

What if iruka and the sandaime weren’t the only ones to witness Naruto defeat mizuki. What if someone wanted Naruto even more than kakashi. What happens when a butterfly flaps it’s wings and introduces Naruto to the darkness of the world instead of the light.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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41 Chs


(AN: I'm not doing a hinata x Naruto story. I've seen it to many times and I don't really like her character. I always preferred the lesser chosen girls like tamari, ino, koyuki, Hana, or mei.)


*naruto's mind scape*

Blinking awake naruto found himself in a 'am I in a sewer?' Naruto thought while looking around. Looking up he saw a red pipe and a smaller blue pipe. Narrowing his eyes he felt a pull in a direction. Going along the tunnel he found himself in he walked for a good bit before. "Hmm it's opening up to a….cage?" Than it hit him "kyuubi you called me."

"Oh you headed my call that's surprising. You mother u youjust impaled me with a nail and the first to imprison me would just yell at me." Cam a deep and gravely voice.

"I see your not a mad beast." Naruto stated rather calm.

"Your acting weird boy." The kyuubi acknowledged seemingly curious

"I am overwhelmed but for some reason my emotions are being held back." Naruto stated seemingly confused as well. "I'm guessing this is my mind scape?" He asked

"Yes this sewer is your mind scape." The kyuubi replied there was still amber and hatred in its eyes but also curiosity

"Than it's a subconscious act. I've always suppressed my true emotions and faked what I've shown people. The only ones who see the real me are the old man, big bro, Nemo-nee, and somehow dragon. Although dragon is due to probably experience in dealing with people lying." Naruto stated

"The real you is smarter than the you on the outside." Kyuubi stated as a matter of fact.

"Yes I can also see that it's impacting you. Your eyes hold so much hate and anger yet your able to speak normally." Naruto replied

"Hmm you are right my head is clearer, less clouded by hate and anger. It's still there I can feel it but it's suppressed." The kyuubi nodded along

"Why did you attack?" Naruto questioned

"Why should I tell you?" The kyuubi asked back

"Because it seems boring in here and we can strike a deal." Naruto replied

"Hmmm deal. Rip a small part of the seal off. I'll stop messing with your chakra control, and I'll tell you why I attacked." The kyuubi agreed

"What do you get out of this?" Naruto asked with caution

"I can see, hear, and feel the outside world again something I haven't done without being mind controlled in a hundred years or so." The kyuubi responded

Nodding Naruto walked up to the steel and looked in the kyuubi's eyes. "I can feel your emotions suppressed or not and you can feel mine. Somehow the yondaime connected our souls. I die we die permanently no coming back."

"Yes unfortunately until the seal is removed it will be that way. Also now that our deal is complete I'll tell you what happend." The kyuubi stated gaining Naruto's full attention. "Your mother was giving birth and the seal weakened. Someone took advantage of this and put me in a genjutsu. The only people who could do this are those who possess the mangekyou sharIngan. They called themselves madara but were lying they were way to weak to men him. He's the reason your mom is dead and I'm in here."

"I see….than how about another deal?" Naruto asked a smile coming to his blank face as his eyes burned with hatred.

"Hmmm why not." The fox agreed with a similar smile and look in its eyes.

*real world*

Yawning as soreness hit him naruto tried to stretch only to be answered by a feminine groan and to be hugged tighter. Blinking Naruto looked to his right. Coming face to tit with a pair of boobs he looked up and saw 'who…oh shit.' As memories of last night hit him he thought 'we didn't use a condom fuck.'

'Don't worry boy I took care of it.' A deep voice sounded out in his head. Opening his mouth naruto was cut off. 'Think don't speak.'

'Thanks kyuubi what did you do though.' Naruto asked

'Hmm I've never been thanked before weird child.' The kyuubi mumbled to itself before continuing. 'I made you temporarily infertile. It will go away when you want to have a kid or when I'm completely sealed away.'

'I see that will be a life saver.' Naruto replied as he created a clone and switched with it. Looking back at the sleeping woman he saw a happy and serene smile on her face. 'She looks better with that smile it may be a far cry from the seductive or predatory ones from last night, but better.' Naruto thought as more memories of all the things they did popped into his mind. His morning woody that was going away made itself known again. Sighing he looked over at a clock 7:00 AM. 'I still have an hour before training starts.' He thought before making another clone with the order of *henge and get breakfast a big one steal some of the hood stuff.* than licking his lips at the thought of those steamy pancakes and crunchy hash browns he actually tasted something sweet like honey. Knowing what it was he blushed a bit while he felt himself harden more. Groaning he was about to leave the room as.

"Leaving so soon?" A seductive and sultry voice echoed into his ear. Turning around he saw a completely naked Amy with his clone firmly planted into her lower mound. "Your clone was feeling thirsty so I thought I would give him something to drink. I can tell you want some." As she finished she shot a hungry look at his lower region. "Here let me make some space for you." She spoke while popping the clone with her thighs revealing her sopping wet mound and glistening and puckering lower hole.

"A drink would be nice." Naruto unconsciously answered as he was drawn in .

*twenty minutes later*

Sitting at the table both Amy and Naruto ate their breakfasts in a pleasant silence as the morning light came in. Looking up Naruto spoke "is this a one time thing or…"

"Hmm oh you ain't getting away that easily." She started while the hungry look in her eyes came back full force. "You've never had sex or even jerked it before right?" She asked as she saw him shake hhis head. "Yet you were able to keep up with me. Hell your reserves seemed to completely refill over night. I'm not letting a stud like you go. You said your apartment was a shit hole, well this one ain't so your moving in." She spoke bluntly

"Hmm it would be nice to live with someone and not alone. But no one can know except for your most trusted friends. No one can know that I'm in anbu that doesn't already know." Naruto replied

'Aww he thinks it's a big secret, I can't wait to see his face when he realizes everyone's just playing along because it's funny.' Amy thought with a small smile. Than speaking Amy stated "sure but your payment is going to be taking me on dates, helping with the chores, and most importantly pleasing me."

Blushing at the incineration he just nodded before looking at the clock. "I have to be at training soon so I'll see you tonight." Naruto stated as he got up.

"Don't forget to henge when you get out. I may live in the anbu residential area but there are some civilians allowed in here for running a few small shops." Amy replied as she walked up next to Naruto. Than grabbing him "Also this." She spoke before plunging her tongue in his mouth. Than releasing him she pushed him out the door. "Good luck." She spoke a final time as the door shut behind him. Behind the door Amy spoke to herself "I'm not loosing him. Uzumaki plus jinchuurki equals a stamina machine." As she licked her lips. "Now to go brag to rumi and the others." As she finished she headed for a door to the side that was thought to be a closet till she opens it revealing rumi who was holding a door on the other side open. Both of them having similar grins.

*rumi's apartment 7:00 AM*

Groaning hair stirred a little as he held his head with one hand. Trying to move the other produced a slight feminine moan. Looking to his left he saw 'rumi.' Than as memories hit him he practically shook in excitement. 'Finally…alright calm down haru you showed her a good time. Now it's time to catch her for good.' As his thoughts finished he slowly extracted himself from the woman as gently and slowly as he could. Than putting on a big grin he took out a scroll. "Now it's time to blow her mind with some cooking. Hopefully this will be enough." He whispered to himself as he left the room.

As he did rumi's eyes shot open as a small smile come over her face. As she thought 'oh so he's not going for catch and release that's a first. The others ran and bragged as soon as they were done.' After 20 minutes she smelt 'eggs, bacon, and orange juice.'

Licking her lips she was about to get up before she heard her room door open. Pretending to be asleep she felt haru lightly shake her. 'Aww he's considerate might as well reward him.'

"Hey rumi wake up I made breakfast. I got to leave soon for training." Haru lightly whispered.

Faking a tired groan while stretching she grabbed onto haru and whispered. "Carry me." While thinking 'will be carry me.'

"Alright." He responded as he gently picked her up in a princess carry and held her close and tight.

While she blushed a little while thinking. 'Hehe mine. I'm so bragging about finding a good man to the others.' As she clung onto him.

*30 minutes later*

Giving haru a sloppy kiss as she pushed him out rumi shut the door and headed to another. Opening it revealed a smiling Amy who was opening a door on her side with a similar smile to her own.


"Wow." Came two voices looking at each other haru and Naruto spoke "haru/Naruto." Than looking behind them they saw two name plates *amy* and *rumi*

"So I had a good night you." Asked naruto

"Yup I cooked her breakfast as we'll hopefully I can keep her." Haru responded

"I just sent a clone to casper's dinner. Stole some fresh pancakes and hash browns. Can you teach me how to cook." Asked Naruto

"Hmm sure I'll leave a clone with some of yours . But we should probably get going." Haru replied as Naruto nodded and put on his mask. Doing the same haru and Naruto took off.