
Chapter 30

"I was worried about you," Sarah said cuddled up with Matteo. She didn't know how much she missed him till when she heard that he had killed Jerome and Stephan didn't want him to go to jail for it.

Jerome deserved to die, and she didn't blame Matteo for doing what he did. If she was in his shoe, she would have done worst. After Dawn had told her how Jerome was with her that day, she was glad Matteo killed him.

She breathed in his scent and pulled him closer to her and he did the same.

"I am here now, you don't need to worry or be scared."

"I didn't say I was scared, I said I was worried."

"Stubborn," Matteo whispered but Sarah could hear it loudly. She didn't take it as an insult, she took it as a compliment. She was truly stubborn.

"Let me freshen up," Matteo said rising up to his feet, he didn't smell so good, well to him, he didn't know about Sarah and if she felt that way because she had not complained since. He pulled his tie and his suit off.

While he took his clothes off, Sarah didn't keep her eyes off him. Instead she kept on staring, this woman wasn't only stubborn, she was shameless as well but he didn't mind, he was shameless himself.

"What are you doing?" Matteo couldn't believe what Sarah was doing right now, she had gone to the middle of the bed and opened her legs for him to see her clearly. She smiled at him like it wasn't a new thing, he stared at her and she did the same this time biting her bottom lips.

"Come to me," he heard her muttered for only them to hear, he had never seen anything like this. A lot of women he met were always timid, not that they were but they pretended to be in front of him. 

He didn't know why they behaved that way, it always annoyed him when they would keep the conversation at minimal because they were trying not to say anything that could offend him.

He loved a lady who could challenge him, a lady who would put him on his toes. A lady who would make him do things, not a woman who wanted for him to talk before she could.

Dawn possessed this trait and he wasn't surprised when Stephan was drawn to her, it was different, she was different, it wasn't his usual type of women. 

The one that claimed to love him, all because of his money, status and good looks. Not that the looks ever counted when money was involve but good looks also topped the chart when it came to women.

"I am dirty," Matteo finally replied wearing only his pant, he pulled off his shoe and socks, tucking the socks into the shoe.

"I like you when you are dirty."


Sarah nearly giggled when she saw the expression on Matteo's face after what she had said, his mouth dropped and it was written all over his face that he was confused.

She wasn't like this when she was with Alberto, she always allowed him have his way. She tried to reduce the way she behaved around him but she wanted to try something different with Matteo and from the look of things, it was working. 

She wanted to be herself with him, to be free with him. 

"Maybe we should take the shower together," Sarah concluded standing up from the bed. When her feet touched the ground, she opened the towel and allowed it fall to her feet.

She saw Matteo get a hard on at the sight of her and he seemed clueless about it, his eyes was fixed on her.

He touched her with his stare, she felt it on her neck, her breast, her feminity and her lips.

She walked up to him and planted a kiss on his lips to remind him that it is not a dream.  She was truly here with him, stake naked and ready to be one with him. 

She never knew Matteo to be a nervous man, when she kissed him. She felt the shiver on his lips, why wasn't he touching her. Was she doing it the wrong way.

Matteo stared at Sarah body, she was beautiful. He didn't know she was this curvy under those office clothes, she wasn't one to reveal too many skin but now he was nervous. Not out of repulsiveness but out of admiration.

Her beauty was intimidating to him.

"You are beautiful," he reassured her when he saw her smile fading away. He must have been too quiet that she started to get the wrong impression. "You don't have to do anything that you don't want to do."

What? Did he actually say that? Matteo was never one to give options, but he was giving it to her. Even thou his length was about to rip his pant apart. 

This was Sarah, it wasn't any woman. He wanted to make sure they were in this together. Normally he wouldn't have been cared about what the other woman felt, his mission was always to satisfy himself, not that he could ever be satisfied.

"Matteo Klar is giving options," Sarah teased. "I will be in the bathroom, if you want an answer. Come in."  

Matteo followed behind her not willing to meet this opportunity.


It had been three weeks and no report as regards Matteo's whereabouts, well no one in the Klar house was willing to give that information.

New guards and a maid had been assigned to the house, Stephan didn't trust anyone to watch over Dawn. He didn't re employ the people he had fired, even thou Sarah had pleaded on behalf of Madeline, he wasn't having any of it. 

He couldn't trust anybody, he had been taking care of Dawn any time he came back from work, since Sarah wasn't available. 

He even cooked over the weekend and Dawn had enjoyed the food, she still didn't believe he was the one that made the food when she asked for another plate. 

'You really made this?' she asked him.

'You don't believe me?' Stephan had chuckled while they ate at the dinning.

'Where did you learn how to cook?' she asked him not looking at him but the food.

'Are you sure you are still sick?' Stephan asked as he cleaned the little stew on her lips. He cleaned it and licked it.

Dawn had not gotten out of bed even thou she was fit too, at some point Stephan thought she was just pretending so she could enjoy his food and attention.

'I am.'

Stephan knew she was lying, he was able to tell a lot about her during this three weeks, when she lied she always avoided looking at the person straight in the eyes, and right now she was doing just that.

He also consulted with Alberto about the case but Alberto was trying to play a smart one on him, he claimed it was best Matteo came out of hiding first before they could know the way forward. 

He had decided to work with someone more reliable, Travis. Travis was a lawyer and a very good one at that. After Matteo , he definitely trusted Travis to handle issues like this. 

He had met Travis when he was much younger, a young boy looking for any means to outlive his issue with poverty.

'I will do anything Mr Klar, I just want to work for you, to be by your side.'

Stephan had accepted him right away, the boy reminded him of his younger self and in his journey to Travis house. He had met someone he didn't want to meet, Olivia.

"Stephan." Olivia opened the door staring at Stephan, she had thought it was the pizza guy and didn't bother to dress properly. Her plan had been to collect the pizza and go back in.

What was Stephan doing here? Had Dawn finally decided to lock her up? She had not heard or seen Dawn for three weeks now and when she went to Stephan's office, she was denied entry. 

She had given up and decided to wait patiently till she could figure out another plan.

"Where is Travis?" Stephan said not moved by the fact that she was wearing only her bra and pant.

"Travis? I mean it's nice to see you, how is Dawn?"

"Is the owner of the house in?" It seemed Travis had given her a different name because she didn't know the Travis he was talking about.

"Babe, let him in." Stephan heard Travis voice. Olivia opened the door wondering the connection between Stephan and Travis. Not that she knew much about Travis, she had only met him at a club, he was far too young for her but he was wealthy and he proved that when he announced that all the drinks ordered by the people in the club should be placed on his tab.

Her ear had flared up at the sound of that, she had approached him and tried her best to get to him. She was glad when he had called her and for the past four days she had been here, it was progress. She didn't know if Travis loved her but she knew he was fond of her presence already.

It was a good progress, one that she could never achieve when she was with Stephan. She never slept off and he never cared. He felt at ease sending her away than actually having her stay with him and when she had even managed to stay in his house. They slept in seperate rooms.

"Boss," Travis smiled and hugged Stephan without his permission. "I was about calling you when I heard about the latest, we should go to the balcony to discuss."

"Of course," Stephan agreed not interested in staying here, the room reeked of smoke and sex, lots of it. 

Travis opened the balcony door and motioned Stephan to sit down, then he stared at Olivia.

"Babe get us something to drink," he smiled at her. "What will you have Stephan?"

"Am fine," Stephan sternly replied not interested in having a drink but the smile on Travis face was not having any of it.

"Get us something strong babe," Travis closed the door and sat opposite Stephan.

"Boss," Travis called out again. "You could have called me to come to your apartment."

"It's been a while I paid you a visit."

"That's true, how is Madam Dawn? I heard she was kidnapped but you rescued her, I would have paid my visit but I didn't want to intrude." Travis had found out that Stephan was fond of miss Dawn, it was a surprise to him but he was happy for him that he had found someone that cared about him.

"I understand."

"What brings you here?"

"Am here to discuss Matteo's case."

Olivia walked in and dropped the drink, she didn't know why Stephan was here and she felt nervous in between this two men.

"What brings you here?" She asked but got no response from Stephan and she wished she had not asked in the first place. She served the drink into the wine glass and placed it close to him. The men were quiet and it was obvious they were waiting for her to get the fuck out.

She left after she was done with shaky hands, if she wasn't careful she would have spilled the wine on Stephan.

"She isn't the main, so don't scold me." Travis said when he realized the tension between Stephan and Olivia. It seemed they knew each other, he could bet that Stephan had fucked her.

"I won't, the reason I am here is for Matteo not for whoever you are now fucking. You are now a grown man Travis, you should be accountable for your actions." 

Stephan wasn't bothered about the situation. Olivia was a loose woman, she didn't slack in that area. His main concern was his brother, Matteo.