
Chapter 51

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"Sir, Miss Dawn is here to see you," A maid informed Stephan as he rose from his office seat and followed the maid to the living room. He stared at Dawn who seemed to be talking to Sarah, he hadn't expect her to follow Sarah home.

When the two women felt his presence, Sarah stared at him and excused them.

"If this is about the money I will not be collecting it back."

"I and Damien are not together," Dawn replied not knowing how to go about the conversation. She knew Stephan was mad as hell but over the years he had learned how to have this blank expression on his face but when she had been with Stephan she had begun to understand that it wasn't who he really was. 

Yes he was ruthless but it wasn't by choice, it was his situation that had made he what he was now. 

"And why are you saying this to me?"

"Because I know you are mad at me, I would never..."

"You are an independent woman, whatever you deem fit to do with your life is your choice."

"Is it because of the baby? Is that why you are treating me this way?"

Stephan had experienced a lot of cheating from his past catch but he never prolonged the issues but in Dawn's case he was some what affected by what he had saw, the way Damien had held her and placed his lips on her annoyed him.

"With or without the baby our contract would have come to an end eventually," Stephan informed her which was true.

"Are we back at this contract?"

"You have always wanted out of it, haven't you?"

"I would never hurt you, you know how I feel about Damien, he was only trying to tell me something about my father," Dawn explained.

"Of course he was."

"He was saying something about my father not being my father and he even..."

"I do not care about what the both of you have been discussing."

"We only met today."

"And how am I sure about that?" He had his men keeping watch on her and he knew fully well that she had not been with Damien but he didn't know why the words coming out of his mouth were sounding this way.

"Why are you treating me this way?"

"If you keep repeating that I might think you have lost it finally," Stephan warned. "All I have done is give you your space and I can see you are using it well."


"If that is all, I will love to get back to my work."

"I thought you..."

"You thought what? That I will take you in my arms and give you a warm embrace for disobeying me when clearly I told you never to see that man."

"You act like you are not mad at me but you are," Dawn said holding his hand in hers. "For once admit it to me, that you care about me and this child."

"I care about you."

Dawn stared at him knowing that the tone he had said that in wasn't the way she wanted it to sound and the sudden answer didn't sit well with her.

"I mean that you care about me more."


"That you love me? Do you love me Stephan?"

"Do you love me?" Dawn asked this time placing her hand to his face and looking him in the eyes as Stephan right back at her without saying a word, for a moment one would have thought they were in a staring competition.

"We can't keep..."

"It's a yes or no question."

He remembered when this same woman had refused to be with him, she had sworn that he would never have her but not only did he have her, here she was asking him this question that always terrified him.

His answer to this question was always the same but his mouth were refusing to say those words to her. 

"St...e..phan," Sarah called out in shaking voice as she and Dawn turned to stare at her in the hands of a maid holding a knife to her neck. Sarah raised her hand up and from the bruises on her head it seemed she and the maid must have been fighting each other and probably in the bathroom because they were both soaking wet.

"Sarah," Dawn said in shock, what was going on? She felt Stephan's hand pushing her behind him immediately. 

"Hand her over," the maid ordered Stephan staring at his back. "If you don't I swear I will cut her neck open." The maid warned pressing the knife closer to Sarah's neck.

Stephan stared at the maid wondering what was going on and if he had missed anything, he could see his bodyguards coming into the living room but one glare from him and they all knew to back off as it seemed Stephan had it all under control but they decided to stay close by just incase.

Stephan could feel Dawn shivering behind him, he figured she must be having ptsd right now.

"Who sent you?" Stephan asked.

"It doesn't matter."


Blood splashed on Stephan face as well as Sarah who screamed from the shock running to hug Stephan as the maid fell on the floor. Dawn had also closed her eyes holding on to Stephan's cloth tightly from behind.

When she looked up through her lashes to see what had happened she saw Matteo putting his gun back into his pants as the maid laid on the bare floor with a gun shot to the head. 

The shot was so precise that there was a hole between her eyes, a low moan of pain came out of her mouth as she gave up the ghost with her eyes opened in shock.

Then Sarah cry filled the room as she held on to Stephan tightly not minding that everyone was looking at her right now, Stephan didn't mind that his cloth was currently stained with blood and the water dripping from her head.

She knew Stephan and Matteo would always protect her but she had never thought in her life she would experience something like this. 

To have a knife 🔪 to her neck was the most terrifying thing ever, she felt her heartbeat increasing every moment and she could have sworn she thought she would die.

When she left Dawn and Stephan, she left to her room to freshened up and come back downstairs to make sure the two love birds had settled their dispute.

When she got to the bathroom she pulled off her clothes went to the wardrobe to select the night gown she wanted to wear then headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower while she was in the shower she held the door open and figured it was Matteo.

"Mat," she called out to Matteo rinsing her face in the shower, when she didn't get the response she was expecting she closed the shower 🚿 put the towel robe and headed out. 

She nearly gasped in shock when she saw a maid staring at her with a knife in her hand and looking at her.

"Where is Dawn?"

What did she mean by that? Everyone in the house knew who Dawn was and even those who didn't know who Dawn was probably heard from the ones who knew her so why was she demanding for Dawn except she wasn't an actual maid.

"Who sent you?"

"I repeat, where is Dawn?"

"I don't..." Sarah had barely gotten her words out when the maid lunged for her with the knife nearly stabbing her. Sarah was quick to dash back grabbing the maids hand and hitting the knife off as she gave her a low blow in the stomach.

The maid groaned in paining staggering back as she regained her composure immediately like it didn't hurt that much, she reached for Sarah's head pulling on to her hair tightly and twirling her around as Sarah grabbed on to the maids hair as well.

They continue struggling as the maid held on to Sarah carrying her and twirling her up and into the glass table in the room as the glass table breaks into pieces with Sarah on the floor groaning in pain.

She stared at the maid angrily, who the hell was this woman and why was she hell bent on hurting her when clearly she wasn't Dawn. Did this have to do with the Gonzales guy Damien had come to warn Dawn about but wasn't that her father.

Her father wouldn't want to kill her right?

Sarah place her hand on the floor to try and stand up as a chip of the broken table pierced into her hand.

"Fucking hell," Sarah cried staring at the hand that was already bleeding, the maid reached for the collar of her towel before she could comprehend the pain that the chip glass was causing right now to her body.

The maid dragged her up staring at her in the eyes and now that Sarah was staring at her eyes their was something wrong with her eyes, they were two different colours. The maid turned her around placing the knife to her neck as she motioned her out of the room.

"Sarah," Dawn said leaving Stephan's back and hugging her while she hugged Sarah. 

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"How is she?" Ivy asked Dawn as she walked into the room, Sarah had fallen asleep  eventually after crying her eyes out and Dawn had watched cry till she fell asleep. She knew how she was feeling and she had once felt that way when she was kidnapped by Scar even seeing Ivy constantly reminded her of that.

She had even forgotten that Ivy was staying in the house with her child and was even the reason they all moved here but Sarah never mentioned her in their conversation and Dawn wasn't surprised, Sarah was probably trying to not bring up old memories.

"She is fine I guess, how is your baby?"

"Fine, and you? You suddenly disappeared." Ivy wasn't really close to all of them in the house but she was grateful to Stephan even though she barely said it. She had her own wing in the house and she was given whatever she needed when never she needed.

She even had her own driver and she was pleased by the luxurious lifestyle she currently had, if someone had told her she will be here today in Stephan's Klar mansion she would have said it is a lie. 

She came home after her delivery and suddenly noticed that Dawn wasn't with them anymore, at first she thought she had travelled but Sarah eventually told her that things weren't going well between she and Stephan.

"I just got busy with work."

"He really cares about you." Ivy had seen how Stephan behavior had drastically changed when Dawn left, he was a cold man but when Dawn left he became colder than normal.

No one dared to talk in the house and even when they did they found themselves stuttering. The only person who had a loud mouth was Sarah who seemed upset by Dawn's absent than Stephan.

A blind man could see that Stephan had finally fallen in love with Dawn the only problem was he was not going to admit it to her and Ivy could only hope that it wouldn't be too late when he figures it out.

"I wish he would say it so I can believe it."