
Alpha’s Fire

BOOK 1 of the ALPHA SERIES Rhys Dalton, Alpha oh the Blood Rose pack has been given a timeline to either search for his fated mate or take a chosen mate by his 29th birthday. He has an impossible task for two reasons. He never wanted a Luna to rule by his side and he’s already taken 2 chosen mates. Hidden from the world and the Alpha King because of the laws in place. Once the timeline comes and goes, Alpha Kano, the Alpha king has decided to see to it that Alpha Rhys takes a shewolf as his Luna in the next few days. Forced to mark, mate and announce her as his Luna, he now has the most impossible task of allowing her to rule his pack by his side. However only one day after the forced mating ceremony, he then meets his fated mate, a shewolf from a neighboring pack. Will he continue his hidden bond with his 2 chosen mates? Will he continue the bond he has with his forced Luna? Or will he choose his fated mate? Could it all work out? Or could it be Fire on Fire?

Daughsh · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Chapter 1 - Annoyance

Alpha Rhys POV

I thought I was going to wake up without the usual morning fuckery, but that would have been too easy, especially for my damn mother!

Her voice rung from all the way downstairs as my eyes flew open in nothing but annoyance.

"Rhys dear!"

Groaning, I throw my blanket over my head.

It's way too fucking early!

You would think being a grown ass man and the damn Alpha, would have its advantages against your own mother, she wouldn't be able to tell you what to do anymore. Wouldn't be able to just barge in your packhouse anymore. Wouldn't be able to just help herself to anything in my house and tell me how to run my life, but nope!

That's nothing like Leila Dalton!

I hear my door swing open, hitting the wall with the loudest thud. Fucking really? Could she have opened that any harder?!

Then my damn blanket gets ripped off my bed. Leaving me there without it's warmth and way too exposed to my mother. I sleep fucking naked!

"Oh my! Rhys! Cover up darling!"

I internally roll my eyes at her then sit up, just to feel someone wrap their arm around my waist. I ran my hand down my face, blinked a few times and focused in on the person next to me.

Ugh! Shit..

I seriously hoped I used protection, but once I glanced down at my dick, all that hope went right out the window. I couldn't do much else, but internally throw myself down a flight of stairs. Seriously Rhys? No protection! You're the fucking Alpha!

Actually wait..

If she was pregnant, it wouldn't be the end of the fucking world. The council has been on my ass the last 5 years about taking a chosen mate since I hadn't found my fated yet and I did need an heir before they decided to let another young asshole who thought they could take my position from me, challenge me for it.

Hmm.. I could just take the pup from her and raise it on my own then I can present my heir to the council. That should be enough without actually having a Luna. Shouldn't it?

Yeah nevermind.. Fuck.. I'm getting way too ahead of myself. Madison wasn't even in heat last night, so her being pregnant right now is highly unlikely and would I really want a pup with her? It's not like she's exactly drop dead gorgeous. She had great tits and gave great aha you know, but everything else about her irritated my soul.

She reminds me of most of the shewolves in my pack. Majority of them had blonde or brunette hair, occasional you would see black hair, but not a lot. She had blue eyes, like majority of them too.. Green or blue was the genetic dominance over here I guess. She didn't have much shape to her either. Flat ass, skinny but toned legs, no hips at all and big tits.

She's beautiful, just not exactly for me.. but she was a good lay and she had Beta blood, so at least she didn't completely disgust me. Her level of submission did however. I mean shit.. I get that I'm the Alpha, but damn give me a little push back woman. Argue with me, shove me, fight back, tell me "no", get a backbone, have some attitude to you, put me in my place when we're in private, but know how to conduct yourself in public.

Don't bow down to every damn thing I say!

No matter how much my mother or Madison tried to convince me, I knew a shewolf like Madison couldn't be my Luna. For one, I wasn't completely attracted to her physically, just sexually and I need my Luna to be my fucking equal, not a submissive doormat.

Damn.. you're not an Omega!

That's why I feel like it's just better I rule my pack alone and maybe get a heir or two out of Madison, that would be cool with me. Fuck what the council says honestly.. these shewolves are all way too submissive and generic to be on my arm.

I groaned again, trying to shake all those annoying ass thoughts from my mind before I turned my attention back to the leech in my bed.

"Madison! Get up and get out!" I growled shoving her off my bed until I heard her hit the floor.

"Ow!" She cried out then sat up and glared at me, rubbing her ass. I didn't pay her any more of my attention before standing up and going to the bathroom. Letting out the biggest sigh of fucking relief as the piss left my body.

I flushed the toilet, washed my hands then walked back into my room, all to still see my mother and Madison.

"Madison! I said get out!"

"Baby, please don't speak to me that way."

"I'm your Alpha, not your baby.. get your shit and get out." I ended up pushing more of my aura out then I intended to, but Madison got the point. Grabbing her crap and running out my room completely naked.

I then turned my attention to my mother.

"Mom, what did you need this early?" I had the biggest headache, so the annoyance was very real this morning!

"Sweetheart, how about you put some clothes on before speaking to me."

Damn I completely forgot I was still naked. I quickly walked to my closet, grabbed some joggers and a t shirt, pulling them on then looked back at my mother.

"Ok I'm dressed now mom." She moved her hands from her eyes then sighed happily before smiling at me.

"Dear, your father needs to speak to you right away, it's about the dealings with the Red Stone pack. He tried to link you and call you but you never answered. Your beta and Gamma are both at the house already, we're all just waiting for you."

I threw my head back and growled at the mention of that damn pack. Red Stone's current and previous Alphas were equally dipshitty man!

My father said Alpha Theo and Beta Myles ran their pack with the most lenient hand he had ever seen, their sons, Alpha Bryson and Beta Ethan were no better. They took their pack over a few years ago and haven't changed anything! They're all way too friendly and blah with their pack. I didn't understand it at all.

Packs don't need parties and bbqs and get togethers all the time. Just do your work around the pack, then go home.

Packs need structure, order, discipline, an Alpha that can lead with a firm hand, protection and respect from all sides.

No pack members should just be able to walk up to their Alpha and say hello or greet them without bowing first.

Not to mention the worst fucking part, they had a shewolf commanding their warrior training! Absolutely nuts! Not that women can't fight as well as men, but women shouldn't be leading warrior training. It's no surprise that they're smaller and weaker then the males, they just shouldn't be leading such an important part of pack life.

Red Stone pack is a joke!