
Christmas Break (3)

(Alexander's house 1AM)

My Dad parks the car and my mom gets Birdie who feel asleep and takes her inside and me and Cora get off and I walk her home.

While we're walking Cora says "I know you said to let you take care of it and you made me promise not to do anything but I was so mad for you, and before I knew it I had slapped her"

I say "I get it, if someone wronged you in anyway or hurt you I'd be angry to. So I'm not mad at you, there's no need to apologize"

She nods and leaned against me head resting on my shoulder and we walked in a comfortable silence on a cold Christmas night.

I walked her all the way to the door and she went to unlock the door to go inside after she did, she turned around and looked up at me pushing a strand of her hair behind her right ear she tiptoes and I lean down slightly and we kiss goodnight for a good minute, then we hear squealing and someone speaking in French. We pull back stopping the kiss and I laughed and then she laughed to and then we put our foreheads together.

Cora smiles and says "I love you"

I smile back and say "I love you to..."



Birdie wakes up and yawns while stretching, Then she remembered what day it is and she yells "Christmas!" Repeatedly. She jumps out of bed and runs to Alexander's room she grabs the door knob and turns it and pushes the door open and runs to his bed climbs the bed and...



Birdie yells "get up! It's Christmas time for presents!" And she runs to wake up mom and dad. I slowly get up holding my stomach I already have sweats on so I just grab a random shirt and put it on while walking downstairs. When I get to the living room I see both my parents also rubbing their stomach while coming downstairs.

Birdie runs and jumps onto the spot next to me and my parents cuddle on my dads couch.

As we're about to open presents there's a knock at the door my mom smiles and takes off to open it I followed behind her. when she opened the door standing there is Cora and her family and they brought their presents over to open them here.

Anna yells "Claire it's been forever since I've seen all of you!" And she runs and hugs Claire

She says "yes, I missed all of you to" and she hugs back and they start talking like their young teenagers again.

I suddenly feel someone hugging me I look down and see Akira I smile and ruffled his hair "hey!" He quickly backs away "it took forever to fix my hair."

I nod and say "I see, so your finally caring about your looks. Hmm, so who is she?"

He's sputtering "w-what d-do you mean?" With blush on his face.

I try not to laugh and I say "obviously I'm asking who do you like?" His blush brightens and quickly escapes to the living room.

I hear giggling next to me I look over and see Cora laughing at her little brother I go over and hug her and we go back to the living room and sit in my spot again and Cora sits on the only open spot next to me left with her feet under her and leaning into me.

Soon everyone comes walking into the living room and the last ones are my dad and Cora's dad who's keeping a close eye on me I shake my head.

Dad claps his hands together and says excitedly "alright, time to get open some presents" the parents start handing out the gifts to everyone and we will open them one by one, first the dads just got some pajamas and some tools my dad looks pretty bummed then my mom got a sly look on her face and she whispered something in his ears and he instantly smiled, I definitely don't want to know.

Then Akira got just games and some money and he looked pretty happy about it, my dad got my mom two new pairs of pretty expensive heels and I got her a new coffee maker, Cora's mom got an expensive hand bag and some clothes.

Now it's Birdies turn and she had the most my parents bought her lots of toys, Cora's parents got her clothes, Cora got her a pack of guitar picks, then I gave her the present I got her she quickly unwrapped it and she took out a custom guitar strap that has her name Birdie and a Rose above and below her name she smiled and hugged me since I'm right next to her "thank you, It's my favorite present" she runs upstairs with it most likely to put It on her guitar.

Now I guess it's my turn, Yukio 'reluctantly' hands me the present him and Claire got me I smiled and unwrapped the present inside the box is Adidas and Nike apparel, and a couple designer shirts and on top of the clothes is a envelope I pick it up and it's a Check for $750. I know they won't take it back so I hug Claire and Yukio "thank you so much" I opened my parents gifts they got me 3 pairs of J's so I hugged them as well. Birdie comes running back down with her hands behind her back she stands in front of me she puts her hands out, it's a drawing of me with my guitar sitting under a tree and her sitting in front of me at the bottom it says "bestest brother ever" I hug her and she's acting embarrassed.

Cora says "here's what I got you" she's grabs the last present in front of me a small box. I open it and it's a silver necklace with a silver ring that's colored black on it, engraved on the inside 'I'll always love you -Cora' I laughed Because we both got each other jewelry and she blushed and slapped my arm and said "What you don't like it?"

I said "no I love it, I love you" I kissed her and she kissed me back and I heard a growl to the side of me but I ignore it.

On the side, Claire and Michael are "holding him back" but on the inside Yukio is happy that his little girl is happy.

I say "now it's your turn" I grab what I got her also in small box.


Cora POV

I grab the box and I slowly open it and I see a necklace with a heart shape locket I can't see it but I know I have a silly smile on my face, then I open the locket on one side it's a picture of me and him as kids together on the other it was the first picture of our first kiss.

I can't help it and I jump at Alexander and I kiss him again and I can feel a tear escape and roll down my cheek he pulls back and wipes my tears

And he says "do you like it?"

I nod and say " I love it, now put it on" and I hand it to him and turn and move my hair out of the way. I hear him say "so spoiled" then He kissed the back of my neck and I can feel my face heat up slightly, then he puts it on me and I also put his on him and I think 'best Christmas ever.'


Now me and Cora are in my room and I'm going to post the second video I had ready then we'll go back downstairs then I noticed my channel nearly doubled in views. I look and see the 3 videos I made have 1 million views each then I think about last night I quickly type 'Ashley Cantu' and there's a new 5 minute video explaining what she did and giving them my channel and then an apology.

I sigh and go back to my channel and I post the video I'm happy she realized her mistake, I'm just not ready to trust her yet but it's a start in the right direction.

Cora rubs my shoulders from behind me and says "at least she's trying like you said to"

I say "yeah, let's go back downstairs or your dad might really attack me" I finish with a small laugh and we walk out of my room if he would have refreshed the page he would have seen his video already had 200k views.

Oh if you like the way I write (I hope?) I’m writing a Naruto Fanfic that I write a chapter for once in a while when I’m stuck with this one, there’s 4 chapters right now if your interested.

VictorCcreators' thoughts