
Ace combat In Multiverse?!

After one of your only family was bedridden in hospital, you were suddenly in massive debt from the hospital Bill. With you back in the corner and no way out, you were about to sell everything you possess just to pay the bill. When you received Ace Combat System with the main goal of receiving money to pay the medical Bill And the Ace Combat System only asks you one thing Complete the Mission and cause chaos in the universe. Equip with 640 missiles, an Unlimited Machine gun on your plane, and some of the Legendary Characters from all over the universe as your companions. Hop on and let's cause some chaos in the Universe. ---- World - Muv Luv Alternative. - Earth World Coming Soon - Star Wars Rebels. - Halo - Animatrix

Souleye123 · Jeux vidéo
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A new day

As I slowly opened my eyes, my gaze met the reflection of my own bewildered face. Confusion clouded my thoughts as I surveyed my surroundings, realizing that I was back in the bustling city of the real world. The vivid memories of my previous mission lingered, casting doubt on whether it had all been a dream.

Ace Combat system... The name echoed in my mind as I pondered the possibility that my adventure in that otherworldly realm had truly occurred. It seemed that upon completing the mission, I had been transported back to reality.

A sudden notification fell inside my pocket from my phone, When I check the notification my bank suddenly notice that I received the money.

I carefully examined the message, making sure my eyes were not playing tricks on me. To my astonishment, it revealed that I had received a substantial sum of money—$380,000 to be exact.


...Is this not a dream? Real money?

With a rush of adrenaline, I hastily made my way to the nearby bank to confirm the truth behind this unexpected.


Once I got back home I slide down on the nearby sofa and think of what I just received

In my pocket was 1000$ that I just pull out.

And the bank account was around 400.000$ with an extra 20.000 from my own saving before.

The Bank confirmed that I did receive the money, but the question is the sender.

There is no information at all, No name, age, or location.

No nothing

Almost like... the sender never existed.

They said they will get into this as soon as possible and contact me for information about this unknown sender, but I doubt that will matter. Because It is obvious the culprit.

When the title itself shows...

[Ace Combat System]

Unknown System, and unknown program that gives me rewards depending on the contribution of the battle.

I try a little investigation on the internet on who these enemies I just fight a moment ago, and after a bit of digging and asking people on the internet about the detail I spoke of, I found out the result.

It seems the enemy I faced before was Extreme being called BETA from the Muv Luv universe, in the Battle for Kyoto.

And my God they are very disgusting, these people have huge teeth and a claw-like crab. It could be straight out of a horror movie with their looks alone, and I don't think I could face those called BETA without fearing getting eaten like a zombie.

Not to mention most of their size Tank, even mention the Fort Class is around 66 meter. Just to give perspective Leaning Tower of Pisa is 56.67 meters, now Imagine if there was Thousand of Fort Class with the size of the Tower of Piza crawling all over the Earth, not even mention the durability that can withstand rocket and a 50-meter-long tentacle that can destroy warship in a single strike.

And If my plane were ever to fall to the ground my whole body would just get eaten like a zombie, slowly get things chew on while I am screaming in pain.

Just remembering it makes dread inside my body.

I saw them from a distance so I did not manage to take a good look at them other than a square of me locking upon them and destroying them.

...Anyways from the gathered information, I learned that my physical body had indeed been transferred to that world. Considering that I scratch my hand from messing up with the joystick it still transfers to me, so there is no way it is just a dream.

Remarkably, despite the time spent there, it seemed that no time had passed in the real world during my absence. I check the time and only 1 minute has gone by.

The most perplexing part was the ease with which I had controlled the aircraft, akin to a seasoned pilot. No signs of physical or mental strain lingered after my return. It was as if the skills and expertise I had honed in the realm of Ace Combat seamlessly translated into the real world.

I also received around 380.000 Dolar worth of money from destroying 1.567 Units, mostly the one I destroy was a smaller unit using a GAU-8 Avenger and a larger unit with a missile and Unguided Bomb.

How do I know this? Well, having a system say beside me is saying the list of things I have destroyed and won, there is also a point stating that 38.000 points which 1 point is equal to 10$ from how the deduct I guess.

It...Such a huge amount of money just from 2 hours of fighting BETA.

Usually, it takes me years of hard work just to earn that much.

But with this...

My sister can finally have the treatment she deserves

And We can get out of that fucking hell hole soo called the hospital.

But before that, I should check more of the system.








The one that interest me was the shopping list, so I open them and I was in awe of what I just saw.

There were a vast amount of planes that I can choose from, I scroll down and see the list of the choice of Plane I can choose

Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle, and much more types from the modern age.

EVEN AC-130 GUNSHIP, I literally scream when I saw this.

OMG, THOSE THING ARE A FUCKING BEAST, if I have one of those I could destroy an entire city not to mention if I combine it with the power of Ace Combat I could add more devastating weapons or added more ammo to it.

But that was not even the most shocking that is on sale.

A fighter jet that is only available on Gungdamn, Marvel, and Star Wars was on sales like X Wing, GN-007 Arios Gundam, and even HELICARRIER.

I was like, no way these things can be a real thing, but the fact that it was for sale...

I am not even done yet.

There was also a Fucking Arsenal Bird AND A FRIKING STAR DESTROYER????!!! That is not even an aircraft anymore!

I begin to like these systems, if what it said is true then I can ride a Star Destroyer maybe even Death Star itself.

Just imagine it making me drool. Maybe I can destroy Earth itself using one of those.

Not to mention these Arsenal Bird allows me to store fighters and can control them over a wide area, allowing refit of ammo, deploying troops, and much more!

Just like a floating carrier that I always dream of, floating above the skies while me being the captain and ordering the fighter jet to fly off and destroy opposing enemy.

I went to check the cost if it is possible to buy it, and the result was...



2 Billion for one Arsenal bird... And that's the cheapest one.

...Yeah let's see the cheapest price for the poor me can buy.

There's also X-Wing from Star Wars with a bunch of modifications to choose from, kind of expensive around $700.000 Dollars worth, and the Thunderbolt I just ride cost around $120.000 not even mentioning the modification like the special armor and more ammo to carry.

There is also the famous B-29 bomber that is armed with Nuclear Bomb.


This is Soo overpowering, who the hell decided that giving me a nuclear bomb was a good idea?

And the fact that I can use it 10 times and increase the firepower....

I should keep that away unless I want to cause a wasteland on many lands.

When I keep scrolling through the list of things I can buy, I was surprised I can also buy a Pilot or crew from the looks of it.

There is a mechanic, a doctor, and a lot more to choose from.

And it seems that the more skill the more money it requires, so the fighter jet does not decide the battle but the skill the pilot posses.

I guess that makes sense what's the point of buying a Plane if there was no crew to manned it?

The cheapest pilot I can buy is $12.000 but it has the lowest stats on all of the factors and the appearance of the pilot changes every time. kind of risky considering that even if buying the cheap Pilot if they died it will be over.

But even if I buy a pilot I also have to buy the aircraft needed raising the cost even higher.

But what stand out was not these cheap pilots what stand out was this extremely powerful pilot.

Mobius 1, Cipher, Trigger, Poe Daiomon, Monarch, Prez, Darth Vader, Luke Sky Walker, Monarch, and Bunch more pilots from all over the universe.

There is also different kind of stats, which have the explanation.


Air Superiority: This stat represents the companion's overall combat effectiveness in aerial engagements. It combines factors such as agility, weapon accuracy, and aerial tactics. A companion with high Air Superiority would excel in dogfights, able to outmaneuver and defeat enemy aircraft more efficiently.


Ground Attack: This stat reflects the companion's proficiency in attacking ground targets, including vehicles, installations, and structures. It encompasses factors such as weapon variety, accuracy, and the ability to carry heavy ordnance. A companion with high Ground Attack would be more effective in missions involving ground strikes and close air support.


Electronic Warfare: This stat measures the companion's capabilities in electronic warfare, such as jamming enemy radars, disrupting communications, or neutralizing enemy defenses. It includes factors like electronic countermeasures, ECM pods, or hacking abilities. A companion with high Electronic Warfare would be adept at confusing and disabling enemy systems, providing a significant advantage in battles.


Reconnaissance: This stat represents the companion's proficiency in gathering intelligence, scouting enemy positions, and identifying targets. It includes factors like sensor range, target acquisition speed, and data analysis capabilities. A companion with high Reconnaissance would be valuable in missions requiring situational awareness, allowing for effective planning and target prioritization.


Support: This stat reflects the companion's ability to provide support to allied forces. It includes factors like mid-air refueling capabilities, repair capabilities, or the ability to deploy support drones. A companion with high Support would assist other friendly units, extending their operational range and enhancing their combat effectiveness.


Adaptability: This stat represents the companion's flexibility and versatility in different mission scenarios. It includes factors like the ability to carry a wide range of weapons, adapt to changing objectives, and quickly switch combat roles. A companion with high Adaptability would be adaptable to various mission requirements, allowing for optimal performance in different situations.


There is a lot more from leadership, Formation, and so on so I won't get to all of them.

How they are graded is by the stats that show from F to SSS+++++++

But the question remains if Trigger who have Criple the Erusion Military was considered as A to S stats on all factor in a fighter jet. Then How strong would SSS Stats would be?

It is also worth noting that it is far cheaper to buy a pack of pilots instead of one pilot only.

Liked for 500.000$ I can buy the entire Schnee team from the Belkan Wars, and it has around 4 Pilots of various abilities, and added bonus if they were put into a team.

They also possess special abilities for the specific planes they use for example if I put Galm Team on AC-130, they will have decreased stats because it is a gunship they are piloting, not a jet.

So in other words, I have to buy the right crew for the right plan to use.

Soo.. even if I buy Arsenal bird, I have also to buy the crew to man. Otherwise, it would be useless.

What a scam, and these are not cheap either.

But curious I take a look more closely at Mobius 1 status considering he is the strongest Pilot in the Ace Combat universe.

And he was around level 87 cool, dunno if that is high tho.

....wait a minute, does that means I can level up my companion?

That.... change everything.

I can just buy a bunch of cheap pilots that are around level 4-5 and put them on cheap Aircraft and they can get stronger alongside me.

But it is very risky considering that if they die, my investment will go to waste. But it is worth noting for later if I want to train them

Once I think I was done with the shopping system, I check for the next mission that was provided.

The next mission


Congratulation on saving Tokyo from the menace of a BETA onslaught, now your next mission is to assist the IJF and UN in the battle against the BETA Force on their next operation.

Reward: Depend on your contribution to the battle.

Penalty: Death


..Really? That's it? No more explanation of how many enemies, locations, or types of enemies I have to watch out for?

Great seems I have to gather the information myself.

And Penalty... Guess they are not making this easy.

But it says here that if I ever finish the 'Tutorial' which I guess is the battle before, I can use the skills I got and use them in the real world, including the jets I buy or store in my inventory

...I can become a pilot in the real world? And use the jets in real life?

What would I use that for? Unless I can enter the University and become a pilot it will be extremely difficult, not to mention it is extremely expensive and long time.

Next, there is also an Inventory system

From the name alone I can tell what it is for the story of both the aircraft and the pilot, but it seems like I can store other things

Curios I tried touching one of the food and it vanishes, I then check if my Apple was indeed inside the inventory.

I then test it again on Tv and it vanishes alongside its cable.

And it seems infinite and does size limit.

there is even a search button if I ever want to find the item I am looking for, even a bookmark.

Man with this power alone I can become the greatest thief ever, maybe pickpocketing would be a lot more fun.

Too bad I will be scolded by my sister if I even think of doing that.

But there must be a reason they added this, could it be I could get stuck there forever if I failed one of the objectives?

...Well no pain no gain I guess.

Now with all of the information I could absorb about these Ace Combat Systems, There are two options I could do.

Either I use the money to pay off the debt and I would never talk about this system again as one of the missions could be.

Or, I continue with the mission and earn more money.

...The answer is already obvious, the world has given me a chance. A chance to be rich and get things out of that hell hole.

...I am sorry sis, but greed has taken over me.

So I decided that I am going to use all the money for preparation for the next mission instead of paying the medical bill.

I gather information on anything that I must know about the Muv Luv story, enemy, character, how effective they are, and so much more.

I even watch Visual Novel, and various anime for the next weeks.

I notice that BETA only have ground forces, but they have a really accurate Anti-air and Anti-Shell using what they called Laser and Heavy Laser class they are really difficult to beat.

Not like the same Turret in Ace Combat where they would keep beeping you with [Warning] every 5 seconds but won't do crap at all.

So to keep that in mind, I am going to keep my altitude around 500 so I won't get shot down by BETA Laser Class.

There is also Fort Laser-Class, but they are special cases on the last bosses of the Muv Luv series. But I am going to take note of it just in case I need it later on.

But since they only have the ground force I can set all my arms to ground force only, so I don't think have to worry about a surprise mission of student air-to-air combat.

Except if these soo called TSF, or Gundam rip off are fighting me in the air then I have not to worry about Air to air combat.

So with that focus, I'll just use the Thunderbolt II for the attack.

Hopely not happen, as I won't be equipped with Air-to-Air Missiles, and I don't want to deal with these BETA with Machine Gun even if it is infinite.

Now next I head to the supermarket and bought everything that I require to survive and fend off, Food, electronic device, a portable solar panel for my phone charge, a car that use a solar panel, and a local Firearm just about everything that I think I am going to be needed

"..Trying to survive the apocalypse eh?" One of the cashiers said while he scan the item of neurons Item I brought.

I was a little embarrassed but there would be no turning back now after purchasing the item.

After two days of preparation, gathering information, and so much more. My bank was around $90.000 so I decide to finish all of the money by modifying the Thunderbolt by adding extra ammo, a faster engine, and much more until my money was completely empty.

Now I have a regular missle of around 460 Of it, Unguided Bomb of Around 340 of it, and 4AGM which around 640 of it.

Each except for the Gatling Gun for the infinite Ammo of it.

24 Hours later of preparation like gathering information on our enemy, I was ready.

Guns, Solar Panel Vehicles, information in my notebook, and so much more.

I accept the mission and it asks me to let me choose a plane, modification, and special weapon that I can choose.

I choose the A-10 Thunderbolt II as it is the only one I have, and the button [Accept] [Reject] option appeared again on my screen.

.... This is it, once I press the start of Mission button there would be no turning back.

After taking a deep breath I press [Accept] for the next Mission and I black out.



Bruh... I thought I can upload this next week like on schedule but someone pays me on Patreon to upload the next chapter.

Almost forgot those exist, since I never use them.

Well, a deal is a deal so I will upload the chapter. And this is the first time someone pays me to upload so thanks Whitewolf.

As Always if you want to see the next chapter you can go to my Patreon at the link below

patreon.com /Souleye123

Don't forget to leave a review and a comment, with that said see you all next time bye!!