
The Sword of Evil

“We’re rich, man! We’re rich!” Chickenpoop said, opening the bag.

“Yeah, pal!” Butcher said. “We’re rich. I’m gonna buy the whole city!”

“Yeah, yeah that’s a great ambition. I’m gonna buy you,” Chickenpoop said, laughing.

“How hilarious, man! Go ahead, buy me and go kill that stupid Amber. She thought she could steal this money all by herself,” Butcher said before licking his thumb. “Here, take your part. Ten thousand dollars, eleven thousand dollars, twelve thousand dollars . . .”

“Holy moly. Look at all these fortune papers!” Chickenpoop exclaimed, smiling as he rubbed his hands.

“Thirteen thousand dollars,” Butcher continued. “Fourteen thousand dollars, fifteen thou—Wait a minute,” he said, taking one bill and studying it.


“These are fake!” Butcher said, throwing the bills and standing up.

“What do you mean it’s fake?” Chickenpoop asked, scanning the bills. “Damn it!” he exclaimed, throwing the bag into the air. “I’m gonna kill that bi***!” he screamed, taking a gun from his back and cocking the hammer before firing it upwards.

“Come here, buddy. Let’s go find that traitor,” Butcher said, walking away.

“Buy me some drink man, I am really, really pissed. I need some energy to slam that woman’s face on a wall,” Chickenpoop said.



Pretty woman, walking down the street

Pretty woman, the kind I like to meet

I was listening to the song with my headphones on when I passed by Trader Bo’s and went to it. Looking at the items inside the grocery store, my eyes caught an alley filled with chips and drinks. I took several bags and a can of soda.

“How much?” I asked the cashier.

“Two bags of chips and a can of soda, that’s six dollars,” he answered. “Two dollars each for all items, yeah.”

“Sure,” I said.

“Thank you,” he said.

“Don’t mention it,” I answered before turning around and bumping into somebody.

“How much is this bottle of—you b****!” Chickenpoop said.

I hurriedly ran out of the store with Chickenpoop and Butcher chasing me. I ran as fast as I could alley after alley and hid behind dumpsters until I ended up facing a dead-end. The song I was listening to was still playing through my headphones in a loop, making me feel like dancing.

“Where is the money, Amber?’ Chickenpoop asked, pointing a gun at me.

“Give us the real money. You have no way out now,” Butcher said, cocking the hammer.

Saying nothing, I opened a bag of chips and munched on them.

“Stop playing games, Amber. We know you have the money,” Butcher said.

“Says who?” I smirked.

“I’ll count one to five, Amber. If you’re not giving us the money, we will shoot you,” Chickenpoop said, cocking the hammer. “Five, four, three . . .”

“You gotta learn Math again, Chickenshit. You’re counting backwards.” I scoffed.

“Chickenpoop, you b****! It’s Chickenpoop, not Chickenshit!” Chickenpoop uttered loudly.

“Whatever. Shit and poop are twins anyway.” I scoffed.

“Shut up!” Butcher said. “Give us the money!” he said, firing the gun at my feet.

“I thought you’re shooting me?” I smirked, continuously munching on the chips. “Come on, brothers. Why don’t you admit you’re scared of me? Do you guys really wanna know where the money is? Too bad, you figured it out late.”

“Don’t push us to our limits, Amber. Your life is in our hands, and we can end you right now!” Butcher said.

“Yeah, we can end your damn life right now!’ Chickenpoop added.

“Oh yeah, hit me up when you face the devil in hell,” I said, taking my pistol out and shot Chickenpoop in the head.

“You b****!” You killed my brother!” Butcher exclaimed before firing his weapon at me, but I dodged it in a body-swerve and climbed the wall.

He followed me as I jumped over to the other side as the chase carried on to an endless cycle of hide-and-seek.

I hid behind a dumpster and under the garbage bags. Seeing him behind me, I threw the can of soda at him and hit his nose, making it bleed to some extent. I didn’t know why but I felt sorry for what I did when I heard him scream in pain.

“Oh ah . . . I’m sorry. Did it hurt?” I asked.

“F**** you, b***!” he shouted, running towards me.

“Come and get me—”

I suddenly felt an unexplainable pain in my gut. It was the same pain I felt at the apartment earlier that the groceries and my headphone fell onto the ground. I felt my blood boiling, and I couldn't move. Butcher walked towards me and hit me in the face with a gun. I was crying in pain and tried to stop him but he kept on punching my face and kicking my stomach.

“Stop it, Butcher. Stop it,” I screamed, trying to walk away from him. My vision was hazy, and I couldn’t even move my steps without tripping over. My legs seemed to stiffen, and I started shaking violently as I lay on the ground.

“Stop! Stop!” I continued to scream.

“I will kill you, you b***!” Butcher shouted as he went on hitting me in all parts of my body.

I could see red, and I felt like I would die. Losing my breath, I held my throat gasping for air. My body just won’t stop shaking, and I saw Butcher’s eyes turn black. Butcher hit me one last time but was surprisingly thrown against the wall. I had no idea, but it felt like I was being reborn. My strength was refueled, and my vision was clearer than ever that I could see his darkened soul, burning in hell alive. I took my pistol and smashed it in his face again and again.

“You moron. You think you can kill me? Think again,” I said.

“Yeah, go ahead. Kill me,” he said in a deep voice I was sure wasn’t his.

“Gladly,” I said before shooting him in the head.

A swirling huge dark smoke rushed out from his mouth, and a violent wind blew around us. His face was horribly slashed into pieces when I knew a pistol wouldn’t do anything like it as it was just a gunshot. Everything just caught me by surprise and left me horrified. I ran away with raging questions in my mind and as I halted on my knees to catch my breath, something frightening froze my body from moving—my shadow.