
Ace combat In Multiverse?!

After one of your only family was bedridden in hospital, you were suddenly in massive debt from the hospital Bill. With you back in the corner and no way out, you were about to sell everything you possess just to pay the bill. When you received Ace Combat System with the main goal of receiving money to pay the medical Bill And the Ace Combat System only asks you one thing Complete the Mission and cause chaos in the universe. Equip with 640 missiles, an Unlimited Machine gun on your plane, and some of the Legendary Characters from all over the universe as your companions. Hop on and let's cause some chaos in the Universe. ---- World - Muv Luv Alternative. - Earth World Coming Soon - Star Wars Rebels. - Halo - Animatrix

Souleye123 · Video Games
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29 Chs

The battle for Sadogashima

After my vision cleared, I found myself soaring high above the serene blue skies. Regaining my senses, fully alert for the impending mission, I surveyed my surroundings to get my bearings.

I notice that I am currently blocked by the massive cloud that prevents me from seeing clearly below the ground-

But before I even finish my thought the screen immediately blares with red giving a warning sign to me.


Seeing the Warning screen appear I was in disbelief at what I am seeing.

What?? But there was supposed to be no missile-

As I processed this incongruity, a streak of vibrant blue energy raced past my aircraft, narrowly missing a direct impact and leaving me gasping in astonishment.

"Jesus Christ!"

As I barely avoid the laser another begin to come from all side of the skies I am currently located at..

Knowing the danger of staying up in the skies I grit my teeth and swiftly accelerated and descended, determined to uncover the source of the assault.

The dense cloud continued to impede my visibility, but as I descended further, more lasers appeared before my screen. However, it became evident that these lasers were not targeting me.

They were targeting something else, like some kind of shell...

'Don't tell me..'

Emerging from the cloud, I was greeted with a sight that left me astounded—a full-scale war unfolding before my eyes.

[The Battle For Sadogashima] appeared on my screen, marking my entry onto the battlefield.

Warships of iron lined the distant horizon, their cannons bombarding a small island. Friendly indicators danced across the field, relentlessly eliminating enemy forces. Blue lasers crisscrossed the airspace, both allies and projectiles falling prey to their brilliant assault. Explosions erupted, shrouding the battlefield in smoke.

Thousand upon thousand of the monster called BETA was all over the ground with my map alone seeing soo much red that I think this will be the most difficult mission I had ever done.

But amidst this turmoil, what truly seized my attention wasn't the relentless BETA horde or the naval fleet's bombardment. It was the towering colossus dominating the skies.

It was HIVE, Its ominous presence sent shivers down my spine. Not to mention the Desolate landscape where there is not a single tree or life that can be seen other than BETA crawling.

It was... truly a sigh to behold seeing the HIVE and battle in person.

But if from what the title of the battle is correct, the Battle For Sadogashima is a battle that involve the United Nations and the Imperial Army with their main goal of reclaiming the lost land at Sadogashima from the HIVE.

How do I know this? Well, I watch the visual novel, and the information and what kind of force involved. Information in battle is important after all.

But I was having a hard time with what I am seeing considering the number of red on the map, there were about 50.000 from a rough guess of the number alone.

I think my self that I won't have enough ammo to kill all of them alone.

If my ammunition was insufficient, adaptation was the only option.

And from seeing the distress call from the communication and allied force trying to land on the beach it is obvious that my job is to assist them on their landing, not killing all of these BETA.

Without many words spoken I accelerate at full speed and head to the battlefield quickly to earn sweat points for money.


Battle of Sadogashima, was an operation on the 25th of December, 2001, by a combined force of United Nations and Imperial Japan units to seize Objective 21, the Sadogashima Hive.

This Hive was a breeding ground for the relentless BETA onslaught—a nerve center of the enemy force. Destroying Hive 21 wouldn't just thin the BETA ranks but also safeguard Japan's territory from future incursions.

That's why the with combine efforts of the Japan, and the United Nations begin their attack on the Sadogashima Hive.

And Currently, there is three leaders who plays an important role in this battle Operation Professor Kouzuki Yuuko, Admiral Ozawa Hisaya, and Major Ikaruga Takatsugu.

Two prongs of the attack were underway. Imperial Army's Whiskey Unit advanced on the western front, while United Nations Echo Unit moved in from the northeast toward Ryoutsu Bay.

The Battle has reached Phase 3 and soon Phase 4 will begin after most of the TSF landed safely, but the BETA force Laser and heavy laser Class have sunk most of the landing ships carrying their ground force with 10 Ships already begin sinking from being hit by the Laser Class and more will join soon if the Laser Class is not deal with.

The coms was full of life, the communications officer provided real-time information to allies forces, battleships, and Gunboats provided support in long-range combat, and TSF fought tooth and nail to fight against the BETA forces on the beech head.

As TSF units landed on Sadogashima's shores, a radar anomaly caught Irina Pyatkh's attention "Incoming Unknown Aircraft entering Hive 21 at high speed!"

Dr. Kouzaki, CO of a member of the United nation takes caution over these battle and immediately order them "Immediately identify the unknown aircraft!"


While the other trying to identify Captain. Kozawa of the Wogami heard a familiar sound he have not heard in a long time "That sound... an aircraft?"

The Captain stepped outside of the ship to investigate the source of the thunderous noise and was taken aback by what he witnessed. Returning to the command center, he found Dr. Kouzaki by his side, deep in thought at whether what he saw is true or not.

Once there was a clear picture of the aircraft sent by Irina Pyatkh, Captain Kozawa was immediately having a flashback to see the same plane he saw 5 years ago.

"...It's the Demon Lord," the Captain murmured.

"The Demon Lord?" Dr. Kouzaki stroked her chin, contemplating the information. "I heard rumors that it was a singular entity, yet it managed to repel the BETA during the Battle for Tokyo."

"Indeed, Dr. Kouzaki," the Captain replied, memories flooding back. "I personally witnessed the aircraft soaring through the skies"


At that time, the situation had been dire as humanity was on the brink of extinction.

Country after country has fallen including Korea, China, India, Saudi Arabia, even Germany, and Finland gone from the map with the remaining survivors fleeing from those said countries.

As Korea soon fell under BETA control they quickly invade Japan's territory from Kyusha city.

With their number uncountable, many cities on the Japanese land was fallen and 10% of the population was already killed or eaten by them from the first encounter.

As their advance can not be stopped, the Capital city of Kyoto was almost fallen under the control of BETA when that plane appear.

The Demon Lord of the skies.

it accomplished what entire battalions of Tactical Surface Fighters could not—it halted the BETA's relentless advance dead track.

That's not at all Within a span of two hours, it decimated every last BETA in its path, leaving only lifeless bodies as evidence of its existence.

While the BETA still manage to capture the capital city of Kyoto after the plane left, the plane had earned the monikers of the Demon Lord instilling both fear and admiration in all who witnessed its awe-inspiring power.


"Demon Lord?" Dr. Kouzaki pondered aloud.

"Because it instilled both terror and hope in the hearts of those present," the Captain explained. "We're talking about approximately 1,500 BETA eliminated, including Fort-class, Grappler-class, Tank-class, and Laser-class units in the entire region."

"None of them were left standing."

"...How did it manage to achieve such a feat?" Dr. Kouzaki inquired.

"...It unleashed approximately 640 missiles and fired 240,000 bullets within a mere two hours," the Captain revealed which earn a gasp from Dr. Kouzaki itself.

After trying to remember something click in her mind "Ah, I now remember it has been a rather hot topic for years. many Researchers want to understand how the plane works seeing it manage to release such an astounding number of missiles."

"But the said plane quickly vanishes from the radar so everyone drops the topic when there is not much proof of the said plane"

"I wonder if god pity us and sent one of their angels?" Dr. Kouzaki said while gazing back at the operation that is currently happening. "Lieutenant Irina, Where is the Unknown plane heading?"

"It is heading to Whisky Unit and will arrive in 1 minute and 30 Seconds"

After a thoughtful moment Dr Kouzaki Look back at Lieutenant Suzumiya and ask "... Lieutenant Suzumiya can I ask you to do something for me?"


<<GAHHH!!!>><<Requesting Assiatance- >><<I am being eaten!!! AKHH!!>><< Show no mercy!!>><<The Ships is sinking! Abandoned the ships!>>

The scream of people, Battleships barrage on the island as explosions happening all over the location, and bullets spraying everywhere across the battlefield.

Soo... This is a real battle... I can feel my blood rushing inside my head from the excitement of my real battle.

After a bit of simple observation of how the TSF landed on the shoreline, I notice what I am supposed to do here.

My objective is simple, eliminate much of the Laser Class and Heavy Laser Class around the beach to reduce ally force from being killed. And If I succeed then the number of allies casualties will decrease but my survivability will be increase.

Killing two birds with one stone.

With my plan laid out, I quickly try to find the location on the location of the laser Class and Heavy laser Class.

While it is difficult to find the Laser Class and Heavy Laser Class from the number of Red enemies I am detecting on my radar, they are pretty noticeable from how they fire their Laser making it stand out from the rest of the BETA.

I begin to activate the Afterburner and head to the laser Class while dropping an unguided Bomb and 4AGM on one of the pathways of the BETA forces to reduce the amount of BETA.

The Laser Class seems to notice my approach and begins firing on my aircraft as multiple lasers appear in the skies, and my [Warning] Screen begins to blare red from the enemy lock on to me.

With swift instinct and quick notice of where the laser will attack from the map, I avoided the laser and returned fire with some of the Machine guns on the BETA that is closest to me while firing the missile that contain inside me.

I swiftly dodge another laser and eliminate them as I slow down my Aircraft and kill it with Gatling Gun, killing yet another Laser to secure ally force in the beach as more of them landed around the shoreline.

I then launch 4 Air Ground Missle to eliminate 4 of laser class and heavy Laser Class as explosive happens on the ground and head out to another location to find more BETA to kill.

After Bombing another Laser Class, I glance below the beach and saw TSF land safely on the beach and begin shooting while I provide them with air support from the skies as I drop more Unguided Bomb On the BETA side giving huge explosions that give everyone an awe-view who sees it.

As more of the TSF safely landed on the beach without getting things shut down by the enemy Laser and Heavy laser, it seems one of them was confused when they were seeing an aircraft flying up in the skies.

<< What the hell is flying up in the skies? I thought there was not supposed to be air support here!>>

The Comms from the landing force of the Imperial Japanese Army said.

<<No Clue! But who over they are must be fucking not sane at all flying while the Laser Class is still here!>>

Good it seems they are not targeting me at all, so I have a bit of free roam in killing most of the BETA force.

But yeah this Laser Class indeed making it difficult for me and the Landing force on the ground.

Just imagine [Warning] in front of my face every time the Laser Class locks on me every 5 seconds every time my altitude reaches 500 more.

Even I was feeling annoyed and decided to focus on them first, and they have quite a lot of them around the battlefield..

I did another Strafing Run using Ungided Bomb and fired my missile at the same time causing a steamy explosion in my path.

Whenever I fire a missile, an unguided Bomb, there will be a timer of around 2-4 Seconds before I can use it again as it magically appears on my plane again.

Don't ask me how this work, must be Belkan Witch Craft again.

But my god the number of BETA is unbelievable, I know that their number was beyond a thousand but seeing it firsthand was even worst than I thought.

I even got the chance to see them up close.

It's like the RTX version of these monsters instead of the usual 2D size I saw in the visual novel.

But in any case. At this rate, my missile and Unguided Bomb supply will run out before I can annihilate them all. And I don't plan to rely solely on my Gattling Gun or Machine Gun to exterminate these wretched creatures as their number is around a thousand alone, it Will take Soo many hours, and by the time I am done the entire UN and IJF force Will be eliminated from the map.

Just as I killed another group of BETA with a Ungided Bomb on my path from above the skies while swiftly going down to use my Gattling gun to kill some of them while slowing down the radio came in live.

<<This is Kouzaki of the UN forces. Phase 4 has just begun.>>


Andddd CUT!

Another Chapter is done! There is not much else to say other than, As I will upload this once a week. I really wish I could upload more if I have the ability to write 1.500 Words per day... which is not possible for my current ability of me. But anyways don't forget to leave a review and comment, and if you want to see future chapters or work you can head to my Patreon as usual.

patreon.com /Souleye123

And with that said see you all next week!