
Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Mana finally arrived in our world after being delayed for unknown reasons, causing the evolution of everything that had life. Humans, plants, and monsters all evolved, ushering the planet into a new era in which old laws no longer applied and the only law in the world was the rule of the jungle, where the strong preyed on the weak. It was a question of whether we, the 'rulers' of the land, would be able to maintain our position and adapt to whatever came after our planet's awakening, and if we did, was that the end? ............. Disclaimer: The 'planet' in this novel is not the same planet we are currently living on so do not use our common sense for this novel. This is pure fantasy, after all. Discord: Emmanuel_Peter203#1227 #Apocalypse #Alchemy #Magic #Weaktostrong #Romance #Superpower #System #Levelup #Action #Evolution #Adventure

Emmanuel_Peter203 · Fantaisie
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474 Chs


[Ace POV],

As I wandered through the woods in the dark, the only sound I could hear was the crunching of leaves underfoot.

Fortunately, I didn't have to look very far for a place where I could test the explosives in my hand.

One reason I didn't want the area where there were plants or wood is that they are flammable, and I also didn't want to deal with the stress of having to put out the flames because they weren't started by my fire element.

In case I had something resembling the explosives in my possession to test again, I also wanted to find a place where I could return.

The location I ultimately chose was a little ways away from the mansion, but it was the best location for me to conduct any type of explosive test. The open area I discovered was tucked away in a mountain range far from the bronze door and contained nothing but rocks. Since rocks are not flammable, there was nothing else here for me to harm or destroy besides the surroundings.