
Battle for Solitude Part 2

[AN]: As promised, here is part 2. Only one more chapter to go!



Thousands of arrows, crossbow bolts, siege weapons, and spells rained down upon the encroaching army as soon as they came into range. A normal army would have been torn to shreds or at last paused after such an attack, but this was no normal army. The undead were not stopped by something as mundane as an arrow to the knee while the daedra didn't much care if they were defeated since death was not permanent for them. Since the undead were leading the charge, few of the projectiles outright killed anything.

It wasn't long before the horde slammed into the walls as more and more attacks rained down upon them. Rictus started unleashing bolts of ice, fire, and lightning like a machine gun, with the occasional giant steel spike thrown in for good measure. These attacks were not his strongest, but he could keep up this pace of spell casting for days. He didn't pay much attention when part of his first volley was intercepted, but when it happened again, he noticed. A cadre of powerful spellcasters, both human and nonhuman, were hidden among the attackers as they worked on countering any spells from the defenders. Rictus felt a little flattered when he noticed over a dozen were completely focused just on his spells alone. Still, it was frustrating that so many of his attacks were being countered. Them focusing on his attacks at least meant they couldn't do anything about his allies' attacks.

Since Rictus could be a little petty at time, he conjured forth Billy in his exploding flaming form. Then he layered some additional defenses upon his faithful familiar, like being hidden within a stone sphere. Launching the sphere right where a group of the defending mages were huddled, Rictus couldn't help smiling when they halted the sphere. With a little twist of his magic, Billy's enhanced form exploded inside the sphere. The mages were shredded like they were standing atop a grenade. Even more attacks were landing now that the attackers lacked some of their mages. Billy gave him a goaty smile after being resummoned and encased within another rock sphere. With his familiar's approval, Rictus began launching giant exploding boulders into the army while maintaining a steady stream of destructive spells.

Moral was high as the defenders were basically attacking unimpeded and laying waste to countless enemies. The lack of enemy siege engines made many feel that this would be much easier than they had imagined. That was until a group of archers were taken out by a log thrown by a giant. Additional projectiles and magical spells were cast from the attacking daedra when they finally entered into range, sending many defenders hiding behind the walls.

It didn't take long for the defenders to notice a disturbing trend. Weak undead made up most of the front lines. These undead didn't even try to attack since that would be completely useless against a stalwart wall. What they could do though, was throw their bodies down on the ground before the wall. Ever so slowly, the bodies piled up. After a couple minutes, people started realizing the piles were getting taller and taller. Hundreds of undead had already been defeated, but each one of them added another piece into a macabre ramp leading straight up towards the wall. Plans were rapidly being made on how to remove the undead ramp when everyone heard a loud chorus of screeches.

Eyes turned towards the mountain butting up against the city. As the screeches got louder, dread started welling up in many. Soon, the perpetrators revealed themselves.

A huge flock of humanoid, feminine bat-like creatures with blue skin dappled with scales, and wings instead of arms, shot up over the side of the mountain. These winged twilights were commonly seen under the employ of Azura, but were known to serve other Daedric Princes like Mehrunes Dagon, Molag Bal, and Nocturnal. Hundreds of the creatures flew high above the city before rapidly descending. They were not alone though. In the claws of their feet, they held small blackish goblin-like creatures with wispy blue veins and glowing blue eyes. While not commonly seen in this coloration, many recognized the scamps despite the cosmetic difference. As the scamps were brought closer, they each cast a simple fireball spell. While a single one was not very destructive, hundreds of them shot simultaneously was devastating. They didn't just target the defenders on the wall either. Many fireballs landed on the buildings of the city. Roofs caught fire from the attack and screams of those hurt could be heard.

After another volley, the scamps were dropped off by the winged twilights and ran amok in the city. With their passengers no longer slowing them down, the winged twilights had free reign of the skies and started pestering the defenders with shock spells and diving attacks where they would try and knock them off the walls or slash them with their long, sharp, hooked tails. Their occasional mana infused screams deafened and stunned many defenders.

The winged twilights were bad enough, but there were some more powerful fliers within the flock as well. These grievous twilights were large masculine gargoyle looking creatures taller than a minotaur with bluish-purple skin and spiked tails. Unlike the winged twilights, their wings were separate limbs from their arms. They commanded their lesser kind and when they attacked, they used a combination of physical might, and shadowy bolts of magic to wreak havoc upon their targets.

If those two were not enough, another type of creature appeared after the flying daedra were attacking. Three gigantic titans which looked like a daedric version of a dragon flew above them all releasing glass shattering roars. Unlike dragons, they had defined arms and legs which were covered in thick scales and long claws.

Seeing the mass of flying enemies, Rictus knew they were in trouble, especially if those titans started attacking them. How they had managed such an impressive force was beyond belief, but it wasn't like the daedra would listen to his logical protests. Thankfully, he had a great counter for just this situation.


Durnehviir appeared in an explosion of purplish flames. As soon as he appeared, a bone shaking roar shook the heavens. Rictus noted that the dragon looked better than ever and could see and sense a fundamental change about him. No longer was he the half-rotted corpse of a dragon. This time, he appeared in all his splendor and original power. He was almost double his previous size with thick black scales tinged with gold covering his body. He was magnificent and terrifying all at once. Paying no attention to what was going on around him, Durnehviir turned his head this way and that while sniffing the air.

"The vampire is no more."

A toothy grin adorned his scaly face which would give lesser men nightmares.

"The vampire is NO MORE!!"

If his roar was loud before, this one was on a whole new level. It was a roar of victory, relief, and freedom. A couple winged twilights tried attacking, but Durnehviir casually pulverized them with his massive tail. Looking down upon Rictus, the dragon spoke solemnly.

"You are truly a Bahlaan Fahdon (worthy friend/ally), Qahnaarin. Had you not done what you had, I would not be Staadnau (unbound). Your battles are my battles. Your enemies are my enemies Ulse(for eternity). Nothing will stand in your way Dii Saviik (my savior)."

A strange imperceptible strand of energy left the dragon as it entered Rictus's chest. Once it did, he could feel a deep connection with the dragon. It wasn't clear how or why, but Rictus knew the two of them were bonded in some way now. Rictus was touched by Durnehviir's declaration as a fierce smile appeared on his face. He could feel the desire for battle and displaying a dragon's aerial dominance from Durnehviir, and Rictus wanted nothing more than to show these pathetic flying daedra their place as well.

"Then let us go into battle once more my friend. We will show those pretenders up there the power of a true dragon."

Rictus glanced over at a focused Ken.

"The battlements are yours. I will handle these flying pests."

Without looking away from the battle before him, Ken nodded while shooting another crossbow bolt into the horde below.

"Of course. The city guard is clearing the city of scamps as we speak, and I have some of our more accurate archers and mages helping thin the flock. Happy hunting."

Rictus didn't say another word as he prepared to take to the skies. He was surprised when he felt Durnehviir inviting him onto his back. Rictus felt touched by the action. A dragon was not a mount, as Durnehviir had told him once before. They did not allow people on their backs like some common horse. The only time any self-respecting dragon would do such a thing would be for someone they saw as worthy of their true loyalty. Without another word, Rictus jumped onto the dragons' back as they shot into the air. Dozens of the winged twilights falling in a matter of seconds under their combined might.

Not wanting his original familiar to feel left out, Rictus summoned Billy. This time, Billy was almost as large as a small dragon with dark clouds pulsing with lightning surrounding his body. Combining his familiar and the storm atronach gave Billy the ability to fly and easily kill the winged twilights. With Billy working in concert and supporting Rictus and Durnehviir, daedra began falling from the sky like rain.

Ken spared them a glance while shaking his head in amusement and amazement. Sure, the dragonborn could kill dragons and even subjugated one into submission, but Rictus had befriended one and gained their eternal loyalty. That was something much more impressive in his eyes. Killing was easy; Restoring was not. He knew that the battle for air superiority was already decided as soon as Rictus and Durnehviir flew away. Rictus summoning Billy was simply overkill in his opinion. His face hardened as he looked at the enemies spread before him. He would do his part here. Rictus had entrusted the wall to him, and nothing would move him from it.

As the battle intensified, people's eyes couldn't help but be drawn to the sky. What they witnessed was something straight from the legends of old. None would have believed it if they were not witnessing it with their own eyes. Dragons had become a thing of nightmares for everyone in Skyrim. Here though, one was fighting off the inhumane horde trying to kill them. Not only that, but they also witnessed a man riding upon that dragons back while casting magics faster than the eye could follow. Bodies fell from the sky wherever they went. Then, they clashed against the three daedric titans. It was glorious to behold.

The thudding impacts as the dragon crashed into and ravaged the daedric titans could be heard throughout the city. Blue flaming breath attacks from the titans tried consuming Rictus and the dragon, but giant metal spikes interposed themselves between them and the attacks. The spikes shattered in an explosion of metal, but Rictus somehow controlled the metal cloud which was then moved around the sky like some deadly swarm ripping apart their enemies.

One after the other, the titans fell. Leaving the dragon and its rider as the undisputed ruler of the skies. Cheers from throughout the city rang out at witnessing such a sight. The display inspired many a citizen. No longer were they scared for their life. Instead, they felt hope. No longer did they run screaming from the site of the scamps rampaging through the city. Instead, they charged forward. No longer were they passive. Instead, they acted. With the countless volunteers and fighters, the city was rapidly cleared of all invaders while they formed fire brigades which rapidly doused all the burning buildings. They trusted the warriors to hold the line, the least they could do was make sure there was a city still standing for their valiant defenders once they won the battle.

Ken watched as Rictus dropped down beside him as Durnehviir and Billy continued clearing the skies of all enemies. He wasn't sure Rictus even noticed the scales creeping along his skin, his elongated fangs, slightly slitted glowing eyes, or the predatory aura he gave off. The two stood silently as they gazed at the battle around them.

The end of the horde was in sight now. Unfortunately, it was the most powerful and elite units left since many of the weakest were already killed. There was a pile of undead corpses which now reached all the way to the top of the walls. Warriors were brought forward to hold off the encroaching tide of enemies as they scaled the mound of bodies right to the top of the walls.

"I think it is time we took the fight to them instead of simply defending."

Rictus knew it wasn't the most strategically sound decision, but his blood was boiling for another fight. He yearned for the rush of combat as he crushed his enemies beneath his might. Ken saw and understood this. Despite his years of experience and knowing better, a blood thirsty smile appeared on his face. Seems he may have picked up a couple bad habits.

"Took you long enough."

They shared a look before Ken turned towards the nearby Legate Rikke.

"The wall is yours, Legate. We will clear away this scum for you. Try not to let the city fall while we are gone."

Without waiting for her answer, the two men jumped off the wall into the market area. Rictus smiled as he looked at the rows of Restored already waiting for him. Miruma stood with the warriors who started bashing their weapons on their shields or armor. Illia and Stalleo stood among the mages whose magic was already cackling around their hands. Moira gave him a saucy wink as the hagravens with her licked their lips at the coming carnage. Ma'randru-jo and Domiarza stood with the minotaurs at the front of the line, baying for blood.

Seeing his people arrayed before him like this made Rictus's heart soar.

"Once more with me my friends."

Feeling his magic roiling inside him like a tempest, Rictus looked at the gate he had sealed less than an hour ago. With a wave of his hands, a blast of raw magical force impacted it, shooting it and the nearby stone forward through the piles of bodies pressed against it. Those on top of the walls witnessed a hole being blasted through the undead ramp as bodies flew everywhere. Dust obscured the area for just a moment as blood thirsty yells filled the air. Charging from the cloud, the Restored slammed into Harkon's unprepared forces. The members of the legion couldn't help staring in fear and admiration at the Restored's war cry as they reaped everything before them. There was an entirely new type of monster on the battlefield now.

A bright red light shot up from Rictus's advancing forces that exploded in a shower of various colors. Stone fell away from the mountain side as gaping holes suddenly appeared. From those holes, spells rained down upon the unsuspecting horde of monsters.

Morrigan stood proudly at the forefront as the mages of the College of Winterhold entered the battle. She wasn't alone though. Faralda stood with Korir and the warriors of Winterhold as they defended the mages from any approaching threats. A blinding white light shone from one of the larger openings as a figured wearing radiant crusader armor stepped through at the head of a group of Dawnguard and Vigilants of Stendarr. Dante led his group of holy warriors down straight into the open flank as they banished their god given enemies.

Reysera and Dravynea Stoneweaver had been hard at work making sure this part of the plan went off flawlessly. Reysera had worked with Morrigan in setting up their own teleporter, which was something Morrigan had finally figured out herself. Dravynea had burrowed through the mountain so they could attack the flank of the distracted enemies. It had taken time, but it all paid off.

Grabbing two large crocodile like daedra with his telekinesis and slashing open their throats with his dragonesque talons, Rictus couldn't help laughing while reveling in the chaos and slaughter around him. He loved it when a plan came together.