
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

ArifuretaForever · Anime et bandes dessinées
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96 Chs

Chapter 9: A Night To Remember

(3rd Person: POV)

As Laura, Roman, and his friends hit the ground after being scattered by the explosion that had just occured in front of them, the perpetrator of said explosion decided to move in on them.

It was more men in black.

One of them had just fired off a rocket at Roman and his group.

"Move in." The man holding the rocket launcher spoke, their voice muffled and indistingushable. "Secure the subject and kill the others."

"Sir!" A chorus of voices rang out.

Men with assault rifles then started moving in the direction of Roman and his group.

As they did so Roman and the others worked to get their bearings.

Roman and Laura being the first of the group to do so.

Given they both had regenerative healing powers.

'Fuck, what hit me?' Roman thought.

But he didn't have time to think for long. For Roman noticed more armed black-clad individuals marching toward him and his friends from the ally to his left out of the corner of his left eye.

Seeing this group and knowing what was likely about to happen Roman knew he couldn't waste another second.

Touching the ground with both hands he quickly absorbed it and transformed his entire body into concrete asphalt.

After doing this Roman jumped to his feet and transformed his left hand into a Morningstar and his right arm just below his elbow into a spiked shield.

Once this was done Roman charged forward toward the black-clad individuals, his spiked shield transformed arm in front of him.

Reaching them in only a few steps Roman rammed his spiked shield arm directly into the first attacker.

Blood flew through the air as the spikes of Romans' shield arm pierced right through the enemy.

"Shoot him!" One of the remaining attackers yelled. They then raised their assault rifle in Roman direction and pulled the trigger.

The same with some of the others attackers.

As bullets started flying toward him Roman used the enemy that was impaled on his spiked shield as a shield.

He lifted the person up in the direction of the bullets and their body took most of them.

What bullets the body didn't absorb simply bounced off Roman's transformed skin.

Watching this happen Laura Kinney didn't quite understand the situation.

Though she did know one thing.

Her enemies were in front of her and they needed fo be dealth with.

Releasing a snarl Laura jumped to her feet and then started running towards the enemy.

Getting right behind Roman she jumped over him, and then landed right atop an enemy knocking them to the ground.

Then before they could even react Laura took the adamantium claws on her left hand and raked it across their throat.

Severing it instantly.

Releasing a cry after she did this Laura started using her claws to cut to pieces all of the other enemies.

Seeing this Roman was left speechless.

Thanks to his prevuous life memories he knew Laura was literally raised to kill from birth, but reading about something on a page and seeing it yourself in person are two very different things.

As Laura continues to moed down the enemies one after another Roman felt like he was looking at a machine more than a person.

Still he didn't look away.

In part because he knew taking your eyes off an enemy in battle was an idiotic move, and in part because the way Laura was fighting was turning him on just a small bit.

'Should I be worried I'm getting aroused seeing a girl slaughter people?' Roman thought. '....Nah. I'm sure this feeling doesn't mean much.'

Roman would soin learn later how wrong he was.

But that is a story for the future.


Letting out groans Bobby and the others slowly started to stir awake.

Eventually they were fully awake, and immediately after they were they turned their attention in the direction of Laura.

Just as she sliced the throat of the last enemy.

The moment this happened Roman three the corpse off his spiked shield arm and transformed it back to normal.

He did the same with his left hand.

Once he did so he turned to his friends and moved over to them.

"Are you guys ok?" Roman asked them.

"Yeah, I think." Bobby replied.

"Good." Roman said. "Now let's get the hell out of here." He spoke.

Since Roman did not want to be around when the cops and bystanders showed up.

"Wait, what about her?" Rogue asked. Pointing a finger behind Roman.

Turning his head around Roman found himself face-to-face with Laura.

'What the hell, when did she get so close to me?' Roman thought.

Since he didn't even hear or sense Laura approaching him.

Roman thought about to for a moment before he quickly dismissed those thoughts.

'Questions later. Right now we need to escape.' Roman thought.

"Hey, come with us if you want to live" Ronan told Laura.

"Woah' woah' Roman what the hell are you doing?" Allen asked. "You saw how she just killed those soldiers and now you want her to come with us?"

"I do." Roman replied. "Those soldiers were chasing her so that means she's in trouble. Plus she just helped us out by killing those soldiers and saving our lives. Not to mention her claws. Don't they remind you of someone else's?"

"Mr. Logan's." Kitty spoke.

"Exactly Kitty." Roman replied. "So given all those things I don't see an issue with asking her to come with us. That is if you want to come with us?"

"I do." Laura curtly replied.

Namely because they knew and smelled like the man her mother told her about.

A man her mother told Laura would help her.

So she will follow them and they will hopefully lead her to the man she is searching for, and if not she can simply kill them.

Though the one in front of her, Roman, might give her a bit of trouble.

Still for Laura it matters not.

To achieve her goal she will do what she must.

"Great." Roman replied to Laura. He then turned to look at his friends. "So?"

"Fine." Bobby replied.

Rogue and Kitty simply nodded.

"This is crazy. But whatever." Allen said.

The vote unanimous the group, plus Laura, quickly fled the area.

Returning to their vehicle they started racing back towards the mansion.

The group knowing a whole lot of shit was going to hit the fan the moment they arrived.