
Chapter11: crazy Alex.

******************SOMEWHERE IN A BAR**************

" I want the best bitch tonight who can keep up with me till morning." Alex said to his friend who looked at him with disappointment.

"Ooh Alex, when are gonna stop this behaviour?"Andrew said to himself and added another drink for Alex. He wanted him to get drunk so he won't sleep with his whores after he blacked out.

" I need a woman not a fucking drink Drew, a woman you hear that?" Alex snarled at Andrew who almost dropped the shitty whiskey bottle to the floor.

"What the fuck man!!. You need to chill out, your woman is coming. Just continue drinking until she comes." Andrew shouted.

"How long is she gonna take Drew? You know something, I really I'm loosing my edge. Women should fucking wait for me not the other way round you hear that? Now I need that whore waiting for me in my room now Drew. If not, I'll burn this bar to the ground. I don't think you want your stupid bar being destroyed like that do you?" Andrew swallowed when he heard Alex. It seems his little plan won't succeed tonight. He took out his phone and called someone.

"Prepare the woman the payment has been made." He told the other person on the other line.

"You know something Drew? She actually slapped me today. The great Alexander Scott was slapped by a woman today. Then she scolded me can you imagine?" Alex chuckled" she even quit. She doesn't work for me. I bought the hospital to be closer to her. Do you know, I slept peaceful for the first time in years with her in my arms. I told her that I will give her money if she slept with me but she refused Drew. She said she has a girlfriend. I don't know if it's true she's a lesbian. What shall I do Drew?"Alex added holding his head down. Andrew who heard that was shocked.' What is Alex talking about' he asked himself.

"Alex what are you talking about?"Drew asked.

"Her name is Kim. She's so beautiful and innocent and she's sweet. I kissed her and guess what I'm her first kiss. Oh Drew, she's too fierce like a tigress and she likes to own my things. She's is so beautiful and......"Alex slept on the sofa smiling.

", This damn man. Alex you're an asshole for making me arrange all that then you sleep like this. Jeeez!!!! What a fucking piece of shit and your shitty threats. What the fuck were you even talking about. If you really miss your ex then stop confusing her name with some other woman's name. I knew you missed her Alex even if you deny it. But wait, he said the woman worked for him. Valentine is not even in the country right now so who the fuck was he talking about. Jesus Alex why do you have to be such a mystery?" Andrew talked to himself like e crazy man. He then took his phone then called the person he had called earlier.

"Heey cancel on the plans..yeah don't worry you can keep the money."Andrew hung up then he put his cellphone back to his pocket. He then went and lifted Alex up and took him out of the room and walked with the sleeping Alex in his arms. Of course Alex was heavy but Andrew was strong too to carry the strong Alex who was not aware of what was happening. He walked with him towards the entrance and headed to his car where the driver drove off to Alex's mansion. After they arrived, Andrew carried him to his bedroom and laid him on the bed. He removed his shoes and tie then his coat then lifted the duvet and covered Alex. After he was done he then looked at Alex for a while smiling.

" When will you ever stop sleeping under the influence of alcohol Alex? You should really let all the anger go now. It's been twenty years for heaven's sake. But now we have to find you a cure for your insomnia. Alcohol is not good for you. At least today I succeeded in my little plan. I thought I wouldn't after you started your little threats. Crazy Alex. So crazy." Andrew finished his talking to himself looking at Alex with a smile. He really loved Alex so much as a friend. They have been through alot since childhood. Well Felix too included. They have grown together since childhood and did things together. Felix is out of the country for a business trip in Germany. When Alex called him he came immediately because his friend sounded so urgent only to his disappointment when Alex started telling him he wanted to have a drink. They went to the VVIP section in his bar that he owned. After some time Alex started asking for a woman he could spend a night with so Andrew planned to make him drunk, so as Alex wouldn't be able to spend the night with the woman. Alex smiled at the success of his little plan.

"No Kim don't leave me please. I will be good okay. I'm sorry for kissing you like that, I couldn't stop myself. Please Kim don't go. I bought the hospital to be closer to you. Baby please.... please.... I need you." Alex suddenly started crying saying thess words. Andrew was brought back from his daydream when he heard Alex say these words.

"Damnit Alex who the hell is this woman you keep talking about even in your sleep?"Andrew wondered as he went close to Alex's bed. Then he saw the wet pillow.

"No in the fucking way you are crying asshole. Now you're a crybaby. What is happening to you bastard? The other day you ran out of the bar without saying a word knowing it was Felix's birthday and we had to worry about you the whole night. Do you know how worried we were you bastard until William your butler said you were home and fine. I really want to punch you right now godammit!! Andrew shouted the last sentence. He was so pissed at Alex for the way he's behaving now. He hates it when Alex sheds a tear because he has done that for long now, for those twenty years. Well from that horrible night 20 years ago. He had to deal with his friend's trauma after that night. He shivered remembering that night. He shook the memories from his head and walked to his friend who couldn't stop crying in his sleep talking about this woman who he had no idea about. Little did he know that the woman was one of his saviour in his life.

Andrew sat at the edge of the bed as he stroked Alex's head to calm him down. He needs to sleep because he knows of how Alex's sleeping schedule works. He needs to get the little sleep he can get even if it's with the influence of alcohol. After sometime Alex relaxed and soft snores could be heard in the room. After Andrew made sure Alex was asleep he went out of Alex's room and closed it behind him. He looked at his wrist watch and saw that the time was twelve thirty. He smiled and went downstairs and found the butler named William and instructed him to make a hangover soup for Alex once he wakes up. William nodded and Andrew walked towards the door and told his driver to take him home. He was really tired and he needed to rest. He prayed that Alex would sleep a little longer. When he reached his home, he immediately went to the bathroom to take a shower. He smiled as he remembered the beautiful psychiatrist who helped him a year ago. He had really fallen for her, at first sight was just a mere crush but he had been watching her moves until he stopped few months ago. He wanted to forget her because he really didn't want to involve her in his dangerous world. She deserves all the happiness in the world.

"Kimberly Johnson. Your name sounds so sweet in my mouth." He said smiling.