
After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

“Hurry to the hospital and donate your blood.” “Go to the hospital at once.” “Remember to donate blood at the hospital.” Even if she had already been donating blood for three times in the past few months, which then took a toll on her body, Huo Chuan never felt an ounce of pity for his so-called wife. After three years of marriage, Huo Chuan would only ever contact her to ask her to donate her blood to the hospital. No, accurately speaking, she was selling her blood. Selling it to Huo Chuan’s beloved woman, Bai Ting. Yun Qing had been working hard to play the role of a good wife and secretary, but Huo Chuan’s family thought nothing of her. They were enigmatic and petty toward her. Yun Qing even had to do all the cleaning and cooking alone at home. Her existence was so menial that one would even assume she was a maid. In the company, everyone underestimated her. Yun Qing had had enough so she said, “Let’s divorce.” Perhaps she still had hope, but her husband’s reaction completely disappointed her. “What are you throwing a tantrum for? Name your price. The doctor says that Bai Ting is in a critical condition!” Huo Chuan’s mother said, “A lowly secretary like you should be grateful that you married into our Huo family, so why are you making a fuss?” Huo Chuan stared down at her. “I know that you’ve donated more blood this month, but I’ve transferred you the compensation fee! I can tolerate you asking for more, but I won’t tolerate your tantrum!” Looking at Huo Chuan’s mesmerizing features, Yun Qing laughed at herself. He was indeed charming, but he had never ever shown her a pleasant expression. Enduring the pain in her heart, Yun Qing insisted on going through the divorce with Huo Chuan. “Don’t you regret this, Yun Qing!” “Huo Chuan, the only thing I regret is agreeing to this marriage with you three years ago. This marriage had me all battered and bruised. Enough is enough!” For Huo Chuan, she gave up her status and ignored her family’s advice. She pounced at Huo Chuan like a moth to flames, only to receive his indifference and lack of affection in return. After Yun Qing left the Huo family, she got into a luxurious car. Old Master Yun’s heart ached for his daughter. “Qingqing, you had a three-year agreement with me, that if he doesn’t love you, you will come home and inherit the company. Now, it’s time to uphold your promise.”

Mountain Springs · Urbain
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270 Chs

I Am A Soldier

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Éditeur: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yun Qing's heart tightened. She and Huo Chuan were powerless in this situation. These pirates also had guns. Under such circumstances, they were practically in the hands of these pirates.

Although he had a gun aimed at him, he was not afraid. His deep voice sounded, "We can give you money."

"Money? Where are you going to get money for us?!"The blond man laughed without restraint. He looked particularly terrifying.

"You help us leave. When the time comes, we can give you as much money as you want," Yun Qing chimed in.

"What if I say that we don't want money, but you?" A pirate looked at Yun Qing provocatively with a smile on his face.

Yun Qing's heart tightened — it seemed that these pirates had their eyes on her.

The group of pirates laughed again. At that moment, Huo Chuan reached out and quickly grabbed the gun. He instantly turned his body sideways and pulled hard. With a sweep of his feet, the blond man fell to the ground.