
Albert and Haesoo

Prince Albert travels to storia to retrieve the white fox and harness its powers under the disguise of the princess's body guard. A prince who does not believe in love and has his eye on the goal meets a kind and fun loving princess. Will he fall in love with her and give up his goal? will Haesoo change him and in the process both fall in love? Find out

Teresa_Earland · History
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4 Chs


Haesoo stared out of the window of the palanquin she smiled broadly at her surroundings.

she hadn't seen anything like it,The great out doors were just too amazing for her.

"I can't believe I'm actually outside! storia is so beautiful!" she squealed as looked outside the window. The journey to the forest had just started,it would take at least three days to reach there and it was just late afternoon. That's why The Queen was against Haesoo's going,she had never left the palace before and was worried she'll get hurt.The forest wasn't just any forest,it was an enchanted forest that harboured a great amount of Animals.That's why storia was so prosperous they never ran out of resources because they were abundantly available.

"Do you need anything princess?"One of the maids riaa asked.

"No I don't riaa" Haesoo replied with a smile, "I'm just excited about the trip....and a little cold"she giggled and rubbed her palms together.

"Oh my! should I close the window your highness?" Riaa asked with a worried tone.

"Oh no riaa how then will I see our souroundings? You can just get me my fur coat and my gloves that will be lovely"

"As you wish princess"Riaa rushed off to get her coat and gloves from her things that they carried. She handed them over to Haesoo and waited till she put them on.

"Feeling better your Highness?"

"Yes thank you very much Riaa"Her green eyes sparkled as she said those words and smiled.That was one of the things the maids loved about their princess,she was very polite and nice to them all which was strange knowing that she was royalty and was expected to treat them as just servants as the other royals do but this was not the case with Haesoo,she treated everyone right because she believes everyone has a right to be loved and cared for,for she loved everyone around her including her maids.

"Riaa why don't you get some rest,you have been walking since we started the journey you must be tired you can sit with me here" Haesoo asked with concern.

Riaa shook her head in the disapproval "No your highness I'm perfectly fine walking beside you...please don't worry" Riaa smiled widely

"Are you sure?"

"More than sure your highness"Riaa replied.

"Okay"Haesoo said rubbing her hands together.

Just then the palanquin stopped and the guards came to inform the princess that the king said they should camp as it was already getting dark,everyone started getting the things ready to set up the camp while Haesoo went to meet her Father.

"Father?"Haesoo called out to her father as she saw him talking with some guards.The king immediately dismissed them and turned his attention to his daughter.

"Dear? are you alright? what are you do...."before he could finish his sentence Haesoo embraced him tightly.

"Thank you Father"Haesoo said tightening her grip on her father.

"For what dear?" Yi San asked as he stroked his daughter's hair.

"For bringing me here,I've never seen so many beautiful things and felt so free...thanks papa."

Yi San chuckled "Its ok my dear anything for you you are my one and only aren't you?"

Haesoo nodded.

Yisan placed a kiss on her forehead "Then you deserve everything I give you"

"I love you Father" Haesoo said breaking the hug "please don't ever leave me you and Mother"

"Never! we love you so much my treasure,we will always be with you" He said caressing her cheek which left her smiling.

"All right now go and rest we will continue tomorrow"

"Okay Good night Father" Haesoo said smiling.

"Good night dear"Yi San said and patted her head

Haesoo then retreated to her tent.