
Alpha Prince Eclipse

Alazne "You ask me how I am bleeding even though my blood is dripping from your claws" "You demonstrated how to stab someone in the chest, but you still asked where I got the knowledge to do it." "You destroy the light inside of me, but you ask why I have so much darkness around me?" "Now that I am who you have made me to be, embrace it and take pride in it" Eclipse "I will never be able to take pride in my accomplishments. A cruel joke from fate is that happiness I will never experience with you. "If I have extinguished that light in you, I will return the way I came and light it again." "Being consumed by the gloom of the past, we have unknowingly turned into shadows of each other." "Yes, you were made by me today, but I promise to make the best version of you tomorrow."

Gold234 · Fantasy
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16 Chs


"Did Alazne tell you about having a C-section before?" This question kept ringing in Eclipse's mind, he felt numb, he didn't know what the doctor was talking about, and even his family was bewildered, wondering what nonsense the young woman before them was spewing. Alazne doesn't look like someone who has undergone any surgery she wears tank tops, that show her stomach.

"What kind of C-section?" Eclipse's stepmother asked curiously, everyone was wondering about the same question.

"Pregnancy C-section," the doctor replied, flipping through the files, Eclipse felt as if someone had just poured a bucket of cold water over him, he felt chills in his very bones, that is, the word pregnancy kept echoing in his ears like a mantra.

"But she smells pure so how can that be?" Eclipse heard his father ask, confusion was apparent in his tone, and what his father said was very true.

"Ummm, I don't know but lemme explain why she might have had the C-section," the young lady replied. 

The royal family listened attentively as she started explaining," Vaginal bleeding after a C-section occurs because the lining of the uterus, which has grown to be very thick during pregnancy, sloughs off after delivery and removal of the placenta. The resulting discharge, which is called "lochia," is a mix of uterine tissue, blood, and mucus but the reason for her bleeding is that she had the C-section at a tender age, in her early teens, if I'm correct," every word the doctor spoke was like a knife to the chest, it hurts. Eclipse felt his heart breaking into pieces.

What has she been through to get pregnant at such a young age? Was she forced into doing it? Where were here parents? Didn't she have friends? Did the baby survive? Is this why she doesn't want to be close to him? She must be so afraid of most men. All these questions made his chest tighten more.

"Is she going to be fine?" Eclipse pushed all thoughts aside and focused on his mate's health. He would worry about his thoughts later.

"Yes she would be fine but she needs you right now, keep her close always, your bond with her might help her heal faster, emotionally. And please don't make her sad or stressed," The doctor warns Eclipse in a firm voice, Eclipse, and the royal family felt like the doctor was withholding something from them but decided not to ask since they were aware she would not breathe a word about it without Alazne's concern.

Eclipse nodded in understanding, his heart aching for the young woman he loved so dearly. He vowed to be there for her, to support her, and to protect her no matter what. He would do whatever it took to make sure she healed both physically and emotionally from whatever trauma she had experienced.

Eclipse made it his mission to shower Alazne with love and care, to show her that she was safe and loved and that together they could overcome any obstacle that came their way.

Their journey ahead may not be easy, but Eclipse was determined to be her rock, her protector, and her constant source of love and support. And together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, hand in hand, united in love and strength, although she doesn't love him now, he hopes she comes to love him soon.

The next day, Alazne was still unconscious, she looks so serene with her eyes closed in slumber and, he couldn't keep his gaze off her, she looks so peaceful, he pray for God to keep this peace in her heart forever.

Eclipse looked at the time, he has a lot to do but with Alazne's condition, he found it difficult to step out for if he does, he would not return for forty-eight hours and she might woke up within those hours. 

He sighed as he got up and went to the bathroom to do his morning business, he hasn't slept the whole night but he could go on a few more days without sleep because he is quite different from the others.

Eclipse walked back into the ward a few minutes later, just then, his stepmother also walked in holding two lunchboxes, his eyes stared at the blonde woman blankly, without an iota of emotion.

The queen noticed her step-son's blank gaze, she couldn't help but feel a chill spreading from her feet to the rest of her being, she was frozen, looking anywhere but the young man in her presence.

"What are you doing here?" Eclipse voice rang out, like his gaze, his tone wasn't different. He sounded unfriendly and careless with his question.

"I brought you some food, you haven't eaten since yesterday so I thought of bringing you breakfast," in a calm yet nervous voice, the queen explained. Eclipse lips pulled into a dissatisfied sneer as he casted the woman before him an extreme disgusted look. There was an aura of animosity around him, it made it difficult for her to breathe.

"You know what I hate? I despise those who do not have listening ears. I have told you countless times to stay away from me or my business but it seems like my words were boiling while I was speaking," Eclipse said taking deliberate step toward her.

"I'm sorry, I was just worried about you," She mumbled under her breath yet he heard her clearly, his head shook at her words for to him, she sounded stupid.

"Well, I don't need your help nor concerns, I am a full grown man, get out," Eclipse sat down with a sigh while his words were like spears shooting through her heart.

"She is not leaving," a crook voice sounded behind Eclipse causing him to turned around and face his mate with widen eyes, her brows were furrowed in confusion as she stared him weirdly, he didn't like her gaze.

"Hi, I'm Alazne," Alazne introduced herself in a hoarse tone looking at the queen with a smile.

"Hello dear, I'm Lois," the queen introduced herself with a breathtaking smile.

"Nice to meet you, Lois, please you can put those here, he will eat it," She said with an assuring smile. Lois quickly set the lunchboxes on the table before taking her leave.

Alazne then turned to face the young man who was looking at her as if she has grown ninety-nine heads and one eyes. She gave him an unapologetic look wondering why he would speak to Lois like she was the worse being on earth.

"Eclipse, what is going on? Why did you say such mean things to your own mother?" Alazne asked, she would not allow the issue to slide.

"It doesn't matter, she is not important to be made a topic," He answered while he poured her a glass of water, Alazne drank the content of the glass.

"Eclipse, I don't know what's your problem with Raja and your mother. I can accept the fact that you and Raja have your difference but your mom is one person I don't want to stay away from because of you but if you think that is too much to ask then I will walk out of your life and never look back," Alazne said, her expression serious and firm. Her words shocked the young man to the core, he couldn't talk nor move, he was paralyzed with her attitude.

"Whatever is bothering you, you should find a way to sort it out with her, I don't like the way you spoke to her. She is your mother, accord her some respect," She added. 

Meanwhile Eclipse couldn't help but laugh in disbelief, he hasn't even secured his relationship with her and Lois presence is threatening to break the little thread of friendship he has with with her. 

"Please, set the table, I'm quite femished," Alazne said without bothering with the way his laughter sounded, Eclipse was quick to act on her words. Her word was law in his life, even if she isn't aware of that.

"Where is your food?" She asked as he helped her sit up.

"I'm not hungry," Eclipse mumbled under his breath afraid of what her next words would be.

"You better eat that food, Mr. Man," Alazne swatted his hand away after successfully sitting up, she was annoyed with the young man who was proving to be stubborn. Eclipse dished out his food with pursed lips, he didn't want to eat Lois's food, even the air she breaths irritates his soul.

With a frown between his thick brows, he ate, his heart was full of complains yet his mouth was tightly shut, that was the power she has over him. Eclipse was full of pent up hatred, wanted her attention to himself, she was his as fate has ordained but with her likeness towards his stepmother, he was conflicted about what to think.

"Eclipse, you need to let go of whatever is eating you up. I don't like seeing you like this," Alazne spoke, breaking the stillness between them, his heart skipped a beat when he heard his name from her lips but she didn't know that what was eating him up was beyond him.

"Why do you care? I mean, you don't seem to like my presence around you so why?" Alazne was left perperlex by his question, he was right, something about him doesn't sit well with her but she doesn't consider it not liking him. 

"Have I done anything wrong, when you were around Raja, you loosen up yet with me, it feels like you are afraid of taking even a breath but all of a sudden you care about me and my family affairs, I don't understand," He continued, Eclipse was tired of thinking too much about her divert attitude towards him.

"Tell me, am I not worth a hand of friendship? Am I not worth a genuine friend with the woman I admire at first sight? I'm listening, Alaz," asked Eclipse, his unwavering gaze set on hers. He was tired of bottling up his emotions.

"Listen, I don't hate you. It's just that I feel uncomfortable with you around. But I'm trying to get use to having you around and I do care about you. I don't like seeing you hostile all the time, it makes it tough for me to loosen up whenever we're close to each other," Alazne admitted however, she clarified that she didn't despise him.

"Okay, if you say so. I have some errands to run. I'll see you when I get back," Eclipse left her with a kiss on her forehead as he exited the ward. Alazne felt guilty about not being able to give him the kind of friendship he wanted, all she cares about was her broken friendship with Raja.

 Eclipse was an exceptional man, he carries himself with an invisible fence around his heart but Raja appears to be a protector for Eclipse, not that Eclipse couldn't protect himself but because it was how it supposed to be, these two men are different yet seem to have one something in common, maybe they haven't realized it yet but they would, when the time comes.

Eclipse took a deep breath as he walked into the training ground, his icy gaze swept over the warriors until it settled on a man who had his back to him, his honey brown hair fluttering in all directions as he engaged in a fierce combat with his opponent and, for a moment, admiration reflected in Eclipse's eyes, it vanished as fast as it came.

"Raj, we need to talk," Eclipse voice rang out stopping everyone, their eyes were wide, even Raja's expression was beyond repair as he slowly turn to face the Alpha Prince of the enchanted realm.

 It's been ten years ever since he heard that nickname, ten years if regret, ten years of distrust, ten years of agony and ten years of separation. 

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