
Allies Return at age 20

INTRODUCTION: Lisa sits on the ground being held by Charley Keys shortly after Allie is taken by her grandfather JOHN and the aliens.. Lisa spots something in the grass near the spot that the beam held Allie and finds a silver star that belonged to her great grandmother. Lisa turns to Charley and shows him the silver star... "Charley she left it behind ...you know what this means she's coming back . She's going to come back!... Charley reaches out and gives her a smile and a long hug... "Yes it does Lisa." Flash back in time to 1947 , ,Va. Andrew Hart was walking late at night down the holler towards his girlfriends ..soon to be his wife he hoped.. Lucinda Carter's house. Andrew was still 1/2 mile yet from getting there down that old lonely holler dirt road.. when he heard something and the a bright light enfolded him and he blacked out ... Andrew had been taken aboard a UFO and had been subjected to many differing tests some of which where extremely painful... Two hours latter Andrew much dazed and staggering found himself back on that old holler road exactly where he had been taken from...except without any memory as to what had happened to him and why he was missing 2 hours from his life... of course he didn't find this out until he reached Lucinda's house

PhillipRobbins6565 · Films
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Allie's Return

Allie's Return

(Spin off of Steven Speilsberg's Taken Mini series)

Part 1


Lisa sits on the ground being held by Charley Keys shortly after Allie is taken by her grandfather JOHN and the aliens.. Lisa spots something in the grass near the spot that the beam held Allie and finds a silver star that belonged to her great grandmother. Lisa turns to Charley and shows him the silver star... "Charley she left it behind ...you know what this means she's coming back . She's going to come back!... Charley reaches out and gives her a smile and a long hug... "Yes it does Lisa."

Flash back in time to 1947 , ,Va. Andrew Hart was walking late at night down the holler towards his girlfriends ..soon to be his wife he hoped.. Lucinda Carter's house. Andrew was still 1/2 mile yet from getting there down that old lonely holler dirt road.. when he heard something and the a bright light enfolded him and he blacked out ...

Andrew had been taken aboard a UFO and had been subjected to many differing tests some of which where extremely painful... Two hours latter Andrew much dazed and staggering found himself back on that old holler road exactly where he had been taken from...except without any memory as to what had happened to him and why he was missing 2 hours from his life... of course he didn't find this out until he reached Lucinda's house ..He was thinking it should have been 11 PM however it was now 1 AM . Lucinda was still up but worried because of his lateness but much relieved when he finally showed up. Two years latter Andrew and Lucinda were married. One year latter Boyd Hart was born ..and as these things seemed to be the abductions ran in the families and Boyd was no exception at the age of 12 he was taken by the occupants of a UFO and he too subjected to intensive testing again some which were painful . Boyd along with his father had been taken numerous times . Much of the time little thought was given to these episodes because of the back in the hills of Va. superstitions of ghosts, big foot , and other such things that pervaded the area at that time .. Matter of fact many stories run rampant of such things however it was just believed to be stories and those that told them drinking too much moon shine which was also common in the area ...

At the age of 21 Boyd met and married Myrtle White there in ,Va. and 3 years latter had Chet Hart . Chet had no need of being taken because unlike his father and grandfather he had no need of an implant because much like Allie Keys he had the natural spiral locked away in his brain. However the powers that be which is something even the aliens hadn't counted on had other temporary plans for Chet Hart...

At the age of 7 Chet was outside playing when a rather freakish storm came up with a lot of wind and lightning. Chet instinctively knew he should seek shelter headed for home.. he didn't make it because he was struck with a lightning bolt and knocked unconscious . He laid in that field until sometime latter when his father Boyd found him and took him to the local clinic/hospital in Jonesville some ways from . Unbeknownst to the aliens Chet's spiral as affected by that lightning strike making him invisible to them so they could no longer track him. Chet was a second part of the equation that involved Allie ...you see Chet was to be her equal and potential mate to propagate within the humans what the aliens started. Him becoming lost to them was a problem but not something they felt was not a major thing just a hindrance to the total equation at that time. Both Chet and Allie were eight years of age when Allie chose to be taken by the aliens and her great grandfather. This of course was something that Chet Hart was completely unaware of. It's been 10 long years since Allie was taken from this earth and Chet and his family moved from ,Va. to Dayton,Ohio because his father was looking for a better paying job and hopefully a better way of life than what he was used to.. However things are about to get really complicated for Chet Hart especially since he's about to get struck by lightning a second time in his life and it turns his spiral back on. Not only do the aliens read it but also so does the military why is this so important because Chet's signal is 3 times more powerful than than Allie's. Chet as of yet has no idea how much he's able to do and manifest in the physical realms. Making it imperative that Allie and her Great grand father John reach Chet first before the military does.

We find Chet in a hospital room unconscious , there in the room with him was his worried parents. A nurse had just come into the room to check Chet's vitals and adjust his IV drip. Chet's mother Florence Hart

was sitting next to his bed worried and dabbing tears from her eyes.

His father Henry Hart was standing by his wife trying unsuccessfully to comfort his wife. The doctors were concerned that he might not wake up from a coma like condition that he was in.

Downstairs in the waiting room the hikers that had found Chet was giving a very unusual story to anyone that would listen to them.

The man who was talking appeared to be the father of the hikers

which seemed to be a family of five . Husband and wife and two older boys and a younger girl. The father ,"Ya, it was the damnedest thing we've ever seen , he was just floating there in mid air about three feet off the ground. If it hadn't of been for the curiosity of my daughter here reaching out to touch him he would have probably still been floating there in the air when the medics got there. But as soon as she touched him , he..he.. just slowly drift down to earth. His daughter with big expressive eyes just nodded in agreement with her father as to validate what he was telling those that were listening. However you could tell

by the expressions on their faces that they really found it hard to believe this story of theirs.

General Mead was at the outskirts of the small town were the hospital

that contained Chet, he was with a small contingency of men with

very elaborate looking equipment. General Mead , was speaking to a

young looking Lieutenant by the name of Graves , "Graves what do we know about this signal we're picking up so far?" Graves responded,

"Sir, the signal seems to be blanketing the entire town sir , and it may take awhile to locate the source or its precise location." General Mead,

"What do you mean Graves , explain?" Graves," well sir, its like this signal is a large dense fog that radar can track as a whole but if you put that same radar in the middle of that dense fog all you get is that the fog is all around you and you have no idea really were your at in that fog. You could be at the very middle or even at the very leading edge and all you see is the fog. This is the simplest way i can describe our situation. If we go in there Sir , our instruments will be worthless so to speak."

General Mead , "Graves keep that signal under observation if anything,and i mean anything changes i want to know immediately is that understood?" Graves , "Yes Sir, as soon as anything occurs you'll be the first to know Sir."

Allie's grandfather , the alien , comes to Allie and informs her of something she's unaware of. "Allie," he starts, "We were just been made aware of a missing signal that we just started receiving mysteriously and has been missing from us for almost seventeen years now ." he paused as Allie curiously looked at her grandfather with questioning eyes. "Why would this be of importance grandfather , we know that i couldn't shut off all those that you were monitoring , but just those that were there at my uncles farm?" her grandfather just smiled , "Allie , the problem here is that the signal were receiving is as strong as yours before you shut yours down the first time." Allie's eyes widen significantly , "What? How is this possible grandfather , and what does this mean?" her grandfather raised his hand as to indicate to give him a second . "Allie, we actually had many experiments going on at the same time as with your family. You see their was other families that had genetic traits we wanted also. Allie, you were only half of our experiment , we new that you would need a mate that was genetically equal with you to make a whole otherwise the genetic line would erode back to a point that put us back to square one so to speak