
Chapter 31

"There are a lot of things we can do, I know you want to protect Matteo by all means but for this to work, Matteo needs to be available. His absence will not enable me to have a strong case." Travis explained, they had been going back and forth as regards Matteo. It was well known that when a person was absent for too long it is not a good sign.

"He wasn't around during the time of the crime, that is a good case."

"A good case that could also mean that he is in hiding because he is actually guilty." 

Stephan stared at Travis, he finally took a sip from the wine and it was one of his favourite wine. 

It seemed Travis knew what  he was saying, ofcourse he knew what he was saying. Stephan had also thought about the scenario as well and the possibility that they might look at it from that angle. 

His event was forthcoming next weekend and he didn't need all this drama, his phone vibrated in his pocket and when he brought it out to check who it was from, it was Dawn. She sent him a message 'Scar is here'. 

Right Scar, they were still processing his case and from the looks of things Stephan was going to cancel the case. Not cancel technically but Scar would not be implicated on one condition, which Stephan had not figured out yet but he had requested Scar to come to the pent house today. 

He made sure the receptionist kept him at the lobby but Dawn could see him through the security camera in the pent house.

"Excuse me," Stephan said dialing Dawn's number. Travis nodded and went back inside, he didn't want to listen in on his conversation.

"Where are you?" He heard Dawn's voice.

"Still busy with work but I should be home soon." Stephan said. "He will remain in the lobby, so you don't have to worry."


"I will call you on my way back," Stephan replied.

"Alright," Dawn said as she disconnected the call.

When Travis checked on Olivia , she seemed to have been eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Hey," Travis smiled at her giving her a peck on the cheek. "I thought you will be getting ready to leave?"

"Leave?" Olivia replied, was he driving her away already. It wasn't even up to a week. 

Did Stephan mention something to him?

She had tried to listen in but she couldn't pick up anything from what they were saying, she didn't know if it was the glass or she just wasn't listening in closely. 

"It's almost a week, do you plan to move in?"

Ah, now she understood his point. It wasn't like they were dating that it would require her to spend the rest of her life here, she had gotten carried away by the situation and failed to not let her guards down. 

She wanted him to see her as an inexperienced woman but it seemed she was failing woefully, it wasn't just that, Olivia was desperate. She wanted to attain a status, she wanted to be better than Dawn in everything and in finding a man, a wealthy man. 

She remembered when Dawn had not come into her life, Stephan had doted on her alone. He had always called her when he felt alone and needed a listening ear, he took her out to dinner and rumor had it he nearly made it official but till today she didn't know what made him change his mind.

She had wondered why? but maybe it was Dawn because since Dawn came things had not been going her way. 

"Ofcourse I did get ready, I was just waiting for you to round up with..."

"Your lover?" Travis said.

What? Did Stephan tell him? She couldn't tell from the way he was looking at her. She wished she could read his mind.

"What are you talking about?" 

"You do know Stephan right? Or didn't I get the situation right?"

"I do, I mean he is Mr Klar a lot of people know him." Olivia replied, she wasn't planning on telling Travis about her and Stephan and how she had made a fool of herself countless times. They weren't even a lover, she was more of his fuck- mate than someone special to him. 

"I don't believe Olivia, or maybe you are not saying the right things."

"I...I.." Olivia stuttered.

"Go get dressed," Travis cut in. "I will drop you off."

"Wait, Travis." Olivia called out when Travis was heading back inside. It seemed he was pissed off by what she had just said, she didn't want to make the same mistake she had made with Stephan by not being honest.

"What is it?" Travis asked holding the door to the balcony.

"I..I actually know Stephan." She stuttered.

"I know, when am done we will talk about it." He told her and left her to her thoughts.

"I have someone who is willing to take the blame." Stephan said as Matteo entered. He had just finished talking to Dawn and Scar had offered to go in place of Matteo for the sake of his wife. 

Stephan didn't quite get the story straight when he called Scar but he would when he was back at the hotel.

"That's good and who is this person? Scar?"

"Yes," Stephan replied. He didn't bother asking him how he knew about Scar, even earlier when he had mentioned Dawn, Stephan didn't bother asking. Stephan had never told him about Dawn but Travis being Travis was very good at getting information, especially the ones that were related to him and the people he loved or worked for.

Stephan loved that about him, a man who was always on his toes.

"Well, we can proceed the case. Do you want him to take on Dawn's case as well?"

"No I don't want him to."

"It might be life in prisonment, the Grey's family won't back out of the case if you give them the killer."

"I will sort that out, but I want him to not spend a long time in jail."

"You don't?" Travis was shocked by that statement, he knew how Stephan and Matteo had nearly killed Scar. From his spy, Scar's body was a mess. He was even unrecognizable if not for Sarah and her miracle working hands.

She was able to stitch him up nicely, he even heard he had a wife, a pregnant one.

"He won't know about this information, when you speak to him about the case."

"Alright, now I understand you." Travis nodded, he knew what Stephan was up to and he could only hope that Scar would do the needful and Matteo would he free to travel back. Not like he cared about that being that Sarah was with him and they had another branch over there and in some other countries but Stephan loved Matteo.

He wanted to protect him by all cost. 


Olivia rolled over on the bed, she stretched her hands and touched Matteo's leg, she opened her eyes to see him working on his laptop. He had his glasses on and Sarah didn't know when she bursted out into laughter.

"What the fuck is that?" Sarah laughed then yawned deeply, when they were younger Matteo used to wear glasses but as they grew up he started using medical contact lens so she didn't know why he was wearing glasses right now. He looked like a nerd, well he was a nerd but a sexy one that didn't need glasses.

"Good morning to you too." Matteo smiled at her, continuing his work. He have forgotten his contact lens in the office last night when Sarah wouldn't stop calling him to get his ass back to the house. 

They had moved into one of his house and Sarah had to spend most of the time alone in the house. She had travelled three times back and forth to keep watch on the hospital and most times she worked from her office. Well a mini office Matteo had his men create for her. 

He wanted her to be comfortable as possible, she had left her comfort zone to be with him. He couldn't ask for anything more from her than for her to be comfortable.

"You look weird," Sarah said rolling out of the bed, she had only a red thong on. She went into the wardrobe and seemed to be looking for something.

Matteo remembered they did go out later in the day, it was weekend and he wanted to spend it with her by exploring the city not being locked up inside this house. 

He guessed she was busy arranging her clothes down but instead she held something in her hand and walked up to him. He tried to keep his eyes on his laptop but his eyes kept darting to her breast.

He could have sworn he typed breast into the laptop by mistake.

Sarah dropped the contact lens on the table beside him, she removed his glasses and gave him the contain lens.

"Wear this, I brought this for you incase you misplaced yours."

"Oh," that was thoughtful of her to have thought about the little things. 

She smiled at him and went into the bathroom, from the sound of the zinc water rushing, Matteo figured she wanted to brush and take her bath. 

He heard her brushing her teeth as she came out, with her mouth filled with toothpaste.

"When are we going out?" She asked with a mouth full of water, she went pack inside and spat out the water into the zinc.

"Soon, I just want to brush off on this work, so you can have me all to yourself."

"That's what you always say till someone calls you," Sarah replied cleaning her mouth  of any form of toothpaste. "Good thing you will be handing me your phone."

"What?" Matteo yelled back not sure he just heard that he would be giving her his phone.

"You heard me babe," Sarah said turning the shower on and taking a quick bath. 

It didn't take long for them to round up with all their activities and head out.

The driver drove them to a close by restaurant, it was a well known restaurant around.

"Let me help you with that," Matteo offered removing Sarah's jacket, he placed it on her seat and opened the seat for her to sit down. 

"Thank you," she appreciated sitting down and adjusting it to her comfort, while Matteo took his seat. 

"What would you like to eat?"

"Well your phone first," Sarah said putting her hand forth for him to give it to her.

"Babe," Matteo thought she had forgotten about this, he could get a really important call. 

"Hand it over," Sarah continued not paying attention to his attempt at making a puppy face.

Matteo took the phone from his pocket and handed it over to him, he watched her switch it off and put it in her purse beside her.

"Babe," Matteo called out again.

"I don't want to hear it, do I have your attention or not?"

"You do," Matteo reassured her and held her hand on the table.

"Matteo, is this really you?" Sarah heard as a lady walked up to them, she stared at their hands as they held each other hands and Matteo shocked her by tightening his grip on her hand.

"Anna," Matteo said without smiling. There was that sound of distaste in his voice. Sarah stared at the lady, she seemed overly dress and it was obvious she was rich from the expensive attire and accessories she had on.

"I spotted you from my table." Anna said and pointed to her table. She had not been sure it was Matteo, it was unusual to see him seated in a restaurant. The Matteo she knew was a very busy man, so she wasn't sure. She just had to see it for herself.

"Is this your sister?" Anna asked.