
Alexander Creed: Re-Life

From collecting to haphazard experimentation, Alexander Creed briefly peeked at the secrets of existence in an incident involving chaos. Having been given the chance to relive his life, Alexander decides to move out of his reclusive comfort zone and test how far his methods would change the world. From this, he becomes a Chaos Butterfly whose wingspan encompasses everything from comic books, toys, animation, tv shows, video games, movies, music, even beauties... and MORE. More often than he'd like to admit, Alexander Creed's re-life was clearly inspired by a Hollywood Creed. ------- This is a semi-Hollywood story if that's what you're wondering. This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much. Also, this is just a fictionalization of things for entertainment and just sharing for free. Hope I don't get into much trouble for it and hope I don't get sued or whatever. --------

UniVerseLessOne · Célébrités
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455 Chs

Wonder Drew IV

What happened afterward was a bit complicated...

Complicated to be put into corrigible word-for-word narration.

Much less in terms of legible blow-by-blow description and much less so when it came to the detailed journal entry accounting of what took place.

All of these are coy exaggerations, however, as some things out of place in the room could still be taken note of.

Especially on the happenstance of the previously orderly bed...

And the ruffle and tussles that it went through.

Even the bed, despite its inanimation, was very disturbed towards the end of it.

The wooden bed frames, in particular, had shaken and creaked and generally just made noise.

Even the bedside table wasn't spared as its sole lamp, Hollywood gossip magazines, and the cutesy alarm clock were all moved in one way or another.

Maybe the acts that they did may have been a bit too intense, for even the carpet under the bed has noticeably shifted.

If that's the situation under, then the situation on top is especially more pronounced.

As a matter of fact, some pillows that should have been on said top... were already displaced to the carpeted floor under.

Fortunately, the mattress was secured rather properly. Or else, it would have been as disheveled as the sheets and beddings that dressed it.

Not to mention the minuscule dust-up that some accruing dust had freed themselves into.

And at the sight of these collateral damages and witnessing what might as well be the aftermath, Alexander took a deep breath.

In a minute or so, he was just thinking about video game brawlers.

To think that on the next, he would literally... or sort of... be brawling on this messed-up bed.

Turning his deep breath into a sigh, he enunciated. "Drew oh Drew. What am I to do with you?"

"Just do me!" A frustrated Drew couldn't help but point out. "It's as simple as that."

That frustration only grew as she tried tumbling and fumbling.

Too bad, her naked form was wrapped in her sheets, bedding... and blanket.

Tight, snug, and layered. She'll really find it hard to escape this sort of burrito.

For she was in a food slash bedly fusion masterpiece that Alexander calls as 'Drew in a Blanket'.

And yes...


That's what really happened.

And if it still ain't clear enough about how things got from there to here...

The whole truth is that Alexander really did pounce on the naked Drew.

He may have been stunned but his Basic Instinct still flared up, after all.

Not the basic instinct to pounce on enticing cake when offered.

Nor is it the basic instinct to pounce on enticing girls when they're offering.

It's basically just Basic Instinct, the movie.

And there's only one key takeaway he had from that... and that is to always be wary of women who are at such ease to expose themselves.

He knew enough from his many encounters with women to know that this was almost always the case and that something should be afoot.

Alexander really didn't want to be Sharon Stone-d with an icepick, so he actually just rushed to Drew...

Picked her up...

Propped her to lie down...

And after some tumble and a wrestle... at the expense of the bed's order...

'Drew in a Blanket' was made.

Comparing Drew to the appetizing 'pigs in a blanket' seemed wrong on so many levels though.

Yet it didn't seem that wrong when her butt was labeled "cake".

A special birthday cake at that. Given that it was from a birthday girl in a "birthday suit".

These are really rather apt terms, in his opinion.


The birthday suit thing, he could stand by. Since people are never really not naked when birthed.

As for cake being the newer buttocks than butts... it's really just slang being as slangy as it can get.

How did they even go from there to pastry anyway?

Although... he can admit that he may have partaken a lot in what it was implying, back in his days.

It's a special cake, indeed.

And he can also admit that he's been paying quite the attention to Drew's for some time.

Quite needlessly and shamelessly, at that.

Was this what spurned her to do what she just did?

All of these are internal questions that aren't really straightforward, so Alexander just straight-up asked. "What were you even planning, Drew?"

"I don't know." The wrapped Drew shrugged as she could. "I would not wear something and see where it goes."

"Just where do you even see it going exactly?"

"Well, I saw an opportunity and I took it." She really went for blunt from there. "It's really hard to get some time to really be alone with you, you know."

"Plus with this day being fun as it is, with your very special gift to me, I thought I'd just go through with it." Drew grinned. "Besides, don't you like the view of my own special cake?"

"Special cake your ass." Alexander shook his head as he admonished. "I've been kneading those for a while now and I'd say they're a cupcake at best."

If cupcakes are young versions of cake, then his logic should be sound.

Not sound enough, however, as those eyes of hers sparkled rather expectantly for some reason.

She even smirked while teasing. "But you liked the view, right?"

Making Alexander avert their established eye contact as he traced her line of sight and saw what she was seeing.

And what else could it be... other than something rising by his loins.

In his defense. "That's a very normal reaction if you must know."

Of course, with her sporting the kind of get-up of having no get-up at all, it did spurn something under Alexander's underwear to get up as well.

"I know that that's normal." Drew pouted as she muttered. "What's actually not normal is for someone to not act on impulse with it."

"Not really..." Alexander interjected. "Since what's really abnormal is for a bunch of supposed kids like us to be back-and-forthing about these."

"Even if we're kids, didn't I tell you that I know stuff?" The birthday girl reminded and offered. "I could teach some of them to you, as long as you let me out of this blankety stuff."

"I know some of this stuff, too, you know." He replied with assurance. "I could even teach you better."

To that, Drew quickly quipped. "Then, wouldn't it be better if we just teach each other?"

"I can teach and know better enough to tell you that it's best that we don't act on it." Alexander said so, but he also knew that he was getting nowhere.

Case in point, Drew pointed out. "What's really there to stop us then?"

"There's the fact that your birthday party is still going on... and people will be looking for you anytime soon."

"Right..." Making the blanketed Drew laugh awkwardly. "I kind of forgot about that. Hehe!"


With that fact still factoring in, Drew kind of did have to get back to her party.

And everything should just proceed to be as straightforward as it can get from there.

Drew had to be released from her burrito wrap... and back to her party, she'll go...

Unfortunately, the unwrapping part put a crux on all of that.

The freed Drew was not without her last-ditch effort to get what she wanted, after all.

Coincidentally, another unfiltered look into her body was very criticial.

Critical to the already-affected Alexander, that is.


One thing led to another.


On another note, guests were actually left wondering where Drew was.

All the while...

Milla stuck and tricked into being the party's entertainment, felt a very great disturbance in the Alex force!

Something was wrong.

Something was very, very wrong!

For it's not just Shrew she wondered about, she also wondered where Alex was!

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

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