
An Unlikely Combination [Marvel/ Dc/ Dragon Ball]

Reincarnated in a dc/ Marvel combination universe as a Saiyan hybrid. Dragpn ball is not really apart of this, this is just a DC Marvel combination, with a hybrid Saiyan between him as a half Saiyan and half something else.

ElliotJackson2 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs


My eyelids slowly fluttered, open, yawning, before my eyes snapped open, I looked around confused. 

This is not my bed.

Nor, is this my house.

I am not in a house at all.

I...I am outside, I looked around confused.

This is a city, but It's not my city. 

I stared.

As a matter of fact, I didn't live in a city; I lived in a suburban area.

I stared for a longer moment before I tilted my head back to look at the skies. The skies were clear and I had seen tall buildings that stretched to the skies. 

I was kidnapped, that was actually the first thought that came to my mind.

I had a headache.

A very, massive headache; so I could not think straight.

I gazed down at myself and realized something else. This body, this was not my own.

My body, whose skin color was normally a dark bronze was now light-tanned.

My Hair, which was normally cotton black, was now, a spiky jet black. 

My muscles, I had, muscles, I was built like John Cena in his prime.

My eye color I couldn't tell for sure...

I slowly walked to the reflection, of one of the glass buildings, and wiped the fog from the windows. My reflection glinted in the Sunlight.  And when I had thought was my own, a teenager's reflection stared back at me, besides that fact. It was then I realized I was in a body not my own.

I stared at the reflection in the mirror, cautiously.

My eyes, no...my eyes they were...different. They used to be of the same color, onyx black, but now...they were sky blue.

Ok...not kidnapped, R.O.B.ed.

What is the term, R.O.B?

Well, in a lot of self-insert, which is when the author, inserts himself into a work of fiction created by other users; creating fanfiction.

R.O.B. from the stories that I have read, are mostly in a grey area, with some being downright evil; fueled by their urges and desires to entertain themselves, I have seen, a good, R.O.B. Once in my time reading fanfictions, of all the times reading fanfiction.

I can't remember what that fanfiction was, it has been too long since I had. However, as I looked at the reflection in the tower, I had to admit that I looked good.

I looked hot, not going to lie. However, not only was I back a teenager, but what really shocked me was the feeling of power from within me. it was wild and untamed. 

I clenched, my fist tightly, but then I noticed something different. As I looked down at my hands, The corner of my eyes, caught a glimpse of something brown and soft wrapped around my waist. 

This was a tail. 

More specifically, a monkey tail. 

Hold on, I recognized this tail. It was a tail that looked, Identical, to the Dragon Ball Anime I used to watch as a kid, and let's be honest, I still watch it from time to time.

My mind flashed back to all of the episodes, of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super, as well as Dragon Ball Superheroes. I remembered the fan-made, images, fanfictions, and what-ifs that existed on Youtube 

"But hold on..." I looked around at all the people, who were walking,  some of them were ignoring me, while others, specifically some of the women, were looking at me with an admiring look as they passed by me.

I was flattered, I ain't going to lie.

I took into the city in my gaze, the modern Structures before me, and compared it to the structures of the Dragon Ball Earth. 

If I was a Saiyan, and if I was truly in the dragon ball universe, this would not be there, these structures, these are too similar to the structures of my Earth.

I looked back at my hands and bent my fingers slightly,  I looked back up at the buildings.

This must be a different Earth then.' I muttered with a finality. 

I slowly turned my back to the reflection and started to walk away slowly...

I do not know who I am, and what am I, and before I do anything else, I must find out, what universe I am in, clearly, this is not the dragon ball universe. I do not know what kind of beings exist in this universe and beyond, I need to find out, before I start anything extreme.


Knowledge is power after all...and knowledge is necessary. I walked slowly through the busy streets, searching for any sign of the world that I was in.

"What year is this?" I asked curiously to a random stranger. who looked at me with concern "1983, are you feeling ok?"

I chuckled, "I'm fine, can you ask me another question? Who's the president of the United States?"

  "Gerald Ford." She replid still looking at me in slight concern, she looked familiar I just couldn't place my finger on it. "Are you sure you feeling okay young man?" She asked, "That is common knowledge anyone should Learn."

  I analyzed her from the distance, Black hair, down to her neck, emerald green eyes,  wearing the typical 80's garb one would be seen from way back then; at; least from where I have seen in the posters and the movies I have seen with my mother and countless movies,  from where I was originally from. 

  "I'm not from around here...." I said with a chuckle,  "Sorry for the inconvenience."

  "No harm no foul." She said with a smile..

  "Names Aaron by the way, Aaron Jackson." I held up my hand for hers to shake. "Martha." She responded with a smile as she shook my hand, "Have a good day." She began to walk off, and something in my head clicked as if a lightbulb suddenly turned on.

Wait a minute...Martha...Martha... Martha..." I looked at her closely, as if I was analyzing her for a small moment, before....my eyes widened in complete disbelief,  That's Bruce Wayne's mother, how the fuck did I miss that.

  I also realized one simple fact.

  I am in the Dc Universe,  as a Saiyan... I stared blankly at the spot where she had vanished into the distance.  "What in the actual F-

This is a combination universe... I am just posting the first chapter so you can decide if you like it or not, he is just assunming now, but this is a combination of Earth between Dc and Marvel. Please, remember to click the heart on my profile and add my story to your library, I might post sooner than Christmas if I have enough chapters ready.

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