
Am I actually a planet?!

August, An normal person died after an car accident but suprisingly he Reborn in an fantasy a world. where things like cultivation exist, unlike earth. But not as human Nor as animal neither as a beast and of course not as a wisp too, instead he was reborn as an planet itself. Follow August on his adventures to see him how he struggle to get a hold of his new found powers, oh! soory his new body which he is trying to subdue for more than 10 years.

Unknown_scholar · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Cultivation and lack of Qi?!

"No young masttt—huh?" Henef stopped in the middle of his speech.

He was speechlessly , shocked.

"Am I hearing things or did the young master really just Agreed to my request?"

"From when has it been easy to persuade a high ranking official."

"Not to mention a bigshot who is closely related to Grandmaster xi himself."

Having been working as a city Guard for almost five years, Henef was totally aware of the arrogant nature of the  cultivators and the high  demand of upper rank officials.

There are just like endless shells, that will never be fulfilled no matter how much you pay or plead them.

"Should I confirm it or not?!" Henef was in a complicated situation , he didn't believe that August actually agreed to his request this easily.

But he also doesn't have the audacity for explanation.

"What else?" August asked, frowning, he had already agreed to another party request.

But despite being happily walking away, henef was still kneeling in daze.

"No… Nothing , then I shall take my leave, young master." Henef said shuttering, though he was reluctant,  he could only leave as of now.

August nodded as he saw Henef figure disappearing far and far away.

"Now that no one's here I should focus on my cultivation."

August has been cultivating since he awoke and has already achieved a breakthrough, it's not like he was a cultivation genius, it's his body.

August possesses a pure yin yang body, his physique was made of  Five elements  of the world, granting him unique characteristics to absorb   the natural essences in his surroundings without any slightest effort with an absurd speed.

He was like an black hole who is speedily devouring all the natural energy\essence around him.


"To think that this vessel will yield such unimaginable benefits."

August said in admiration, his current cultivation speed to absorb nature essence is on par with a master martial.

In city 23 the cultivation realm is divided into 5 basic ascension steps.

Starting with Mortal  transmutation also known as Qi condensation to martial saints.

Martial transmutation, novice martial, master martial, Grandmaster martial and martial saint. Each cultivation realm has nine sub realm of their own.

The sub stages are basically divided into stages from 1st as lowest to the ninth as the highest sub realm.

Though there are five cultivation areas in city 23, the last ascension realm martial saint is almost impossible to achieve.

Grandmaster Xi, is a pure example of that,  he has been stuck on Grandmaster martial 5th stage   for 10 years  as of now Without even a slightest hint or enlightenment to break through to the next realm.

"Given my speed of absorbing natural essences it won't even take a mouth to break through to a martial novice." August said in delight.

He already possesses the best cultivation technique out there, which was actually bestowed to him by an immensely powerful being who has already achieved Godhood.

With such an amazing cultivation technique in his hand August didn't have any reason to hold back, He swiftly followed the method that is described in the void breaker technique and  started to meditate.

Immediately , a large amount of natural essence was sucked by his body, the pores in his body widened as he absorbed the natural essence from the air into his body.

 August was currently on 1st stage of martial transmutation and has already unlocked 12 acupoints with the help of natural essence.

At the 1st stage of martial transmutation,  cultivators would gain the ability to look into their inner self and control the natural essence inside their body seamlessly as if it was the part of their body.

At 2nd stage of martial transmutation, The  Dantian of a cultivator body  will be opened up , then the wandering natural essence will slowly accumulate itself in the Dantian which will then slowly reform the body of a cultivator finally  transforming a normal mortal to a martial.

At the 3rd stage of martial transmutation, the gathering of natural essence in the Dantian will slowly form into natural Qi.

At the 4th stage of martial transmutation, the Dantian of a cultivator body will overflow due to accumulated natural Qi, in return the  cultivator body will become powerful.

The first realms of martial transmutation are the basics of foundations, in which the mortal slowly breaks his shackle to transform into something more advanced form an martial.

If one wants to achieve true benefits then it would only be possible to  break into the 4th stage of martial transmutation.

In the 4th stage of martial transmutation one would be immune to all types of disease and disorder and only after this realms one would understand the true meaning of being a cultivator.



[2nd stage of martial transmutation, achieved]

While meditating August achieved another breakthrough to the next sub realm, suddenly all of the natural essence that was hovering inside August's body began to accumulate in the lower half of his upper body.

"Is this what is called the  Dantian  stage." August was amazed by the sudden change in his body, though he was well aware of the highest cultivation realms present in the world, it was his first time to experience something like this.

When he was a mortal in his past life things like cultivation were just fictional stories that humans have come up with for entertainment purposes.

Even after his reincarnation in a world of cultivators for more than 120 years as of now, it was his first time experiencing such amazing changes in his body.

 In the first life after his arrival , when he was  a planet the only that he was capable of was to observe everything in the world without any attack power.

The same could be said for the second life too, he had the most powerful subordinates under his wings capable of eradicating every single living organism in the world, but not the authority to use them.

It was like he was just there watching his destruction , it doesn't matter if you possess attack power or not.

But it's different as of now,   he could feel an immense amount of confidence in himself with the  rising  strength.

"Now that's what actually meant to be capable."

With this I can surely save myself.

August clenched his fist, the will to survive is the only that reign above all, and for some who have already seen his death twice it was much more than sheer will.



[3rd stage of martial transmutation, achieved.]

After dantain formation the next is the transformation of the natural essence into pure natural Qi.


August exclaimed , as he peered at the changes that are happening inside his own body.

The accumulated nature essence slowly transformed into pure natural Qi.

"Now to the next step!" August said in a low voice.

He was fully confident that with his natural ability and innate body characteristics he can easily breakthrough to martial novice in no time.

August began to follow the steps described in the cultivation manual and with that the absorption of natural essence also started.

But unlike other steps this time the process was actually slower, the speed of absorption was still the same as before, but the problem was natural Qi.

Natural essence and natural Qi are two products of same origin but with the difference of quality.

Unlike natural essence that is infinitely present in the atmosphere, natural Qi is something that is formed after accumulation of a large amount of natural essence.

August frowned and continued to absorb the natural essence from the air with an absurd speed.

After 5 minutes, he was finally able to achieve another breakthrough.



[4th stage of martial transmutation, achieved.]

The system voice chimed in confirmation.

Meanwhile August's mood wasn't Good at all despite the breakthrough , as he had discovered a major problem in the cultivation.







mass realease!

100 stone:- 2 chapters.

600 stone:- 5 chapters.

Hurray!! i got an editor and all of the chapter have been resposted by me, so make sure to do rate the novel as of now.

Unknown_scholarcreators' thoughts