
Chapter 8 - Power of Friendship!!

"I'm sorry, you did what!?"

I don't blame Anguirus giving me a disbelief look when I explain what just happen while leaving some major details. Not to mention that Mosura is sitting on my shoulder right now.

"Yeah, I promise to help her." I said while rubbing my head sheepishly.

"Ah...I'm more surprise that you made friends." I can feel my blood pressure rising just from his words. "But, glad you did. I'm Anguirus, this dummy's little brother."

"I'm Mosura, it's nice to meet you." Mosura said while nodding.

"So, did you accept my brother's bold proposal?" I smack Anguirus' face wjile giving him a deadpan stare. "You don't need to slap me, big brother!"

"For your information, no. I rather not actually mate her, especially after what her brother try to do." Mothra looks a bit ashamed. "Also, I didn't know much about her, so no love life for now."

"Why do you even need to know her before mating her? All of us just mate each other to their heart's content, without caring who's who." I'm so glad that my scale protect myself from showing any sign of blushing.

"I'm not like you guys. It was very clear since I hatched." I said as Anguirus nodded.

"Yeah, no one has weird powers like you or even cry after killing other Titans." I give him a deadpan stare as Mothra stare at me.

"You cry for a deceased soul?" I look at Mothra before sighing.

"I just did. He may have try to murder me, but I didn't want any unnecessary bloodsheds." I said while shrugging. "I will kill for survivals, but if I can avoid it, I rather not kill."

"But, everyone kills." I can't help but horrified a bit by how casually Mothra said that. I get that Titans' law of nature is merciless, but to think it made Mothra accept it just like that.

"I didn't say I don't kill, but why kill others for no reason?" I rather want to keep my humanity left and avoid being too into killing like those psycopaths trying to kill me.

"You're really interesting, Jira." I raised my eyebrow at Mothra's word. I'm like the most boring guy ever, and I bet that if my life becomes a some sort of self-insert fic, I'll be criticized as the most boring and forgettable character ever.

"That's my brother for you!" Anguirus laughed. "He's very kind! He could've kill me and eat me when I was a baby but he choose to stay and help to raise me."

"Wow, you're really are responsible brother, Jira." That is very ironic as I'm the least responsible guy ever.

"He may act lazy, but he's the one who keeps provide foods for the family. He even sets some traps to keep predators away from us." Mothra's eyes widen. Did her eyes sparkles or is it just my imagination?



The three of us turn towards the source of the voice. I widen my eyes as the trap I made actually caught a flying creature, and it's none other than Rodan! Not just any Rodan, but the Rodan from 1956 Japanese movie! The one died from active volcano alongside his mate and left their egg alone to hatch.....

Fuck, to think the future new gen Rodan might have similar parallels with me.

Another goal, prevent their deaths, or at least, keep them alive till they saw their egg hatches.

"Owww....who the hell sets a trap on a tree!?" From his voice alone, I can assume he's between our ages.

"Sorry, I set those traps to keep other titans away from home." I said as I undo the trap on Rodan.

"You made these? What are they even made of? My burning skin didn't leave any marks." I raised my eyebrow. My vines are immune to flames? Good to know.

"I grow them. I didn't know they won't burn." I said as the trap was undone, Rodan falls from the tree but Anguirus safe him. "Nice reflexes, Ang."

"Learn from the best!" Anguirus grinned as he helps Rodan to stood up.

"Thank you, my fellow Titans. I-!" Rodan froze before he saw Mothra. "Y-your majesty!? I-I'm so sorry for not recognizing you!"

"Please don't bow. I rather not having titans bowing at me. It's very weird." I raised my eyebrow at Mothra. Really? Weird? That's the reason?

"I-I see..." Rodan then looks at me. "May I ask the genius that create such amazing trap?"

He sure knows how to flatter. Genius? The trap wasn't that complicated, just one you can find in Youtube tutorials.

"It's Gojira." I said as Mothra stare at me in surprise.

"I thought you said your name is Zilla?" So, Mothra did butcher the spelling.

"Oh, that's the name my parents gave me but changes when Anguirus won't stop mispronouncing it as Jira and-!" I got tackled by Anguirus who covers my mouth and if he has human skin, he'll be blushing right now.

"You promise me to not tell anyone!" Anguirus screech as I laugh.

"So, you change your name because your brother. But, why did you introduce yourself as Zilla?" Mothra asked in confusion.

"It's weird, but turns out that most Titans I meet can't pronounce Jira when I introduce myself as Gojira, so I always introduce myself as Zilla." I said as Mothra and Rodan blinked.

"Wait really? What's so hard pronouncing Jira?" Mothra asked in confusion.

"Zilla." Everyone stare at Rodan. "J-J-J-Zilla...." Rodan blinked in realization. "...I guess I'm one of them."

"Ah....." Mothra simply nodded.

I can't help but wondering, if this is actually a story, will this count as a running gag?

"Yeah, you can see why." I said. "Sometimes, I introduce myself and Gojira and this is the typical reaction I got."

"I'm sorry." Rodan sheepishly said.

"Don't worry too much." I shrugs.

"How about you? I heard Mothra said you're Zilla's brother." Rodan asked.

"I'm Anguirus." Anguirus said cheerfully.

"Nice to meet you all." Rodan nodded.

".....so, wanna join us?" I blurted out without any reason, getting a disbelief expression from Rodan and Mothra with Anguirus snort to laughter.

"You're still as awkward as trying to talk with others." I feel heat rush into my cheeks.

"W-well, I was just extend an invitation to talk to him and perhaps capturing some foods for him as an apology!" I stammers as Anguirus laugh even more.

"Y-yeah, sure." Rodan said nervously. ".....can I really join?"

"Yeah, I just ask that." I said while staring in confusion.

"Oh, right. Sorry. Never have a friend before." This made Anguirus stop laughing before placing his hind leg on Rodan's shoulder blade.

"Not to worry! I'll be the teacher of friendship and show you three the ropes!" I can't help but deadpan at Anguirus using words that might've came straight out of My Little Pony's fanfic.

Then again, this is how my life is now.

To be continued