
Adaption to dragonball

Djin is a normal depressed man. The world that he lives in is a noisy and chaotic place that poisons, corrupts, and taints. In order to avoid its toxicity, like many others, he shuts himself in, drowning out all of the noise with vices such as drugs and different forms media. Any distraction he can get his hands on to safely remains in the safety of his home as much as possible. Before the man falls to sleep, intrusive self destructive thoughts get the best of him and he wishes that his current slumber is his last... Any thing to escape from his situation. Unluckily for him, he gets exactly what he wants. He leaves his world and moves on… The problem is, he moves on to doomed planet, Vegeta. *Disclaimer* (Before you begin to read, the is not the Dragon Ball Z. Some characters will be a lot more aggressive and sadistic than they were originally written, and some characters will be written more powerful. Some characters will be written more laid back while other will be written more analytical. What you know of that Drago Ball world does not apply here. Sometimes, in the story, you may realize that some things regarding plot points in the story happen sooner rather than later. This can be attributed to the butterfly-effect of the Mc coming into existence, or The fact that this is not the same universe that you have grown to love. But hopefully, my world will grow on you as well. Side note: You will not experience the main character spending 85 chapters doing nothing on a random planet where he learns to cultivate and makes into some random made up heavenly realm. You will also come to know that this is not a harem with chapter long sex scenes. This is also not the Goku show. Keep that in mind before commenting.)

TalentlessAuthor · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Vegeta’s Ridicule

48 Million. From a low-class Saiyan to that of a Saiyan champion. He had made incredible leaps. Goku, during our time training, surprised me turn after turn. Although he may not have been the brightest when it came to book smarts, what he advanced in trumpeted over all of his faults. He had an exquisite intuitive understanding of emotion, and combat.

During our sparring matches, he showed me the definition of ingenuity. From a combative standpoint, he was extremely adaptive, taking aspects of my martial art that I had invented, incorporating some of my punching, grappling, and kicking styles into his own. It was only fair considering that I did the same to him, besides that, he had thrown me for a loop multiple times, catching me off guard during our battles. He caused me more injury than Ice had during our last year of training. Now, today, Goku was one of the strongest people ever to walk the face of the planet… But that didn't mean that he was at my level… If we were to fight seriously, I would have been the victor 10/10 times. but that would only remain a thought as he was my student now.

"You've grown a lot," I mentioned as we walked out the chamber.

"I wish I knew how much." He slightly dug at me, but then caught himself.

"Oh? What a shame… If only there was a person with the ability to literally see how strong an individual was in a numerical value… That would come in handy, don't you think?" I asked with a vindictive smirk.

"If only." He nervously laughed. We continued to walk up the stairs making our way to the lookout exit.

With exquisite Ki control, Goku was able to almost seem undetectable. As he and I arrived side by side, in our view stood all Z-fighters including Ice, Vegeta, and Nappa. To my surprise, they were also accompanied by Launch, Bulma, Chi-Chi, and Ox-King.

"Well-well-well. Would you look at that? They finally came out of hiding." Announced a blonde Launch. Her words drew the attention of everyone… Including myself. Why did she draw me in? Because she was gorgeous.

She had emerald eyes, long blond hair that went all the way down her back, with a blue bang that swayed in front of her flawless freckled face. She was wearing tight blue jeans and a yellow opened Adidas jacket that revealed a red sports bra and her toned hourglass-shaped body. Her shoes were red with 3 white stripes on the side.

'Well, doesn't she have a big…personality?' I thought to myself. A thought that would have gotten me rightfully slapped.

"Here we are, indeed." I retorted half paying attention. What I soon realized was as I observed her, she observed me as we had momentarily locked eyes.

"Stay right here next to grandpa and your new friend while I talk to your Daddy, Gohan." Stated Chi-Chi with a smile.

"Uh… Okay."

"Goku..." She had left the confused Gohan next to Ice and Ox-King.

"Where on earth were you?" She calmly asked, but I could already see the quiet storm boiling inside of her.

"Uh… I was in the chamber."

He replied in a slight panic as she fiercely approached.

"You know that's not what I meant." If looks could kill, Goku would have died multiple times by now.

"Chi-Chi… Relax. The situation was more complex than that."

"Don't tell me to relax. I know of the situation. Why do you think that I am upset?" She asked, violently whispering.

Goku then looked around to see uncomfortable looks on the faces of his friends.

[Goku…this seems like a private conversation… I think it best to take it somewhere else, don't you think?] I asked telepathically.

He turned his head to nod. Using instant transmission, he grabbed onto Chi-Chi's shoulder and teleported away.

Goku's House

The couple had arrived at their living room with no one else in sight. At First, Chi-Chi looked confused. She had no idea how she managed to end up in her home, but seeing her husband act so nonchalant led her to deduce that it was another one of Goku's abilities so she quickly adapted.

"Look Chi-Chi-" He tried to calm her by resting his hand on her shoulder, but was pushed away.

"No, you look. You would be considered lucky if I allow you to see our son after what I heard."

"That's going too far… You haven't even heard my side of things." Goku stated.

"Oh? And why is that going too far? And why does your subjective side of things matter? Objectively, it makes all the sense in the world to pack my things, take Gohan, and not look back considering that instead of having him at home studying to better his future, he beheld the cruelty of this world firsthand at the age of four. Four!" She then paced back and forth for a moment, then stopped.

"Blood… dismemberment… all that gore. That ridiculously brave little boy of ours told me everything he experienced on that battlefield in gruesome detail and I wanted to vomit. Me… a grown woman." Chi-Chi declared with a grim expression.

"You know what I saw in his eyes as he told me what he saw out there?" Chi-Chi grabbed a seat on the couch as Goku remained silent.

"I saw emptiness… He was cold… He was broken… Not a single bit of emotion was there besides hate. It was as if inside, a piece of him was dead. What he saw changed him for life. I saw it in the windows to his soul. They're a different set than the ones he had in his head a week ago." She then looked up at Goku who had difficulty written on his face. Moments and silence was exchanged.

"You know what's crazy? Even after all these years, I still hurt to see you suffering… but that's the route you choose. The route of battle… it hurts, as I told you time and time again… But what hurts, even more, is to know that our son was forced to experience that same path." Her voice was shaking with anger and quivering with sorrow. She tried to remain relaxed as possible but was starting to crack.

"Chi-Chi…" It was the only thing that could escape Goku's mouth. In one way or another… he honestly felt the same to a lesser extent. But even with that being said, deep down, in a way, it was the path that he wanted for his son. Especially after his year with Djin.

"Don't do that. Don't 'Chi-Chi' me. Give me an argument. Tell me why I should be with you when there is danger and death that follows you everywhere you go. List your reasons. Go." Goku felt punches to the gut…but even then, he was prepared for this conversation to happen.

"Because I love you and this family."

He stated.

"Where is the proof? Where?!"

"How do you expect me to answer your question if you keep interrupting?"


"Now… I understand your anger… but communication is two ways. You need to understand that this path that I walk was predetermined. I didn't want any of this to happen, but it did and would have rather you liked it or not."



"Is that all you have to say? It was fate that the ones you love got tossed into your drama?"

"Yes." Goku retorted, which caused a sour expression on Chi-Chi's face.

"Alright. How so?" She asked sarcastically.

"Because… I'm not normal."

Goku then sat on the couch next to her not making any eye contact.

"I'm married to you. I know that better than anyone." She crossed her arms and leaned back.

"That's not what I mean… I mean that I am not from this world. Earth… I'm from an entirely different planet as a whole." At his words, she couldn't help but be surprised. She had heard of the Saiyans in the past couple of days but assumed they were just one of the earth's many races. She didn't know they were aliens.

"This tail that I have… the same one that our son has is a symbol of that. He and I are from a race of warriors and we are born with the ability to get stronger with every battle. Because Gohan is my son and the fact that I've been through my share of battles before we got together, it caused him to be born with a level of power and potential that the rest of the members of my race were able to detect with a machine called a scouter. Yesterday, my older brother used one to track me and Gohan." Chi-Chi began to think about the gravity of his words but still kept a defensive posture.

"It didn't matter the outcome of yesterday or my past actions in general. It doesn't matter if I were to promise you that I would give up this life or not. The fact is, even if I was raised as a farmer for my entire life, I would have been tracked down by the man who abducted our son. Even If I spent my entire life reading books as you insist on having Gohan do, beforehand, things would have played out exactly how they did today… arguably worse."

"But why… Why would it have been that way? Why does it have to be this way?"

"Because he was looking for me and knew where I was years prior. Because outside of earth, there is a bigger fight going on that he wanted me to be a part of." Goku reached over and grabbed Chi-Chi's hand and looked into her eyes.

"Chi-Chi… I like fighting. It's a fun sport. It's ingrained in my bones… but people like my brother are the reason I get stronger. My life is dangerous. We both know this, but you decided to start this family with me. We decided to have a child with this knowledge… but you still haven't even faced it yet."

"Faced what?" She asked hesitantly. Her voice contained slight spite for the situation at hand.

"The truth. In this life, I have to fight. And because he was born into this world, so does Gohan. It doesn't matter how old he is. He can read all the books he wants, but what happens when I lose my life while fighting? What happens if there is no guardian to save the world in sight? Who's going to learn from past mistakes?" Chi-Chi didn't answer.

"Because he's my only blood-related relative, he would probably be the only one able to stand up to threats from another world… and trust me, there are a lot of threats out there. I had long talks with the new guardian about them, and each threat is more brutal and violent than the next. Raditz is only the beginning… And it will get even tougher. When it gets tough…. We can't just run with our tails in between our legs."

She was angry… sad… and tired. She didn't want her cards but they were the only hand she was dealt.

"That's not fair. *sniff* It's not." Goku wiped her tears and pulled her into an embrace.

"I know…but what's stopping the people of earth from dying… After me, Gohan is all earth has. That's set in stone. If I didn't take him out yesterday… You would have been one of the people that had to have been bought back with the Dragon Balls…. And that hurts to even think about." Subconsciously, Goku had exerted his strength slightly too intensely and almost caused his wife to have difficulty breathing… but she didn't say anything. She remained in his arms.

"My…no. That wasn't my brother. It was a monster." He stopped himself.

"That monster would have killed anyone who wasn't a Saiyan that stood in his way… And while he beat me… he made it clear to me that he would have done worse to you. If that happened… my soul wouldn't have rested until he rested… in the ground and in peace." Goku began to stroke her head and lessened his grip as he realized her breaths were becoming labored, but even though life was being squeezed out of her, she still held onto him tightly as if she would fall.

"..." Chi-Chi was silent with her head nuzzled in Goku's chest while they hugged in silence.

At the Lookout

Everyone stared confused at what just happened. One moment, he was here. The next moment, he wasn't. The only time they had seen the ability was when I had used it. "No need to worry, everybody… I just taught him a new ability." I stated to calm down mummers. Everyone looked at me with strange gazes.

Walking forward, I gathered all of their attention once more.

"So… Hello everyone. Everyone who I have yet to meet. It's a pleasure. I am Djin, the new God/Guardian of earth."

Ox-King approached first with a warm smile and an outstretched hand.

"Hello, Djin. People call me Ox-King. I'm the grandfather of the little man you saved over there. I just want to say that I'm extremely thankful for what you did and as a sign of gratitude, I want to award you with something. How does land sound?" I had to admit, he was quite well dressed. He wore an all-red 3 piece suit made out of an expensive-looking material. For his size, he was very well-groomed. He asked with sincerity.

"No-no-no. It's fine. I don't need it at this current moment in time. And you don't have to give me anything. There isn't anything I'm really indeed for at the current moment in time, but I thank you for your generosity."

"I noticed that you said, "right now", Mr. Djin. I want you to know that I am a very wealthy man. When I say that I want to give you land, I'm not talking about a little patch of grass. I know you said you don't want it, but I'll be holding a plot of land in your name. Anytime you need it, just contact me with this card."

Pulling the card from his jacket, he gave me a bright smile that showed all of his pearly white teeth.

"Anytime you want to claim your gift, call the number on the back that will directly link to my office. I'm there most of the time nowadays so it's best to call there. Thank you once more." He gave a respectful bow that I returned gracefully.

"I'll keep your commendable offer in the back of my mind."

"Hi, Mr. Djin! Glad to see you back!" Gohan said while he and Ice were petting a very familiar purple dragon.

'Icarus?' I thought. What surprised me as that thought finished, Gohan and my Ice were flying over to me in excitement. Gohan, without the help of the nimbus.

"Yes… It's good to meet you," I said while shaking the giant 10-foot man's hand with a bright smile.

"Hey, boys," I said as they landed in front of me. As they landed, Gohan stumbled, losing his balance.

"Woah little guy," I said, using my TK to make him stable.

"Ah... Thanks, Mr. Djin. I'm still getting used to things."

"It's no big deal… I'm curious though. The last time I checked, you didn't know how to fly. What's the deal?" I asked but already knew the answer. Ice was trying his hardest to remain humble and didn't say a peep.

"Well, Ice taught me. He's a really good teacher! I think he's the reason I learned really fast."

Ice smiled at being appreciated by his new friend.

"To tell the truth, I want to take credit, but I feel like it would undermine your accomplishments. You're really smart. I think that's why you're able to pick up things so easily when I taught you about Ki." Gohan returned Ice's previous gesture.

"Well… you guys want to know what I think?" I asked as I crouched down.

"Hmm?" They both looked at me curiously.

"I think that both of you are great and both deserve rewards. What do you say we go to the arcade later?" I asked. Ice's eyes lit up in excitement while Gohan looked worried.

"Hey. Why are you sorry-looking?" Djin asked.

"Well… It's because my mom doesn't want me playing video games. I don't think she'll let me go to an arcade."

"Is that right?" I asked.

Gohan nodded his head while Ox-King shrugged his shoulders unsure.

"Well… What if I were to tell you that I knew a way we could get you there without making your mom angry?" I asked.

"Then… Then that would be awesome!" Gohan shouted.

"Then it's settled. I'm gonna convince her."

"I don't know about that one… she's a tough cookie to crack. That's coming from her old man." Ox-King stated.

"Nah… We're gonna get her permission and where gonna show Gohan a heck of a time. Ain't that right, Ice?"

"Right!" Gohan pumped his fist in excitement. The arcade was one of my favorite places to bond with Ice.

"Gohan. There are so many things we can play there! We can play Ski-Ball, laser tag, StreetFighter, Fruit Ninja, and even ride Go Carts! You're gonna love it, I already know it."

Gohan started to get excited at the possibilities. He knew none of those games, but judging from what Ice had to say, he was thrilled to see what the possible near future held.

"Alright… how about you two go inside and talk about the arcade more. I have to do a bit of organizing. We need to know who's next in the chamber." I stated. As they left, the others including the Nappa approached. Vegeta stayed leaned up against a wall in view.

"You got a way with kids don't ya." Said Yellow-Launch with a little smirk on her face.

"Ain't that the truth." Said Bulma with a hint of dalliance.

"I guess. I just treat them the way I wanted to be treated when I was their age. Anyway, it's a pleasure, you two." I said, reaching out my hand to greet them.

"Hi. The name's Bulma."

She was sumptuous, to say the least. She stood at 5'8 with naturally vibrant blue shoulder-length hair and electric blue eyes. She wore a navy blue form-fitting turtleneck with black jeans and black boots. She made her simple outfit look like something worthy of fitting on a manikin.

"Nice to meet you. And you too Ms… " I asked, shifting my attention towards Y-Launch.

"Launch." She said while crossing her arms with a cocky smile. She didn't even attempt to grab my hand. And looked at me as if I was her loyal subject.

I shook my head in defeat.

"Ah… The stuck-up type, huh?" I smirked at her rudeness. I gave her what she wanted. A reaction.

"Only when people see me as a piece of meat." She retorted slyly.

"Ho-ho-ho! A piece of meat you say?"

She had some nerve. But I had to admit… I was a fan of spice.

"Yeah. Meat. As in protein… Nah. Me saying you looked thirsty would be a better way to describe it."

She said condescendingly.

"Is that the rules of etiquette nowadays? If that's the case, I wouldn't have even offered you my hand in the first place. I probably look like a walking oasis with the way you were staring at me. I felt objectified." I stated while clenching my metaphorical pearls. She chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"Is that what you think you are?" She asked.

"Evidently," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Don't give yourself too much credit, raindrop. It's just a drought and you caught my eye for a second. Nothing more." She spat with venom… but I could still detect a smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Don't mind her rudeness. She's just that way when the yellow one is the host. Also… I caught her staring too. I mean, in all reality, who could blame her?" Bulma asked. To her words, the smile on launch disappeared. While glaring at Y-Launch. To that, Launch didn't respond and stared at me intimidatingly.

"So… I hear that you're the only one to put Mr. pretentious in his place, over there." She whispered, referring to Vegeta. But due to the fact that he had enhanced senses, he frowned slightly at her comment.

"I guess that's one way to put it," I stated.

"And making him bow down to you with his tail between his legs is another." Bulma instigated while looking back at Vegeta who was getting annoyed. This time, she had intentionally projected her voice.

"Djin. Since these people arrived, I've been meaning to ask. Are all the women on this planet as insufferable as those two?"

Vegeta asked.

Before I could say anything, Bulma interrupted. "And I've been meaning to ask something similar since you and Goku started your training. Are all the men on your homeworld as short, egotistical, pretentious, and narcissistic as Vegeta? Oh, wait… subtract the short part. Everyone else seems to tower over him."

Asked Bulma, provoking which caused Vegeta to grunt in frustration.

"Am I supposed to be insulted by the comments that you're directing towards my size?"

"You seem to care enough to respond, you dwarf."

"Were the same height, you daft bimbo." Vegeta spat.

"That's not impressive. I'm a woman. You're supposedly a man as far as I can see. So what's your excuse?"

They glared at each other for a few moments before Vegeta decided to walk towards the group. I knew he wouldn't do anything, and so did Bulma and Nappa as she stood unwavering. The others however did not and waited for my reaction.

Before I could say anything, Yamcha stood in the way of his path.

"Hey." He stood unconfidently in the Saiyan's path.

Vegeta just stared into his eyes and didn't say a word.

"That's my girl you're talking to. Unless-"

"What? Unless what, human."

Any confidence Yamcha had was almost instantly retracted. He had stopped speaking as a rock was lodged inside his throat… but then, looked back at me and realized he was safe.

"Unless you want Djin to beat you into next, I suggest you back off." He announced. He wouldn't stand a chance against Vegeta but knew there were limitations placed on the Saiyans. In his mind, he figured I would have jumped to his rescue and protected him. To his credit, I would have, but that wasn't to say that I would solve all of his confrontations. The fact that he thought I would put a sour taste in my mouth.

What I didn't expect was for Bulma to come up from behind Yamcha, pushing him out the way.

"Yamcha. I understand that you may have risked your life on the battlefield and have been bought back with the Dragon Balls… but know your place. I don't belong to you and never will after what you did. You must have forgotten."

"But…I'm trying to protect you. He-"

"He won't do anything to me. From what I heard Nappa tell me, he wasn't responsible for harming anyone on this planet. Little Vegeta here is a good boy that knows better than to try anything foolish with the likes of Djin around… Isn't that right, little prince?" She antagonized.

"So if you would be so kind… get out of my way." She said as Yamcha stumbled backward.

Vegeta's expression was blank, while Nappa's jaw dropped. In fact, everyone's except for Y-Launch's did.

"What did you just call me, women?"

"Did I stutter? I called you a good boy and a little prince." She smiled in victory.



"Hey, Djin… You might wanna." Krillin nudged my shoulder, but I let the conversation continue.

"Can you guys not read a situation?" Y-Launch asked.

"What are you talking about? All I see is that Vegeta guy getting more and more aggressive towards Bulma." Said Tien.

"Just shut up and watch." Said the blond woman.

Vegeta was having a stare-down with Bulma. His power level began to slowly rise… then it stopped as a smile cracked on his face. "Ha… Hahahaha."

Vegeta broke out in a laugh. Instead of being angry, he laughed at the absurdness of the situation. The woman before him had more nerve than any woman of his race or any other for that matter.

The roles had been reversed. Instead of Bulma pushing buttons, It was Vegeta's turn as the Bulma began to turn red in frustration. As his laughing began to die down, Y-Launch began to smile.

"And what's so funny," Bulma asked. Vegeta just looked at her and continued to laugh.

"...You woman. You are. If I had realized you were capable of making me chuckle this hard, perhaps I would have responded to your attempts to converse with me sooner." He stated.

"What the hell? Do you like being degraded or something? Is that some sort of sick kink of yours you weirdo?"

"No… you dunce." He said, wiping a tear from his face.

"Then what is it? Huh?" She asked.

I then looked at Launch and asked in confusion. "So… she likes him, huh?"

"Yeah. Bulma thought he was cute from the moment she saw him, but shorty has been blatantly ignoring her since we arrived yesterday. As you can see… today is a little different."

"So… how do you know that? What's your relationship with her?" I asked.

"She's my best friend… I dislike her, but I love her."


I satiated as I watched the two.

"The reason I'm laughing so intensely is that I could wipe this planet out in the blink of an eye… and that's no exaggeration, either. I have so much blood on my hands that I am capable of filling this planet's ocean by wringing out my gloves… People fear me… Cultures bow down to me… Yet here you are with the courage to belittle me without a shroud of fear within your heart. You, who probably only has a battle power in the double digits, made fun of me without hesitation… when other people wouldn't have even dreamt of it." At his blunt words, Bulma stood on all 10 of her toes with unwavering boldness.

"Yet here you are," Vegeta said melodically.

"Yes… Here I am. Here to challenge that gigantic ego of yours verbally, putting you in your place because it's apparent that no one has." Bulma said condescendingly. Which caused Vegeta to smile.

"Well… I suppose this is greater time than any to introduce myself although you already know of me through Nappa… I'm Vegeta. The former prince of the planet with the same name." He said as he stretched out his hand.

"Do you think I'm just gonna shake your hand and forget about you ignoring me?"

"I don't care how you feel about it. This is your only opportunity where I will acknowledge you. Shake my hand, or go back to being ignored. Either way, I'm fine."

"Yeah- yeah… whatever, okay. I'm Bulma." She said, shaking his hand reluctantly. They both then walked over to us side by side with a tension between them.

"I guess you were right," Killian mumbled.

"I always am." Stated Y-Launch

"Remains to be seen… but anyway." I jabbed, catching a glare but I quickly changed topics before she could say anything.

"Now… since you two are ready, let's begin. The next group will be Piccolo, Tien, and Chiaotzu. Then Krillin, Yamcha, And me. Of course, I will be going in with the first three as well. But who I will not be going with is the third group. Vegeta, Nappa, and Goku. Afterward, It will be me, Goku, and our sons."

Thirty minutes later, Goku along with Chi-Chi teleported before us.

They looked as if they had the weight lifted off of their shoulders.

"Goku. You're finally back, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah…" He said while looking down at Chi-Chi.

"Hey… maybe now would be the time to tell him, don't you think?" Asked Goku. Chi-Chi nodded and pulled me to the side in order to talk to me.

"Djin… Goku and I just had a long and serious talk… And we've come to the conclusion that if you are able to keep Gohan mentally stimulated, then I will allow for you to teach him martial arts."

'What on earth did Goku do to sweet-talk her into agreeing to this.' I thought. This was the Chi-Chi that Goku described in the chamber, but the one I knew from the anime.

"And also… I'd like to apologize for my being so emotional earlier. As a parent, you know the stress of having to worry about your child's safety.





And just like that, Days went by. Djin trained each Z-fighter bringing them to new heights that they never thought they would ever be able to reach. Djin built relationships with each one of them, getting to know who they were as people, learning all of their limitations, likes, and dislikes.

Today was the day that the Saiyans would have their turn to train. Nappa and Vegeta had been paying close attention to the Z-fighter as each one had exited the chamber with a new attitude. No one challenged them verbally, but they could feel a shift in the power dynamic they once held against everyone. Stares and looks now held a different weight. Understandably so. Each and every person they had looked over the past couple of days had surpassed them with each opening of the chamber doors. Djin even trained Yamaha to the point that he was 5x stronger than Vegeta.

Although they couldn't sense Ki, the Saiyans could sense the atmosphere. And it had far more pressure than they had cared to admit. They grew eager and restless for their turn and now it had finally arrived.

"Finally. It's our turn." Nappa stated as he stood in front of the doors alongside Vegeta and Goku.

"Yes… It is." Said Vegeta.

"Hopefully, this low-class warrior doesn't stand in our way in our training endeavors." He spat while referring to Goku who hadn't asserted a single word to the duo since he had exited the chamber the first time around.

"Do you think that you can do that Kakarot?"Asked Vegeta. In truth, Vegeta rarely vocalized his thoughts. He stuck to himself and only conversed with Bulma for the most part, but every time he was in the general vicinity of Goku, he felt threatened on an instinctual level… This only served to make the former prince more cautious about what was to come. This uncertainty built insecurity. The insecurity brought fear… The fear brought resentment. All of it was built inside of the heart of Vegeta.

"..." Goku glared at Vegeta which caused him to flinch. He didn't move a single factual muscle and went back, closing his eyes as he had done previously which further angered Vegeta.

"Hey." This time, It was Nappa who spoke up.

"Hey. Are you listening?" The man asked, but Goku didn't answer.

"Well… I'm assuming you hear me. I know that we may not be on the best of terms… but I just wanted you to know that while we're training, I'll try my best to help you out in any way that I can. I overheard your friends talking and they implied that a day is a year here. With that, we'll have plenty of time to bring you to our level. In our free time, if you need it, I'm old enough to remember the tales of how Planet Vegeta once was. We need to stick together… A way to do that is by teaching you your heritage. We're few in number these days. Who knows… maybe you can pass down knowledge to your son." His offer was genuine. He meant what he said and attempted to place his hand on Goku's shoulder.

Goku opened up his eyes once more and glared at Nappa with killing intent.

"I'm going to let you know this right now because you seem nice. Before you try to be my friend or what have you, you are going to pay off your dues."

"What? What dues are you talking about? Nappa asked, confused.

"Raditz… I promised you that I would make you both pay for what he did. I keep my word. Your arrival was a year ago for me but only a few days for you… did you think I would forget?" Goku asked in a grumbled tone.

"I'm being serious," Nappa stated as a droplet of sweat dripped down his head due to nerves.

"And so am I." Goku retorted.

"Don't bother trying to talk to him, Nappa. He's probably one of the ones who only respond to violence, anyway." Vegeta stated.

"But I just..." As he was about to finish his sentence, Djin pulled open the doors of the chamber from the other side revealing himself.

"Hello, Gentleman." All 3 of them nodded and followed the lead of Djin.

"Now, all of you may pick a room to make your own. Make yourself as comfortable as possible."

Djin stated with a smile.

After about 30 minutes, All 4 of them walked on the chamber's floor. At first, Nappa and Vegeta were taken aback for a moment due to having to adapt to the gravity momentarily but quickly adjusted due to their prior experience on many other planets.

"So… This planet replicates a similar sensation of being on our homeworld… but slightly more intense." Said Vegeta.

"Yeah," Djin replied. They walked out a comfortable distance away from the living area until it was no longer visible.

"Here seems to be as good a spot as any… wouldn't you say, Goku?"

"Yeah… Now that I think about it, I took this exact amount of footsteps when I did my training. I didn't really start to count until we started sparing… but when we did, it was 9 thousand footsteps every time." Said Goku while Nappa and Vegeta looked confused.

"What a coincidence? Do you know what's also funny? These guys are the same level you were when we started fighting." Djin said while smirking at Goku.

It had finally clicked in his mind what was going on. Once it did, He shared the same smile that Djin had.

"Are you going to continue to play coy? I've already realized the situation." Stated Vegeta.

Nappa nodded along with him.

"Then I'm glad we are all on the same note. Goku, Get ready." Walking a few feet away, Goku then stood in a combative stance.

"So… We're all going to team up against you I see…" Vegeta and Nappa got in ready positions.

"Not by a long shot. It seems you don't understand as you thought." Djin stated.

"So you mean… you plan on…"

"Having us fight Goku." Nappa finished Vegeta's thought.

Vegeta then smiled as if the very idea of fighting someone of a lower class was funny to him… but what he hadn't realized is that the classes dedicated by Planet Vegeta were meaningless.

"Mhm." Djin nodded. Surprising, unlike Vegeta, Nappa was on guard. Just like with the other Z-fighters, he sensed that something was off.

"Vegeta… I know he's low-class… but don't let your guard down with him. Something is off."

"Why would I even need to guard someone who was defeated by Raditz. Get real." He stated this purely to throw off his opponent… but Goku was unmoved. The facts are, Vegeta sensed something that was also off as well. Djin and Goku were plotting something… And he didn't like it.

"So, It's going to go like this. Goku over there is gonna beat you over and over again until you are completely broken. Once that happens, I'll come in to heal you. Once that happens, It will be your choice on rather or not you continue or not for the day. Can you two agree to the terms?" Nappa and Vegeta Cautiously agreed while Goku's stance was confrontational enough.

"Now…" Djin teleported away to watch the 3 from a comfortable distance.


With that shout, The duo flew towards Gokuy in unison as if their brain waves were synced.

As they rapidly approached, with only his speed, Goku blitzed behind the both of them and grabbed them by the skulls, slamming their heads in the ground. Both of their noses had broken simultaneously. Then, with his strong grip, Goku tossed them into the air like rag dolls causing them to collide. As they were flying away, He then began to power up a Kamehameha wave that glowed a majestic blue.

Before the two could even think of the idea to recover, Goku was already behind them and blasted them with the force to destroy a large planet.

From a far distance, Djin observed and watched the fear in their eyes as the Ki blast got close and closer.


The two crashed to the ground with cuts, bruises, and broken bones. Goku then slowly made his way to the two fallen Saiyans on the floor with a frown on his face.

"Is this all you can handle?" He asked as Nappa and Vegeta struggled to breathe.

"How?" Vegeta asked as he attempted to get on his feet and failed. Nappa on the other hand was already unconscious.

"Dedication and devotion. Now get up." Goku growled. Vegeta for the second time had felt weak. He struggled… He grabbed and grasped, But with only a few attacks, he was completely depleted of energy and fell face-first on the ground.

"You disappointed me. I have been training for an entire year only for this to be what you amounted to… now I understand why Djin didn't want me to know your power level. You're just pathetic." Goku shook his head in disappointment.

The word that had just been stated in Vegeta's ears burned like fire…. But he was powerless to put out the flame. All he could do… was remain motionless.




"Get up," Goku stated while staring a hole into Vegeta's forehead. Days had passed… and yet it was like Vegeta didn't improve at all. Vegeta, after their first sparring match, told Nappa that no matter what, he didn't want him to lay a hand on Goku. And so Djin decided to train Nappa 1-1 from that moment forward.




"So he ran off with the tree's seeds?" I asked Nappa as we were trading blows.

"Yeah… We all had risked our lives going into that treasury. For a long time, Vegeta wanted nothing more than to take Turles' head… but even when he was given the opportunity, he decided against it."

"But… why? From what I've seen, Vegeta seems to be in the moral gray. I would think-" I leaned back and swung my fist, hitting Nappa with a left hook across the face as I dodged his uppercut.

"Lucky shot. *Spit*" Nappa wiped the blood that was coming from his lip and continued to casually throw punches.

"I was saying, I would think that if Vegeta cared so much about Saiyans, then he would have killed Turtles for sullying our name. He is literally-" Nappa threw a flurry of jabs towards me that I weaved like flowing water, then, he stuck in a spinning kick at my chest. Because he lacked agility and had a long range of motion, I was able to blast his face with a Ki blast as I backflipped in retreat.

"Hey. Don't advertise your kicks like that. I saw that coming from a mile away. You are way too big to be trying to sneak anything in like that, even with your power level being as high as it is. I could have snapped your leg just now if I wanted to."

"Aggh." From my blast, the bridge of his nose had broken, but he forcibly put it back into place.

"When you fight, you should be closing in on your target and using your size to your advantage. You may not be the most flexible, but your size can be used to your advantage. Get on close and personal so that you can overpower your opponent into submission."

"Got it." He readied up once more to trade blows.

"Now as I was saying, Why is that pirate still alive?"

"Well… It's because he knows secrets regarding the Cooler Force and the Cold Empire… important pieces of information that we receive every time we allow him to keep his life… on top of that, he was the one who led us to the treasury, to begin with." Nappa stated as I avoided his wild punches.

"Your punches are too exaggerated. If you were at my power level, you would probably tire yourself out before I was to even start getting serious. Fighting with you is like fighting a rapidly aging dam."

"What makes you say that?" Nappa asked.

"Because. I can slip through-" As a right hook was aimed towards my head, I effortlessly weaved around it and clipped Nappa in the jaw, which made him bite down on his tongue.

"Your cracks, just like one." With every hit, Nappa got wilder and wilder until I had to remind him of his faults. Anger being his main downfall in combat.

As I tested his limits, I grew to find out Nappa was at his worst when he was angry. And so, I taught him various breathing exercises which he thought were stupid in the beginning but began to realize their utility in the midst of combat. Even though I could flick him away, I turned my power down to match his.

When he was angry? To him, I was like air. When he was concentrated and didn't have tunnel vision, you could see all 60 of his years of battle experience in its full glory.




"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Vegeta screamed at the top of his lungs.

Months had passed and Vegeta was still no match for Goku. He currently sat alone in the void of the chamber as he had just lost his 400th sparring match with Goku.

"How dare an insignificant bug reach that level. How dare that very same bug have the gall to look down on me!? Vegeta? The King Of all Saiyans?! How dare he! How dare they! I am one of the strongest Saiyans ever to be born in the universe!"

He slammed his fist on the ground causing quakes in his vicinity.

"Every turn I'm looked down on by peasants!" Goku had long lost his grudge with Vegeta and Nappa… but Vegeta was now the one with the bone to pick. He had been training his body to the point where he would pass out from exhaustion every day and yet it seemed as if his efforts meant nothing to Goku.

This narrative was in fact very false, as Vegeta in having a rival was pushed to a point where his growth rate was faster than Goku's. If only he was capable of realizing that this was a double-edged sword. His tenacity to get stronger had motivated and pushed Goku even further in his own ambitions. As he kept beating Vegeta in fights, The fire within Vegeta became stronger and more erratic.

Like everyone inside, he was equipped with weights that increased his training efficiency to the maximum. But where everyone had weights that were perfect for them, Vegeta went twice as heavy on his workload. While everyone slept peacefully, Vegeta trained… 2 times harder. While everyone conversed, he strategized about combative theory and battle technique. With all of his efforts laid out in front of him, Gouk always seemed one step ahead and had a counter for each punch… each kick… each Ki blast. At a certain point, it was understandable that he was losing mental stability.

"Gods damn it all to hell!" One last time, He slammed his fist as hard as he could, actually leaving a crack in the floor. He then rolled over to his back in defeat.

Due to Vegeta's excess amounts of Ki that he let loose, Djin could sense his every little micro movement. And was watching him like a hawk with far-seeing eyes. He initially felt sorry for Vegeta as he had been watching all his efforts be proven meaningless, but then realized something about his flickering aura.

'Oh… this should be interesting.' Djin thought.


"What is it? What do you want?" He asked.

[You know… I find it so funny that you train as hard as you possibly can every day since we came in here with one goal in mind. To defeat Goku.]

Vegeta was confused. Why was Djin mentioning something so obvious? Of course, that was his goal. Goku made him feel weak. Why would he not pursue strength so that he could defeat him?


[The reason I find it funny and a little bit entertaining is because that wasn't even your original goal before you entered the room. You wanted to gain the power to defeat Frieza.]

"Djin. What do you want? What is your reasoning for attempting to taunt me?"

[I'm not taunting you… I'm contacting you right now to point something out to you.]

"So get to the point."

[When I defeated you with minimal effort, I told you that I planned on Killing the lizard with your help… Do you remember what you said to me?] Djin asked.

Vegeta then sat up and reflected on his past memories.

"I said back then that you would need a transformation to match him if you ever wanted a chance at winning. Specifically Super Saiyan."

[Hehehe. You did. That's exactly what you said.]

"Enough of this. Tell me what you want to tell me or get out of my head. Plane and simple."

[I find it entertaining that throughout our training sessions, unlike you, who shows no potential whatsoever, Goku managed to reach it.]

At Djin's words, Vegeta's heart started to pulsate.

"What… are your implications."

[I'm saying that from the time frame I trained Goku to the time frame it took you to reach that pathetic and minuscule power level of yours that you now sit at, He had already achieved the ability to turn into a Legendary Super Saiyan.]

He wondered if his ears deceived him, but his body knew the truth. His heart began to thump so intensely that Djin could literally see its impression on his chest.

[He is something that you will never reach… You, who is a coward that runs and hides. You, who fears Frieza. You, who will never get his revenge. That low-class warrior will rob you of your victory and everything you stand for. His strength alone shows he accomplished the impossible. He alone will be the champion of our people while you sit back like the good dog that you are.] Djin spat venomous words that shook the foundation of Vegeta's very charter.




Living Area

I sat on the couch with a devious smile from ear to ear.

"Hey!" Goku and Nappa came rushing downstairs, interrupted from their slumber.

"What's with all that shaking?" Nappa asked.

"Wait… This energy… It's Vegeta's. What's going on?"

Asked Goku.

"Would you like to see something interesting?" I asked. The two looked at me then nodded at each other. Teleporting next to them, I grabbed their shoulders and disappeared.