
Academy Undercover Professor

How surprised I was when I died in an accident in my previous life and came to my senses to find out that I was born as a baby in this world. That was already 27 years ago. I feel like the years have passed so quickly. This world is a unique world in which magic dwells in the world commonly referred to as the Victorian era and Belle Époque, and sub-species and monsters are added. Wouldn't it be better if I entered the world of a game I used to enjoy or a novel I liked... This is a different world that doesn't even exist in my memory, literally without even an ointment. then I Became a teacher at the most prestigious magic academy in the empire. … Because I was mistaken for someone else.

Mongrel99 · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

False Identity (4)

There was nothing in Rudger's suitcase that would cause wide-eyed astonishment.

Just a change of clothes and books.

Apart from that, there were mostly paperwork and miscellaneous items.

"I thought there would be something more significant."

I gathered textbooks, magic books, and papers, set them aside, and proceeded to sort and put away my clothes.

Among the books, in addition to magic books, there were many popular novels and essays written by famous scientists.

I read all sorts of peculiarities.

Other than that, there were a few letters, ID cards, and personal belongings.

Even in terms of tools, there was only a pocket watch, a small pipe for using as a medium for magic, and a wallet with money.

I immediately checked my ID and documents one by one.

"Rudger Chelsea. A descendant of the fallen nobles of Queoden, a small and medium-sized kingdom in the northern continent. He has no siblings, and both of his parents are deceased."

It's not bad.

Although I am a fallen aristocrat, I am still technically a nobleman, so I won't be looked down upon anywhere. And since I have no family, no one recognizes me.

"Let's see. His history is incredibly impressive. He has submitted 12 papers to the Magic Tower, and he is the youngest 4th-rank mage? Even younger than some military officers?"

I wondered if it was because he was also Seorn's teacher.

It's quite an achievement for someone of his age.

"Is the subject he teaches focused on magic manifestation and its specialization? Mana release and elemental elements seem to be the primary ones."

Considering the emphasis on specialization in his expression, there is a high probability that the subject involves actual combat training.

I opened the letter and examined its contents.

If there were conversations with acquaintances, I had to observe and learn their trivial habits.

"The contents of the letter are fine."

In the letters presumed to be exchanged with acquaintances, there were only formal conversations about joining the academy soon, recommendations for good books, or mentions of certain events.

Even during my time in the military, I don't think I had anyone close to me.

Maybe it was the criminal's nature?

Considering the lack of personal content, it doesn't seem like he had a particularly friendly relationship with the person he exchanged letters with.

"All that's left is... … ."

This is information about the basic contents of the classes that will be taught to students after the beginning of the semester, as well as the history and administration of Seorn Academy.

First of all, it was necessary to explore the campus and familiarize myself with the topography of Ceorn.


I was about to head outside immediately, but I had to pause due to the loud sound coming from the ship.

Come to think of it, I haven't eaten anything since I got on the train today.

"What should I do starting tomorrow?"

I felt mentally exhausted because of the busy day I had.

First of all, let's get a good rest today.


Two weeks have passed since then.

In the meantime, I have explored every corner of Seorn Academy to understand the layout of this place.

As expected, when I first saw it, the campus of Seorn Academy was truly vast beyond imagination.

"People don't call it Seorn for no reason."

I sat on an outdoor bench in a secluded café and observed the peaceful scenery.

I have finished my initial exploration, and now I am only thinking about the upcoming classes.

"Is it because the school year is approaching? I see students around quite often."

I could see students walking around in their Seorn Academy uniforms. The uniform design is cool for boys and pretty for girls.

Did they say that the uniforms were designed by a renowned fashion designer in the empire?

Perhaps because it is a magic academy, some students were even flying on broomsticks or riding peculiar mechanical dolls.

It was a delightful sight to see young people laughing and engaging in various conversations with each other.

Every day has been a fierce battle since I arrived in this world, but these children lead blessed lives thanks to their innate talents and the environment they are in.


Two girls passing by glanced at me and started whispering to each other.

But even I would be suspicious if someone I hadn't seen before suddenly appeared a day before classes started.

For no particular reason, I took a sip of my coffee.

After finishing it, I planned to return to my dormitory and prepare for the orientation that would take place in a week.

Just as I was about to get up, a woman came and casually sat down at the table next to me.

At that moment, I thought she was a new customer, but she started speaking in a low voice that only I could hear.

"I'm glad you're okay. Why didn't you contact me for two weeks?"

"… … ?"

My instinctual intuition halted my head, which was about to turn back without even realizing it.


I casually placed the empty glass on the table.

"… … ."

Are you talking to me right now?

I looked around.

If you weren't talking to me but to someone else, and I reacted here, it would be more embarrassing than anything else.

However, no matter how much I looked, there were no other people around. I couldn't even sense anyone's presence.

The only people sitting at the outdoor table were me and the woman next to me.

In other words, she is talking to me right now. No, should I say she's addressing me?

As I continued to remain silent, she continued.

"I was worried if something had happened. The others are also curious about what happened to a member of the First Order."

"... ..."


First Order.

Someone who worries about me in the first place.

I couldn't know the exact details alone, but one thing was certain.

I am currently entangled in a very bothersome situation.