Brooke go?" For the first time since meeting her, I realized that her wings were white and black. It was highly rare to see a mix-breed. I hid my surprise under I look of sheer calm.

"Mrs. Kora said that he was a bad guy and that she needed help capturing him," she grinned proudly at this. "I was the one who helped her!"

"Uh-huh, and where did she take him?" Nina's lips puckered in thought, her eyebrows knitting together.

"I dunno," a shrug, and she bounded off.

"Carlos capture her," the male soldier behind me caught a quick glimpse of the mismatched

colored wings and was off to seek the little girl. "Aurora, Ash, Logan, and Kara," each of them circled me, ready for orders. "We're going on a search and rescue mission to find Brooke, Ash I need you to stay here and look after the place." My back was tender from the fight not too long ago, but still, I soared up to the exit point and tried to hide my wince as my wings strained my back even more. Pain couldn't stop me from helping the people I love.