
Adaption to dragonball

Djin is a normal depressed man. The world that he lives in is a noisy and chaotic place that poisons, corrupts, and taints. In order to avoid its toxicity, like many others, he shuts himself in, drowning out all of the noise with vices such as drugs and different forms media. Any distraction he can get his hands on to safely remains in the safety of his home as much as possible. Before the man falls to sleep, intrusive self destructive thoughts get the best of him and he wishes that his current slumber is his last... Any thing to escape from his situation. Unluckily for him, he gets exactly what he wants. He leaves his world and moves on… The problem is, he moves on to doomed planet, Vegeta. *Disclaimer* (Before you begin to read, the is not the Dragon Ball Z. Some characters will be a lot more aggressive and sadistic than they were originally written, and some characters will be written more powerful. Some characters will be written more laid back while other will be written more analytical. What you know of that Drago Ball world does not apply here. Sometimes, in the story, you may realize that some things regarding plot points in the story happen sooner rather than later. This can be attributed to the butterfly-effect of the Mc coming into existence, or The fact that this is not the same universe that you have grown to love. But hopefully, my world will grow on you as well. Side note: You will not experience the main character spending 85 chapters doing nothing on a random planet where he learns to cultivate and makes into some random made up heavenly realm. You will also come to know that this is not a harem with chapter long sex scenes. This is also not the Goku show. Keep that in mind before commenting.)

TalentlessAuthor · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Saiyan Power

"Wow… This place brings back memories. I haven't been here since I trained to fight Piccolo." Goku stated, referring to his saga of searching for the Dragon Balls.

"I'm aware," I started smiling.


"I can see that you definitely made a few upgrades to this place. Even the walls look different. It's a lot bigger overall too… Did it get hotter?" He said while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"The dragon balls are amazing… I used them to make the living area to my liking… and no. I didn't make it hotter. It's the same thick and heavy atmosphere as before. The deeper you go, the more intense the atmosphere…" I said as Goku continued to investigate new changes to the area. He took note of the newly marbled and waxed floors and marveled at the beautiful starry night-like sky in the distance. I had completely revamped the chamber.

There were now 12 luxurious rooms that individuals would be able to rest in coupled with libraries and fully stocked fridges that would never go empty. I didn't eat, but I was aware that functional people, like my son, did. The world's most beautiful mansion couldn't compare to it in terms of interior design.

"What do you think, Goku?" He put his hand to his chin to ponder.

"Well… I'm not really into the finer things in life, but even a rat can understand fine dining. It's kinda hard for me to get interested in anything I can't punch… this place is gorgeous."

"I don't think I ever heard that phrase…and I think rats kinda just eat anything," I commented.

"Yeah. That's because I just made it up. It sounded good though, didn't it?" He said with a smile.

"You could have fooled me, honestly." I shrugged.

"I mean, I already said that I don't know much about what I can't punch. But I learned that as a dad, making those types of things up helps with raising little ones." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"That's a little…"

"Dumb?" He asked, looking slightly unsure.

"No… Profound." I finished. I didn't expect Goku to know about the values of idioms when instilling wisdom.

"Ah. Thanks. My grandfather was a good role model."

"No problem. Do you remember how the chamber works?"

"Well, if I remember correctly, 1 day is equal to a year. Also, I should be a lot heavier out there than here. It's the reason I could only last a month last time. Lastly, I remember there being a lot of food but it wasn't all that appetizing." He reviewed.

"Well, you're right about everything except the food as of now. The food in here was subpar before, but I made the wish that caused each room to have freshly cooked meals that never run out. There are hot fridges and cold ones with different types of food depending on the dish. Each room also has bathrooms with self-replenishing toiletries ranging from shaving cream to toilet paper."

"Did you say, unlimited food?" Asked Goku.

"Yes… As in, all you can eat. If that's what you want, you can go ahead and eat right now, if that's what you want."


"Um… Sorry. His ears are sensitive." He said, referring to his stomach.

"Ha. No problem. Go eat as you please. Lock on to my Ki signature once you're done. I'll be out there meditating."

"Great. I'll be ready in about thirty minutes." Goku chuckled nervously.

Goku dashed upstairs into the nearest room and started gorging himself on amazing foods and sweets as if it was his final supper.

3 hours later

Goku was trying his damnedest to trot his way towards me with his heavy and clumsy steps. He was sweating profusely and was looking like he was about to cough up a lung.

"*pant pant*" Goku collapsed to the floor behind me while I was in my levitating meditating position.

"So… You finally finished eating, I see. Oh yeah. I should have probably mentioned that I increased the gravity to 30 times the gravity of what you're used to. If you one day consider sending Gohan in here, you should probably build his foundation up a little beforehand, or else he'll be crushed under the chamber's force." I asked as I stood up, turning around to see him on all fours about to vomit his insides.

"How are you not struggling to breathe? On my way here, I felt like I was fighting to survive." Goku was already a mess taking heavy breaths in-between his words.

"If you think this is bad… Something tells me that you aren't gonna like me very much after we're finished. But who knows? Maybe you might like it."

"Nah. I'm definitely gonna be thankful. I didn't expect this to be easy. Training never is."

"Glad that you seem committed. Get ready."

"Ready? Ready for what?" His eyes grew wide.

"Did you expect me to fight you like this?" Goku said as he looked like he was about to fall over.

"No… I didn't plan on laying a hand on you yet. You would probably die from a single hit from me."

"Ouch…" He said while scratching his head nervously.

"Didn't mean to hurt your ego. Just being honest."

"You kinda did… but I know that you're right. If you were able to handle Nappa and Vegeta with that level of ease, then I got no chance."

"Are you warmed up?"


"Then… we'll begin with training. My first task, I want you to do push-ups until you can't move."

"You're joking right?"


At my words, Goku's eyes once again went wide. He could barely move as it was.


For a moment, I examined Goku's body. He stood about two inches shorter than me and weighed about 180 lbs. I could see that his weighted gear was somewhere around 400lbs… meaning that under the pressure of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, he was walking around at the weight of 17,500lbs.

"Hehe. No wonder you're so surprised. That gear looks heavy."

"It really is…"

He started to remove his wristbands.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I was just getting a little more comfortable."

"No, you weren't. You were going to do push-ups as I told you to."

"But that's-"

"Impossible? It's gonna overwork you?"

I interrupted.

"I don't think you understand. I have about-" Goku retorted, but I interrupted once more.

"400 extra pounds on you from your gear? I'm aware. I'm also aware that your bones might fracture as soon as you attempt your first push-up. I don't care. I gave you a task. Now do it."

Goku started to sweat at my words even more. I could tell it was from panic… but I wasn't letting up.

"But what if I get injured? There is such a thing as being overworked." He retorted in a panic.

"Not with me. I told you that I would make you stronger. Breaking you is the most efficient way I know how… If you end up getting injured, I'll heal you with my magic. You should be able to know how strong it is. It grew your tail back that you haven't seen in years."

"I… I guess you're right." He nodded then took a deep breath.

Goku then thought about my words for a moment… then put his arms out in front of his chest, slowly got on all fours, then tried his hardest to balance himself. In a planking motion. He then slowly lowered himself, laying on the floor.

"Now… begin."

"*grunt* Errrr!"

All of his muscles began to flex and all of his veins began to pulsate at the rhythm of his heartbeat. His entire body was vibrating due to his efforts.


"Good. Now repeat."

I demanded.


"THREE! *creak crack* Ahhhh!" Goku's bones were audibly cracking as he collapsed to the ground. He rolled over on his back using only his shoulders and abdomen. He had deep labored breaths.

"That's it… That's all I can do."

"Good… You were able to do 3 consistently. That's an amazing feat. Probably no one else excluding the Saiyans can do what you did… but this is only the beginning. Let's go for 4 now." I said as I began to heal.

"That… was intense. I can only imagine what's in store." He uttered.

"Progress. Now that your arms are healed, repeat."

With that, Goku nodded and continued.




5 hours later

"So tell me… What's it like being married to Chi-Chi?"

I asked as I watched Goku ravage food in front of him at the dining table. Today's training had to take everything out of him. I paid close attention to his every movement and mentored him whenever he felt like giving in to the pressure of the chamber. I was like his gym instructor.

He scarfed down his food as if it would disappear, then gave a big gulp where you could see the stretching of his gullet.

"*sigh* That was good… You asked how it was being with Chi-Chi?"

He asked, causing me to nod.

"Well… It's… An experience."

"I bet," I uttered with my palm resting on top of the other.

"I met her when I was 14… At the time, I didn't know anything about romance. But, as I grew up, I discovered a few things and evolved as a person. Chi-Chi arrived at the point in my life where I was just finding out about girls."

"You didn't know about girls?" I asked.

"Heck no. I didn't even know they had different parts from us. I grew up alone with my grandpa. And for a long time, it was just me and him in his cabin in the woods. We hunted and got everything we needed from the land. It was just us and the animals… Hehehe. When I think back, I realize that I went through a phase where I thought we were the only people in the world… I found out we weren't pretty quick when I was old enough for him to tell me stories about his past, but I was still a pretty dumb kid."

"But going back to Chi-Chi, She had a fire in her. One that I didn't really see to its full extent until we got married. Oh! Before I go on, I didn't even know what marriage was by the way. Would you believe it?"

He exclaimed and laughed.

"But anyways. She was raised to be a martial artist, ya know? I think that's where she got it from. That's what made me like her. She was a girl version of me… but just a lot smarter. With that being said, she tends to put all of that fighting spirit into raising Gohan, nowadays. I don't mind it. It gives me more time to train… but I can't help to think that at times she sees Gohan as more her son than mines. She told me outright from the moment he was born that she didn't want him fighting… to which, I didn't agree vocally… but I understand in some way. Growing up like how I grew up is very dangerous. I can't even count the number of times I almost died. And Chi-Chi was there for a few."

"She saw me at my worst… and nursed me back to health herself for those occasions too. She won't admit it, but she feels sorry for me every time she sees that I've trained too hard. She doesn't like to see me injured… but she knows she can't change what I am and still loves me… the, "It" being the fire that I have in me as well that she was attracted to."

"Seeing me beat up all the time, she one day decided that it was time to stop being a hypocrite. After all, She used to train just as hard as me and we would spar all the time… but She gave up on fighting and we had Gohan. She told me that she never wanted him to end up like me, which really hurt, but like I said, I understood. It was hard to see me in pain from her point of view. If it was that bad for the guy she married, then imagine how it would feel to see her kid?"

Goku stated empathetically.

"But… Even with that… Gohan isn't hers alone. I don't mind him diving into the world of books… but he's my son as well. I don't know if it's just me being greedy, but I want him to surpass me…. No. I know it's not me being greedy. Deep down, I know that I won't be here one day. It's almost guaranteed with this lifestyle. And when that happens, Who would be able to protect the planet… Who would be able to protect Chi-Chi?"

'Wow… I didn't expect him to have this level of foresight and emotional intelligence… but I'm all for it.' I thought to myself.

"So…you wouldn't believe how happy I was when Gohan told me that he wanted to be just like you. To be honest, I'm kinda jealous that you were able to get him to like fighting before his own dad… but I still appreciate it, nonetheless." He smiled, and I returned.

Honestly, I was also happy to hear what Gohan said. I always wanted to see what type of limits he would be able to reach. If Goku was able to arrive at his level of strength in my old world, then what about his son? I would find out soon enough.

"So… all-in-all Chi-Chi is my overprotective wife… and I love her."

"That's great… I'm happy that you were able to stick with each other after all this time. Not only that, but you created a beautiful family." I stated while handing Goku a handkerchief.

"That's. Having a family isn't easy. You should know." Goku stated.

"In some way, I do. I don't really have a wife or a significant other… but I get the general geist." Goku nodded, but then, a question ran through his mind.

"Wait… How was Ice born?"

"Well… That's a long and complicated story. Do you want to hear it?" I asked.

"Yep! We have an entire year. I don't see why not."

"Well, brace yourself. This is the story of how I got to earth."

I then began to tell Goku my entire life story leaving nothing out, including my abilities and training with North. It was only fair. I knew almost everything about Goku.





Week 3

Bone-breaking labor took place inside the chamber day after day. Goku endured hellish endeavors. Each time he would break through a limit placed above him, a new one would be placed over his head.

In a mere 3 weeks, each bone in his body had been fractured or broken at least 6 times. but this meant nothing. Whenever he was broken, Djin brought him back to perfect health with magic.

"10 more! You can do it, Goku!" Djin was encouraged as he stood on the back of Goku as he did push-ups. Djin who weighed 1k lbs before entering the chamber, due to his strange mutant biology.

Goku began to grind his teeth so fiercely that they began to crack under pressure.

"79! 80!" Goku shouted to amp himself



After the first month of training, Goku's muscles were unrecognizable. He didn't get bulkier, instead due to the constant healing and tearing of his muscles, microfibers condensed as if being put under a hydraulic press.

Goku was now doing handstand pushups while conversing with his new mentor.

"So your son is really that strong?" Asked Goku.

"Yeah. If he wanted to, he could blow up the planet 10 times over without anyone being able to blink an eye… well everyone except for me."

"That's… incredible."

"I mean… You could probably blow up the planet if that was what you wanted." Djin retorted.

"Yeah… but it would take a bit. From what you told me, He could make it disappear as if it was never there, to begin with." Goku grunted as he exercised.

"You have a point… he is pretty strong. But I don't stress too much over it. I'm pretty sure he hasn't hit puberty. You still can catch up." Stated Djin.

"I'm not really worried about me. I'm worried for Gohan. I'm not sure he's able to handle training with him. I mean, I know that he has a lot of potential, but compared to your kid it's a different story."

"Nah… you're not giving him enough credit. He may not be pure Saiyan, but he's a monster. Trust me. You may be his father, but I know his future… even if he is four."

"I mean… you'd probably know better than me, but I still gotta admit the fact that I'm worried."

"Don't be. Ice is a sweet kid. He'll guide Gohan down the right path."

Stated Djin. Goku put his concerned thoughts to the back of his mind and continued to train.






Month 2

"Just five more laps!" Djin shouted as Goku ran around the football field that Djin had with his magic.






Month 3

"Now… Since we built you up a good foundation, you should be able to handle twice the weight, Right?" Djin asked.

"Sounds about right," Goku stated confidently.

"Good. If you keep going like this, the time where we start sparing will arrive a lot sooner rather than later." Said Djin.

"And I can't wait for that day to come." Retorted Goku. He could feel himself getting stronger as the days went on. Throughout their training, Goku had asked on multiple occasions that Djin compare his power to that of Vegeta's. But each time he requested, his appeal was declined. Djin decided that in the end, it did not matter how strong Vegeta was because Djin himself was the man that beat him. He educated Goku on the fact that there were beings stronger than himself roaming throughout the universe. All he needed to do was focus on his training to possibly overcome those threats when the time had come.





Month 5

"I'd say… you reached the level where I feel comfortable trading blows with you."

Djin said as he watched Goku shadow box in the air with 10-ton weights on all of his limbs.

"Hmm?" At this point, Goku's punches were so powerful that with every movement, he caused wind bullets to be launched with his punches.

"I said you're ready. Take those weights off and come down here."

Excitedly, Goku did as Djin asked with vigor and landed, already in his turtle fighting position.

"I've been waiting for this. I haven't had a good fight in a while." Goku said while stretching his arms.

"5 months to be exact," Djin added.

"I know. And since then, I've been counting the days. Don't go easy on me. I've been waiting too long for this."

"I can oblige to that… but do you realize what not going easy means from me?" Djin asked Goku slightly concerned.

"It doesn't matter. You can just heal me afterward. I don't care how bad it gets. This is probably gonna be the fight of a lifetime."

"It's not good to depend on my ability to heal you every time you're injured."

"I know. And I don't expect you to be there every time. The only reason I want you to heal me now is that I know it's the best way to help me progress. I don't know why… but every time I broke my limits and got beat up, even as a kid, I came back stronger."

"Well… I can tell you the reason for that… It's because you're a Saiyan. You are just built differently from a biological level."

"What do you mean by, built differently?"

Asked Goku.

"For starters, you have a tail. On top of that, haven't you noticed your hair doesn't change shape? Haven't you also noticed that hunger for battle that you have? It's an inherent sense that we have to gain strength. It's like a different type of hunger."

"For the second thing, do you mean like having a beard? If that's the case, I shave."

Said Goku.

"That's not what I mean. You have never once needed a haircut. Even Krillin gets his haircut, but you and I lack the need because we're pure-blooded."

"I thought Krillin was just bald all these years."

"Well, He's not… Anyway, we are a warrior race. I only know how we work to a fault, but Bulma would probably know better if she got her hands on our DNA. From birth, we are destined for greater things. We can reach new heights with hard work and dedication. We could even become gods if we wanted to."

"Aren't you already a God?" Asked Goku.

"Kinda. It's complicated. I may be strong, but I am not where I want to be yet. I don't have good Ki yet nor can I sense it. But I can create things. Anyway… never mind all that. Let's get to fighting. As you asked, I won't be going easy. Now, come here. I'll give you the first hit."

"I hope you don't regret that." He said.

'Oh? Is that Saiyan pride that I detect?' Djin thought, smiling.

Goku began to run around Djin, creating afterimage after afterimage until he was completely surrounded. As the images became stable, each of them cupped their hands together, forming blue orbs.

"Ka-me-ha-me-ha!" Almost simultaneously, all waves shot towards Djin.

Although he was able to shoot 12 ki waves at the same time while making it look as if there were the same number of clones of himself, Djin sensed that all of this was a diversion.

Djin had sensed that the real Goku was above him charging up an even deadlier blast of the same nature. As the Ki waves approached Djin, used his telekinesis to combine all of the blasts into 2 large ones that he controlled and held within his palms.

With an amazing display of Ki control, Djin condensed and empowered the waves converting them into two Saturn balls, but didn't stop there, He brought his hands together combing the two balls which caused the palm-sized red saw orbs to meld forming into a gigantic building-sized dark crimson orb that caused Goku to sweat bullets.

Luckily for Goku, Djin held back the power of the Ki ball that he called Jupiter's Wrath and matched its strength around Goku's.

"Kamehameha!" Goku shouted. He shot out the largest Attack he had ever shot before.

"Jupiter's Wrath," Djin uttered.

"*Booom*" Both of their attacks collided, but that didn't mean that they canceled each other out. Djin and Goku were now in a deadly beam struggle.

While djin looked unbothered, Goku was using all of his strength to push the attack.


Goku screamed. With a powerful push, all of his might, he successfully pushed Djin's attack back causing a gigantic smokey explosion… But Goku was confused. He felt as if Djin stopped pushing his attack forward… almost as if he had retreated. He won too easily. What was the big deal?

After the smoke cleared up, Goku began to panic. The place where he thought Djin was, was completely empty. He nervously searched for his mentor in all directions.

"Looking for me?" Djin whispered in Goku's ear which caused him to jump back in fear and surprise.

"What was that? How did you sneak up on me when I wasn't even able to sense your energy!" Goku shouted in confusion once he retreated at a comfortable distance.

"This… I perfect Ki control. Learn it and you'll be able to arrive at my level of power faster."Djin stated, then all of a sudden, with the blink of Goku's eyes, he disappeared once more. Goku looked to his left, then his right.

"*BOOOM*" Djin struck Goku harder than he had ever been hit before shattering all of the teeth on the right side of his mouth in an instant which cause him to be launched out into the distance faster than a missile.

"Perhaps that was a bit too much."




In the far distance, Goku began to spit out his broken teeth, while struggling to stand up.

'That punch would have killed me if I didn't focus all the Ki in my body towards my neck and head.' As Goku stood upright, a memory completely broke his immersion.

That memory being of a long-haired man bashing his face in.

"Stop. Don't think about it." He stated while he clenched his fist in anger.

"Think about what?" Asked Djin who appeared right next to Goku.

"Djin!" Goku shouted, but he reacted far too slowly. Djin had his foot already retracted for an attack, and before Goku could move, he already had five toes indented inside of his chest.

"Aghh!" Goku was sent flying once more, but this time he flew, Djin ran right beside him and started to give Goku a flurry of punches before gravity could even do its job.

As Djin elbowed Goku in the ribs, He kicked him back up with his foot like juggling a soccer ball, then continued another flurry of punches faster than he could fall. Goku began to spit up blood.

"*boom-boom-boom-boom-boom.*" As the flurry ended, Goku finally fell to the ground, but he wasn't finished.

Even while battered and beaten, he launched an assault of Ki blast like a minigun at Djin who stood above him which caused a diversion due to the dust cloud that formed from the mini-explosions. He then rolled over, jumped backward, and flew away.

'Think! Think! How do I gain the advantage over him? How do I-' Goku's thought process was interrupted. Why? Because as he was retreating, he stopped paying attention to Djin and failed to realize that Djin had dashed in front of him.

"Crap!" As Goku tried to stop his momentum, Djin reached out and grabbed him by his neck, and slammed him to the floor.

It didn't stop there. Djin then began to drag Goku across the floors of the chamber at High velocity causing Goku's weighted clothing to begin to melt due to friction of the astronomical seeps Djin had approached.

Goku's flesh began to rip and tear due to the scraping of his skin. His skin began to melt and his bloody muscles began to become exposed to the elements leaving behind a blood trail.

"AHHHH!" Goku screamed. But then, Djin clenched down harder on his neck, closing Goku's windpipe.

Then, Like a baseball, Goku was launched into the sky. Then, Djin started his own Ki blast assault. He shot an energy volley that created explosion after explosion. If there were any onlookers, They would have witnessed a beautiful display of red fireworks.

Goku, after being assaulted with the energy blast volley began to plummet down to the chamber floors, but before he could even make his landing, Djin ran at full speed to his targeted landing zone as if Djin was about to catch him in his arms… but that wasn't the case at all.

With a mighty jump, Djin flew into the air when he met a falling Goku with a knee to the chin which increased his air time even further.

Djin then launched an elbow at Goku's sternum, which caused Goku to spit blood directly in the face of Djin, but that didn't stop Djin from grabbing Goku by the ankle, swinging him in circles rapidly, finally sending him to the ground.


Descending from the heavens, Djin saw that Goku was unconscious.

He walked up to Goku, then placed his hand on Goku's chest and began to heal.

"*Sigh* You tried," Djin uttered while shaking his head.

But as he began to heal, Goku's eyes shot open without a trace of a pupil or iris. His unconscious body grabbed onto Djin's hand with a powerful death grip.

"Give me back my son you bastard!" He shouted as his Ki began to spike at astronomical levels that he had never before displayed. His began to flare from white to yellow while his hair began to slightly glow and stick out further than naturally.

"Give him back. Give my friends back!"

'What the fuck?' Djin thought as he continued to heal. Djin could see his power level rising in numerical value in real-time.

'600k. 900k. 1.5m. What the... is he?' Djin began to wonder at the possibility. His hair began to shift from black to red to yellow repeatedly as Djin observed closely.

The rise in Goku's aura was so intense that he began to change the pressure of the atmosphere.

"I'm not weak!" Djin had just completed healing Goku and further took note of the spectacle. Goku's muscles began to contort while his veins started to protrude.

"Goku," Djin spoke.

"I'm not weak!" He gave an ear-deafening scream. As Djin was about to speak once more, Goku shot up and head-butted Djin at the power level of 20M, which sent Djin flying off miles away.

Being taken off guard, Djin was shocked. He wasn't hurt by the attack but was knocked off his feet nonetheless. He quickly regained his balance, planting his feet on the ground, only to view Goku in this distance continuing to power up.

Djin could only look up in shock at Goku. He could tell that he wasn't even conscious but was somehow tapping into the legendary transformation of the Saiyans.

"Raditz! I'll kill you!" Goku shouted. With his power peaking at 25mil, He launched himself at Djin like a rabid berserker out for blood. His hair had started to flicker between golden and dark red. His aura, due to the pressure that he was exerting, started creating lightning.

"HAAAAAAAAA!" He screamed with an outstretched fist aimed at Djin's head.

"Well-well-well…. Looks like you were first again." Djin uttered, sounding slightly disappointed.

As he finished his statement, "*BOOOM*" He had caught Goku's fist with one hand.

"But it doesn't mean that you'll ever be ahead of me." With a mighty punch, Djin gave Goku an incredible impact while still holding on to him which knocked out of his false Super Saiyan transformation and put him to sleep. His power level instantly went back to its natural state of 500k rapidly like a boat that had been shot with a cannon.

Djin then teleported to the living area and put Goku on his bed. He had a rough day and the rest of his time in the chamber wouldn't be any better. Going downstairs, he then sat on a couch and began to think to himself.

'How the hell did this happen… Was he that affected by the Raditz that it enabled him to become a Super Saiyan? He most likely won't remember what happened, but I will. That was ridiculous.' Djin thought about the arrival of Raditz.

Looking at it from Goku's perspective, he realized that before he was defeated, Goku thought that he was about to lose everything. His way of life, his family, and his friends. In his mind, he was also about to lose the only thing that was able to bring them back. That being the Dragon Balls once Piccolo died.

In the manga and anime, Goku transformed due to losing Krillin for the second time… now, he had the experience of losing everyone. The amount of anger and pain that must have been caused to Goku's psyche must have pushed him to new lengths. Djin had deduced that this is what activated the transformation so soon… and this caused him to genuinely feel bad for the kind hearted Saiyan.

This also made Djin wonder how he would activate his own transformation in the future.





Month 7

Djin didn't mention anything about Goku's transformation, Only that a form beyond his base existed. And that with enough training, he would be able to obtain sed form which got Goku excited.

After the Super Saiyan incident, Djin trained Goku on how to further master Ki control. But that wasn't the only thing that Goku learned. Djin had also taught him the Kaio-Ken, far-seeing arts, Instant transmission, and telekineses. Telekinesis was used as a tool to help Goku with his Ki control and Instant Transmission was taught because this was one of Goku's signature abilities. Because Djin had never been to Yardrat, he had theorized and recreated the ability on his own. The reason he taught him Instant Transmission instead of Kai Kai was because it was far too complex and would require years to learn. It didn't matter if your brain was a sponge or not.

Goku often utilized Kai-Ken under the instruction of Djin so that he would be able to utilize it better in combat situations. There would be a lot of pinches he would need to escape in the future and Kaio-Ken would help with that tremendously. After sparing every day, he had the ability to multiply his power by 30 times before his body began to break itself down.

If his body ever were to break down though, Djin would be the medic to fix him.

Interestingly enough, due to the Kaio-Ken's divine origin, when it was activated, it disabled the user's ability to gain a Zenkai boost from the damage it had caused, Djin came to find out. But that was only while in the transformation. Once the user exited the sed state, the Saiyan body would process damage correctly.

"*pant-pant*" Goku was catching his breath with his hands and his knees. He had been fighting Djin for the past 5 hours and hadn't managed to make a single scratch on his body.

"Are you only going to use one hand the entire time?" Goku asked, slightly annoyed at Djin's cocky attitude.

"Yes. And it will continue to be that way until you can land a single hit on me." Djin said, swaying his tail back and forth.

"I know that… and still, no matter how hard I try, I can't hit you." Goku retorted.

"Thinking about giving up?" Djin asked, which made Goku smirk.

"Not a chance. I'm too hungry to give up now." Djin and Goku had made a deal earlier in that day that entail that Goku could not taste a single meal until he had landed a punch on him… what Goku did not expect was that after 5 and a half hours, he was the one who was battered and bruised.

"Then come at me." Djin beckoned.

With that, Goku did a spinning sweep aimed at Djin's legs that he dodged with ease with a tiny hop. Goku then hopped up into the air and aimed a spinning kick at Djin's chest.

As his leg went up, with one hand Djin grabbed his ankle and was about to perform a dragon throw, until Djin realized that there was a tiny ball of condensed Ki on Goku's heel which caused him to immediately let go as Goku launched the tiny Ki ball at his face.

Djin folded his entire body in 90 degrees avoiding the beam that was being shot by Goku, which was only missed by a hair. This was the perfect opportunity for Goku. He then forced himself to the ground while Djin was in the midst of dodging wrapped his body around Djin's leg in a grappling motion. Goku's goal was to attempt to pop Djin's leg out of the socket.

Quickly, Djin caught on to what was happening slightly panicked. Goku was attempting to wrestle him to the ground, but Djin wasn't giving up that easily.

Djin used the muscles in his body to regain his balance and stood upright on his free leg as Goku began to twist the other. Djin quickly flew up into the air and began to spin as fast as he could in order to shake off Goku… but to his surprise, even though he spun so fast that he had created a violent tornado, Goku held on for dear life and didn't slip one bit.

"*Pop-pop*" Pain traveled to Djin's brain.

'You little fucker.' Djin thought as he could see a victorious smile on Goku's face.

He then slowed down his movements and descended down to the ground.

"*Sigh* Get off," Djin stated.

Goku then did a cartwheel, bringing himself to his feet while djins leg dangled like a wet noodle.

"That looks like it's a little more than a scratch, don't you think?" Asked Goku with a grin.

"*Pop*" With a simple flex, Djin had popped his leg back into place.

"I suppose so…*sigh* Go eat." With that, Goku flew off at lightspeed to the living area of the chamber.

'I shouldn't have let my guard down… but I am a little proud in a way." Djin thought as he reflected back on how Goku was at first to what he was in the present.

'5million. I can't wait to see the faces of Vegeta and Nappa.' Djin thought. It was hard to believe that in the outside world, not even 24 hours had passed and a pup had been converted into a beast. Djin was proud of not only Goku but himself as well for being a good mentor.





Month 9

"So what do you think about coming here?" Asked Djin

"I mean, you said it best in the beginning. I'm grateful. This strength… I can barely be called the same person after making it this far." He said as he did one-handed two-finger push-ups under the chamber's gravity.

"Happy to hear that… I'm gonna be off further in distance doing some training of my own. Then I'm probably gonna read a bit as I usually do." Djin stated about to walk off. Although his main goal was to train Goku, he loved training as well and made sure that he had some time for his own self-improvement. He wanted to become a Super Saiyan as well, but no matter how hard he tried, he just could bring himself to get angry enough. Nothing had really gotten to Djin mentally. He was numb to most things.

He only really truly cared about 4 people. King Kai, Ice, Gohan, and Goku. In his mind, those were the only things that would beagle to drive him to transform. Other than that, nobody was really all that close to him. Although he was a caring person, only those four were close.

"Wait," Goku declared as he jumped up.


"Can I ask you something?" He looked slightly uneasy.

"Go ahead."

Djin said.

"It's just, ever since you healed me, way back in the wasteland. I've been having these flashes in my head."

"Since you lost?"

Asked Djin.

"Yeah…fight with that guy." Goku's energy began to spike.

"Your brother?"

Djin asked, raising a brow.

To my question, Goku's lip twitched, baring his teeth and clenching his fist. His power level spiked to 5.3M, flaring like a windstorm towards me. Goku couldn't even keep eye contact as he was lost in thought.

As the new Kami, Djin could sense the hate coming off of his aura like a murky slime. The same murky slime that was on Goku when he activated Super Saiyan.

"Goku." I shook him slightly to gain his attention, to no avail.

He started to grind his teeth and gripped his hands so hard that he began to bleed.


Snapping back to reality, he woke up out of his trance.

"Huh?" He regained focus.

"What were you about to say?" Asked Djin.

"Uh… Where was I? I got sidetracked." He smiled rubbing his neck.

"What are these flashes that you've been seeing?" I asked.

"Oh yeah… Sorry about that… As I was saying, for the past couple of months, I've been having these dreams. Dreams about me as a kid in some type of pod. While I looked up in it, I saw someone who looked exactly like me talking to a woman. I don't know why, but in this dream, I was crying. I could feel the tears coming down my face so vividly." Djin instantly knew these were more than dreams. These were memories that Goku had been reminiscing on. But what caused this?

Was it Raditz's brutal beatdown that slammed his past thoughts back into his head, or was it the healing effect that Djin's magic had? After all, It was powerful enough to bring back Goku's tail. Why couldn't it be powerful enough to bring back memories and repair damaged brain cells?

Djin could only silently wonder.

"Sounds like a crazy dream… Go on." Djin said concerned

"Well… that's just it. I know it sounds dumb, but it felt like it was more to it than your regular old dream… It kinda felt like a memory." Goku said while scratching his temple.

"Strange… what else did you see in these flashes?"

"I saw… that monster. My brother… except was a lot younger. It's kinda foggy, But it was definitely him."

He said while staring off into the distance once more.

"Was that all?"

"Well… afterward, I got sent to space… then, like a movie, memories of my childhood were coming back to me. Some of my dreams have been like movies lately."

"I'm not a doctor or anything… but it looks like you might have something called PTSD…. It's something you gotta live with…" Djin wasn't just going off of nothing. The physical reaction that he would see from Goku every time the name Raditz was mentioned was very noticeable. On top of the fact that vivid flashbacks were also a symptom further proved his hypothesis.

"I was hoping you could fix it… but I guess you can't, huh?"

"No… But I'm here if you ever want to talk." Djin stated honestly. Goku was a bit disappointed… but he nodded to his mentor in turn.

"Well… thanks. I had another thing to ask."

"What's up?"

"Can you increase my weight? My clothes this time. This gear is getting too light."

"No problem… I double them."

"Nah… Let's make it triple this time around." Goku asked confidently.

"You sure?"Djin asked.


With that, Goku and Djin did their separate training until it was time for both of them to do their daily spar once more.






"Wow! That movie was so cool! I want to be a hero just like Spider-Man." Shouted Gohan as he and Ice walked side-by-side by.

"Yeah. I thought it was pretty interesting as well. I wonder if there's someone out there who's actually experimented with spiders to replicate their abilities." Pondered Ice.

"Who knows? We're just kids. The world's a big place." Gohan said with a big smile.

"You're right. Even though I've seen a lot of it, I still don't know much about it. My father says when you've discovered that you know something about a certain topic completely, that's when you know nothing." Stated Ice matter of factly.

"Really? My Dad says something similar. He says, "always be open to learning." When he told me that, he was referring to training, but I use his advice whenever I'm curious about certain things."

"Looks like your dad's smart too." Stated Ice.


Gohan agreed.

"What do you want to do next?" Asked Gohan.

"Well, You said you never been to the forest right? How about, let's go there on an adventure?" Asked Gohan in excitement.

"Sure," I asked while smiling.

"Okay. Alright. Let me just call Nimbus."

"Why?" Asked Ice.

"Well… How else are we gonna get there?" Questioned Gohan.

"Can't you fly? Why do you sit on that thing?"

"Well… I can't. I mean, I can float in the air for a bit, but I can't fly. I want to though! I saw you do it, so I was going to ask my dad or Mr. Djin to teach me later on so I wouldn't fall behind."

"Why learn from them when I can teach you?" Asked Ice with a smile.

"Oh yeah! I didn't even think about that!"

"Mhm." Ice nodded.

"That would be awesome. If I learned how to fly, that would mean that I could go anywhere a lot faster." Gohan began to think about the possibilities.


"What did you mean when you said you didn't want to fall behind?" Asked Ice.

"Well… I don't want to fall behind you. I don't want my friend getting too far ahead of me. If we are going to be buddies, then I need to get stronger so that we can be equals." Gohan stated confidently.

"Like two kings…" Ice trailed off.

"Two Kings?" questions Gohan.

"Oh… It's nothing. I'm just thinking about something my father told me. Don't worry about it. Also, don't worry about falling behind. We're friends now. I won't move forward unless we move as a unit." Stated Ice which filled Gohan up with joy.

Although they had only spent half the day together, they had bonded extremely fast. They were each other's first friends. They didn't notice, but they had been etched into each other's memory.

"You betcha!"Shouted the thrilled Gohan.

"But you better not wait too long. I know you're strong and were supposed to be a team, I'll be strong too. Maybe even stronger than you." Gohan teased.

"Yeah right." Ice smiled as he reached out his hand so that Gohan could grab on.

Then, They traveled off into the forest.





"What do you think of Djin, Nappa." Asked Vegeta as he sat access from his comrade, taking off his armor.

"Well… he's one of the strongest people I've ever seen and I think it's worth seeing how everything unfolds here. It's our best chance… and in a way, we are lucky to encounter him. He may be an ass, but a commendable one." Stated Nappa.

"Yes… if he keeps his word, our time on this planet may be worthwhile." Vegeta added.

"I also think it's quite impressive that he doesn't need a scouter in order to detect energy signatures. If we were able to obtain that, I believe it would be useful in our rebellion."

Stated Nappa.

"Mmm." Nodded Vegeta.




For a moment, silence consumed them both. They were both lost in thought. Vegeta decided to speak up first.

"What is it, Nappa?"

"It's just… I'm wondering what else Djin has up his sleeve. I know that he can make us stronger… but we still don't know the origin of his strength. For gods sake, he has a mini Frieza!" Nappa raised his voice, then calmed himself.

"He's an unknown. I mean, look at that tail and those eyes… I've been around for a while and I never witnessed any genetic mutation like that among our people. I know that they might just be cosmetic… but he stands out just a tad too much. There are secrets that he's keeping… The way he spoke about defeating Frieza as if he was nothing. That confidence that came along with it. That's more than pride… That's power and experience… One would say that the way Djin carries himself is legendary, wouldn't you say?" Nappa asked with concern in his heart.

"It's been roaming through my mind as well… but he spoke as if he hadn't yet reached the point where he unlocked the transformation."

"Vegeta… I've known you ever since you were a child… You wanted that legend to be directed at you for a very long time… It's been held over your head since birth. I know this is bothering you. I could infer… but how does this situation?"

"It makes me feel two different types of ways…Firstly, it makes me feel small… minuscule. I was a bug under his boot during our fight. With one swipe, he could have finished me easily. Our power gap is absolutely nauseating." He said while clenching his hand tightly.

"And secondly?" Asked Nappa.

"Secondly, it empowers me… it feeds my ego to know that no one has come close to reaching the transformation. I still have the chance of becoming what I always wanted to be… Although his power is undeniable… The child in me thinks that I can win first place in this foot race for greatness." Vegeta then took off his shoes and relaxed in his bed.

"Hmm… I understand." Nappa then walked off into his room next door.

Vegeta then stared at the ceiling and thought about one person.

'Why did he make it seem as if a day would be able to contend with me… just what was that training facility they went into?' Vegeta thought… But he wouldn't know until the time would arrive.

The forest

"I got it! Let's name him Icarus!" Gohan shouted as Ice gave the purple dragon the duo had discovered a Carrot.

"Hmm… I like fire more."

I said slightly upset.

"You're only saying that because your name is Ice." Pouted Gohan.

"Fine… Icarus it is."


The little purple dragon looked at Gohan curiously, then walked over and nudged his shoulder.

"See! He likes it." Gohan smiled as he hugged Icarus.

"I get it," Ice said as he came over and pet the dragon. In turn, the dragon nuzzled his chest."




Month 12 Inside the chamber.

"I see that I still can't even come close to your full power," Goku stated as he laid on the floor exhausted.

"You gotta keep in mind that you weren't the only one training. While you were getting stronger, So was I," Djin said with a smile. He sat next to Goku while he healed his injuries.

"Yeah… But something tells me that the me of now couldn't take the you of then. Tell me I'm right."

"I mean… to be fair, you would have given me a run for my money." Retorted Djin. They had just completed their final sparring match.

"I guess I'm cool with that." Goku jumped to his feet feeling good as new.

"It's about time we get out of here. I'm sure our sons are worried sick."

"Yep." Djin then teleported Goku to the living area of the chamber.

As soon as they arrived, Djin began to wonder.

'I'm impressed. I never expect his power level to shoot from 2k all the way to ___'