
Chapter 142

Now while Valentin didn't drink often, he also couldn't handle wine so he had no intention of taking any. They all left the cafeteria early so it would be easier to sneak away.

He blinked in surprise when Audie opened a plain-looking locker and just stepped inside. Their lockers were big enough to fit a person but it was terribly cramped inside.

Even more shocking than that was when Audie seemed to disappear, "Audie?" Valentin called fearfully, whispering although they were currently the only ones there.

"What are you all waiting for?!" Audie's cheery voice called from within the locker.

Without hesitation, Nael stepped in, bending a bit so that he didn't whack his head on his way in.

Valentin waited for a few beats after Nael went in, expecting a reaction but he just remained silent making his anxiety climb.

"Want to go in first?" Jacques offered nicely, still holding onto the wine that he had gotten from the cafeteria.