
Chapter 75

"thought you were never going to wake up," Maya said as she watched Jake open his eyes, last night while she was asleep she heard her twin crying her eyes out. She had been disturbed by the noise but eventually fell asleep in between, she wondered how long Stephan had been up because when she woke up this morning they were both fast asleep cuddled up in the little hospital bed.

It was a lovely sight to watch knowing fully well that Stephan was a well known man and if she told anyone about this they wouldn't believe her one bit. She wondered how her twin was able to be in a relationship with Stephan, she heard men like him were hard to be with as they seemed more occupied with their work and busy to be bothered by a woman.

There was no difference from him and her father, who abandoned her mum when she needed him the most. 

"Don't tell me you slept here all night," Jake finally said remembering all that had happened to him yesterday, it was obvious Maya had slept here over night because she had this scent like she had just taken her bath.

"I didn't ," she denied. Maya had wanted to go to her room to sleep, she didn't find the hospital comfortable but she remembered Jake having a phobia of being asleep in the hospital, she decided to stay back incase he woke up in the middle of the night probably thirsty or something but he had been asleep all through till this morning.

"You look beautiful when you lie," he replied.

Was that supposed to be a compliment or what? Maya wondered staring at him.

He tried to sit up as Maya assisted him adjusting his pillow properly, she turned to the small table next to the him and poured him a glass of water handing it to him as he collected it groaning his face. 

It seemed stretching his hand was in a way affecting his stitch, he stared down at his belly as he drank the water slowly. He was already neatly bandaged on the two side where he was stitched, he was about to drop his water when his eyes caught someone who was walking towards the bed opposite him and he nearly choked on his water. 

"Matteo," Jake stuttered for only his ear as Matteo stared at him. 

He gave Maya the cup slowly wondering if his eyes were decieving him, he was about to call the name again when another familiar face walked inside.


"Louis," she stared at him for somewhile like she had seen a ghost, she stared at Matteo to be sure he was seeing who she was seeing and he seemed pretty stunned than her as he stood there with both his hand in his pocket. 

She walked up to his bed looking closely at him, his eyes, his lips, his big ears, it was definitely him.

"Louis," she chimed this time, she stared at Dawn's twin but she was less concerned by her presence.

She hugged Jake immediately not minding the soft groan that was coming from him as a result of the pressure she was currently adding to his belly that was bandaged. She couldn't believe her eyes one bit, even now as she hugged him she still wasn't sure if she was dreaming or something.

She held onto him tightly just incase it was a dream, taking in all his scent, he still had that warm feel.

How could he be here? And he had grown up to be such a handsome man, the last time she had seen him was a long time, he and his father were having a misunderstanding about him getting married to a lady that he clearly didn't want to marry.

He had announced that he was leaving the Klar house for good and never coming back, she had been so worried about him, how could such a young boy survive on his own without his father's help.

His father had made sure all his accounts were blocked the next day, it was a terrifying situation for her and for Stephan and Matteo. They all came home to meet that Louis was gone and it would seem even his father didn't care, as he informed the guards to pack out all of his items that he had forgot to pack and have them burnt.

"It's really you," Sarah said letting go of him finally and looking him in the eyes again. 

"Sarah," Jake replied still confused. How was this possible? What had brought them all the way to this side? He had made sure to cut all ties and to go far away where he knew that none of them would ever step foot on but here they were.

He stared towards Matteo's direction and he could see Stephan cuddled up in bed with Maya's lookalike, was it because Stephan was dating one of Gonzales daughter? Was that why they were here?

It didnt make sense to him, the Stephan he knew would never get married or worst tangled up in a love situation, he remembered how he had rushed into the water to rescue Maya's lookalike but he had been so concerned about the knife and bullet in his tummy that he didn't take note of Stephan's face and Stephan was also occupied that he didn't take note of his either but even now he seemed un bothered.

Maya stared at the lady who was hugging Jake and being so affectionate, who the hell was she and why did she suddenly feel a certain urge of jealousy watching her hug Jake like that and the name she called him. Was it his middle name or what?

The lady had not even given any regards to her presence whatsoever.

"I still can't believe my eyes," Sarah confessed. "I feel like I am dreaming or something," she continued. 

She remembered Louis had been head over heels in love with her back then, she could have sworn it was because of her he refused to get married back then to his father's choice but over the years she came to realize it wasn't about her but about his happiness. 


"What are you doing?" Sarah asked pulling her head back and nearly falling from her chair, was Louis just trying to kiss her or did he just lean in with no alterior motive.

She had decided to come to his room to study but it seemed she had been the only one studying all this while while Louis busied himself with staring at her and her lips.

"Trying to kiss your lips," he admitted this time staring at her plum lips, he loved it when she had her pink lip gloss on. 

"You are just going to kiss me in your room?" She asked with her eyes wide open. It wasn't that she hadn't been kissed before but Louis was just a family friend, she had never imagined them kissing or doing anything sexual and she didn't want to start imagining it.

"Why not? I like you and I see nothing wrong in wanting to show it," Louis replied. 

"Like?" Sarah repeated. What was he up to? She wondered looking at him as he leaned in again this time pecking her cheek.

"Or you want me to explain what like means?" Louis teased staring at her stunned look, this naive little thing. He thought she told him she had been kissed before, or did she lie just to get him off her back.

"As a friend right?" Sarah asked.

"What?" Louis chuckled, "Do friends kiss each other?" Was she playing games with him? He knew she was into him, probably she wasn't aware of it but she was giving him all the signs that were telling him to do things to her. 

Sarah stared at Louis then rose to her feet, maybe she coming here wasn't a good idea after all. Matteo had teased her about having a crush on Louis, she had waved it off as a joke but it seemed maybe she was because she was suddenly getting nervous.

This nervous feeling was an unusual one, she was never nervous in front of them most especially Louis and they were so closed they gossipped about the people they have kissed or ever crushed on in school but since she heard that word like a lot of thoughts were coming to her mind and she didn't know why.

"Where are you off to?" Louis asked also rising to his feet. 

"I am thirsty," she lied heading for the door as Louis blocked her way, he grabbed her by the waist swiftly and placed a kiss on her lips before she could comprehend the situation. 

Her eyes widened the instant his lips touched hers, it was a innocent kiss but she suddenly felt an earthquake in her tummy, was this the butterflies they always talked about in school because if this was it, she loved the feeling.