
Chapter 52

"Fucking hell," Sarah cried staring at the hand that was already bleeding, the maid reached for the collar of her towel before she could comprehend the pain that the chip glass was causing right now to her body.

The maid dragged her up staring at her in the eyes and now that Sarah was staring at her eyes their was something wrong with her eyes, they were two different colours. The maid turned her around placing the knife to her neck as she motioned her out of the room.

"Sarah," Dawn said leaving Stephan's back and hugging her while she hugged Sarah. 

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"How is she?" Ivy asked Dawn as she walked into the room, Sarah had fallen asleep  eventually after crying her eyes out and Dawn had watched cry till she fell asleep. She knew how she was feeling and she had once felt that way when she was kidnapped by Scar even seeing Ivy constantly reminded her of that.

She had even forgotten that Ivy was staying in the house with her child and was even the reason they all moved here but Sarah never mentioned her in their conversation and Dawn wasn't surprised, Sarah was probably trying to not bring up old memories.

"She is fine I guess, how is your baby?"

"Fine, and you? You suddenly disappeared." Ivy wasn't really close to all of them in the house but she was grateful to Stephan even though she barely said it. She had her own wing in the house and she was given whatever she needed when never she needed.

She even had her own driver and she was pleased by the luxurious lifestyle she currently had, if someone had told her she will be here today in Stephan's Klar mansion she would have said it is a lie. 

She came home after her delivery and suddenly noticed that Dawn wasn't with them anymore, at first she thought she had travelled but Sarah eventually told her that things weren't going well between she and Stephan.

"I just got busy with work."

"He really cares about you." Ivy had seen how Stephan behavior had drastically changed when Dawn left, he was a cold man but when Dawn left he became colder than normal.

No one dared to talk in the house and even when they did they found themselves stuttering. The only person who had a loud mouth was Sarah who seemed upset by Dawn's absent than Stephan.

A blind man could see that Stephan had finally fallen in love with Dawn the only problem was he was not going to admit it to her and Ivy could only hope that it wouldn't be too late when he figures it out.

"I wish he would say it so I can believe it, how is your husband?"

"Stephan allowed us to meet last week, I took our child along."

"That's really good."

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"I will be there once I close from work," Travis informed Olivia.

"Alright," Olivia replied. She had just moved into her new apartment and she couldn't be more happy. She obviously met the house already stocked with all the basic things she needed but she wanted to change something like the decor and the wall colour in her room. 

She pictured it white not grey in colour, she had called Travis to inform him about it but he seemed occupied with work and she didn't want to disturb him since he had already offered to come over once he was done. 

"I still don't get why you told my men to back down when clearly we agreed that you will have security with you always."

"I am just pregnant for goodness sake Travis, the last thing I need is unnecessary attention on me," Olivia had told all the bodyguards to go back home but she had only selected one and even that one was because she had not gotten a maid yet. 

Even if she was going to get a maid, she was going to figure it out herself. The last thing she needed right now was Travis selecting someone and then keeping watch on her or wherever she was going to.

This was her opportunity to do things on her own terms without bothering about Travis.

"That discussion is not up for an argument, I told you they won't be close by."

"It is still the same thing."

"Very well," Travis agreed instantly not planning on prolonging the discussion. He had other things to bother about right now and he was definitely going to have his bodyguards lurking around and keeping an eye on her and making sure she was safe alongside his baby.

"There are a lot of things we need to discussion especially you trying to control me, I am not your wife."

"I have told you that once you have my child you can go your way and I will never disturb you."

"I can't wait to have the bloody child."

"Me, too."

Olivia cut the call not waiting on him to say anything else. She knew he would not call her back.

"We will need to change that shelf as well as that rug," Olivia said to the bodyguard taking a seat on the couch in the living room. She felt stressed and her feet were killing her.

"Yes ma."

"Can you get me something to drink? I think there is juice in the fridge."

"Sure Ma," the bodyguard nodded heading to the kitchen as Olivia heard the sound of gun shot before she could comprehend if it was truly a gun shot or not her door came open as series of men in Black rushed in with gun pointing at her. 

They surrounded her as a young woman entered wearing dark shades, she smiled at Olivia who was staring at the kitchen to confirm if the bodyguard was there but she could clearly see him lying on the floor bleeding his gut out.

She didn't know when she swallowed in her spit as sweat began to form on her forehead.

The young lady took a seat and removed her glasses 👓 revealing her eyes that had two different colours one green and one blue.

She smiled at Olivia signalling her to get on her knees as Olivia complied rethinking her decision earlier when she sent those bodyguards away. She shouldn't have sent them away.

The lady stood up and touched Olivia on the face placing a solemn kiss on her lips that shocked Olivia

"Don't touch her pretty face," that was the last thing Olivia heard.

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"Gonzales is a very dangerous man." Matteo pointed out as he and Stephan sat in his office. His mind was finally at peace when Sarah was already fast asleep after the doctor had stitched her hand as well as treated her injuries, he had never seen her like this before and it annoyed him that he had not gotten home sooner to stop it from happening.

Hearing now and checking into the matter about Gonzales probably bring Dawn's father was shocking to him and didn't make any sense to him how such a dangerous man could be tied to Dawn.

The least they could do is get a DNA test done on time before things got out of hand, whoever was that maid was probably sent by someone to get rid of anything tied to Gonzales. There was a possibility that news were spreading already that Gonzales might actually have some child which could be Dawn or worst children which would involve Olivia.

"We will have to conduct that test."

"You also have to get Dawn to move in with us for her own safety, we don't want any bad thing happening to her and the baby."


"What do you mean you? Didn't you see how Sarah was, that could have been Dawn."

"We will conduct the dna test and then..."

"For once put your bloody ego aside, she is carrying your baby for goodness sake." Matteo muttered, he wasn't one to involve himself in Stephan's personal life but he knew Sarah cared about Dawn and Stephan also cared more about her.

If truly they were talking about the Gonzales, he wouldn't be surprised to see Dawn's head cut off  from her baby any moment from now. Even now that he thought about it what about that her maid. 


She might be in danger as well.

"You have your security team lurking around her house right? I believe her maid should be home."

"You think they will..."

"Without a doubt in my mind, I know you are new to this whole baby thing but that aside your woman is in danger."

Stephan leaned in his chair taking a deep breathe, this wasn't what he needs right now. He had escaped that awkward conversation they were having about love and now he had to talk her into staying when clearly he had been the one to kick her out.

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"Is the fucking doctor there already?"

"Yes boss, we are clearing the environment."

"Good, I am here already." Travis said cutting the call and dashing out of his car straight into Olivia's apartment. He had gotten a call from one of his bodyguards after he talked to Olivia that some people were in her house and had beaten the hell out of Olivia.

He had instantly called off the on going meeting and headed straight for her house, he had wanted to tell them to take her to the hospital but he didn't know if it was his enemies or rivals at work. 

Taking her to the hospital was definitely going to be a wrong idea. He decided to bring the hospital to her apartment instead and he could only hope she was okay. 

When he got in, some workers were cleaning the blood stain on the floor and some Police men were seen asking questions, they all bowed their head to greet him but no one dared to say anything to him as they could see that he was clearly pissed off.

Travis walked straight to Olivia's room as he could see the doctor putting the finishing touch on her stitches.

"How is she?" Travis asked looking at Olivia who seemed pretty battered up but her face looked perfectly untouched. The bed was filled with blood stains. Whoever gave her a beating didn't want to touch her face, it was more like the person was trying to pass a message.

Luckily he was going to get the bastard, whoever he was because the house was wired with cameras and he had his security team working on finding out who the idiot is.

"She is very stable now."

"That's very good."

"But there might be some complications," the doctor added but kept his mouth shut when Travis signalled him to as he brought out his phone that was vibrating in his pocket.

It was Matteo.

"Where are you now?"

"Olivia's place."

"You should take her back home, someone tried to attack Dawn but Sarah got injured instead."

"The person was already here before I got here and Olivia doesn't look good at all."