
Chapter 76

"What?" Louis chuckled, "Do friends kiss each other?" Was she playing games with him? He knew she was into him, probably she wasn't aware of it but she was giving him all the signs that were telling him to do things to her.

Sarah stared at Louis then rose to her feet, maybe she coming here wasn't a good idea after all. Matteo had teased her about having a crush on Louis, she had waved it off as a joke but it seemed maybe she was because she was suddenly getting nervous.

This nervous feeling was an unusual one, she was never nervous in front of them most especially Louis and they were so closed they gossipped about the people they have kissed or ever crushed on in school but since she heard that word like a lot of thoughts were coming to her mind and she didn't know why.

"Where are you off to?" Louis asked also rising to his feet.

"I am thirsty," she lied heading for the door as Louis blocked her way, he grabbed her by the waist swiftly and placed a kiss on her lips before she could comprehend the situation.

Her eyes widened the instant his lips touched hers, it was a innocent kiss but she suddenly felt an earthquake in her tummy, was this the butterflies they always talked about in school because if this was it, she loved the feeling.

Why didn't her first kiss feel this way? Well she was ready for it? She had always had a crush on Devon and she told her friends about it.

'make sure you have your lipgloss on'

Her friends had told her in preparation for the kiss which she knew was going to happen as Devon had told her that day that he did kiss her after school, but after the kiss she had felt absolutely nothing and she was even angry that their was a lot of hype in school about kissing.

She didn't get what the hype was but she didn't want Devon to feel like he wasn't do much so she acted like she enjoyed every bit of it and smile at him afterwards.

Louis lips tasted different, it was soft, gentle and slow in pace but Devon had bitten her lips, sucked her lips and even tried to put his tongue in her mouth.

Sarah slowly felt her eyes closing back, why was her eyes closing? No, this was Louis her friend, her childhood friend. She placed her hand on his chest pushing him off as she rushed out of the room quickly.

"Sarah," Louis called out, he wanted to chase her and kiss her again but he didn't want anyone asking them questions and finding out what he had done to her. It seemed Sarah was into him but she just didn't know it, the kiss they had shared was longer than he had thought it would be and it took her some while to finally decide on if what they were doing was wrong.

He reached for the book she had dropped on the floor and placed it back on the table, he was about to sit down and play video games when Matteo walked in looking perplexed.

"What the hell is going on between you and Sarah?" Matteo asked hand in his pocket as he watched Louis turn on the TV and adjust the chair closer so he could sit down.

"What are you talking about?"

"She was shaking," Matteo replied.

Did the kiss really have that kind of effect on her? Louis smirked at the thought of that as he sat down.

"I kissed her," he admitted. It wasn't like Matteo wasn't going to find out anyways they were all friends and Sarah was eventually going to tell Matteo.

He also didn't keep secrets from Matteo, there was nothing they didn't talk about or know about each other.

"You did what?"

"It was going to happen eventually," Louis replied and he knew that for sure.

"Why the fuck will you kiss her?"

"What do you mean why the fuck will I kiss her?"

"I asked you if you were into her but you said no and I took your word for it," Matteo replied not wanting to believe that Louis actually kissed Sarah. He knew he teased Sarah about Louis being her crush but it was only to get on her nerves because he knew Sarah was into him but with what Louis had done, how was Sarah going to be feeling now? He should have kissed her the moment the thought came to his head.

Louis shakked his head not believing that Matteo was mad right now about the kiss when clearly he was the one who was always teased them about being into each other, or did he like Sarah?

"Do you like Sarah?"


"That was a sharp what, so you like Sarah?"

"I don't okay, I just don't want her being uncomfortable around us. She is our friend before anything."

"Fine, I will not do anything she doesn't want me to do."

* * *

Sarah was about taking a turn into the school hall when she spotted Louis talking with a girl, it seemed the kiss didn't mean anything to him right? It was just a kiss and nothing too serious but for her anytime she saw him she suddenly felt her heart racing in her chest and in the end she always ended up passing another route to avoid him.

"Avoiding me I see," someone whispered behind her ear startling her, she turned around to see who immediately in shock.

"You," she exclaimed staring at Louis then back at where he had been talking to the girl, how did he get here so quick? Was she thinking that much that she had lost track of time?

"Yes me."

"I...i..am not avoiding you," Sarah lied.

"Then what are you doing?"

"I should be asking you, you are the one who is here stalking me."

"Matteo is pissed that I kissed you," Louis said trying to get a reaction from her about it, he didn't want to get into anything that wasn't his in the first place most especially something that involved his brother. The last thing he wanted was to be fighting with his brother over a woman.

"He is?" Sarah asked wondering why Matteo would be angry about that, wasn't he supposed to be happy that what he was always teasing them about had finally happened.

"So you like him?" Louis pressed on not minding her question which he obviously knew was a rhetorical question.

"Ofcourse not, he is my friend and..."

Sarah had barely finished explaining herself when she felt Louis lips on hers, this time her eyes closed on motion but her hands shoved him off remembering they were in school and some students had just seen them kissing.

Not that anyone bothered with stuffs like these, alot of students found themselves kissing anywhere during break hours and even when the teachers saw them they always played a blind eye to it because they didn't know who was who.

The last student they reported, the father happened to be a politician. The man was too occupied to be worried about if his daughter was found banging one of her classmates in the toilet he was more concerned that his daughter had called him crying her eyes out that she had been expelled.

He had called the school and gave them two options, either the school called off the foolish expulsion or he was going to shut down the school.

Who would be stupid to pick the second when clearly they needed the money they were getting from their parents but regardless PDA wasn't her kind of thing, it wasn't something she was used to, even when she and Devon had kissed they were alone with no eyes looking at them.

Louis stared at her with a smirk realizing that it wasn't that she didn't enjoy the kiss, she seemed to have issues with doing it in public and her eyes were currently looking at the people who were staring at her wondering if their eyes were failing them.

The almighty Louis Klar, just kissed a girl out of the blues, the Klar family was well known in the school and everyone envied them for their popularity and how easy it was for them to be involved in alot of sporting activities not to talk of how good their grades were.

Alot of students in the school were not doing so well academically and they mostly relied on sports but for the Klar they did both perfectly and it was a turn on for the ladies around, they knew Louis had dated a couple of top ladies in school but to see him being affectionate was something they had never seen before.

It was women who threw themselves at him not the other way round and worst it was his best friend Sarah, maybe they had been lying about this best friend thing maybe they were secret lovers all along and got carried away and exposed themselves or worst they were friends with benefits.