
Alex journey to Multiverse

A story of romance, action, adventure, relationship and world travel? Current world: Twilight Next world : Attack of titan ---------------------------------------------------- If you're looking for big harem, poke girl catch, and many other in the same category you may skip this fanfic. The story is a bit slow pace. The cover is not mine, I found it on google

AmarHazlin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

Chapter 10 – The ‘Dream’ 2

Chapter 10 – The 'Dream' 2

" Please, Please be safe. Faster, I need to go faster. AAHHHHHHHHH" you can see a figure running in the forest at fast speed, if ordinary person was there they will only see a hint of silhouette.

This person as you might guess Rosalie, she was now feeling desperate, fear and anger. Back at the sect when her maid finish describe the person that they were fighting, she start to know what was the bad feeling earlier.

"….Only one person, They said he can control nature as if it was the second limb of it. He can control the wood, plant and earth under his feet. There are many has fallen under his hand, but after continues fighting for 6 month non-stop he start to grow weaker and now they want to finish him-" Yan'er didn't finish her sentence because she saw her madam had already disappear, when she look back she can see a trail of fire heading toward the direction.

And now Rosalie in her fasters speed she can muster to reach there at fast as she can. At this rate she can only arrive after only 2 1/2 hour.


In a place that was previously known as GUROU, the beautiful forest, a peaceful village, the calm river that was the source of water... there no such thing now.

But now that was only in the past, now you see a broken, cut and burn tree everywhere. The previously calm village was now only a history, the building there has been turn into ruin. The previously flowing river now dry because of the shift of earth because of the battle.

Corpse were everywhere, some were on the spike, some were impale by spear looking wood, some were trap between a tree and some even has they bodies bury on the ground with different was showing. Simply saying this place is not for a person with a weak heart because if someone were to count the amount of body that were there it probably reach 25,000 or higher and that was not include the body that cannot be found.

Within the hell that was happening on the surrounding, there was a part that can be consider heaven compare to what is happening now. That past was not large, only 50 meter large in diameter but it was filled with lustful green grass that make people want to laydown on it, on the center of it was tall 10 meter tall tree , it also has a beautiful house on top of it. Beside the tree, there seems to be a small garden with beautiful garden with a colourfull flower of different shape on it. There was also a huge rock about double the size of human and around 1 meter tall.

Suddenly there can be seen a human enter the 'heaven' but weirdly it did not ruin the atmosphere even with his bloody figure. The human that enter was boy that is around 1.7 meter tall, he doesn't seem to be that tall and seem to be around 17-18 years old.

He has a smooth black hair although was covered in blood still look beautiful that reach his neck. His face cant be seen because it was covered by his bang, but you can clearly see his stunning violet blue eye in between his hair.

As he was walking the wound that can be seen between the ripped 'cloth' if you can still call it heal at fast rate. He continue to walk to the rock that was standing proudly there and slowly sit there with his back facing the rock.

As you might have guess, this was Alex. It has been 7 years since he last meet with Rosalie. And now he grown taller and stronger, there was many time he want to go and explore the world and search for Rosalie. But he still want to keep the promise to her in the end.

When he just sat down he start to feel pain all over his body, or more accurately his soul. Enduring the pain he was feeling he raise his hand to his mouth, on the way to his mouth a roll of cigar form between his finger. This was the only pain reliever he was to sooth the pain.





After taking a couple puff he was visibly relax. He lift his gaze and staring at the cloud that was free and unrestrain while the cigarette still on his mouth.

" It's been 6 month . . . . if this keep going I'm afraid that my body cant support the amount of power that I use, and my body is still to weak to support my strong soul. Only with this can I calm the soul from going berserk" Alex said helplessly, he need to take his cigarette every 2 hour to somehow support his usage of power from each battle.

"Hopefully Rose will arrive soon, or else I cant protect this place anymore." He smile slightly and slowly close his eye hoping to see his bestfriend again soon. The cigarette still in mouth and he slowly take puff to slowly calm his soul and close his eye.

Not long after he close his eye, he open his eye abruptly because something was approaching him at fast speed. Just as he was about to move it was already to late.


A Long Spear was stab in his chest all the way to stone behind him pining him straight there.


Alex cough a mouthful of blood and the 'Medicine' on his fall on the ground cover with blood. He was totally caught off guard, he slowly raise his face from the spear to see who the assailant is with unreadable expression.

"Hahaha finally we got him! Haha, Alex oh Alex why are you so stubborn. You can just give all those herb to me and get out alive, but you just have to be so ruthless and kill our disciple who ask you 'kindly' to hand over it, now Elder Chen has personally came down here to grace you of your dead" not far from Alex stood a short middle age man with blue rob signifying that of an inner disciple of flaming sect.

Beside him was a tall middle age man with white beard standing there arrogantly, with smoke coming out of his hand. He was the one that throw the spear at Alex earlier, he didn't anticipated that they will come this early because he has just finish cleaning up from his last battle.

The middle age man that throw the spear just watch him in disdain and said

"To think a person with no meridian like you manage to kill so many of my sect disciple, you sure have talent young man. How about you come to our sect and be my direct disciple I can give you protection but in exchange I want 50% of what you have in that garden of your."

"E-elder chen?! You cant do that –" the short man beside him didn't even finish his sentence when elder chen just look coldly at him to shut him up.

" I think you may have step your boundary there Elder Chen. Our two sect have come to aggreament for the loot that we will devide. Are you trying to broke the contract? And you! Even though your daughter is the elder of Yin Sect your are still nothing here. So don't cross your limit" suddenly a man white red robe walk to the from behind.

He is the elder of beast sect, and have the same status as elder chen. And the man that start it all, the father of his bestfriend Rosalie hale. He was the person that report about Alex to the sect 7 month ago to the sect all because of status and that he might get because the amount of resource that he bring to the sect.

But thing didn't go as he plan, he didn't Alex the friend of his daughter to be so strong to even push the sect to deploy an Elder to collect their harvest.

While they were talking Alex just sit there watching with blank eye, to say that he wasn't tired of this, he will be lying to himself. He doesn't even have that long to live now after constant fighting and lack of 'medicine'(his cigar) and he still didn't get to see Rosalie after so long.

He has been thinking about just give up and die, but the desire to see Rosalie was what keeping him struggle.

He has been pushing himself hard this 6 month.

Too hard




'Until when? Cant I just run from here? But.... To where? I don't have anywhere to go, no home to come to...….' Alex think of this and glance at the cloud. Wondering why did such creation that doesn't even have emotion be so free.

' Maybe its because they are emotionless that make them free. Human have emotion that tie them to things, and they must protect that thing with all they have….. yeah that's it, even if I die here, atleast Rose can come back here to the place that we share our memories with" he think with a smile, at the same time his hand held a newly made cigar, raise to his mouth and lit it.







The surrounding elder eventually quiet down from their negotiation and look at the smoking and relax Alex that was still sitting there, still with a spear on his chest.

It was as if the current situation didn't have anything to do with him.

"YOU INSOLENT BR-" an elder was tick off by his behavior and want to rush at him but was interrupt by Alex sudden action.


" Extreme Deep forest.....-" he take another puff, put one of his hand on the ground and mutter. Immediately thousands of plant start to grow under the thousands of people that was infront of him including the Elder's.

Those who doesn't have any information about they opponent want to mock it but the one that know or has luckily escape from the previous battle start to turn pale.

"QUICK!!!! RU- "he didn't get to finish his word when suddenly the small plant start to grow at lighting speed to a full size 6 meter tall tree. Some unlucky people got trap between the tree, some of the experience one was quick to dodge and get away from the spot.

They were still inside the newly made forest and was shock by the display of power just now, they has lose 1/5 of the people just from that first move he make.

When Elder Chen and all survivor want to breath a sigh in relief they suddenly heard a sentence that terrified them shitless

"..... Explosion"


Alex release a mouthful of smoke and on que a loud explosion accompany by a strong wind 'bless' the surrounding.






Back to Rosalie


She start to heard an extremely loud explosion. She was swept from his feet by strong gust of wind. She manage to stabiles herself right after and land on the ground.

"That- That's where Alex at !!!?. Noooo please be okay , please be okay." She pray and start to rush even faster this time, even she doesn't know where that strength came from but she doesn't have time to think



She rush at high speed and finally arrive at the location. But what is infront of her was not something she expect it to be. The previous green forest, the village, everything was destroy. She start to lose hope.

She didn't here any sound of fighting, so she rush to where the supposedly center fight, base on the trail she found. When she reach there she can see a huge crater about 1 km wide and 500 meter deep infront of her.

She doesn't care about it and continue her search. It that until she notice a familiar place that has always been in her mind. A tall and proud tree root there with a tree house on top of it, a beautiful garden with a colourfull flower and herb there accompany by a soft grass that cover the surrounding land.

And then finally, her eye land on a big rock that they always play on… but now it's different. The rock was split in half, and on the front of the stone there was a person sitting there watching the cloud with a cigarette on his lips.

But ...… it will be a normal scene if not for a spear that stuck on his chest and stick him to the stone. A line of tear start to fall on Rosalie cheek and she call out hopefully finding the wrong person even tough deep down she who he is.

"A-Alex?" She call him in low voice hoping he didn't heard it so she can continue to hold on this tiny hope inside.


She didn't have that, when Alex heard her voice he look at the direction and a look of joy appear on his face.

There it is, that smile. The smile that make her fall for him, even in this state and environment he still smile like that everytime he call him. She slowly walk to him, every step she took feel like the most difficult thing she did. She didn't want to fast this reality.

500 meter

400 meter

300 meter

200 meter

20 meter

Until she arrive infront of him.

"Hey ros-*cough*" he didn't get to finish and start to cough a mouthful of blood.

"W-why?" she ask sobbing. She was now not looking at his face, but face down. Her face was now full of tear.

" h-hn? What did you mean?" Alex tilted his head weakly to the side and ask. He really didn't understand.

" w-why are you still here? Why didn't you just run away from here? WHY!!!!! ALEEXXXXX PLEASE TELL ME!! WHY ARE YOU SO STUBBORN LIKE THIS!? " Rosalie cant contain her emotion anymore and start wailing. Deep in her heart she know why Alex stay here, She know why Alex was so adamant want to stay here. It was because of the stupid promise they made when they were kid, she know how Alex brain works. He always follow every word she speak, not to mention a promise.

And it was rightfully so…..

" D-didn't we make a promise? That I will wait here for you u-until y-you came back?" Alex squeze a word of reply, as his face start to turn pale. What they didn't notice however the slowly disappearing hand and leg of Alex.

"….. I –te --u" Rosalie mutter in low voice that even Alex cant hear.

"Hn?" alex sound weakly, as he didn't hear her.

" I HATE YOU! WHY DID YOU DO THIS STUPID THINK!?? WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE? WHY? ALEX WHY? YOU CAN JUST KEEP YOUR SELF ALIVE AND WAIT FOR ME TO SEARCH YOuuu. Why did you just have to kill yourself like this?" Rosalie totally lose control and cry in Alex chest.

But for Alex, he was completely frozen. He just heard a word that he desperately don't want to hear and tune out the rest of it. Slowly a lonely tear start to fall down from his cheek.

When Rosalie start to notice alex in frozen state was confuse and lift her head only to notice that Alex was crying , she was stunned because the only time she remember alex was crying was when she said she....

When her though reach there she stop, that was because that was a taboo word for alex. In a burst of emotion she slip her tounge and said it without thinking. When she was about to explain to Alex what she meant, she stop by alex.

" w-why rose? I-I didn't do anything wrong right? I-I keep the p-promise, i-I even add many beautiful flower at your garden. P-please don't hate me, p-please. I-I'm sorry ,im sory ,im sorry...…" alex said in hysterically. While his hand trying to reach rose, only to found out the half of the hand already missing and continue to disappear at fast rate.

" Alex what happen to you? Wait please don't move. Alex" Rosalie start panicking because the Alex move the more faster he disappear , she didn't want to lose him. But it was all useless as alex now was like a helpless child trying to find warm.

"Alex, Alex ,ALEX" she keep call out. Eventually Alex stop and Rosalie was hugging his chest tight while crying. But by now Alex was only left with his body and head, no limb.

Alex eye were now lifeless. He has been desperate to see her for 7 year's and she said she hate him. He was tired, tired of everything. Before he disappear completely he said one last word.

"I-I'm s-sorry Rosalie…" and slowly disappear from Rosalie embrace.

Rosalie just silently crying there on the spot alex left for an hour before slowly stand up. Her eye was devoid of any emotion, she walk slowly to the garden that alex made for her.

Reaching there she finally understood why this place was targeted, it was full holy herb everywhere, now she know why they attack endlessly even with than amount of casualty there suffer.

She start to cry again, it was because of greed. Human greed make other people suffer. They rob alex away from her, she didn't even get to confess to him. Worst she said she hate him. She fell on her knee and start to cry and shout even louder.




AND HE JUST LEAVE LIKE THAT" Rosalie start to grief

"I love you Alex…. I really love you *sob *sob"





Until she died in that world that was the only and deepest regret she has ,she regret she was late, she regret that she even go to the sect. and that was forever her regret that can't be redeem


Or so she though, until she open her eyes abruptly and call out loud


[ next will be miyuki dream, but that will be a short one because I will start with the story line in two or three chapter. The timeline now is 2 year before bella arrive at fork and the year the cullens move to fork. Btw thanks for reading if you like it please add this book to library and drop your firestone , THANKS]

[ ouh sorry if there was a misspelling it was to long for me to recheck it]