
An Ancient Saiyan in Marvel

as Noah lay down beside the road, in unbearable agony  He reflected in his final moments. "Finally, it's over, no more suffering, no more pain." "I just hope that if there is a next life, I could live freely." Follow Noah on his journey through Marvel, My Hero Academia, Bleach, and other realities. Please be patient as this is my first time writing and English is not my first language. I own nothing; this is merely a fanfic.

solibus_orba · Films
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47 Chs

Chapter 21: A short time skip

It's been a month since LA was turned on its head. People are beginning to calm down and return to their regular lives.

Well, almost everyone.

Several existing groups, as well as new ones, began to emerge into the spotlight.

On one hand we have all kind of Religious groups pushing on their agendas.

The end of time are upon us believers of X and X repent for your sins and become a devoted follower of our god before it's too late!!

Then there are other religious groups that have said things like.

This cataclysm occurred because God was enraged by how many of us chose the path of debauchery, and so the Lord made an example of the biggest den of the devil, Los Angeles as a wake up call for all of us!!

Most of the Religious groups said almost the same things with bit of twist to support their narrative, then they followed by asking believers for donations.

And it was effective. Tens of millions of people began to either convert, donate, or do both.

On the other hand, we have hundreds of random groups, each with their own conspiracy, and to avoid dragging this out into the next year, I'll only talk about two.

The Doomsayers.

These people are more of a cult they believe that there was an ancient entity sleeping under MT Lee and for some reason or another it has woken up!! Signaling the end of the earth, and so they dress in cult attires and sacrifice goats and other animals to appease the imaginary entity, it won't be long before this cult starts offering humans for this imaginary entity but that problem is for someone else to handle.

Next we have the Friends of humanity.

The Friends of Humanity is a pro-human hate-group that promoted bigotry and violence against mutants, lobbying politicians to pass anti-mutant laws and other such racist acts. And now that there has been an unexplainable disaster that has smashed half of La, they are pushing harder than ever to pin the blame on the mutants and anyone who stands with them.

Well..... if you think about it, the X-men are part the reason MT Lee became a thing of the past and half of LA been ruined but that's beside the point.

Charles Francis Xavier, also known as Professor X, a leading figure in the mutant community, is fighting back against such devmotory accusations, claiming that if it hadn't been for the X- men's valente efforts on that fateful day, many people would have been severely injured, if not killed.

Following that, both groups have been at opposition for the past month, with many expecting them to continue to be into the far future.

Next we have The church of the Flying Spaghetti.... Monster ??!


Who Put that in here ?

(Static sounds)

(Static sounds)

Now that we have a better understanding of what is going on in the world today, let us zoom in on the root of all of this.


On one of the many roofs in the monastery, we can find Noah laying down sleeping in the open, basking in the light of the moon and stars, with both hands behind his head.

At the tip of his nose, a bubble grew larger and then smaller every few seconds.

Noah: " ZzZzZzZz"

Then there's a small black creature sitting on Noah's chest, trying to pop the bubble.





But every time the creature attacks the bubble, it feels like it's attacking an iron wall.

I can hear you asking, who is this Creature and why is Noah no doing anything to it ?

Well you see this Creature is no normal entity!!

She is a terrifying beast with many names.

She has a coat of void-colored fur on her body.

She has eyes that are as bright as the sun.

She that devours stars and destroys planets.

Well, most of those will come to pass in the future, but for the time being, you can refer to her by.

Noche the cat

[ Picture of Noche right here]

[A/N Say hi to Noche or else /̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ˙ ]

Look i can hear you asking.

Mr handsome narrator!!

How did that battle loven, food eaten, mountain blowen, ape looking Noah ended up picking up a cat from all things?

Say no more. I the the most handsome narrator will tell you all about it

It all started on a rainy day two weeks ago....

(to be continued)

hello boys and girls how is everything you doing good ? i have the next chapter in the bag!! you want it? stone me 20 time and il release it ,

Anyway thats all


also thank you Mr Ashura and Mr Ste_Wells your stones are appreciated

solibus_orbacreators' thoughts