

In the void, there was naught a thing in sight, just the constant ebb and flow of darkness. Never ceasing, never ending it remained until a small light flickered. It faded in and out making one guess if it was actually there. Upon closer inspection, the light turned out to be a small flame, so small and weak that it seemed just about to flicker out of existence. Unexpectedly though as time passed the flame still burned and not just that, it seemed that the longer it burned the brighter it got, growing stronger with time. Soon the flame began to change, it gained a form like that of a fetus and grew and grew until it looked just like a human. Yet, even with it's human-like form there was something off. This being had no face, markings, or gender. What a weird creature this flame turned out to be.

"Ugh, wh...where am I?"

As though it gained sentience the flame spoke to no one in particular. Unaware of its surroundings it drifted while trying to get its bearings.

"Have I gone blind? Why is it so dark?"

As the being looked around all it saw was darkness. It was disoriented by such a scene, in a strange with nothing to tell which way was up or down, left or right, forward or back. The void completely cut off any sort of direction, leaving one lost and alone, stranded with no clue on how to escape.

As this strange being continued to venture out into the void, it seemed to only now realized the state of its body.

"What the hell?! What happen to my body? Why is it glowing blue and where is my manhood at?!"

It continued to examine it's body and surrounds to piece together a hypothesis on its current situation. It thought back to before it woke up in this strange place. Back to when it was human.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Out on the streets of New York, crowds of people rushed passed one another. All of them rushing to a place or meeting without caring who they ran into or who they bump or pushed aside. Traffic was filled with yellow taxis as far as the eye can see. All crowded and brought to a standstill, it's no wonder people decided to walk in a cities with so many streets that should've made the commute faster.

On one of the sidewalks bordering the street there was a young lad< minding his worries with not a care in the world. He live quite a common life, went from school to his part-time job and then home to finish his homework and prepare to do the same thing all over again the next day. But make no mistake, while the life he lived was ordinary to say the least, the man himself was anything but.

This man's name was Andrew, a common name that you'll hear just about anywhere and that you probably know 3-5 people with the same name, but what made this man different from the rest was his choice of study and hobbies. Andrew here was quite the overachiever, he went to college to study in technology, science, and medicine; both modern and ancient. He did all this with the goal of having multiple majors, but the reason behind such goal was bizarre to say the least. You see, Andrew's hobbies and should I say obsession were all manner of fictional works, from movies to anime, from fanfics to novels, from comics to manga, he loved it all and never spent a day without one or the other in his grasp. The reason that lead this obsession into such a lofty goal is that Andrew not only read and watched them, it's that he studied them, he would see or read about how ancient medicine would work miracles in the modern era, how modern medicine would lead to medical revolutions in the ancient era, and he would see and read about all the futuristic and advanced technology that would advance humans into the space age or how into could be used to grant humans super powers and regular men into heroes. He would look at every aspect of these tall tales and study to see if he could bring them to fruition.

Even now he was on his way home with a bag of spare parts to be used in his latest project. His latest project was to make a machine that could make pure reusable energy, and while this seem like a noble endeavor, the reason behind it is that Andrew want to make a small reactor like the one Tony Stark has in Iron man so he could make a power source for a droid that he made like one of the B1 battle droid.

When Andrew arrived at his home, he made a quick run to his lab, and while he calls it his lab it was actually just a renovated room with that made sound proof with a lot of junk and broken parts from past failures laying everywhere. In the corner of his lab covered by a tarp was his latest project which was nearly complete. As he removed the tarp, his project was revealed. It looked like a B1 droid, except it seemed to be improved; bulkier and less fragile, and its chest cavity was opened showing all the gears and wiring within it and an empty slot for the power source to be put in. To its side was a small orbs with some missing components that looked to be the future heart of this wondrous machine.

Andrew looked over his work with a big grin on his face as he was excited that he might be able to finish his first real droid. He spent a couple years to figure out how to make the body and make improvements so it wouldn't fall apart as easily as in the movies, of course right now it was made out of scraps and spare parts so it wasn't much of a looker, but that would all change if he could make it work and patent it, then he could try for a government contract and make it so all future wars would be with droids instead of humans allowing for less deaths in future wars and with his installed programming and guidelines there won't need to be any unnecessary casualties or civilians getting hurt. Future wars would be a battle to see which country could produce the better droid, the droids would follow laws and guidelines that would have them isolate the fights away from humans and fight for a set amount of time where the country with the most droids left would be the victor. Just thinking about it sent chills up his back.

He then put those thoughts to the back of his mind and got back to the work in front of him, the thing that was the most aggravating for him, the power source. While it only took a couple years for the droid, it was mainly because of the improvements and programming, while he couldn't make an AI yet his world's current technology level allowed this with minimal complications, but the act of trying to make a portable sustainable power source that could power his droid brought about an entirely different set of trouble. If the energy was to weak, it'd run out too fast and wasn't sustainable. If the energy was too strong it cause a bunch of short circuits in the droid then overheat and fry itself, causing to have to do more improvements to the droid to be able to handle more power and to use it more efficiently. Then he had to make improvements to the energy core to stabilize the energy it produces, find new material for the initial power source, and then try to reduce the size of the energy core while maintaining the same power as before without it overloading or running out.

After an hour of running or notes, plans and schematics, Andrew finally began to rebuild the energy core. After five hours of work he manged to make the big version of it and after running some tests and it showing positive results that outdid prior experiments he started to try to downsize the energy core while maintaining its functionality. It took him 10 hours and he had to call out for work, but he finally finished it and after some preliminary testing that showed that it was a success, he put the energy core into his first droid while praying for it to work this time. The hum of the energy flowing through the droid and it powering up filled him with joy, but he made sure to keep tract of the process on his computer screen just in case he needed to abort the project again.

After a couple of minutes and all the fail safes showing no problems, the droid finally turned on. Light filled the lenses of its eyes and its torso began to rise into a sitting posture, then it turned and allowed it feet to touch the ground before standing. When it finished standing it looked at Andrew as if awaiting an order.

"Alright B1, it's time for some test before i can label you a success."

While Andrew knew that B1 only have some basic recognition software, he still talked to it like it could understand everything he said or implied. He had it perform a series of basic test that checked its motor functions and targeting, and some more complicated tests to test its reasoning, identification and battle programming. After everything was thoroughly checked and everything was cleared with no issues Andrew told the droid to power down so he can check the energy usage and sustainability. When he checked he was more than pleased as based on the tests it showed that the droid could stay active for a week without a charge doing simple mundane things and if it was highly active like if it was in battle it could last four days and the amount of charge it needed to turn it it back on was minuscule as it only needed enough to jolt the energy core into producing more energy. While it wasn't exactly how he wanted it, it did perform spectacularly considering what it was made with, so he just took it as a win and went to his room to sleep so he could be wide awake the next day to get his droid patented.

The next day, after waking up and getting ready, Andrew quickly made copies of all his research and work on the droid and energy core to take to the USPTO to get his patent. He then powered up B1 and had it follow him.

On his way there, countless people stared and gawked at the droid, some even took pictures or videos of it walking down the sidewalk while giving it a wide berth, just in case it did anything suspicious. Once he reach the patent office had to wait for someone to be free to take his application, while everyone in the office kept sending glances at the droid standing beside him. It only took 20 minutes before he was able to talking to someone and after submitting his work and showing proof that that the two pieces of machinery were made by him his patent was approved and a copy was sent to their headquarters to finalize it.

A month after the patent was finalized, Andrew had continued making improvements to his droid and energy core and also started making other droids for other purposes, currently he was trying to make a working model of BD-1. As he was working. he heard his phone ring, but when he looked at the caller ID it was an unknown number. He almost hung up right then and there, but the hope that it might be someone interested in his droid made him answer the call.

"Hello, is this Andrew *****? This is Sgt. James P. Hawkins calling on behalf of the United States Military. We recently noticed a patent for what looks to be a robot of some kind that was noted to have military applications. We would like to send a liaison to talk to you about making a deal with us to allow us to start manufacturing these robots of yours and any other ones you may have if they also have a use in the military."

"Hello, this is Andrew and I would love to make a deal with the military. It's one of the reasons I made this droid first. When and where should we meet?"

After this conversation, in only half a year the military already had a factory making droids in 7 different countries. Soon people all around the world started seeing a newer, cleaner and more advanced version of the B1 droids marching through streets for public demonstrations on the droids capabilities. While at the UN, the ambassador for the United States were trying to get the other countries to see the benefits of having these droids. Years later every country had droids in their military with different designs for each nation and different functions depending on the placement and intended use.

As for Andrew, he has since graduated college with 4 master degrees and now owns his own factory that produces new droid to satisfy different needs and roles, from medical to farming droids, from construction to demolition, and more. Everyone had one droid or more in their household.

Tonight was a night of celebration for Andrew. It was the anniversary from when he first succeeded in making a droid. Right now he was cheerfully walking the streets, heading home with his first B1 droid following behind him after a night of barhopping with his friends Ian and Brandon. He normally wouldn't drink this heavily but they convinced as he was in a joyous mood. As he got home, he looked back at his B1 droid, improved and sleeker, made with better materials than when it was first built, he felt a sense of nostalgia. To think all that he had now was because of this droid standing silently by his side. He then powered down B1 and went to bed feeling better that ever unaware it would be his last night on this world.

The next day, when the sun was high in the sky and Andrew didn't show up at the factory, his secretary tried to reach him on the phone but received no answer, she figured he was probably experimenting on some new droid again so she dial a special number meant to power up Andrew's droid in case of such events. When the droid went to get him, it saw that he didn't stir and had no life signs and called for paramedics.

The next day, all over every news outlet, they all told the same story of Andrew's passing. At the tender age of 35 he passed away from a brain aneurysm is his sleep with a smile on his face. He was then buried with a massive headstone and his B1 stood there guarding his grave as a testament to his achievements. Years later, people visited and saw that B1 still standing over his grave. It showed a little wear from the weather and moss and vines started to grow over it, but it still stood, ever watching.