
After Getting a Divorce and Leaving with Her Children, Her Cold Ex-Husband Cries and Begs to Get Back Together

Three years of marriage left her with practically nothing. She did everything she could to fill the shoes as Mrs. Lu each day, pleasing everybody. In return, her husband cheated on her and even handed her a divorce agreement."100 million. Don't you want a divorce? Give me 100 million, and I'll sign the papers."Despite saying this, she left swiftly after turning around.***When they met again, she had everything except romantic feelings for him. The truth of what happened back then was revealed. He instantly became the male protagonist in a 'Wife-chasing To The End' series, and he'd cry and beg to get back together with his ex-wife each night. "Honey, I was wrong. Will you come home with me?" "Honey, it's dangerous to be out at night. Do you want me to come with you?" "Honey, the man who confessed his feelings for you is a womanizer. He has multiple girlfriends!" ***However, who are the two children behind her? "Who is he? Why does he want to kiss Mommy?" "I don't know. He might be trying to steal Mommy away from us." "Mommy, run, quick! We'll deal with him." Her children started attacking Mr. Lu right away.

Busy Concubine · Général
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40 Chs


Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Éditeur: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Lu Jinchen did not have a good night's sleep since he saw Mu Yao and Song Yufei together in the restaurant.

There was a ball of fire in his heart.

In the beginning, he didn't know why.

When he saw Mu Yao again today, he had deliberately shown his gentle side to Bai Qiushui, but Mu Yao didn't seem to care at all.

Lu Jinchen suddenly understood.

He was pissed.

Lu Jinchen had been looking for Mu Yao for four years, but she had completely forgotten about him and was flirting with other men.

"Mr. Lu, this doesn't seem to have anything to do with you. No matter how famous he is, he's still better than some people who have an affair. Don't you think you're even more disgusting than your master?"

Mu Yao didn't want to respond to Lu Jinchen's words, but she couldn't help it.

There was also a ball of fire in her chest that was about to burst out at any time.

If Mu Yao had a knife, she would cut off Lu Jinchen's tongue without hesitation.

What right did he have to be so arrogant? They had been divorced for four years. What right did Lu Jinchen have to ask about her matters?

Nothing was going on between her and Song Yufei. Even if there was something, it was none of Lu Jinchen's business.

"Mu Yao, did you ask me about what happened back then? I wonder if Bai Qiushui's appearance gave you a reason to leave. You even prepared the divorce papers so well."

Mu Yao was furious. "You b*stard say it again. Who prepared the divorce agreement?"

Lu Jinchen even prepared for it twice.

"Have you read through the one I prepared?" Lu Jinchen also raised his voice.

He would lose his self-restraint, character, and emotionless face whenever he faced Mu Yao.

The divorce agreement that he had prepared was not legally binding. He had only prepared it to brush Lu Qing off.

But what about her?

The one she took out caught him off guard.

He had thought about it more than once in the four years they had been apart.

Mu Yao might have prepared the divorce agreement a long time ago.

She was only waiting for an opportunity to give it to him.

"You're simply unreasonable!" Mu Yao didn't want to think back to the situation.

What happened on that day in the past four years?

After that, it appeared in her dreams repeatedly like a movie. Every time she woke up, her pillow was wet.

Mu Yao thought she had already let go of the past when she chose to follow Song Yufei back to City A.

However, this person in front of her had come over repeatedly to sow discord.

He tore her past wounds bloody.

Was he still human?

Mu Yao was furious.

She reached out her fingers and scratched his face.

Five bloody scratches appeared on his handsome face.

"You b*stard! You won't die a good death. Let me down!"

Lu Jinchen's face was burning with pain. He took a deep breath and grabbed her wrist.

"Mu Yao, I tolerate you too much."

In Boundless Sea and Sky, Mu Yao stepped on Lu Jinchen's foot with her high heels.

At the entrance of the hospital, she gave him a slap and a bite mark.

Now, there were five more bloody scratches on his face.

They had only met each other four times after their divorce.

"Mr. Lu, you and I have nothing to do with each other anymore. Do I need you to tolerate me? You keep appearing in front of me and saying such ridiculous things. Are you trying to backslide to your ex? Mr. Lu, if you want to do that, you should ask your dear sister if she agrees."

Lu Jinchen could hear the sarcasm in her words.

"Mu Yao, you know what's wrong with you and Lu Qing. Why have you never explained anything? Is this all your effort for our marriage? "


Just as the atmosphere in the car was about to explode...

The car window was suddenly smashed open by a strong force.

The two of them turned their heads at the same time and saw Su Jin standing outside the car window, panting heavily. She was holding a big iron hammer that weighed more than ten pounds in her hand.

"You moron! If you don't let Yaoyao out today, I'll break your head!"