
Albert and Haesoo

Prince Albert travels to storia to retrieve the white fox and harness its powers under the disguise of the princess's body guard. A prince who does not believe in love and has his eye on the goal meets a kind and fun loving princess. Will he fall in love with her and give up his goal? will Haesoo change him and in the process both fall in love? Find out

Teresa_Earland · Histoire
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4 Chs

Prince Albert

On the other side of the world stood a very strong and mighty kingdom. Astyia was known for its abundant food, shelter and adequate use of Magic.

The royal family had the most powerful Magic than any other person.Before now a lot of people would go to the palace and claim to be the King's illegitimate children,past kings would listen to them and allow them into the royal family because they normally had a lot of concubines who they discarded when they felt like,Magic fell into the wrong hands many times and almost destroyed the kingdom,until a declaration was made that any heir apparent legitimate or illegitimate must go through an "Originality" test to prove whether he or she are capable of possessing such magic.

The present king,King Harold has been preparing his son for the test since he was eleven for it seemed easy to others but in reality it was hard.The test was Sword swishing but in a magical way,if you swish the sword left,right and thrust it in the air if it glows red then you are not the heir,meaning you are not capable of handling such magic,but if it glows white then the reverse is the case. The sword also bounces in the air so the contestant will have to catch it before swishing the sword.

Albert came out of the dressing room wearing an armor and a helmet. He had hazelnut eyes and red lips,so red that people actually think he paints he lips with blood,his long white hair which he tied covered one of his eyes which complimented his white milky skin.A handsome and brave prince who doesn't believe in love, as he sees it as a distraction and a waste of time.He went to Yocx field to commence the competition as that was where every prince before him went.Alone.

He took his favourite horse Tilly and rode as fast as he could,Yocx was on top of a hill that was located in a desolated part of the country filled with wild animals and beasts.But that did not disturb the young prince at all,for he was very skilled with the sword and great at using Magic.

Albert arrived at Yocx earlier than any other prince he left early and wanted to leave early, all to impress his father. He gave his horse a good pat before tying her to a tree nearby. He looked around in search of the sword but couldn't find it,he didn't find this too strange as he knew that the sword was full of tricks.Suddenly he felt the presence of something behind him,it was getting closer and closer and almost stabbed him in the neck but Albert was too quick,he quickly dogged the attack of the sword and tried to catch it. The sword bounced up to the sky which made Albert to smirk.

"You think you're the only one who knows how to fly?" He flew up to the sky and started chasing the sword.Magic wasn't allowed in the competition for it would make it to easy and that was not the aim,the contestant could follow the sword anywhere in order to catch it even if the sword enters the ocean.Flying was Magical, but it is an exception if the sword flies.

Albert flew through the sky searching and searching for the sword but couldn't find it.He landed on the ground and began to search for it,he knew it was tricky so he had to be careful. He stood still and took deep breaths to try and concentrate,he felt the aura of something magical behind him but he didn't move,it was getting stronger and stronger and when Albert felt that the sword was close enough,he swiftly turned around and caught it! He swished it left and then right before thrusting it in the air and it glowed white!!

"I did it! Father will be so proud" He said with a smile. The glowing white light spread far and wide across the country people began to rejoice because they know that Magic won't be misused and the land will not perish.

"May the king prosper! May the prince prosper! May Astyia prosper!!"They prayed happily.

Back at the palace,the king saw the glowing light and smiled to himself.

"Do you see that Margaret? Our son has made us proud!! Thank the heavens!!"

The Queen smiled and placed her teacup down which she was using to drink tea with the king,she looked a lot like Albert just that instead of white hair she had blonde.

"I always knew he would make it,Albert always makes us happy,he will make a fine ruler one day I'm sure of it" she said happily.

"Indeed he will"The king said and picked up his teacup and continued drinking his tea.

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lots of love

Teresa Earland

Thank you!!!
