
Alpha Prince Eclipse

Alazne "You ask me how I am bleeding even though my blood is dripping from your claws" "You demonstrated how to stab someone in the chest, but you still asked where I got the knowledge to do it." "You destroy the light inside of me, but you ask why I have so much darkness around me?" "Now that I am who you have made me to be, embrace it and take pride in it" Eclipse "I will never be able to take pride in my accomplishments. A cruel joke from fate is that happiness I will never experience with you. "If I have extinguished that light in you, I will return the way I came and light it again." "Being consumed by the gloom of the past, we have unknowingly turned into shadows of each other." "Yes, you were made by me today, but I promise to make the best version of you tomorrow."

Gold234 · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Light Out

Raja stared into Eclipse's eyes, feeling a mix of astonishment and astonishment. He had not seen his Alpha prince and former best friend for a long time, and the memories of their once-close bond flooded back to him. However, their relationship had been torn apart by a single incident that had caused deep wounds in both their hearts and souls.

"Els," Raja said, his voice barely above a whisper as he took in the sight of Eclipse standing before him.

"I need your help," Eclipse said, his words shocking the warriors who were present to witness the exchange between the two.

"What do you need my help with?" Raja asked, his confusion evident in his tone.

"I'm embarking on a journey without Alazne, and I don't want her to be left unprotected. I trust you to keep her safe without making her feel uncomfortable while I'm away," Eclipse explained, his gaze fixed on the forest that surrounded them.

"How long will it take for you to return?" Raja presented Eclipse with a question that made the first prince smile in helplessness.

"I don't know but I will be back because I know I have someone who needs me more than I need myself," the warrior's eyes reflected surprise, they don't even know how many times they've been consumed with shock, what was he speaking? They asked themselves.

At the same time, Raja felt a wave of emotions wash over him as he processed Eclipse's request. He knew that the first prince cared deeply for Alazne's safety and well-being, and the fact that he was entrusting her to Raja's care meant a great deal to him. Raja was determined to ensure that Alazne would be safe and secure during their journey, and he vowed to do everything in his power to protect her from harm.

"Okay, you can count on me," Raja replied firmly, everyone watched their first prince release a breath of mitigation. He was glad that Raja was willing to protect Alazne in his absence. 

"Thank you, we will talk later," Eclipse said, clapping the young man on the shoulder in a friendly manner.

"No problem," Raja replied with a nod. He turned back and continued his training while the warriors watched Eclipse walk out with their jaws slagged, wondering if they were seeing things even Gabriel was in shock as well as Godfrey.

"What did he drink? Or did he wake up in the heavens today?" Gabriel asked making Raja release a light laugh. He felt like a load had been lifted off his neck. 

Eclipse walked back into Alazne's ward, taking in the sight of his father sitting beside her and watching her sleep with a smile on his face. The young woman was so breathtaking that the Alpha King found it difficult to keep his eyes off her. Eclipse's heart swelled with pride knowing that his first son had found someone worthy of his love and his world. He hoped that Eclipse realized it too.

As he approached them, the Alpha King looked up and saw his son. He gave him a small nod and turned his gaze back to Alazne. The Alpha King then reached out and caressed the girl's left cheek, his eyes twinkling in delight. He had always desired a daughter but never had one. However, the connection he felt with his son's mate was beyond his understanding.

Alazne had this commanding but warm presence that made the Alpha King feel like he knew her even before she walked into Florence. He couldn't help but wonder who her parents were, they must be very proud to have a daughter like her. She was so warm yet so cold when necessary, the Alpha King thought to himself.

"I hope your parents know how lucky they are to have you," the Alpha King said softly, looking at Alazne with adoration. Eclipse, who was listening to his father, could perceive the jealousy in his tone. He didn't blame him, though. The Alpha King deserved to have a daughter, and he hoped Alazne could honor his father's desire.

As Eclipse observed his father's fondness for Alazne, he couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling within him. He saw the genuine admiration in his father's eyes, a longing for a connection that transcended bloodlines. Could Alazne be the missing piece in their family puzzle? Was she the daughter his father had always yearned for?

Lost in his thoughts, Eclipse approached his father and Alazne with a sense of curiosity and concern. "Father, I can see the bond you feel towards her. It's as if she was meant to be a part of our lives," Eclipse spoke softly, trying to understand the depth of his father's emotions.

The Alpha King looked at his son with a knowing smile. "Eclipse, sometimes fate works in mysterious ways. Perhaps Alazne is not just my son's mate, but a destined presence in our family," he mused, his gaze shifting back to Alazne, who seemed to emanate a sense of strength and grace even in her slumber.

Alazne stirred slightly, her eyelids fluttering open to reveal eyes filled with wisdom beyond her years. "I may not know my true origins, but I believe that family is not just about blood. It's about the connections we forge, the bonds we create," she whispered, her words resonating deeply with both Eclipse and the Alpha King. She wasn't a deep sleeper so she heard everything Eclipse's father had said earlier.

At that moment, Eclipse realized that Alazne was more than just his mate. She was a beacon of hope, a symbol of unity and love that their family desperately needed. 

With determination in his heart, Eclipse vowed to uncover the mysteries of Alazne's poem and embrace her fully into their lives, honoring his father's unspoken wish and embracing a future filled with endless possibilities.

"I will leave you two to talk," the king says, sensing that there is something Eclipse wants to discuss with Alazne. Eclipse sat beside Alazne after his father left, Alazne kept her eyes on Eclipse with a frown marring her face. She noticed that there was something different about him, and she couldn't put her finger on what it was.

"I'm traveling tonight," Alazne heard Eclipse say in a soft voice. She kept her lips pursed, looking at the young man strangely. He felt uncomfortable under her scrutinizing gaze, and he knew immediately that she was trying to hold back her words.

"To where exactly?" She asked with her brows raised at him. Her voice sounded eerily calm in his ears, like an abandoned building. She was trying to hide her concern, but Eclipse could sense it.

"To sort out a contract three towns from here," Eclipse said with a tight smile. But Alazne was not a fool. Her parents did not bring her up like that. She knew that he was hiding something from her, and she was determined to find out what it was.

"Okay, am I getting discharged or not?" She asked, deciding to let him be. He was not entitled to give her an explanation of why he wanted to go out or where he was going. But Eclipse could see through her facade. He knew that she was worried about him, and he couldn't bear to see her like that.

"Alazne, I need to tell you something," Eclipse said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm going to be away for a while, and I don't know how long it will be before I return."

Alazne's eyes widened in surprise. "Why? What's going on?" She asked, her voice filled with concern.

"There's something that I need to take care of, something that is important to me," Eclipse explained, his gaze fixed on her.

"And you're not going to tell me what it is?" Alazne asked, her voice tinged with annoyance.

"I'm sorry, Alazne," Eclipse said, his voice filled with regret. "I wish I could tell you everything, but I can't. All I can say is that I need to go, and I need you to be safe while I'm away."

Alazne felt a wave of emotions wash over her as she processed Eclipse's words. She knew that he was hiding something from her, but she also knew that he had his reasons. She couldn't help but worry about him, but she also knew that he was a warrior and could take care of himself.

"Okay, I understand," Alazne said, her voice softening. "Just promise me that you'll come back to me."

Eclipse's heart skipped a beat at Alazne's words. He knew that she was not his lover, and she had no romantic feelings towards him either, but the way she said those words touched him deeply. He could sense the sincerity in her voice, and he felt a sense of warmth spreading through him.

Alazne noticed Eclipse's surprise, and she realized that her words might have sounded like she had feelings for him. She mentally scolded herself for letting her emotions get the better of her.

"Why did I say that?" she thought to herself. "He's not my boyfriend, and I don't love him."

Eclipse, on the other hand, was lost in thought. He was trying to figure out what Alazne's words meant, but he couldn't come up with a logical explanation. He knew that she cared for him, but he didn't want to misinterpret her words even though she was his mate.

"Thank you, Alazne," Eclipse finally said, breaking the silence. "I promise that I'll come back to you."

Alazne smiled at Eclipse's words. She was glad that he understood her intentions, and she felt reassured that he would keep his promise.

Eclipse and Alazne shared a friendly embrace before he set off to the pack house to prepare some things for his journey. As he walked away, Alazne watched him go, feeling a sense of longing in her heart.

She knew that Eclipse was not hers to keep, but she couldn't help but wish that he was however she was not in love with him. At this point, she was confused about what she was feeling for him or how she felt about him. Eclipse makes her uneasy but for some absurd reasons, she wants to keep him safe always.

Eclipse walked into the living room where Raja, Godfrey, and sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Eclipse could sense what his friends were thinking, but he wasn't ready to start an endless discussion with them. Godfrey, in particular, didn't want Eclipse to embark on the journey that could land him into another fight with that Alpha.

Gabriel, on the other hand, didn't want to watch Eclipse leave Alazne behind while she was still in the hospital receiving treatment. Although Raja would take care of her, it wouldn't be the same as Eclipse being with her. Raja, too, had a bad feeling about Eclipse's journey. Something was not right, and he couldn't put his finger on it. Alazne was a human without knowledge of the paranormal world. If something went wrong while Eclipse was away, he would turn the whole realm upside down, and that would be very bad, extremely dark.

Although the three men had these thoughts in their hearts, they knew Eclipse would not back down. It was useless trying to talk him out of it.

"Eclipse, I have a feeling this is not good, I mean you leaving for the mission," Godfrey finally spoke up, unable to keep his thoughts to himself. 

Eclipse shook his head, "I have to go, otherwise, I will never know who is behind everything." He loved Alazne and his kingdom, and he couldn't let those murderers go unpunished. His father, the king, could not leave the kingdom, so the responsibility fell upon his shoulders. Eclipse packed his stuff, got into his vehicle, and drove out of the pack lands.

As he drove, Eclipse's mind raced with thoughts of Alazne. He hoped she would be okay and that Raja would take good care of her while he was away. He also couldn't shake off the feeling that something was not right. He didn't know what it was, but he had a sense of foreboding that refused to go away. 

At the same moment, Lois and Alazne were having a chat, both laughing when the lights in the hospital suddenly went out. The sudden darkness sent a chill down their spines, and they both froze in their tracks. Only the faint glow of the moon through the window reflected in the ward.

 Alazne clutched her blanket tightly, wondering what could have caused the power outage. Lois quickly got up and tried to find the switch, but nothing seemed to be working before Alazne could scream Lois was knocked out.

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