
Chapter10: too late

I started pushing him violently beating his broad chest but he did not react. I was angry, beyond mad actually.

"Why are you doing this when you actually liked." He said chuckling. Liked it? Is this guy really serious?


I slapped him with all my might," you must be stupid if you think I liked. You can't go stealing first kisses from girls whenever you want you bastard. I wish I never met you. You are so sick." I said glaring at him and he did not react. Is this guy for real I just fucking slapped him and he's just looking at me. I needed a reaction from him but I didn't get one and it made me mad. I really didn't know why I wanted him to react so much but I desperately wanted one. I was thinking of what to do next when his voice came as whisper,

"That was your first kiss? No wonder you are such a bad kisser" he chuckled. He's not even apologizing. 

"You think this is funny?"I asked gritting my teeth. This damn man is surely an asshole.

"What do you want? To pay you or something because I will be happy to be indebted to you baby." He said smiling. I just looked at him and decided to leave him alone. There is no use to argue with a fool who don't know his mistake. He's the most foolish person I've ever seen.

"Where do you think you are going? I know you need this job so if you really leave that door then you will be fired permanently. Do you hear that?" He said all serious. I turned around annoyed and looked at him in the eye.

"First, I don't have to answer to you about where I'm going or when I'm leaving. Second, I think you've threatened me enough with your little loosing job threats. Thirdly, I don't need this job because I've already quit. As I said, I've already submitted my resignation letter. Do what you fucking want for all I care." I said and I started walking to the door that seemed the only thing that was spared in the office. Before I reached, I felt him grab my wrist to halt me in my movement. He came and stood in front of me.

"Are you serious you have submitted your letter baby."he asked looking me in the eye. These eyes of his are like charm but I don't want to be charmed by them so I looked sideways answering him.

"Do I look not serious to you. I already got a job. A better one in fact. And oh I'll be going with my secretary too if you don't mind." I said smiling.,"and get your hands off me mister I need to go."I added.

"You are lying. You can't possibly get a job that fast. There is no better job you can get other than this one here." He denied not wanting to accept my words because he has a bigger ego. Men with their egos, I rolled my eyes inwardly.

"Well mister I don't have time to play word game with you right now. I need to go."I said ready to get away from this psycho.

"What company is that?"he asked. I knew this conversation is far from over because this guy looks like a person who wouldn't give up.

"Why would I tell you? So you would destroy my life there too. In hell I would tell you. You are really sick and you need help.

"But you are the one who would provide it baby. I'm sick that's for sure and you are the cure. Can you not go? I'll withdraw all my requests from earlier so please don't go."he said with a pleading voice and that sad face of his. My heart started beating when I heard him. Now I don't really know what to do. I really love working here for sure but I've already accepted Sheebalie's offer. The angel on my shoulder said' Kim Sheebalie can be trusted but this man can not. He's is sick Kim. See what he has done to your office and he kissed you without permission. What will he do next?' I always trusted my angel voice so I followed his words.

"It's too late now. I've applied for another job already. Now let me go." I said avoiding looking at his eyes. I feel bad for him and I don't know why but my heart aches for him. He seems like a damaged person and a sad person, but no matter how bad I feel for him, it's too late. I've already accepted Sheebalie's offer.

Alex just looked at me with those sad eyes then released my hand. I left without looking back because I couldn't bear to see him like that. I'm supposed to help him not leave him like that, I can sought of see through him but I just went, leaving him. When he said he was sick I don't know if he was joking but I can feel it, that he's sick. He has anger issues and maybe some other issues too. Some tears threatened to fall but I blinked them away.

' it's not your fault Kim. He provoked you first and disrespected you too when he took your first kiss and asked you to sleep with him.' that's what I convinced myself when entering the elevator. I had everything with me, just the way I had gotten out of Sheebalie's car. My laptop and important documents were in my laptop bag too and I had my handbag with me. I pressed the elevator to take me to the underground parking lot where my car was. When I reached my car I got in the car and drove to my house. I got out, took my belongings with me and walked to the house while I searched for my house keys. When I found them I was standing at the door. I was about to insert the key on the key hole when the door actually opened.

" Ooh honey you're home early. I heard a car and thought to come and check in because I was not sure if it's....." I hugged my mom immediately and she stopped talking. I felt her hug me back too. I didn't know she was still here but I feel good she's here. I need her right now. I need her hug right now. I didn't know I was crying when my mom told me to stop crying.

" Ooh my baby, everything is gonna be fine, now stop crying. It hurts me seeing you like this. What happened?"she asked with her worried voice.

" Can we stay like this a little longer. I need this." I said hugging her tightly as I closed my eyes and hid my head on her shoulder breathing in her scent. It's the best scent I've ever breathed. It comforts me while assuring me I'm gonna be okay. That she's with me always. It doesn't matter if we fight we will always make up. After I don't know how long, I finally let go of my mom.

"Do you wonna talk about it sweetie?" My mom asked with a smile.

" No mom, I'll just go upstairs and take a shower." I replied with a faint smile. I really don't know why I'm even sad, I don't know if it's my job or Alex who is suffering and I didn't offer him help. But he's been surviving all this while without me and he probably feels like his ego has been hurt when I didn't accept his offer that's why he was hurt. Maybe I'm overthinking all this and Alex is a bastard who I'm feeling sad for. Well I accept it, I really feel bad for him. But he acts like a bastard because he is one. He's an asshole and I don't really need to feel bad for an asshole like him. 

"Sweetie, you are spacing out. If you really want to talk about it just know I'm here for you." My mom told me with that beautiful smile of hers.

"Sure mom. I'll see you at dinner." I walked for the stairs and then went to my room. I really thank my mom for not nagging me about the situation right now. That's one of the things I love about her. She can nag me about anything else but when I'm sad she always wait till I'm ready to talk. I really do appreciate it.

I put my bag that had my laptop on the desk in my room then I took my phone and wallet from my handbag then I placed my handbag back in my closet where I put the rest of them. After I was done I walked in my bathroom and prepared a warm bath in the tub and poured a lavender flavoured liquid soap so that it forms foam. I needed to relax and relieve my head from everything that happened today. I couldn't believe I had my first kiss in such a horrible way. Alex was such a horrible person. I couldn't help but curse at him by taking my first kiss like that. Who does that? I closed my eyes laying my body in the tub trying as much as possible to forget Alex. 

The water was getting cold so I stood up and went to the shower to rinse myself then wrapped myself with a towel and went to the closest and changed to a t-shirt and a pajama short. I went to my room later then picked up my phone that I had put at the bedside table and unlocked it. There were some missed calls from Shawn and Andy and my secretary but I was not in the mood to talk to anyone right now. I just need to sleep though it was in the afternoon. I just switched off my phone so that no one would call me then locked my door so that my mom wouldn't disturb me. I let myself fall on the soft bed then entered in the duvet to sleep without thinking about anything else.