
After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Author: Mountain Springs
Contemporary Romance
Completed · 2.1M Views
  • 270 Chs
  • 3.5
    49 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Read ‘After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune’ Online for Free, written by the author Mountain Springs, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, FACESLAPPING Light Novel, MARYSUE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: “Hurry to the hospital and donate your blood.” “Go to the hospital at once.” “Remember to donate blood at the hospital.”...


“Hurry to the hospital and donate your blood.” “Go to the hospital at once.” “Remember to donate blood at the hospital.” Even if she had already been donating blood for three times in the past few months, which then took a toll on her body, Huo Chuan never felt an ounce of pity for his so-called wife. After three years of marriage, Huo Chuan would only ever contact her to ask her to donate her blood to the hospital. No, accurately speaking, she was selling her blood. Selling it to Huo Chuan’s beloved woman, Bai Ting. Yun Qing had been working hard to play the role of a good wife and secretary, but Huo Chuan’s family thought nothing of her. They were enigmatic and petty toward her. Yun Qing even had to do all the cleaning and cooking alone at home. Her existence was so menial that one would even assume she was a maid. In the company, everyone underestimated her. Yun Qing had had enough so she said, “Let’s divorce.” Perhaps she still had hope, but her husband’s reaction completely disappointed her. “What are you throwing a tantrum for? Name your price. The doctor says that Bai Ting is in a critical condition!” Huo Chuan’s mother said, “A lowly secretary like you should be grateful that you married into our Huo family, so why are you making a fuss?” Huo Chuan stared down at her. “I know that you’ve donated more blood this month, but I’ve transferred you the compensation fee! I can tolerate you asking for more, but I won’t tolerate your tantrum!” Looking at Huo Chuan’s mesmerizing features, Yun Qing laughed at herself. He was indeed charming, but he had never ever shown her a pleasant expression. Enduring the pain in her heart, Yun Qing insisted on going through the divorce with Huo Chuan. “Don’t you regret this, Yun Qing!” “Huo Chuan, the only thing I regret is agreeing to this marriage with you three years ago. This marriage had me all battered and bruised. Enough is enough!” For Huo Chuan, she gave up her status and ignored her family’s advice. She pounced at Huo Chuan like a moth to flames, only to receive his indifference and lack of affection in return. After Yun Qing left the Huo family, she got into a luxurious car. Old Master Yun’s heart ached for his daughter. “Qingqing, you had a three-year agreement with me, that if he doesn’t love you, you will come home and inherit the company. Now, it’s time to uphold your promise.”

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Akeem_Moses · Fantasy
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3 Chs


凤羽烟,孤身现代十八年,特工为生,殊不知,竟是被个小狼崽子吸了仙气儿害的?! 一朝回归,本以为是修仙恶斗白莲花的剧本,殊不知,真正嚯嚯人的却是身娇魔尊?! 莫易寒,堂堂魔界至尊,三界避其锋的人物,动不动就歇菜“吸阳气儿”是什么鬼?! ** 某日,魔尊几大影卫凑在一起嘀嘀咕咕。 孤风:大事不好了!小仙女要上天,尊主大大被甩了!!! 孤影、孤月异口同声:你说什么?!她还敢甩尊主?! 孤风:我猜啊,肯定是尊主大大要爬墙,让人家姑娘抓了个正着,这不,送你一捆烂桃花让你自己体会,祝愿您老桃花朵朵开~ 听了半天墙角的莫易寒:行了,孤狼发配边疆也有些时候了,你去把他换回来吧~ 孤风:...大大我错了... ** 记者:请问两位是如何定情的? 凤羽烟手指轻点着桌面,漫不经心道:就,日久生情? 莫易寒:错!是一见钟情!!! 记者:那请问二位第一次见面时,对彼此的第一印象是?又或者说是有什么想法? 莫易寒美滋滋的回忆起来,不知想到什么,还满含深情的望向身旁小人儿:大概是,恰好入了心~ 凤羽烟懒懒睨了他一眼,有些犹豫,但最后还是选择实话实说:他占我便宜,我想杀了他。 莫易寒:…… 记者:…… 【1V1,仙魔究极甜宠系已开启,欢迎启航~】

暗夜喵王 · General
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326 Chs
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Is the EX HUSBAND THE ML...pls don't tell me he is..... ... bdhdkfnkdkcncbxmkxjebdnkskskksnxbcgudjsksbxmcjdksnsksllskdlcn ch jckdksksnnx


Looking forward to this. But I seem to have read a similar synopsis and story to this. Forgot the title…🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔. Any raws?🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


The story sounds so familiar ;-; Omg please choose better stories😭 Predictable plot. Trash ML who regrets and stupid FL who will go running back to the dumpster bc she just loves trash!🤡


Reveal spoiler


similar storyline everywhere..........................nothing new.. .. ...... ..............................................................


It sounds awfully similar to "Accepting my massive inheritance after divorce". I wonder if its like that as well? After all I am not much of a fan for that so I don't know if it will be any different. Like seriously, despite being rich why would you let a sorry excuse of an idiot trample all over you? Just cause of 'love'? I truly can't understand the need for that.


[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]Sypnosis is good hope it get released


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


I quite like the world and the characters that are in this story. What has me gripped is the sheer idiocy and ignorance of her ex husband ,how can he run a multi-billion dollar empire but not know what is going on in his own home with his own wife? I pray she doesn't take him back, he is a waste of space and time. She should move on and I can't wait to see that happening in a positive way for her.


I like thestory although to me some things make no sence how can no one know who YunQing is if she was set to be the vice president In such a top rated family how can the only daughter be unknown. Strange.


I enjoyed this story up until the end. The last few chapters were very rushed and didn't seem to have much thought put into them. There were certain aspects of the story that could have been fleshed out more which could have helped wrap the story up but, it is what it is at this point.


What a waste of time. I was waiting for the male lead to show up, then slowly realized that the useless ex-husband seems to be it? How disgusting. He doesn't repent and move on but instead dogs Yun Qings heels like a leech. I like how he never bothered to explain anything. Your buddy saves you and you feel responsible for his girlfriend (not wife, not fiancee) and have no awareness whatsoever about her and your family treating your wife as a slave and you want her to go back to that trauma ... And the female lead,what did she expect from chasing a man that never loved her and somehow marrying him. He didn't love you before why would he magically love you after marriage? Why do these novels always portray the dumb thought that marrying someone makes them love you? Pure abuse, gas lighting and trauma. Don't waste your time like I did


I found the Chinese raw version of this and the names are different. Is this stealing? This is like the 2nd time I'm seeing a Chinese Novel be translated to something else making it seem like it's not stolen because why change the names like this. The Chinese raw version is 离婚后继承了亿万家产苏楠傅邺川


I like the story so far but why? the fL despite the being humiliated, become bloodbank to the other, she still love the ML? don't tell me, she will give the ML a 2nd chance duhhhh😑😑theres no medicine in regret


Reveal spoiler


am I the only one who thought the synopsis is exactly same as THE Divorced billionaire heiress??? if it's the same novel then fl doesn't end up with the trashy ex husband


Reveal spoiler


this one is pretty good and I am in good mood today


Love the love and revenge. Character building was good.


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Tonicquill, EndlessFantasy Translation TranslatorTonicquillEditor